Add a clause to a MySQL statement without quotes using CodeIgniter's Active Record functions - activerecord

I wanted to update a row using active records in codeigniter, and I only want to increment a field value (received_qty = received_qty +1) , I realized that I can do that in usual sql, but I cant in codeigniter active records
$update['received_qty'] = 'received_qty + 1';
$update['received_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
$this->db->update('vrs_distribution', $update);
anyone know how to do it using active records?

This will work.
$this->db->set('received_qty', 'received_qty + 1', FALSE);
$this->db->set('received_date', date("Y-m-d"));
ActiveRecord escapes everything put into a set(), where() and many other methods. Where and set can both take an optional third parameter of $escape which is a boolean. Set it to FALSE and CodeIgniter will not escape anything, meaning your field increment wont be treated as a string.

Or you can do:
$this->db->query('UPDATE vrs_distribution SET received_qty = received_qty + 1, received_date = CURDATE() WHERE id = ' . $id);
You would need to modify WHERE clause to suit you though

status set to zero(Update)
$this->db->set('IsCurrent', '0');

I was going to ask a similar question just a little bit different, but the problem was the same: I needed to update a date with an interval (expiry_date = expiry_date + interval 3 month) and Phil Sturgeon's answer did solve the problem.
However, what I realized is that you can still use the array for the fields that can have quotes, meaning that you could write:
$this->db->set('received_qty', 'received_qty + 1', FALSE);
$this->db->set('expired_date', 'CURDATE() + INTERVAL 10 DAY', FALSE); //extra example 1
$update['received_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
$update['receiver'] = $receiver_name; //extra example 2
$this->db->update('vrs_distribution', $update);
Where $this->db->last_query() would output:
UPDATE `vrs_distribution`
SET `received_qty` = received_qty + 1,
`expiry_date` = CURDATE() + INTERVAL 10 DAY, #extra example 1
`received_date` = '2015-07-01 16:00:00',
`receiver` = 'strike_noir', #extra example 2
WHERE #where clause with backticks
Notice that the fields where set() was used do not have quotes and appear in the first place. The rest of the query has backticks (letting "CodeIgniter protect the remaining fields").

You seem pretty close, there isn't an 'increment by one' command in CI's ActiveRecord (or in SQL for that matter).
$update['received_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
$this->db->update('vrs_distribution', $update);


How to update a single value with laravel

Hello i want to update a single value on another table using laravel. This is the code i have done until now but doesnt seem to work:
$amount = Product::findorFail($request->products[$i]);
$total_value = $request->amount[$i] + $amount->amount;
$amount->update(['amount', $total_value]);
with dd i see that the result is correct but the update function is not, the query im trying to make is
update table set amount=x where id=y
You have multiple choices. The shortes are:
$amount->update(['amount'=> $amount->amount + request->amount[$i]]);
Product::findorFail($request->products[$i])->increment('amount', $request->amount[$i]);
you could change your code like below
$amount = Product::findorFail($request->products[$i]);
$total_value = $request->amount[$i] + $amount->amount;
or as mentioned in comments you could use eloquent increment function

Wrong total pagination with select distinct in Laravel 6

I use Laravel 6.12, I have this request :
$queryJob = DB::table('jobs as j')->join('job_translations as jt', '', 'jt.job_id')
->select('', 'j.short_name', 'j.status', DB::raw("case when j.short_name = '{$request->short_name}' then 0 else 1 end"))
$jobs = $queryJob->paginate($qtyItemsPerPage);
The results displays an error for the total :
The total = 3, but as you can see the data contains only 2 elements.
I read here that when using a distinct, I must be clear on which column the total must be calculated: distinct() with pagination() in laravel 5.2 not working
So I modified my query like that:
$jobs = $queryJob->paginate($qtyItemsPerPage, ['j.*']);
But without success, the total is still wrong.
Hoping that I don't misunderstand your DB and relations structure and purpose of your query perhaps this will avoid using distinct or groupBy altogether?
$shortname = $request->input('short_name');
$queryJob = Job::with('job_translations')->select('id','short_name',
'status', DB::raw("case when short_name = '" . $shortname . "'
then 0 else 1 end")
Pagination can be easily manually added with skip and take in case you need to use groupBy
$queryJob->skip(($page - 1) * $qtyItemsPerPage)->take($qtyItemsPerPage)->get();
The solution for me was to pass a field name to the distinct() method.
With your example:
$queryJob = DB::table('jobs as j')
// joins, where and other chained methods go here
Solution taken from

Doctrine 1 allowing SQL Injection?

I found this code on a legacy app:
$salt = $this->generateSalt();
$new_pass_update = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('password', '"'. $this->hash($newPass, $salt) .'"')
->set('salt', "sleep(10)") // $salt) <- I replaced this
->where('email = ?', array($mail))
I was shocked to see this Dql generated as output:
UPDATE User SET password = "3dbe00a167653a1aaee01d93e77e730e"
salt = sleep(10) WHERE email = ?
First of all, I didn't expect to see the quotation marks around the password value. I thougt that Doctrine would do that for me, so I tried the second argument without them, but I was shocked to see this Dql generated as output:
UPDATE User SET password = "3dbe00a167653a1aaee01d93e77e730e"
salt = sleep(10) WHERE email = ?
If I change ->getDql() for -> execute() that's exactly the query that is executed and the db sleeps for 10 seconds.
Why is doctrine behaving like this?
As Gumbo pointed out, the right API to use with Doctrine 1.* update syntax is:
$new_pass_update = Doctrine_Query::create()
->set('password', "?", $this->hash($newPass, $salt))
->set('salt', "?", $salt)
->where('email = ?', array($mail))
so, the second argument should be "?" and the third one, the associated value.

why is this not possible in doctrine

I have to do some queries, while i was trying different ways, i found out that the next lines are not "recognized" by doctrine (it gives errors):
for example, when i want to compare if some data in the db is equal to a literal, here the condition:
('u.gender = M')
this is how my table look like:
id gender
1 M
2 M
3 F
it throws a semantical error. Also when comparing dates that way.
I would like to know why this is not recognized by doctrine, while comparing directly with numbers is accepted:
condition: ('u.age = 15')
First option you can do this way-
$M = 'M';
$age = 15;
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('t')
->where('u.gender = :M AND u.age = :age')
->setParameters(array('M'=> $M,'age'=>$age);
another way to do this-
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder("t")
->where("u.gender = 'M' AND u.age = 15");
So i guess the answer to my question would be that it was not working because doctrine didn't recognize M as a string. That is why it was necessary to use inverted commas like #Mehedi said.
Another way of solving this was to use the query builder:
$v = 'M';
$condition = $this->qb->expr()->eq('u.gender', $this->qb->expr()->literal($v));
but i guess that is just long and hard to read. So the shortest thing would be just:
$condition = ("u.gender = 'M'");

Weird backticks behaviour in Active Record in CodeIgniter 2.0.3

Previously my all queries were running fine in CI version 2.0 but when I upgraded to 2.0.3 some of my SELECT queries were broken.
CI is adding backticks (``) automatically, but in older version its running as it is.
CI user manual have instructed to add second parameter in
but still it's not working.
Code is as following:
class Company_model extends MY_Model
$this->db->select(' count('.$fieldname. ') as num_stations');
$this->db->select(" CONCAT_WS(',', clb_company.address1, clb_company.address2,, clb_company.state, clb_company.zipcode ) as companyAddress");
$this->db->join($this->_table_device, $fieldname1. " = ". $fieldname2, 'LEFT');
$this->db->where($blablafield , '0');
The error is as follows:
Error Number: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'FROM (`clb_device`) JOIN `clb_company` ON `clb_company`.`id` = `clb_device`.`com' at line 2
SELECT `clb_device`.`id` as deviceId, `clb_pricing_specifications`.`name` as pricingSpecName, `clb_company`.`name` as companyName, `clb_device`.`mac_address` as deviceMacAddress,
`clb_device`.`reseller_model_number` as deviceModelNumber, `clb_pricing_spec_grouping`.`pricing_master_spec_id` as pricingSpecId, `clb_device`.`address` as deviceAddress,
`clb_device`.`is_home` as deviceIsHomeCharger, CONCAT(clb_company.portal_line1, `'/'`, `clb_device`.`name)` as deviceDisplayName FROM (`clb_device`) JOIN `clb_company`
ON `clb_company`.`id` = `clb_device`.`company_id` LEFT JOIN `clb_pricing_group_devices` ON `clb_device`.`id` = `clb_pricing_group_devices`.`device_id` and clb_pricing_group_devices.is_active = 1
LEFT JOIN `clb_pricing_spec_grouping` ON `clb_pricing_group_devices`.`pricing_spec_id` = `clb_pricing_spec_grouping`.`pricing_master_spec_id` LEFT JOIN `clb_pricing_specifications` ON
`clb_pricing_spec_grouping`.`pricing_spec_id` = `clb_pricing_specifications`.`id` WHERE clb_company.vendor_id is not null AND cast(substr(clb_devi
ce.software_version, 1, 3) as decimal(2,1)) > 2.0 AND clb_device.device_state > 0 GROUP BY `clb_device`.`id` ORDER BY CONCAT(trim(clb_company.portal_line1), `'/'`, trim( desc LIMIT 20
Have a look at CONCAT(trim(clb_company.portal_line1), `'/'`, trim(
Please suggest the workaround.
Use this line before your query:
This will stop adding backticks to the built query.
The solution is very simple:
In the database configuration file (./application/config/database.php) add a new element to array with default settings.
$db['default']['_protect_identifiers']= FALSE;
This solution is working for me and more elegant and professional.
All other answers are really old, this one works with CI 2.1.4
// set this to false so that _protect_identifiers skips escaping:
$this->db->_protect_identifiers = FALSE;
// your order_by line:
$this -> db -> order_by('FIELD ( products.country_id, 2, 0, 1 )');
// important to set this back to TRUE or ALL of your queries from now on will be non-escaped:
$this->db->_protect_identifiers = TRUE;
class Company_model extends MY_Model
$this->db->select(" count('$fieldname') as num_stations",false);
$this->db->select(" CONCAT_WS(',', clb_company.address1, clb_company.address2,, clb_company.state, clb_company.zipcode ) as companyAddress",false);
$this->db->join($this->_table_device, $fieldname1. " = ". $fieldname2, 'LEFT');
$this->db->where($blablafield , '0');
The false you were talking about is what is needed, can you try the code above and copy and paste to us the output of
echo $this->db->last_query();
This will show us what the DB class is creating exactly and we can see whats working / what isn't. It may be something else (you haven't given the error from that is generated sometimes sql errors can be misleading.)
From the docs:
$this->db->select() accepts an optional second parameter. If you set it to FALSE, CodeIgniter will not try to protect your field or table names with backticks. This is useful if you need a compound select statement.
CI will only protect your ACTIVE RECORD calls, so if you are running $this->db->query(); you will be fine, and based on the notes you should be safe with AD calls like so to disable backticks (not sure why you say they don't work, but I don't see your full code, so I can't be sure)
$this->db->select('(SELECT SUM(payments.amount) FROM payments WHERE payments.invoice_id=4') AS amount_paid', FALSE);
$query = $this->db->get('mytable');
make sure FALSE is without single quotes (makes it a string), and it might not validate (not tested by me).
I think you should check DB_driver.php file, there is a variable named as protect_identifier, the point is when you will check with older version of CI, you will see that there is a condition which is missing in new version,escape variable which is checked for nullability, paste that condition from older version and you will be OK
CI_DB_active_record::where() has a third param for escaping, this has worked better for me than switching on and off CI_DB_driver::_protect_identifiers
public function where($key, $value = NULL, $escape = TRUE)
Not sure what CI version this was added in.
HTH someone
Here's a trick that worked for me. Replace this line
$this->db->join($this->_table_device, $fieldname1. " = ". $fieldname2, 'LEFT');
with this:
$this->db->join($this->_table_device, $fieldname1. " IN(". $fieldname2 .")", 'LEFT');
this will prevent CI from escaping your field. It's not ideal but it's better than the alternatives.
I just read a simple solution for this...
I changed the value of var $_escape_char (system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_driver.php, line 36..
It was
var $_escape_char = '`';
Changed to
var $_escape_char = ' ';
and now it works... But i am affraid if I made any security issues..
