Software required to automate test cases using WatiN - watin

Can anybody please tell me which softwares are required to automate tests of a .NET web application using WatiN.

Any unit test framework like NUnit will let you do it. If you want to test against the development web server, that's slightly trickier, but possible.
Reference WebDev.WebHost.dll (in the GAC, but can be extracted and referenced on its own as it has no non-framework dependencies) in your unit test, then you have use the Server class it exposes to fire up a development web server. This is the server fired up by the development webserver executable, but this doesn't give you a neat shutdown option - the Server class however does!

I suggest using Watin and MBUnit. MBUnit has a really good test runner called Gallio and is easy to work with.


Specflow tests running on local web server

I am trying to use Specflow with Playwright in order to do BDD on a portal app developed but I am facing a small problem.
The Specflow project is a separate project with the ASP.Net core server that has the Api of the portal app (it is in Vue). Since the tests are pointing to a specific URL (currently localhost), before running the tests, I need to run the ASP.Net core & Vue project locally. Otherwise, Specflow & Playwright will not be able to do the test (as it will not find the localhost).
Is it any way I can force the run of the Web Server project? I tried to run it from outside Visual Studio with dotnet build and then dotnet run commands but somehow they are missing parameters (that exist while running it from inside VS) and apart from that, these commands must somehow be triggered while trying to run the tests.
I have seen solutions like creating a Docker image from a Docker Compose file in order to pack a .Net project & server in it before running the Specflow tests. Then in the BeforeTestRun hook using the FluentDocker to spin-up the server but I am not quite sure it is the easier (or best) solution.
Does anyone know how I can trigger running the .net core project (with the Vue pages)?
This is actually a pretty big question, with a pretty big answer, however this is well-trodden ground. The issue isn't so much a "specflow" issue as a general automated testing issue. Development practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery can help. Each one is too big for a single question, however I can answer this in more general terms.
In its simplest form, running automated tests locally involves these steps:
Build the application
Deploy the application to a real web server
Run tests
I'm going to assume you are developing in a Windows environment, however every operating system has some sort of command line scripting solution available. The scripting language might change, but the overall idea will not.
Configure a web server. In Windows, this would be Internet Information Services (IIS).
Add a new "application" (or "IIS app" as some people call it) to your localhost web server. Point the physical directory to the root directory for the web project. Repeat this for each web site or web app your system requires.
Write a PowerShell script that gives you an easy way to build and deploy the applications to your local web server.
This script should use publish profiles set up in Visual Studio, which allows you to publish directly from Visual Studio before invoking tests manually through Test Explorer.
Write a PowerShell script used has a "harness" script to coordinate building, deploying locally, and then invoking dotnet test.
Running tests locally just requires a single line of PowerShell to invoke your test harness script:
.\Scripts\Run-Tests.ps1 -solutionDir . -tags BlogPosts,Create
# Skip deploying in case web apps haven't changed:
.\Scripts\Run-Tests.ps1 -solutionDir . -tags BlogPosts,Create -deploy:False

Setting up test projects in your solution for a Xamarian app

I have experience unit testing but I have never unit tested a Xamarian solution.
My question is should I add two unit test projects to my solution? One would be a MSTest or NUnit test that tests the logic and another project Xamarian.UITest that only tests the UI? From my browsing on the internet it seems the Xamarian.UITest is only able to test the UI? Is this true or can you test the logic as well?
Don't try to make Xamarin.UITest test the entire application. Use Xamarin.UITest to automate the testing of the UI and, providing you have a decent separation of concerns, use xUnit, NUnit, etc, to test the logic part(s) of your app.

NUnit and Selenium WebDriver

I was working on setting up Selenium in a project today, and the thought came to mind: "Should I be using the NUnit framework in correlation with my Selenium tests?"
Here's my concern with using the NUnit framework: From the NUnit website, it states that: "NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages". The purpose of the framework is to build unit tests, not integration tests.
Selenium tests are typically (I don't know of any instance when they aren't) integration tests. So, going back to my question, is it good practice to use a unit testing framework to do integration tests? Are there integration test frameworks that are robust enough to compete with NUnit, of which would be more appropriate?
The two main options for .NET development are, for the most part, NUnit, and MSTest. IMHO, neither are very well optimized for automated browser tests.
You can force each to do what you want, but features such as TestNG's #DataProvider are a pain to implement, especially if you are dynamically changing your data provider for each test (say, loading your browsers to test through a properties file) -- this is trivial with TestNG, but NUnit and MSTest take a significant amount of "hacking" to make it work.
TL;DR version: Someone really needs to port TestNG over to .NET :)

Starting a web application with coded UI tests in VS 2010

I have a solution with a web application and test project. The test application has coded ui tests of the web application. How can I get the web application to start up when the tests execute?
I've tried
adding a TestSetup method to start the web server via System.Diagnostics.Process. I don't like this because it seems clunky and the coded ui tests don't lend themselves to inheritance real well
adding a setup script in the testsettings to start the web server (same command line) via a batch file. However the batch file never exits and eventually times out. I've tried starting the web server via the start command, but that didn't work -- it works great when you run it from the command line, but not from the testsettings setup script.
I've thought about maybe just running IIS in the background and pointing it to a specific folder. Then deploy the web application to that folder. And let the test project test against IIS.
This seems like a lot of work though. There's got to be an easier way. I want to do this on several developer's machine and also on the TFS build machine via scheduled or continuous integration.
Any thoughts?
I configure the web project (in the project properties) to be hosted on IIS. Its just 3 or 4 clicks away. It will prompt to create a virtual application. After that, build and run your project and it will be permanently hosted on IIS. So you can start Coded UI tests without manually starting the web server.
You could do what Gerardo Grignoli suggested and just host the site in IIS so that it's always on.
You could also just start the web project (Without Debugging if you want to debug your tests) and then run/debug the tests. In your tests, just use BrowserWindow.Launch("localhost:appPort/whateverPageToStartOn"); just fill in the port instead of appPort based on your IIS express settings.
In regards to running it on the TFS build machine, that seems like probably a questionable thing to do. You can test the deployed site (dev, test, prod, whatever) from a testing lab. Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) is one of the products that can do this.

Can the Lightweight Testing Automation Framework (LTAF) be used in Continuous Integration?

I'm interested in using the Lightweight Testing Automation Framework (LTAF) to create integration tests for my web application. However, I need it to be run on the build server. Does anyone know if this can set up to do this?
There does not seem to be a whole lot of information on the web on this right now :-)
There's a blog post (Lightweight Test Automation Framework – Automated Build Support) that describes how to implement the runner as a console application, it can then be integrated into a build server fairly simply by redirecting the build output and setting the return code appropriately.
The author posted the code used in the article, you can download it from here.
I don't have experience with LTAF, but found this nice article:
First steps with Lightweight Test Automation Framework
Quoting the author (Steve Sanderson, from the comments):
Lightweight Test Automation Framework
can be invoked with query string
parameters (to specify which tests to
run) and can emit a log of the results
to a text file, so it would be
possible to integrate it. However,
this is certainly not as easy as using
Selenium RC which as you say works
through a traditional test runner.
