replacing vs object browser with reflector? - visual-studio

Has anyone tried to build or seen a plugin for visual studio that replaces the object browser of with Reflector? It would be really cool if I do "Go to Definition" I would end up in Reflector at the correct place instead of in the VS object browser.

The Visual Studio addin (also from here) adds a menu item to go to Reflector from within Visual Studio. I don't think it replaces "Go to Definition" though, so you would have to click the correct (ie. Reflector) menu item.
A Reflector Pro (paid for version of Reflector) is coming soon, which gets installed into Visual Studio, so it may have the ability to decompile source code using Reflector instead of using the object browser. If not, ask for it as a new feature on their forum :)
EDIT: as if almost on cue, the beta of Reflector Pro was announced today and it does have an "Open in Reflector" command.


Is there a way to "bind" my Mouse4 button to "Navigate Backwards" in visual studio?

The title pretty much explains the whole question. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Premium, I like the Navigate Backward command for when I right click on something and do go to definition and then I want to go back to where I was Navigate Backward works. But I'm so used to my mouse button button doing that, I've noticed I've starting using it in Visual Studio and expecting it to go back but it doesn't. I know how to change the command to a different key press, but is there a way to make it work on a mouse button?
This seems to be a (pointless) Limitation of the C++ IDE in Visual Studio. In C# the mouse buttons work as expected, but not in C++.
There are several Addins for Visual Studio to cover this functionality, I'll point you to the one that I found in this answer:
This Add-In worked for me. I could also upgrade it to Visual Studio 2012 by simply changing the Version-Tag in the Addin-file to "11.0".

adding dialog - Visual c++ Express 2010

I'm used to using Visual Studio 6.0 to develop c++ APIs. I've downloaded and installed Visual c++ 2010 Express and now I find myself in a foreign land!
The first thing I did was make a hello blank windows app. That worked ok.
Next I thought I'd try looking at the "about" dialog but darned if I can find it. I also tried to create a new dialog but have no idea how to go about doing so.
So my questions are....
How do I look at the "about" dialog?
How do I add a new dialog?
I see there is a "add resource" if I right click the project directory but is grayed out.
Feeling like an idiot but thankful for any help....
From what I can determine, there is no resource editor in the c++ express product.
See Free resource editor for Windows .rc files?

Visual Studio - I want "Go To Definition" to open Object Browser, not "metadata"

In Visual Studio version 2002 and 2003 "Go To Definition" would find the selected type or member in the Object Browser. In 2005 onwards it opens a source window "generated from metadata" instead. How do I configure these newer versions to go to Object Browser? (In other words, I have the opposite problem to this one.)
Installing ReSharper makes this change, so I know it must be possible, but how do I do it without ReSharper?
As workaround you can create the following macro:
Sub GoToDefinitionUsingObjectBrowser()
DTE.ExecuteCommand("View.ObjectBrowserSearch", DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text)
End Sub
Then go to Tools/Options/Keyboard and assign hot key for this macro.
Tested in Visual Studio 2010.
I believe what re-sharper is doing is doing some hooks on that click event with the Visual Studio SDK I do not think there is any simple menu or location that can change that setting.
Instructions (pulled from CODE Magazine) edited down a bit to the part that pertainst to making the right click menus.
Creating a VSPackage
...The VS SDK installs a few more project
templates in Visual Studio, one of
them being the Visual Studio
Integration Package (Figure 1),
located under Other Project Types >
Extensibility on the New Project
dialog box.
After this standard dialog box, the
Visual Studio Integration Package
Wizard guides you through creating the
new package project:
Select a programming language. The wizard currently supports Visual
C++ and Visual C#. You can create or
pick a key file to sign the new
Supply basic VSPackage information. The wizard prompts you
for details such as the company name,
VSPackage name, version, icon,
detailed information, and minimum
Visual Studio edition (such as
Professional or Enterprise) that the
package is designed to at this step.
This information goes into the Visual
Studio splash screen and About dialog
box and is also used to request a PLK
for the package (covered later).
Select VSPackage options. A package may add three types of
functionality: Menu Command, Tool
Window, and Custom Editor.
A menu command is a command added either to the menu
at the top of Visual Studio or
to a context menu (right-click).
When the wizard finishes its job, the
VS SDK adds core elements to the
solution to support the new package.
For instance, if you selected Tool
Window as part of the functionality
for the package, the project contains
a user control where you should place
the visual controls for the window.
The project also contains files for
.NET code to handle the functionality
that you will add to the package.
A CtcComponents folder contains
pseudo-C++ files (ctc files) where you
define things like menu, groups,
buttons, etc. Fortunately, Microsoft
is phasing out CTC files and replacing
them with a friendlier, XML-based VSCT
file format (which will ship in the
SDK for Visual Studio 2008).
The wizard creates a few other files
with .NET code required for the
plumbing of the package within Visual
Studio. Some of these files contain
classes that map the C++ constants to
.NET constants and other files contain
configuration information for the
package when it’s installed.
I know it has been a long time, but it appears, at least in newer versions of Visual Studio for the VB (Basic) language, to be an setting in the options.
Text Editor > Basic > Advanced
Under "Go to Definition".
I don't know why they don't have that for other languages...
Place the mouse cursor on the object you want to access on the object browser. Then, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl + alt + j, which will take you directly to the Object Browser window.

Launch Reflector from Visual Studio 2008 References Section in Solution Explorer

How do you configure Visual Studio 2008 to launch the Redgate .Net Reflector from a right click on an assembly in the references section in the solution explorer? I have it set up at the office to do this, so I know it's possible.
I do have ReSharper installed but I don't think this is ReSharper functionality.
This is the functionality I'm looking for...
alt text
Do you have Reflector 6 or 5?
If you have 5, then you need TestDriven.Net.
If you have 6 you don't need TestDriven but you will need to right click on the refence -> View in Object Browser, then right click on the assembly and choose Open in .Net Reflector
v 6 also added the integration in the code editor of VS, so you can right click on an object's name and choose Open in .Net Reflector ... which may actually be used more than looking at the whole assembly (via the object browser).

"Show Source of Selected Element Only" in Visual Studio 2003

There is a feature in Eclipse ("Show Source of Selected Element Only") which allows to view the code of the selected method only. All other part of the code is invisible.
I remember that a similar feature was available in Visual Studio 6.0. I would like to know if this feature is available in Visual Studio 2003 and up? If yes, please point out where to find this in the IDE.
This is not available in any one of the later releases. It was called "procedure view" in VS 6. Use outlining feature instead.
