Formatting Microformat Umlauts broken in Firefox Operator Plugin - firefox

Did anybody successfully manage to correctly export a vcard from a Website containing Microformats (hcard) with this Firefox Plugin?
When doing so, I end up with weird characters instead of (german/spanish) Umlauts. While it's really easy to provide vcards as well, I would like to know if someone managed to correct the charset/character problems I am experiencing.

Does your document + hcard validates?


Cyrillic characters displayed wrong in the html source but correct in the browser

I looked for a solution to this but could not find an answer anywhere. I have a Question2Answer website in Cyrillic that displays the characters correctly in the browser, however, when I check the HTML source file, it looks like the text inside the question and the answer are displayed as &# numbers.
The characters on row 15 are not correctly displayed. As a result, when I try to edit a question/answer on my Android phone, the question or the answer is delivered with the encoding and it is not possible for the website users to edit their question/answer. (It still works on a computer but you can see that the characters are displayed wrong in the source file).
Please use this question on my website as a reference.
I tried to change the encoding via HtAccess:
UTF-8 DefaultLanguage bg-BG
However, this did not work. I am curious as to how to fix this problem. Any ideas or suggestions are more than welcome.

Laravel localization to German and special letters

I have a problem with some German's special letters (ö, ü...) in my Laravel application.
My encoding is set to UTF-8.
Everything works fine with the content from the database (where is utf8_general_ci). When I hardcode some text to Blade view files, that's fine, too. But, I'm using localization files (/app/lang/de/myFile.php) with an associative array.
German characters from that array are displayed as � � �. What is strange, when I var_dump(trans('myFile.key')) in Blade, special characters works, but when echo trans('myFile.key'), there are that question marks.
Any ideas?
Ok, after few hours :) I succeed! The point is to save localization file in UTF-8 encoding. Sublime Text by default saved it as Windows-1250.
I have had a similar problem with one of my projects; not sure if it is related though. Different web browsers handle locale and translations differently. Once in Firefox £ did not work properly unless you changed the browser's locale to UK. However, &163; worked universally. Opera seemed to work across the board but IE and Firefox had strange behavior when trying to use characters or symbols not native to the locale the browser was in.
First thing I would attempt is to change your browser's language and see if that fixes it. If so then the issue will be on how the browser is interpreting what gets returned. If this fixes it then there is a strong chance this will not be an issue for German speakers because their browser will (should) already support the language.
If not, then the problem could lay in the formatting of the files on the server. If the files are being stored on the webserver as ANSI then that could supersede the output. We had this problem as well due to an NFS mount and some windows users/editors. The most failsafe method I could suggest is changing ö and ü to &246; and &252; but I can understand where this would get tedious.

Font blurred/symbolized when exporting to pdf CR2008

I've got yet another problem with Crystal Reports 2008. This time, when I'm exporting to PDF from CR2008 from the company server, a font, Dax-regular, gets blurry. It's not completely illegible, but it is smudged out, like the ink got wet.
Another problem is that certain fonts, which I am sure are not DRM-protected or anything like that, when exported are random gibberish symbols, not readable text. This seems to be a problem with the embedding of fonts in CR.
I believe the smudged fonts could be caused by a fix I had to perform because of the small text bug that others have reported (
What can I do to troubleshoot and, if possible, fix this problem?
To my experience I haven't seen anything like that all fonts are properly exported to PDF if you provide any screenshot it would be more helpful.
Your second issue of symbols there are some fonts when you type will provide you symbols may be you are using those....
Sorry if I understood yout issue in a wring way

Jammit, mhtml and the Vista IE7 bug

So I'm going to start using data-uri's and mhtml to embed images in my stylesheets and i'm thinking of using Jammit to help me out there because it claims that it can generate data-uri and mhtml code for you
I know about the IE7 Vista||Win7 bug and that the fix is to close off the buondaries with a two dashes
If you look at the example mhtml file provided in the jammit docs you might notice that they do not use the fix detailed above for the IE7 bug.
Does Jammit handle the IE7 bug for you? I have no way of testing IE7 so I'd just like to be sure of this before I got off and spend hours trying to get it to work
I don't think it's an IE7 bug. the Multipart MIME RFC (1341 and its successors) clearly calls for the extra "--" at the end of the last boundary. I would consider it a Jammit bug.
Update: I checked the source, and it looks like they've fixed that bug. The example was generated before the fix.

how to debug vb6 richtextbox not showing unicode (chinese) properly

I have a simple vb6 editor type application which has a richtextbox as the editor page. It allows users to key in stuff and the store it into a file which will keep all the text in RTF stored as CDATA in xml.
When you load back the file, it will read it off the xml and load back the rtf. We allow for unicode editing, but my problem is I have a user which is using Windows XP, and they have some problems reading the chinese characters. They show up as gibberish in their pc.
It displays fine in both mine and a coworker's. I've already checked that they have the proper regional language and settings in their system. The install files for east asian language is already checked. And they can see chinese words on websites and even type them out.
I feel like I'm missing something here but I'm at a lost on what to check next? Any ideas on what I could test or check next?
my bad for the poor description skills, if anything is not clear just ask me.
That is weird. Try confirming that your user have the same version of RICHTXT32.OCX ?
Could be a problem with font?
Try using font that supports unicode characters (Arial Unicode).
Or try going to a website with chinese characters and paste it into richtextbox, save it to a file and try loading it from the file.
Does that work?
well they should because i packed the app in vs installer setup package.
and for fonts, it's sim sun, and i've already checked with the users that they do have the sim sun fonts under window/fonts.
Btw i've already updated that the data is actually stored in xml under CDATA, although the rtf chunk is kept as it is.
okie, this seems to be the solution although i don't know why. in my msi setup file i've included the riched.dll so when i installed it in, the dll acts up and screw up my chinese character in the richtext control.
but when i repack to exclude that dll file and reinstall using that setup, it seems to work now...
