Special Binary Tree - binary-tree

What is the name of the binary tree (or the family of the binary
trees), that is balanced, and has the minimum number of nodes
possible for its height?
Well this is special kind of tree not the AVL tree.

if the binary tree is balanced then, it height is a function of its nodes (n). height = log2n. so a balanced tree don't have a range of heights.

The minimum number of nodes a completely balanced binary tree can have for height d is 2^(d-1)+1. As far as i know this type doesn't have a name.
The maximal number of nodes is 2^d. This is called a complete tree. All layers are completely full and each node has either 2 or zero childern(implied).

Red-black tree?
Any one from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-balancing_binary_search_tree#Implementations?

The name of the binary tree (or the family of the binary trees), that has the minimum number of nodes possible for its height is a linked list :D


How many permutations of 1, 2,..., n yield a skew tree? [duplicate]

I know what Binary search tree is and I know how they work. But what does it take for it to become a skewed tree? What I mean is, do all nodes have to go on one side? or is there any other combination?
Having a tree in this shape (see below) is the only way to make it a skewed tree? If not, what are other possible skewed trees?
Skewed tree example:
Also, I searched but couldn't find a good solid definition of a skewed tree. Does anyone have a good definition?
Figured out a skewed Tree is the worst case of a tree.
The number of permutations of 1, 2, ... n = n!
The number of BST Shapes: (1/n+1)(2n!/n!n!)
The number of skewed trees of 1, 2, ....n = 2^(n-1)
Here is an example I was shown:
A good definition for a skew tree is a binary tree such that all the nodes except one have one and only one child. (The remaining node has no children.) Another good definition is a binary tree of n nodes such that its depth is n-1.
A binary tree, which is dominated solely by left child nodes or right child nodes, is called a skewed binary tree, more specifically left skewed binary tree, or right skewed binary tree.

Why the tree is not a binary tree?

I am a beginner in the field of data structures, I am studying binary trees and in my textbook there's a tree which is not a binary tree but I am not able to make out why the tree is not a binary tree because every node in the tree has atmost two children.
According to Wikipedia definition of binary tree is "In computer science, a binary tree is a treedata structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child."
The tree in the picture seems to satisfy the condition as mentioned in the definition of binary tree.
I want an explanation for why the tree is not a binary tree?
This is not even a tree, let alone binary tree. Node I has two parents which violates the tree property.
I got the answer, This not even a tree because a tree is connected acyclic graph also a binary tree is a finite set of elements that is either empty or is partitioned into three disjoint subsets. The first subset contains a single element called the root of the tree. The other two subsets are themselves binary trees called the left and right subtrees of the original tree.
Here the word disjoint answers the problem.
It's not a binary tree because of node I
This can be ABEI or ACFI
This would mean the node can be represented by 2 binary numbers which is incorrect
Each node has either 0 or 1 parents. 0 in the case of the root node. 1 otherwise. I has 2 parents E and F

Height difference between leaves in an AVL tree

What is the maximum difference between any two leaves in an AVL tree? If I take an example, my tree becomes unbalanced, if the height difference is more than 2(for any two leaves), but the answer is the difference can be any value. I really don't understand, how this is possible.Can anyone explain with examples?
The difference in levels of any two leaves can be any value! Definition of AVL describes height difference only on two sub-trees from one node.
So you need to fill subtrees with equal height then add new nodes just to create that single node difference. But nobody said that that subtree doesn't contain some subtrees with the exact same definition. Of course tree is selfbalanced but if we'll be that accurate to not touch it's balance then we can create any height difference between some leaves.
Example with leaf 24 on level 3 and leaf 10 on level 6:
According to the explanation in this Wikipedia article, the balancing operations in an AVL tree successfully aim at rearranging the tree such that the height of any two leaves differs no more than one. This is the key property of the data structure which makes the retrieval of nodes efficient (namely logarithmic in the number of nodes of the tree, as a path from the root to a leaf is traversed in the worst case).

Skewed Trees relation to Binary Search Tree

I know what Binary search tree is and I know how they work. But what does it take for it to become a skewed tree? What I mean is, do all nodes have to go on one side? or is there any other combination?
Having a tree in this shape (see below) is the only way to make it a skewed tree? If not, what are other possible skewed trees?
Skewed tree example:
Also, I searched but couldn't find a good solid definition of a skewed tree. Does anyone have a good definition?
Figured out a skewed Tree is the worst case of a tree.
The number of permutations of 1, 2, ... n = n!
The number of BST Shapes: (1/n+1)(2n!/n!n!)
The number of skewed trees of 1, 2, ....n = 2^(n-1)
Here is an example I was shown:
A good definition for a skew tree is a binary tree such that all the nodes except one have one and only one child. (The remaining node has no children.) Another good definition is a binary tree of n nodes such that its depth is n-1.
A binary tree, which is dominated solely by left child nodes or right child nodes, is called a skewed binary tree, more specifically left skewed binary tree, or right skewed binary tree.

Balanced Binary Tree

What is the name of the binary tree (or the family of the binary
trees), that is balanced, and has the minimum number of nodes
possible for its height?
balanced binary tree
(data structure)
Definition: A binary tree where no leaf is more than a certain amount farther from the root than any other. After inserting or deleting a node, the tree may rebalanced with "rotations."
Generalization (I am a kind of ...)
binary tree.
Specialization (... is a kind of me.)
AVL tree, red-black tree, B-tree, balanced binary search tree.
Aggregate child (... is a part of or used in me.)
left rotation, right rotation.
See also BB(α) tree, height-balanced tree.
-- http://www.itl.nist.gov/div897/sqg/dads/HTML/balancedbitr.html
It is called Fibonacci tree
AVL is a balanced tree with log(n) height (this is the lowest height possible for binary tree).
Another implementation of a similar data structure is Red Black Tree.
Both trees implement all operations in O(log(n)).
AVL Tree is something that you have been looking for.
From Wikipedia:
In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and it is the first such data structure to be invented. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; therefore, it is also said to be height-balanced. Lookup, insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst cases, where n is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more tree rotations.
