Xcode's theme for TextMate - xcode

I'd like the default theme of Xcode but for TextMate.
Is there anyone who knows where I could find this?

I just created it, check it out.

You could always just make it yourself, duplicate one of the TextMate themes and then apply the font styles from Xcode to the textmate theme. It won't take too long and will let you fix the bits that you think are broken!

Since I couldn't get Paolino or El's themes to install in TextMate 2.0, I've created a new Xcode Default theme from scratch here:
Theme extension must be ".tmTheme" (exactly)
Double-click to install in TextMate, select "Themes" bundle when prompted
View->Theme->Xcode Default
View->Font->Show Fonts...: Menlo Regular 10.3 or 10.5
TextMate->Preferences->Projects->Open files on single click
Show file browser on: Left side
To change the selection color from orange, change the hex color code after the "selection" key in the tmTheme file.
To suppress tab creation when clicking on a file in the browser:
Method 1) Hold the Option key every time you click on a file.
Method 2) Clone the TextMate repository and edit textmate/Frameworks/DocumentWindow/src/DocumentWindowController.mm, replacing the occurences of OakIsAlternateKeyOrMouseEvent() with YES, and rebuild.
Method 3) If you don't want to install the build prerequisites, you can patch the binary directly. See GitHub README.


How to change the Xcode theme to your liking?

How to change Xcode Theme?
I don't want to use the basic theme anymore.
I'm using imac, and I want the exact way.
First, you have to download the theme. Only '.xccolortheme' format files are possible.
If you search "xcode them download" on Google, you'll find a lot.
You must enter the terminal and enter the command.
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/
mkdir FontAndColorThemes
open .
Put the downloaded file in this folder.
Open Xcode and enter Editor -> Theme to see your downloaded theme.
Just go to the preferences from the the Xcode menu (command+,) and use the Themes tab. So you can set any kind of style you like (predefined, downloaded or completly custom)

Xcode Accidentally Deleted Theme

Is there a way to get a Xcode-packaged theme back if I accidentally deleted it? I deleted a theme entirely in the process of getting rid of redundant copies of that theme.
There are tons of color themes for Xcode (in fact, any text editor) on Github. This repo has Default.dvtcolortheme, which is the default that came from Apple.
Choose one (preview) and place it under ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/

View .svg files as text in Xcode?

I use xcode for my editing environment. I'm editing a few .svg files on a project, and I need xcode to open the files as text. Rather, it renders the documents as svg. While I appreciate how this helps most of the time (working and view svg's as such) its a hinderance to me right now.
Does anyone know how to tell xcode to treat a .svg file as regular text?
There is a simple way of changing the editor for any file type, particularly SVG in Xcode 5 (I believe this was possible in previous versions too):
Right click on the file in your Project Navigator, choose "Show File Inspector"
In File Inspector change the Type field to, for example, XML:
You will have to do it for each SVG file though. Seeing the graphical preview of your SVG is still possible via right click in Project Navigator -> Open As -> Preview.
In reply to mojuba and using the file inspector, I'm not sure this is what makes the difference but I have Location set to 'Relative to Workspace' (my workspace file and source files are in the same directory) and the settings do survive restarting Xcode. I'm using Xcode 4.2.1.
Renaming to .xml (make sure Finder isn't hiding the real extension by editing the name in the info panel) did work for me — in my case the SVG wasn't part of a project and so #mojumba's trick did not work.
It doesn't appear you can view source for .svg in Xcode, I'd suggest using something like vim or TextEdit.app, both of which are built-in to your system.

Xcode 4 color themes are not working in xcode 4.4.1

I wanted to try a new color theme for xcode so i downloaded and installed the once that are made for xcode 4. When i go to preferences and click on any one of the once i installed it just shows a default theme. Are they not compatible?
If you've got a .xccolortheme theme file, you'll need to convert it to a .dvtcolortheme.
You can easily convert it using this ruby script: http://digitalflapjack.com/blog/2011/jan/24/xcodedpthemes/
I recently used this script to convert the Morrowind theme at: http://www.natestedman.com/post/morrowind-for-textmate-xcode/
Looks like Xcode 4.4.1 uses a different format for custom color themes (.dvtcolortheme).
However it is just a plist with (a little bit) different tags, so I was able to export my old preferences (.xccolortheme) by simply opening both files with TextEdit and modifying manually the colors copying the values I got from the old .xccolortheme file. Notice that the colors in .dvtcolortheme format have 4 values (RGBA) instead of the 3 of .xccolortheme. To get the right value simply use 1 as alpha.
.dvtcolortheme has besides some tags that are not in .xccolortheme. For those colors...well, set the one you prefer (it's probably better to use Xcode for that, since this way you'll also get a preview).

Coda syntax highlighting for Silverstripe

I've just moved onto a new machine. On my old work horse, I had Silverstripe template (.ss) files following HTML syntax highlighting in Coda. I can't for the life of me remember how I turned this on (I remember it was something I did myself though). Google has turned up no results.
Any suggestions?
UPDATE: The real way
In Coda, open Preferences, go to Editor, at the bottom, add a Custom Syntax Mode.
As per this guide:
Right click on Coda.app in /Applications and select Show Package Contents
Navigate to Contents/Resources/Modes/HTML.mode/Contents/Resources
Open ModeSettings.xml
Add <extension>ss</extension> to the list of extensions.
Or, make your mode (eg, SilverStripe.mode) and put it in ~/Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes
Or, copy HTML.mode to ~/Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes and then modify it, to preserve the original.
(For system-wide changes without modifying the application bundle, create the directory /Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes and put .mode directories there.)
