Scheme Factorial (fact* l) Question - scheme

I'm a newbie at Scheme, so forgive the question: I have a function that calculates the factorials of a list of numbers, but it gives me a period before the last number in the results. Where am I going wrong?
#lang scheme
(define fact
(lambda (n)
((= n 0) 1)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (* n (fact (- n 1)))))))
(define fact*
(lambda (l)
((null? (cdr l)) (fact (car l)))
(cons (fact (car l)) (fact* (cdr l)))))))
> (fact* '(3 6 7 2 4 5))
(6 720 5040 2 24 . 120)

What you have done is create an improper list. Try this:
(define fact*
(lambda (l)
((null? (cdr l)) (list (fact (car l))))
(cons (fact (car l)) (fact* (cdr l)))))))
The addition of the list in the fourth line should make this work as you expect. Better might be the following:
(define fact*
(lambda (l)
(null? l) '())
(cons (fact (car l)) (fact* (cdr l)))))))
This allows your fact* function to work on the empty list, as well as reducing the number of places where you make a call to fact.

The other answers have pointed out the reason why you get an improper list as a result of your fact* function. I would only like to point out that you could use the higher-order function map:
(define fact*
(lambda (l)
(map fact l))
(fact* '(3 6 7 2 4 5))
map takes a function and a list as arguments and applies the function to every element in the list, producing a new list.

Use append instead of cons. cons is used to construct pairs, which is why you have the "." that is used to separate the elements of a pair. Here's an example:
(define (factorial n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(define (factorial-list l)
(if (null? l)
(append (list (factorial (car l)))
(factorial-list (cdr l)))))


Arity Mismatch: where to put parameter

With my code I need to use multiple functions and combine them into one that will evaluate to the nth prime number between a and b. The functions I need to use are gen-consecutive filter value-at-position.
The problem with my code is that with the function gen-consecutive requires 3 parameters a function (f) and a and b which acts as a range, and I am not sure where to put the f argument in my nth-prime-between function.
I keep getting the error "gen-consecutive: arity mismatch" and that it expected 3 arguments (f a b) instead of just 2 arguments (a b)
Here is my code:
(define (nth-prime-between a b n)
(value-at-position filter prime? (gen-consecutive a b)) n)
Here is the other functions:
(define (gen-consecutive f a b)
(if (> a b)
(cons (f a) (gen-consecutive f (+ a 1) b))))
(define (filter f lst)
(cond ((null? lst) '())
((f (car lst))
(cons (car lst) (filter f (cdr lst))))
(filter f (cdr lst)))))
(define (value-at-position lst k)
(cond ((null? lst) lst)
((= k 1) (car lst))
(else (value-at-position (- k 1) (cdr lst)))))
There are 3 mistakes in your program!
I do NOT have a function prime?, therefore I used odd? instead
(define (nth-prime-between a b n)
;; missing parenthesis for the function filter
;; n is value of the function
;; (value-at-position filter odd? (gen-consecutive a b)) n)
(value-at-position (filter odd? (gen-consecutive a b)) n))
;; kill the parameter f
;; (define (gen-consecutive f a b)
;; (if (> a b)
;; '()
;; (cons (f a) (gen-consecutive f (+ a 1) b))))
(define (gen-consecutive a b)
(if (> a b)
(cons a (gen-consecutive (+ a 1) b))))
(define (filter f lst)
(cond ((null? lst) '())
((f (car lst))
(cons (car lst) (filter f (cdr lst))))
(filter f (cdr lst)))))
(define (value-at-position lst k)
(cond ((null? lst) lst)
((= k 1) (car lst))
;; the sequence of (- k 1) and (cdr lst) is wrong
;; (else (value-at-position (- k 1) (cdr lst)))))
(else (value-at-position (cdr lst) (- k 1)))))
(define (odd? N)
(if (= (remainder N 2) 0)
(nth-prime-between 1 10 3)
The deeper problem with task is:
When you call (nth-prime-between 1000 10000 2),
you must test 9000 numbers with (prime? n). Probably, it is enough to test 10 numbers.
By the way, there exists intervals of any length with no prime numbers in it.
To test a number N with with prime? you need to know the prime numbers less the (square-root N). Where will you store them?
If it is serious task, you can write a program using the sieve of Eratosthenes with a clever stopping condition.

Same-parity in Scheme

I am trying to solve the exercise 2.20 from SICP book. The exercise -
Write a procedure same-parity that takes one or more integers and returns a list of
all the arguments that have the same even-odd parity as the first argument. For example,
(same-parity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(1 3 5 7)
(same-parity 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(2 4 6)
My code -
(define same-parity (lambda (int . l)
(define iter-even (lambda (l2 rl)
(cons ((null? l2) rl)
((even? (car l2))
(iter-even (cdr l2) (append rl (car l2))))
(else (iter-even (cdr l2) rl)))))
(define iter-odd (lambda (l2 rl)
(cons ((null? l2) rl)
((odd? (car l2))
(iter-odd (cdr l2) (append rl (car l2))))
(else (iter-odd (cdr l2) rl)))))
(if (even? int) (iter-even l (list int))
(iter-odd l (list int)))))
For some reason I am getting an error saying "The object (), passed as the first argument to cdr, is not the correct type". I tried to solve this for more than two hours, but I cant find any reason why it fails like that. Thanks for hlep.
Try this:
(define same-parity
(lambda (int . l)
(define iter-even
(lambda (l2 rl)
(cond ((null? l2) rl)
((even? (car l2))
(iter-even (cdr l2) (append rl (list (car l2)))))
(else (iter-even (cdr l2) rl)))))
(define iter-odd
(lambda (l2 rl)
(cond ((null? l2) rl)
((odd? (car l2))
(iter-odd (cdr l2) (append rl (list (car l2)))))
(else (iter-odd (cdr l2) rl)))))
(if (even? int)
(iter-even l (list int))
(iter-odd l (list int)))))
You are using cons instead of cond for the different conditions
in the part where append is called, the second argument must be a proper list (meaning: null-terminated) - but it is a cons-pair in your code. This was causing the error, the solution is to simply put the second element inside a list before appending it.
I must say, using append to build an output list is frowned upon. You should try to write the recursion in such a way that cons is used for creating the new list, this is more efficient, too.
Some final words - as you're about to discover in the next section of SICP, this problem is a perfect fit for using filter - a more idiomatic solution would be:
(define (same-parity head . tail)
(if (even? head)
(filter even? (cons head tail))
(filter odd? (cons head tail))))
First, I check the first element in the list. If it is even, I call the procedure that forms a list out of only the even elements. Else, I call the procedure that forms a list out of odd elements.
Here's my code
(define (parity-helper-even B)(cond
((= 1 (length B)) (cond
((even? (car B)) B)
(else '())
(else (cond
((even? (car B)) (append (list (car B)) (parity-helper-even (cdr B))))
(else (parity-helper-even(cdr B)))
(define (parity-helper-odd B)(cond
((= 1 (length B)) (cond
((odd? (car B)) B)
(else '())
(else (cond
((odd? (car B)) (append (list (car B)) (parity-helper-odd (cdr B))))
(else (parity-helper-odd (cdr B)))
(define (same-parity first . L) (cond
((even? first) (parity-helper-even (append (list first) L)))
(else (parity-helper-odd (append (list first) L)))))
(same-parity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
;Output (1 3 5 7)
While you are traversing the list, you might as well just split it into even and odd parities. As the last step, choose the one you want.
(define (parities args)
(let looking ((args args) (even '()) (odd '()))
(if (null? args)
(values even odd)
(let ((head (car args)))
(if (even? head)
(looking (cdr args) (cons head even) odd)
(looking (cdr args) even (cons head odd)))))))
(define (same-parity head . rest)
(let-values ((even odd) (parities (cons head rest)))
(if (even? head)
Except for homework assignments, if you are going to look for one then you are likely to need the other. Said another way, you'd find yourself using parities more frequently in practice.
You could simply filter elements by parity of first element:
(define (same-parity x . y)
(define (iter z filter-by)
(cond ((null? z) z)
((filter-by (car z))
(cons (car z) (iter (cdr z) filter-by)))
(else (iter (cdr z) filter-by))))
(iter (cons x y) (if (even? x) even? odd?)))
And try:
(same-parity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(same-parity 2 3 4 5 6 7)

List order after duplicate filtering

I'm trying to teach myself functional language thinking and have written a procedure that takes a list and returns a list with duplicates filtered out. This works, but the output list is sorted in the order in which the last instance of each duplicate item is found in the input list.
(define (inlist L n)
((null? L) #f)
((= (car L) n) #t)
(else (inlist (cdr L) n))
(define (uniquelist L)
((null? L) '())
((= 1 (length L)) L)
((inlist (cdr L) (car L)) (uniquelist (cdr L)))
(else (cons (car L) (uniquelist (cdr L))))
(uniquelist '(1 1 2 3)) => (1 2 3)
(uniquelist '(1 2 3 1)) => (2 3 1)
Is there a simple alternative that maintains the order of the first instance of each duplicate?
The best way to solve this problem would be to use Racket's built-in remove-duplicates procedure. But of course, you want to implement the solution from scratch. Here's a way using idiomatic Racket, and notice that we can use member (another built-in function) in place of inlist:
(define (uniquelist L)
(let loop ([lst (reverse L)] [acc empty])
(cond [(empty? lst)
[(member (first lst) (rest lst))
(loop (rest lst) acc)]
(loop (rest lst) (cons (first lst) acc))])))
Or we can write the same procedure using standard Scheme, as shown in SICP:
(define (uniquelist L)
(let loop ((lst (reverse L)) (acc '()))
(cond ((null? lst)
((member (car lst) (cdr lst))
(loop (cdr lst) acc))
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) acc))))))
The above makes use of a named let for iteration, and shows how to write a tail-recursive implementation. It works as expected:
(uniquelist '(1 1 2 3))
=> '(1 2 3)
(uniquelist '(1 2 3 1))
=> '(1 2 3)

Bubble Sorting with Scheme

I'm working on implementing a bubble sorting algorithm in Scheme, and I must say that the functional way of programming is a strange concept and I am struggling a bit to grasp it.
I've successfully created a function that will bubble up the first largest value we come across, but that's about all it does.
(bubbleH '(5 10 9 8 7))
(5 9 8 7 10)
I am struggling with the helper function that is required to completely loop through the list until no swaps have been made.
Here's where I am at so far, obviously it is not correct but I think I am on the right track. I know that I could pass in the number of elements in the list myself, but I am looking for a solution different from that.
(define bubbaS
(lambda (lst)
(cond (( = (length lst) 1) (bubba-help lst))
(else (bubbaS (bubba-help lst))))))
Using the bubble-up and bubble-sort-aux implementations in the possible-duplicate SO question I referenced...
(define (bubble-up L)
(if (null? (cdr L))
(if (< (car L) (cadr L))
(cons (car L) (bubble-up (cdr L)))
(cons (cadr L) (bubble-up (cons (car L) (cddr L)))))))
(define (bubble-sort-aux N L)
(cond ((= N 1) (bubble-up L))
(else (bubble-sort-aux (- N 1) (bubble-up L)))))
..., this is simple syntactic sugar:
(define (bubbleH L)
(bubble-sort-aux (length L) L))
With the final bit of syntactic sugar added, you should get exactly what you specified in your question:
(bubbleH '(5 10 9 8 7))
=> (5 7 8 9 10)
You can tinker with everything above in a session I saved & shared.
Here's my own tail-recursive version.
The inner function will bubble up the largest number just like your bubbleH procedure. But instead of returning a complete list, it will return 2 values:
the unsorted 'rest' list
the largest value that has bubbled up
such as:
> (bsort-inner '(5 1 4 2 8))
'(5 2 4 1)
> (bsort-inner '(1 5 4 2 8))
'(5 2 4 1)
> (bsort-inner '(4 8 2 5))
'(5 2 4)
Now the outer loop just has to cons the second value returned, and iterate on the remaining list.
(define (bsort-inner lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (res null))
(let ((ca1 (car lst)) (cd1 (cdr lst)))
(if (null? cd1)
(values res ca1)
(let ((ca2 (car cd1)) (cd2 (cdr cd1)))
(if (<= ca1 ca2)
(loop cd1 (cons ca1 res))
(loop (cons ca1 cd2) (cons ca2 res))))))))
(define (bsort lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (res null))
(if (null? lst)
(let-values (((ls mx) (bsort-inner lst)))
(loop ls (cons mx res))))))
For a recursive version, I prefer one where the smallest value bubbles in front:
(define (bsort-inner lst)
; after one pass, smallest element is in front
(let ((ca1 (car lst)) (cd1 (cdr lst)))
(if (null? cd1)
lst ; just one element => sorted
(let ((cd (bsort-inner cd1))) ; cd = sorted tail
(let ((ca2 (car cd)) (cd2 (cdr cd)))
(if (<= ca1 ca2)
(cons ca1 cd)
(cons ca2 (cons ca1 cd2))))))))
(define (bsort lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((s (bsort-inner lst)))
(cons (car s) (bsort (cdr s))))))

How to Assign Mulitpule Caulated Value Into List in Scheme

Okay this is my 4th question today on Scheme, still pretty new to Scheme, as I needed for one of my sub-function I asked earlier in the day.
Basically this will return me the difference of 2 lists. Say you've got (1,5) and (5,1) this function should return me 8. As that's the distance between l to w
Here is what I have. Note: if I change the (list (- (car l) (car w))) into (write ..... ) the function will work, but outputs 2 number which I have no idea how to use those number as inputs of my other function.
So I try to put it into list, but doesn't really work out, it returns me with no error but weird stuff
(define (difference l w) ; calc heuristic function estimation
(if (> (car l) (car w))
(list (- (car l) (car w)))
(if (< (car l) (car w))
(list (- (car w) (car l)))))
(if (< (list-ref l 1) (list-ref w 1))
(list (- (list-ref l 1) (list-ref w 1)))
(if (> (list-ref l 1) (list-ref w 1))
(list (- (list-ref w 1) (list-ref l 1)))))
Here is the code returned me
> (difference '(9 1) '(3 1))
Any ideas? try to use lambda end-up the same thing.
Well first of all, there's a typo in your code...
(lits (- (car w) (car l)))))
should be...
(list (- (car w) (car l)))))
EDIT: Would something like this work?
(define (difference lst1 lst2)
(if (> (car lst1) (car lst2))
(+ (- (car lst1) (car lst2)) (difference (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2)))
(+ (- (car lst2) (car lst1)) (difference (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2))))
I know it's an old question, but I just wrote something like this. Here's my solution
(define (difference l1 l2)
(apply + (map abs (map - l1 l2))))
