Prefered methods for interacting with a rules engine - websphere

I am about to dive into a rules oriented project (using ILOGs Rules for .NET - now IBM). And I have read a couple different perspectives regarding how to set up the rules processing and how to interact with the rule engine.
The two main thoughts I have seen is to centralize the rule engine (into its own farm of servers) and program against the farm via a web service API (or in ILOG's case via WCF). The other side is to run an instance of the rule engine on each of your app servers and interact with it locally with each instance having its own copy of the rules.
The up side to centralization is the ease of deployment of the rules to a centralized location. The rules scale as they need to rather than scaling each time you expand your application server configuration. This reduces waste from a purchased license perspective. The down side to this set up is the added overhead of making service calls, network latency, etc.
The upside/downside to locally running the rule engine is the exact opposite of the centralized configuration's upside/downside. No slow service calls (fast API calls), no network issues, each app server relies on it self. Managing deployment of rules becomes more complex. Each time you add a node to your app cloud you will need more licenses for rule engines.
In reading white papers I see that Amazon is running the rule engine per app server configuration. They appear to do a slow deployment of rules and recognize that the lag in rule publishing is "acceptable" even though business logic is out of a sync for a given period of time.
Question: From your experiences, what is the best way to start integrating rules into a .net based web app for a shop that has not yet spent much time working in a rules driven world?

I never liked the centralization argument. It means that everything is coupled into the rules engine, which becomes a dumping ground for all the rules in the system. Pretty soon you can't change anything for fear of the unknown: "What will we break?"
I much prefer following Amazon's idea of services as isolated, autonomous components. I interpret that to mean that services own their data and their rules.
This has the added benefit of partitioning the rules space. A rule set becomes harder to maintain as it grows; better to keep them to a manageable size.
If parts of the rule set are shared, I'd prefer a data-driven, DI approach where a service can have its own instance of a rules engine and load the common rules from a database on startup. This might not be feasible if your iLog license makes multiple instances cost prohibitive. That would be a case where product that's supposed to be helping might actually be dictating architectural choices that will bring grief. It would be a good argument for a less expensive alternative (e.g., JBoss Rules in Java-land).
What about a data-driven decision tree approach? Is a Rete rules engine really necessary, o is the "enterprise tool" decision driving your choice?
I'd try to set up the rules engine so it was as decoupled from the rest of the enterprise as possible. I wouldn't have it calling out to databases or services if I could. Better to make that the responsibility of the objects asking for a decision. Let them call to the necessary web services and databases to assemble the necessary data, pass it to the rules engine, and let it do its thing. Coupling is your enemy: Try to design your system to minimize it. Keeping rules engines isolated is a good way to do it.

We're using ILOG For DotNet and have a deployed pilot project.
Here's a summary of our immature Rules Architecture:
All data-access done outside of rules.
Rules are deployed the same way as code (source control, release process, yada yada).
Projects (services) that use Rules have a reference to ILOG.Rules.dll and new-up RuleEngines via a custom pooling class. RuleEngines are pooled because it is expensive to bind a RuleSet to a RuleEngine.
Almost all rules are written to expect Assert'd objects, rather than RuleFlow parameters.
Since the rules run in the same memory space, instances that are modified by the rules are the same instances in the program - which is immediate propagation of state.
Almost all rules are run via RuleFlow (even if it is a single RuleStep in the RuleFlow).
We're looking at RuleExecutionServer as an hosting platform as well as RuleTeamServerForSharePoint to be the host for rules source. Eventually, we will have Rules deployed to production outside of the code release process.
The primary obstacle in all our Rule endeavors is Modeling and Rule Authoring skillsets.

I don't have much to say on the "which server" question but I would urge you to develop decision services - callable services that use rules to make decisions but that do not change the state of the business. Letting the calling application/service/process decide what data changes to make as a result of calling the decision service and having the calling component actually initiate the action(s) suggested by the decision service makes it easier to use the decision service over and over again (across channels, processes etc). The cleaner and less tied to the rest of the infrastructure the decision service the more reusable and manageable it is going to be.
The discussion here on ebizQ might be worth reading in this regard.

In my experience with rules engines, we've applied a pretty basic set of practices to govern interaction with the rules engine. First of all, these have always been commercial rules engines (iLog, Corticon) and not open source (Drools), hence deploy locally to each of the app servers has never really been a viable option due to licensing costs. Hence, we've always gone with the centralized model, albeit in two primary flavors:
Remote Execution of Web Service - In the same way you specified in your question, we make calls to SOAP-based services provided by the rules engine product. Within the web service realm, we have come upon several options: (1) "Boxcar" the requests, allowing the application to queue up rules processing requests and send them over in chunks as opposed to one-off messages; (2) Tune the threading and process options provided by the vendor. This includes allowing separating decision services out by function and allocating each a W3WP and/or using web gardens. There is an aweful lot of tweaking you can do with boxcars, threads, and processes and getting the right mix is more a process of trial and error (and knowing your rulesets and data) than an exact science.
Remotely Call the Rules Engine in Process - A classic batch style trick to avoid the overhead of serialization and de-serialization. Remotely make a call that fires up an in-process call to the rules engine. This can be done either scheduled (e.g. batch) or based upon demand (i.e. "boxcars" of requests). Either way a lot of the overhead of the service calls can be avoided by interacting directly with the process and the database. Downside of this process is that you don't have IIS or your EJB/Servlet container managing the threads for you and you have to do it yourself.


Stateful workflow engine vs Orchestrated idempotent services

I realize the benefits of workflow engine such as easy to understand communication, easy waiting, parallelism and compensative actions with informative graphical model. The concept is great and more manageable than dogmatic event driven architecture without central coordinator and specified flow.
We are currently using legacy workflow engine to orchestrate microservices in insurance business. Over the time chunks of business logic and little helper scripts has creeped into process model, which is not developer friendly solution to maintain and test with continuous integration standards. Also the lack of available expertise and future support is a huge risk from the project management perspective.
I played around with Camunda and Activiti, but immediately faced compability issues with Spring Boot 3 and a lack of up to date examples and general knowledge outside of relatively small user community. This gives me a bad feeling of drowning into the same swamp as we are now in the future.
We planned design our own Java based orchestrator, which just invokes specified microservices in a specified order when the process is started or user task is completed. The orchestrator will also handle monitoring and versioning of the process flow. It's up to microservices to validate their business context and halt the process by raising user tasks if necessary. When user task is completed, the orchestrator restarts the whole process from the beginning with all tasks cleared. It is the responsibility of microservices to no-op when their work is already done in the previous run. Eventually, the process will reach it's end and finish. This solution would be a good balance of modern DX and coordinated process management.
Is there examples or name for such an idempotent orchestrated architecture?
You only get into the challenge of aligning dependencies between your services and the process engine (and other components) if you tightly couple the orchestration / engine with the services. Happened to me many times in the past, too. If you separate the engine (called remote process engine with Camunda 7, only architecture with Camunda 8), then you are not influenced by its dependencies. Try for instance the Camunda RUN distribution and the external task pattern or C8 SaaS to get to a cleaner, decoupled architecture. See Bernd Ruecker's reasoning here.
Details will depend on your specific requirements, but I would definitely advise anyone against building a homegrown solution. There are enough options in the market and these times are over. Requirements grow over time. There are security vulnerabilities to be aware of and to fix, etc. High maintenance, no market for resources, no synergies, you would need to maintain proprietary knowledge in the company and cannot achieve the same level of quality and feature richness as a more broadly used solution can. For a list of options see for instance Bernd Ruecker's articles. Among the available options I would personally prefer an orchestrator, which uses a graphical process modelling approach based on the BPMN 2 standand. It helps clarity, knowledge transfer, and Business-IT alignment and the standard is a vendor-independent skill set.
There is no need to build your own. Use open source project. Besides Java SDK it supports Go, Typescript/Javascript, Python, PHP.
The project started at Uber in 2016. There are hundreds of companies using it for mission critical applications.

Should event driven architecture be targeted for all data & analytics platforms?

For example,
You have an IT estate where a mix of batch and real-time data sources exists from multiple systems, e.g. ERP, Project management, asset, website, monitoring etc.
The aim is to integrate the datasources into a cloud environment (agnostic).
There is a need for reporting and analytics on combinations of all data sources.
Inevitably, some source systems are not capable of streaming, hence batch loading is required.
Potential use-cases for performing functionality/changes/updates based on the ingested data.
Given a steer for creating a future-proofed platform, architecturally, how would you look to design it?
It's a very open-end question, but there are some good principles you can adopt to help direct you in the right direction:
Avoid point-to-point integration, and get everything going through a few common points - ideally one. Using an API Gateway can be a good place to start, the big players (Azure, AWS, GCP) all have their own options, plus there's lots of decent independent ones like Tyk or Kong.
Batches and event-streams are totally different, but even then you can still potentially route them all through the gateway so that you get the centralised observability (reporting, analytics, alerting, etc).
Use standards-based API specifications where possible. A good REST based API, based off a proper resource model is a non-trivial undertaking, not sure if it fits with what you are doing if you are dealing with lots of disparate legacy integration. If you are going to adopt REST, use OpenAPI to specify the API's. Using this standard not only makes it easier for consumers, but also helps you with better tooling as many design, build and test tools support OpenAPI. There's also AsyncAPI for event/async API's
Do some architecture. Moving sh*t to cloud doesn't remove the sh*t - it just moves it to the cloud. Don't recreate old problems in a new place.
Work out the logical components in your new solution: what does each of them do (what's it's reason to exist)? Don't forget ancillary components like API catalogues, etc.
Think about layering the integration (usually depending on how they will be consumed and what role they need to play, e.g. system interface, orchestration, experience APIs, etc).
Want to handle data in a consistent way regardless of source (your 'agnostic' comment)? You'll need to think through how data is ingested and processed. This might lead you into more data / ETL centric considerations rather than integration ones.
Co-design. Is the integration mainly data coming in or going out? Is the integration with 3rd parties or strictly internal?
If you are designing for external / 3rd party consumers then a co-design process is advised, since you're essentially designing the API for them.
If the API's are for internal use, consider designing them for external use so that when/if you decide to do that later it's not so hard.
Taker a step back:
Continually ask yourselves "what problem are we trying to solve?". Usually, a technology initiate is successful if there's a well understood reason for doing it, which has solid buy-in from the business (non-IT).
Who wants the reporting, and why - what problem are they trying to solve?
As you mentioned its an IT estate aka enterprise level solution mix of batch and real time so first you have to identify what is end goal of this migration. You can think of refactoring applications. If you are trying to make it event driven then assess the refactoring efforts and cost. Separation of responsibility is the key factor for refactoring and migration.
If you are thinking about future proofing your solution then consider Cloud for storing and processing your data. Not necessary it will be cheap but mix of Cloud and on-prem could be a way. There are services available by cloud providers to move your data in minimal cost. Cloud native solutions are there for performing analysis on your data. Database migration service in AWS or Azure can move data and then capture on-going changes. So you can keep using on-prem db & apps and perform analysis for reporting on cloud. It will ease out load on your transactional DB. Most data sync from on-prem to cloud is near real time.

Microservices, Dependencies and Events

I’ve been doing a lot of googling regarding managing dependencies between microservices. We’re trying to move away from big monolithic app into micro-services in order to scale organizationally and be able to develop faster and with multiple teams working in parallel.
However, as we’re trying to functionally partition the monolith into the microservices, we see how intertwined business logic and data really is. This was not a problem when we were sitting on top of one big DB and were able to do big relational joins. But with microservices, this becomes a problem.
One solution is to make microservice-A go to 5-10 other microservices to get necessary data (this is equivalent of DB view with join). Another solution is to make microservice-A listen to events from 5-10 other services and populate local storage with relevant into (this is an equivalent of materialized view). Either way, microservice-A is coupled with 5-10 other services, and if new info is needed in microservice-A, the some of the services that it depends upon might will need to be release prior to microservice-A. Please note that microservice-A is itself depended upon by other services. Bottom line, we end up with DISTRIBUTED dependency hell.
Many articles advocate for second solution – i.e. something along the lines of Event Sourcing, Choreography, etc.
I would appreciate any shared experiences, recommendations and insights.
While not technically an "answer", I can definitely share some of my observations and experiences. Your question concerning services calling other services for database operations reminded me of a project where an architect sold senior management on the idea of "decoupling" persistence from the rest of the applications by implementing hundreds of REST interfaces in what essentially was a distributed DAO pattern in front of a very large enterprise database. The project ended up exactly the way I predicted - a dismal failure.
Microservices aren't about turning a monolithic application into a distributed monolithic application. In my example project above, the monolith was turned into a stove-piped, fragile, chaotic mess, with the coupling only moved to service contracts instead of Java class method signatures, and with a performance hit so bad the application was unusable. Last I heard they are still running their original monolith.
Microservices should be more of a vertical partitioning of your application and not a horizontal one. In my opinion it's better to think in terms of business function partitioning rather than "converting" an existing monolith. There's no rule that determines how big a microservice must be, but it should be big enough to do one complete synchronous function without needing to directly depend on outside services (as much as possible) to complete its work. If a microservice performs a complex business function that affects 50 tables, so be it! It owns those many tables. Ideally if a service goes down, it should affect only that business functionality it's responsible for, and not directly affect other services. As you can see, this thinking is the complete opposite from that which produced the distributed mess in my project example.
Not only do you need to ensure that the motivation behind replacing monoliths with microservices is sound, but also you need to step outside the monolith and revisit the actual business and begin partitioning that instead. Like everything else, baby steps are the way to go. Start with one small complete business function, and convert that into a single microservice instead of trying to replace a monolith all at once.

Java EE App Design

I am writing a Java EE application which is supposed to consume SAP BAPIs/RFC using JCo and expose them as web-services to other downstream systems. The application needs to scale to huge volumes in scale of tens of thousands and thousands of simultaneous users.
I would like to have suggestions on how to design this application so that it can meet the required volume.
Its good that you are thinking of scalability right from the design phase. Martin Abbott and Michael Fisher (PayPal/eBay fame) layout a framework called AKF Scale for scaling web apps. The main principle is to scale your app in 3 axis.
X-axis: Cloning of services/ data such that work can be easily distributed across instances. For a web app, this implies ability to add more web servers (clustering).
Y-axis: separation of work responsibility, action or data. So for example in your case, you could have different API calls on different servers.
Z-Axis: separation of work by customer or requester. In your case you could say, requesters from region 1 will access Server 1, requesters from region 2 will access Server 2, etc.
Design your system so that you can follow all 3 above if you need to. But when you initially deploy, you may not need to use all three methods.
You can checkout the book "The Art of Scalability" by the above authors.
A final answer is not possible, but based on the information you provided this does not seem to be a problem as long as your application is stateless so that it only forwards requests to SAP and returns the responses. In this case it does not maintain any state at all. If it comes to e.g. asynchronous message handling, temporary database storage or session state management it becomes more complex. If this is true and there is no need to maintain state you can easily scale-out your application to dozens of application servers without changing your application architecture.
In my experience this is not necessarily the case when it comes to SAP integration, think of a shopping cart you want to fill based on products available in SAP. You may want to maintain this cart in your application and only submit the final cart to SAP. Otherwise you end up building an e-commerce application inside your backend.
Most important is that you reduce CPU utilization in your application to avoid a 'too-large' cluster and to reduce all kinds of I/O wherever possible, e.g. small SOAP messages to reduce network I/O.
Furthermore, I recommend to design a proper abstraction layer on top of JCo including the JCO.PoolManager for connection pooling. You may also need a well-thought-out authorization concept if you work with a connection pool managed by only one technical user.
Just some (not well structured) thoughts...

Move application to Websphere clusters

What should we take care of before moving an application from a single Websphere Application Server to a Websphere cluster
This is my list from experience. It is not complete but should cover the most common problem areas:
Plan head the distributed session management configuration (ie. will you use memory-to-memory or database based replicaton). Make a notice that if you are still on 32-bit platform the resource requirement overhead from clustering might cause you instability issues if your application uses already lots of memory.
Make sure that everything you put into user sessions can be serialized with the default serializer (implements Serializable). You might otherwise run into problems with distributed sessions.
The same goes for everything you put into DynaCache. Make sure everything serializes properly.
Specify and make sure all the resource definitions (JDBC providers etc) will be made to a proper scope. I would usually recommend using the actual Cluster scope for everything that your applications installed to cluster use. That ensures the testing features work properly from proper points, and that you don't make conflicting definitions.
Make sure your application uses relative paths for resources in web interfaces. Once you start load balancing and stuff you can run into some serious problems if you have bolted down a lot of stuff.
If you had any sort of timers make sure they work well with clusters. With Quartz that means probably that you should use the JDBC store for timer tasks. With EJB Timers make sure you register the timers only once (it is possible to corrupt the timer database of WAS if you have several nodes attempting the registering at the exactly same time) and make sure you install them to Cluster scope.
Make sure you use the WAS provided SSO mechanisms. If you have a custom implementation please make sure it handles moving the user between servers in cluster well.
Keep it simple, depending on your requirements, try configuring your load balancer to use sticky sessions and not hold state in your HTTP Session. That way you don't need to use resource hungry in memory session replication.
Single Sign On isn't an issue for a single cluster as your HTTP clients will not be moving off the same host domain name.
Most of your testing should focus on database contention. If you have a highly transactional application (i.e. many writes to the same table) make sure you look at your database Isolation levels so that locks are not held unecessarily. Same goes for your transaction demarkaction. Keep transactions as brief as possible. If you dont have database skills yourself make sure you get a Database Analyst to help you monitor the database while you test.
Also a good advice to raise a PMR to IBM Support up front of any major changes, such as this one or upgrading to new versions etc. Raise it as a "Software Usage Question" and they can provide you with feedback from their knowledge database based on other customers input. Same would apply for any type of product which you have a support agreement for - ask support before problems occur.
