Need to Unlock Win7 Desktop from C# - windows-7

I am working on some Automation Project where one needs to perform some action related to display resolution.Change the Display resolution , Lock the Desktop and then Unlock Desktop again to check that resolution remained same.
I am able to perform LockWorkstation but unable to have any thing for Unlock Workstation.
Can any body help me regarding unlocking Display with help of C# and in Win 7 ?
I heard of GINA dll which can help ,but I dont know anything about it.Can this be used for Win7 and .NET 3.5?

I don't think that doing this is technically feasible. GINAs were deprecated after XP and the new way to provide custom authentication in Vista/Win7 is to use the ICredentialProvider
interface. Even if you get this working you'll still have to somehow send the the secure attention sequence, i.e. ctrl-alt-delete, to initiate the logon. Sending ctrl-alt-delete programmatically is itself something that is difficult to do and not really supported.
This sounds like a lot of work for some automation and probably won't have much ROI. Can you test this by logging the user off completely and then logging back in? If so, then you could set your test machine to auto-logon the user. When you log-off it will shut down the session and then promptly log the user back in and you could check if the resolution is what you expect.


Windows Service Screen Shoot?

i kind a newbie on windows service programing, my idea is that i want to create a windows service that will take a screen shoot of the desktop client,i mean i want to attach this to a aspx page, the screen shoot code is working 100% but problem is when i trigger windows service after install it, nothing happened.
I debugged it and there was not prp, after that i made a small screenCapture.exe file to do the job and try calling it from the service, all i got was a black screen, tried everything with it and no luck.
Then i read about desktops and stuff like that, but honestly i don't understand any of that, i goggled a lot but no luck so far, problem is that i saw a website that implement this function so it can be done. BUT HOW ??? please help me out cause i am stuck here, and if u do explain good, cause as i told u i am kinda new to this
A service does not have access to the desktop. You might want to create a program that runs when the user is logged in interactively.
Not sure which Windows you are using...but starting with Vista, the ability to interact with desktop from a service has been disabled.
A service will not have access to the desktop. This is done intentionally by Microsoft for better security. The other option you can try is, goto the service properties and give it option to interact with the desktop. This can be done using local user permissions.

VB6 app not executing as scheduled task unless user is logged on

I would greatly appreciate some help on this one! It may be a tricky one. :)
I have an VB6 application which is set up as scheduled task. It starts every time, but when executing CreateObject() it fails if a user is not logged on to computer.
I am looking for information on what could cause this. My primary suspicion is that some Windows API fails.
Key points
Behaviour confirmed on Windows 2000, 2003, 2008 and Vista.
The application executes as user X at scheduled time, executed by Windows Task Scheduler.
It executes every time. Application does start!
If user X is logged on via RDP it runs perfectly. (Note that user doesn't need to be connected, only logged on)
If user X is not logged on to computer the application fails.
Failure point
Application fails when using CreateObject() to instantiate a DCOM object which is also part of the application.
The DCOM objects declare .dll-references at startup (globally/on top of .bas-file) and run a small startup function. Failure must be during startup, possibly in one of the .dll-declarations.
After some Googling my initial suspicion was directed at MAPI. From what I could see MAPI required user to be logged on. The application has MAPI references. But even with all MAPI references removed it still does not work.
What is the difference if an user is logged on? Registry mapping? Environment? Explorer.exe is running.
Isn't the user logged on when application executes as the user?
What info would help?
A definitive answer would be truly great.
Any information regarding any VB6 feature/Windows API that could act differently depending on whether user is logged on or not would definitively help.
Similar experiences may lead me in the right direction.
Tips on debugging this.
The VB application possibly needs to get hold on to running services that are only running when a user is logged on.
What is the "Identity" setting of the DCOM component.
Component Services
My Computer
DCOM Config
The DCOM Object, right click properties
Identity tab
Set it to "This User" and set a user with the required permissions, and then run the app as your self to see if the DCOM component can still work, then try again from the scheduler.
We never found out what caused this.
Instead I made a RDP client which I put in Scheduled Tasks. It logged on a user which had the required app in startup. After some time the RDP client forcefully logged out the user (to prevent runaway apps hanging the system).
Not the perfect solution, but a solution nevertheless.
has your VB6 forms?
because when you run scheduled, it run "as a service", so it can't have forms, or if it have forms an enviroment where to show them.
I don't remember what I have used, but exists generic "run as a service" converter exe to run windowed VB6 projects.
Also perhaps you can easy convert your code to run as a VBScript, and schedule it.

Updated: Interacting with the user on the windows logon screen

So far, the best thing I have found is to download yourself a copy of pGina and for 2k/XP modify the GINA, and for vista/win7 you will need to create custom login credentials (pGina have the tools/samples to interface with the Vista/Win7 architecture).
to confirm -- it appears that this is what Novell are doing with Vista/Win7 rather than the traditional method of replacing the GINA (like in 2k/XP)
If anyone else comes up with a way to run an application on the logon screen in Win7 please post it.
Ok I'm writing some vb6 software that requires input before the user logs on to the system.
Basically I want to run an application on the Windows logon screen where the user can interact with the program. At present I have the application running as a service allowing to interact with the desktop, but it is still now showing.
I know that "Allow service to interact with desktop" will work in Windows 2000 / XP, I'm running Windows 7 - I am also aware that services cannot directly interact with a user as of Windows Vista - saying this, are there any other methods to get my application running on the logon screen. Novell does it
Does anyone have any other ideas to get this working?
You can only do this if you are authenticating the credentials yourself. Prior to Vista, this was done via GINA, but since Vista, you need to write your own Credential Provider.
The reasons behind this are buried deep in the security principles -- Ctrl-Alt-Del will only ever bring up the window station associated with login (etc), and no other application can get to that window station (so you can't create a fake password box over the top to scrape passwords, for instance).
Without knowing why you think your service needs to interact with that desktop, it's difficult to advise further, but it might mean that your design is broken somehow.
Service isolation will probably prevent you doing this from a service.
Pre-vista Novell and the like would probably have used GINA, which was replaced in vista;
The only way I know of would be to write your own msgina.dll.
It can get dicey during testing though. Any mistakes can mess up your OS so bad that a complete reinstall becomes necessary.

(Windows) How to lock all applications (explorer, task manager etc.) and make only the browser active?

I'm trying to run only the browser in the system - locking access to everything else. Only the supervisor can resume the normal functioning of the system after giving a password.
This kind of activity is usually done by virus. Disabling the registry for Task manager etc. Does anyone know of any source available that does this? I might be able to pull it off in Windows XP. But have anyone tried this in Windows 7 ?
The aim is to to emulate the Chrome OS on Windows. Only the browser. Nothing else.
Sounds like you're after Kiosk Mode. Knowing that, a little searching gives a guide to what to do.
AFAIK, What you are attempting is NOT natively possible on windows.
You best bet would be to write a program that runs in the background and monitors for any processes apart from the browser being launched.
It should immediately terminate the "unauthorised" processes as soon as they are created.
Also using the group-policy manager restrict access to the task-manager to prevent the user from stopping this process.
Contact me if U require help in writing the above program

Windows 7 - Programmatically configure a application to run in XP compatibility mode

My application needs administrative access and I want it to run without any hassles in Windows 7.
I have the following options
1.Ask the user using the application to turn off UAC. This is a last resort option and would hate to do that.
2.Embed a manifest in the application that says elevate to adminstrator privelege. This will work but it seems that it will bring up a dialog requiring users consent every time a user runs the application.
3. Configure the application to run in Windows XP compatibility mode. This works, but i had to do this using explorer->application properties. if can I do this programmatically during installation time, I would really prefer this option. My question is if there is any way to achieve this.
Try making an application compatibility shim that says your app needs the XP compatibility mode, and distributing it with your app. A shim is a means for administrators to simplify installation of a 3rd party app that needs compatibility settings - it saves them tweaking each PC individually. You can probably roll it into your install program with a little ingenuity.
I've gotten pretty used to dealing with the UAC dialog, running Vista for the last 2 years. If it bugs you, I have to wonder how much experience you have using post-XP OS'es.
As a user I think there are two ways to look at it:
The program inherently requires admin. For these, I very much appreciate the dialog, as I know it means nobody's going to sneakily run that thing in the background on me and modify my system.
The program inherently does not require admin. Most programs only need admin to auto-update themselves (and probably shouldn't need it then). My attitude is that these programs are poorly-designed. Such a program should only invoke AUC if it discovers it needs to update, not every single frigging time I start it up. This is a security issue too, as any buffer overflow someone finds in the entire program puts me at risk.
Localize the need for UAC as much as you possibly can. The best would be to put in a separate executable. (eg: an "updater")
