Web platform installer.. why? and how to install the SEO Toolkit? - windows

How do you use the Web platform installer to install the SEO Toolkit from http://www.microsoft.com/web/spotlight/seo/? If I choose application, I have to choose an application through a file dialog. If I choose OK, I get a 'The product you are trying to install is not supported on your operation system" message. What!? I am using Windows XP SP3.
and why this new way of installing applications? What's wrong with downloading an .exe. or .msi file? This thing seems to be made for newbies. It frustrated me instead of being anything better than the traditional previous installers.

If you don't want to use Web Platform Installer, then you can download the SEO toolkit from this page: http://www.iis.net/expand/SEOToolkit
The advantage of the WPI is that it automatically installs any dependencies required by the selected application.

SEO Toolkit requires IIS 7 or greater on the client machine running the tool, which means Vista or Windows 7.


Install Joomla on Windows Server

I read many tutorials about how to install Joomla on Windows Server IIS (No WAMP, XAMPP), but i got confused. Can you please give me instructions how to do it properly, and what tools will i need?
The best way that I found to get everything installed without a lengthy tutorial is to use Microsoft's WebMatrix. It installs all of the prerequisites for you and if you need anything extra components for your projects (s) you can utilize the MS Web Platform afterwards.
Microsoft WebMatrix for Joomla
All you need is a vanilla Windows load and the installer will manage the rest.

Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio download

I have a Win XP Embedded machine (WES2009), that does not have preinstalled "Microsoft Windows Embedded Studio" (MSWES).
I need MSWES as a preposition for development (RTX by IntervalZero).
All I found on MS site related to this product is docs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms838630(v=WinEmbedded.5).aspx
Anyone with a clue:
Can I simply install MSWES product on my WES2009 machine ?
Where can I download it simply ? (Preferably without using MS account.)
You don't run Embedded Studio on XP Embedded; you run it on your development host, and use it to create an XP Embedded OS image for your target application.
You need a development license, and ultimately deployment licenses.
You can simply and officialy download the WES2009 here:
This should be a trial version, or you apply your bought licence to this.

How can I install WebMatrix 3 in a standalone PC?

I need to install webmatrix 3 in a pc without internet connection.
I have win7 64bit.
so i downloaded webmatrix x64 exe and all his dependencies and services exe/msi files - include web platform installer.
I installed all and run the webmatrix app but an message box pop up and said that I need to have the latest webPI installed (4.6 in this days..).
But it is a problem because the wpilauncher.exe file (webPI installer file) install version 4.0 for some reaseon, i think it because I dont have internet accsess.
help, thx.
you can download offline installer from Web Platform Installer
Run on your PC with internet connection WebMatrixWeb.exe, click Install
You will see installation plan and download link on the right.
this may help
There's a link to an offline instaler for x86 available at download.microsoft.com/download/c/2/a/c2a485fa-013a-45ef-baba-c568e40f4b50/WebMatrix_x86_en-US.msi. Requires IIS 7.5 Express or IIS 8.0 Express.
I can see you've specifically asked for x64 version, but this might work for someone searching for x86 version.
WebMatrix needs an active internet connection to install since it pulls in some other required services from the Web Platform Installer.
"..WebMatrix needs other components installed to function correctly,
and those are all pulled in by Web Platform Installer automatically.
In that sense, the true installer is not really "offline"."
Source: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/641843/webmatirx-offline-installer

VS2010 web setup project needs IIS6 (metabase) compatibility on IIS7. Consequences or other issues for the application?

When trying to install a web setup project (MSI) created in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server the setup will fail, with some generic error.
According to http://devio.wordpress.com/2011/04/26/pitfalls-installing-web-setup-msi-on-iis-7/ this is because of a compatibility problem between the setup project en IIS7.
To resolve this I've to enable/install IIS6 metabase compatibility in my windows configuration. This workaround did fix the problem, but raises 2 questions:
Does this have any (negative) impact on functionality of IIS 7?
How can I notify a user running the installation of this problem so he or she can take proper action and install the metabase compatibility component? Is it possible to pop-up the windows component configuration dialog from this install, to make life easier for the user?
I don't think this will have any impact on the application itself, as long as it's implemented the way to talk to IIS7 via its native API. Otherwise, if it doesn't support IIS7 you'd have to enable IIS6 compatibility anyway.
The standard approach to search for anything on a target machine is searching registry and file system. I don't know how it is possible in VS setup project, but e.g. WiX has special elements for this (RegistrySearch, DirectorySearch, FileSearch). Basically, this post to WiX Tips and Tricks thread shows how to check for IIS6 compatibility in WiX and block the installation if it's not enables/installed. It's rather straight-forward even if you don't know WiX, but know the concepts of Windows Installer, and it can help you translate the code into the similar thing in VS setup project.
We seem to be having one negative impact on our servers.
Everytime we roll out a .NET 4.0 application with a msi made in Visual Studio, We get a recycle of ALL our application pools, even the ones not affected by the install.
Apparently the root cause of this is the IIS 6 compatibility. ( This was reported to us by a developer of microsoft in response to our support question about this.
At the moment we have no solution. It's impossible to convert all our installers to Wix.

How to remove web matrix dependency from web platform installer

I wonder how to remove Web Matrix dependecy from web platform installer.
For example, I saw screencast "how to install wordpress with wpi" and there everything was fine without installinb Web Matrix. This IDE sucks, I have Visual Studio installed, so don't want to install any web matrix components.
The same happens on installing blogEngine.net.
Has anybody dealed with this problem?
When you install applications from the Web Application Gallery, Web Platform Installer will default to including WebMatrix if you are on a client OS (like Windows XP, Vista, or 7). This is so most users will be able to do something with the application once installed - assuming they don't have Visual Studio already installed.
Now, if you happen to not need WebMatrix, you can change this behavior - you can click on the Options link from within Web Platform Installer and change "Which Web Server would you like to use?" to IIS instead of WebMatrix - this will prevent the chaining in of WebMatrix.
Hope this helps!
