killall httpd for sleep process - shell

this shell explain the issue ,
after executing the .sh file halt and nothing happen , any clue where is my mistake
its kill httpd if there is more than 10 sleep process and start the httpd with zero sleep process
#this means loop forever
while [ 1 ];
do HTTP=`ps auwxf | grep httpd | grep -v grep | wc -l`;
#the above line counts the number of httpd processes found running
#and the following line says if there were less then 10 found running
if [ $[HTTP] -lt 10 ];
then killall -9 httpd;
#inside the if now, so there are less then 10, kill them all and wait 1 second
sleep 1;
#start apache
/etc/init.d/httpd start;
#all done, sleep for ten seconds before we loop again
sleep 10;done

Why would you kill the child processes? If you do that you killing all ongoing sessions. Would it not be easier to setup your Webserver configuration so that it matches your needs?
As Dennis has mentioned already your script should look like:
BINNAME=httpd # Name of the process
TIMEOUT=10 # Seconds to wait until next loop
MAXPROC=10 # Maximum amount of procs for given daemon
while true
# Count number of procs
HTTP=`pgrep $BINNAME | wc -l`
# Check if more then $MAXPROC are running
if [ "$HTTP" -gt "$MAXPROC" ]
# Kill the procs
killall-9 $BINNAME
sleep 1
# start http again
/etc/init.d/httpd start
sleep $TIMEOUT
Formating makes code more readable ;)

I can't see anything wrong with it.
This line:
if [ $[HTTP] -lt 10 ];
should probably be:
if [ ${HTTP} -lt 10 ];
even though yours works.
If you add this as the last line, you should never see its output since you're in an infinite while loop.
echo "At end"
If you do, then that's really weird.
Make your first line look like this and it will display the script line-by-line as it executes to help you see where it's going wrong:
#!/bin/bash -x

Watch out for killall if you are trying to write portable scripts. It doesn't mean the same thing on every system: while on linux it means "kill processes named like this" on some systems it means "kill every process I have permission to kill".
If you run the later version as root, one of the things you kill is init. Oops.


Sleep seems to run first in bash script

I need to terminate a script if it exceeds a specific duration (10 mins) &
sleep 600
if ['pgrep $pid']
kill $pid
When I tested it on my test environment, it seems working well. runs first and if it runs for more than 10 mins, it will be terminated. However, when I tried in our production environment, it seems that sleep runs first. It waits 600s before running the Is there something wrong in the script?
There is multiply thing you should correct in your code.
pgrep will make a regex search on process names not pids. You can use kill -0 pid to check if a process with pid is running.
[ (test) is a command[1] and should be treated as one. That means each argument should be separated by spaces. When using [ the last argument should also be ]:
[ arg1 arg2 ]
In your example you wont need [ since kill -0 will exit truly if the process is still running:
if kill -0 pid; then
And to wrap it up: &
sleep 600
if kill -0 "$pid" 2> /dev/null; then
kill "$pid"
kill -0 will write an error to stderr if the process is not running anymore. So we redirect that to /dev/null.
[1] It's usually a build-in these days.
Another thing to note is that your script will run for 600 seconds even though will only take a few seconds to run.
Are your production machines significantly faster? I do not have example script to really run this on my machine, but I think your problem might be solved if you take the code you mention above &
sleep 600
if ['pgrep $pid']
kill $pid
put it in a file called, say, and run that file in the background. i.e. &
Hope this helps.

Output of background process output to Shell variable

I want to get output of a command/script to a variable but the process is triggered to run in background. I tried as below and few servers ran it correctly and I got the response. But in few I am getting i_res as empty.
I am trying to run it in background as the command has chance to get in hang state and I don't want to hung the parent script.
Hope I will get a response soon.
x_cmd="ls -l"
i_res=$(eval $x_cmd 2>&1 &)
k_pid=$(pgrep -P $$ | head -1)
sleep 5
c_errm="$(kill -0 $k_pid 2>&1 )"; c_prs=$?
if [ $c_prs -eq 0 ]; then
c_errm=$(kill -9 $k_pid)
wait $k_pid
echo "Result : $i_res"
Try something like this:
pid=$$ # parent process
(sleep 5 && kill $pid) & # this will sleep and wake up after 5 seconds
# and kill off the parent.
termpid=$! # remember the timebomb pid
# put the command that can hang here
result=$( ls -l )
# if we got here in less than 5 five seconds:
kill $termpid # kill off the timebomb
echo "$result" # disply result
exit 0
Add whatever messages you need to the code. On average this will complete much faster than always having a sleep statement. You can see what it does by making the command sleep 6 instead of ls -l

Building a killer script in bash

I've been trying to learn the syntax of logic statements in bash, how to do if/else, pipes and stuff. I'm trying to build a bash script, but I fail miserably after 3 hours of not getting how this stuff works.
Now I need this little script, I'll try to explain it using a generalized code, or call it whatever you want. Here you go:
while variable THRESHOLD = 10
if netstat -anltp contains a line with port 25565
then set variable THRESHOLD to 0 and variable PROCNUM to the process number,
else add 1 to variable THRESHOLD
sleep 5 seconds
kill the process No. PROCNUM
restart the script
Basically, what it does is, that once the socket closes, after a few tries, it kills the process which was listening on that port.
I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I can't figure out how to do it properly. Mostly because I don't understand pipes and am not really familiar with grep. Thank you for your help, in advance.
Don't want be offensive, but if you can write a "generalized" program all you need is learn th syntax of the while, if for bash and read the man pages of the grep and kill and so on...
And the pipes are the same as in your garden. Having two things: tap and pond. You can fill your pond with many ways (e.g. with rain). Also, you can open your tap getting water. But if you want fill the pond with the water from a tap, need a pipe. That's all. Syntax:
tap | pond
the output from a tap
connect with a pipe
to the (input) of the pond
netstat | grep
the output from a netstat
connect with a pipe
to the input of the grep
that's all magic... :)
About the syntax: You tagged your question as bash.
So googling for a bash while syntax will show to you, this Beginners Bash guide
to, and you can read about the if in the same website.
Simply can't believe than after 3 hours you cannot understand basic while and if syntax to write your program with a bash syntax - especially, when you able write an "generalized" program...
is is not to hard (with modifying the 1st example in the above page) to write:
while [ $THRESHOLD -lt 10 ]
#do the IF here
and so on...
# write a little function
function do_error {
echo "$#" 1>&2
exit 1
# make the user pass in the path to the executable
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
do_error "USAGE: `basename $0` <path to your executable>"
if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
do_error "Unable to find executable at $1"
if [ ! -x $1 ]; then
do_error "$1 is not an executable"
PROCNAME=`basename $PROC`
# forever
while [ 1 ]; do
# check whether the process is up
proc=`ps -ef | grep $PROCNAME 2>/dev/null`
# if it is not up, start it in the background (unless it's a daemon)
if [ "$proc" == "" ]; then
# reinitialize the threshold
# as long as we haven't tried 10 time, continue trying
while [ threshold -lt 10 ]; do
# run netstat, look for port 25565, and see if the connection is established.
# it would be better to checks to make sure
# that the process we expect is the one that established the connection
output=`netstat -anp | grep 25565 | grep ESTABLISHED 2>/dev/null`
# if netstat found something, then our process was able to establish the connection
if [ "$output" != "" ]; then
threshold = 0
# increment the threshold
threshold=$((threshold + 1))
# i would sleep for one second
sleep 1
kill -9 $PROCNUM

Kill process after a given time bash?

I have a script that tries to make a DB connection using another program and the timeout(2.5min) of the program is to long. I want to add this functionality to the script.
If it takes longer then 5 seconds to connect, kill the process
Else kill the sleep/kill process.
The issue I'm having is how bash reports when a process is killed, that's because the processes are in the same shell just the background. Is there a better way to do this or how can I silence the shell for the kill commands?
(sleep 5; kill $pid) &
wait $pid
# If the DB failed to connect after 5 seconds and was killed
status=$? #Kill returns 128+n (fatal error)
if [ $status -gt 128 ]; then
no_connection="ERROR: Timeout while trying to connect to $dbserver"
else # If it connected kill the sleep and any errors collect
kill $sleep_pid
no_connection=`sed -n '/^ERROR:/,$p' $CONNECTFILE`
There's a GNU coreutils utility called timeout:
If you have it on your platform, you could do:
timeout 5 CONNECT_TO_DB
if [ $? -eq 124 ]; then
# Timeout occurred
# No hang
I don't know if it's identical but I did fix a similar issue a few years ago. However I'm a programmer, not a Unix-like sysadmin so take the following with a grain of salt because my Bash-fu may not be that strong...
Basically I did fork, fork and fork : )
Out of memory After founding back my old code (which I amazingly still use daily) because my memory wasn't good enough, in Bash it worked a bit like this: 2 > /dev/null 2>&1 & # notice that last '&', we're forking
MAYBE_HUNG_PID=$! $MAYBE_HUNG_PID 2 > /dev/null 2>&1 & # we're forking again
wait $MAYBE_HUNG_PID > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
# did not hang, fine, no need to monitor it anymore
kill -9 $SLEEP_AND_MAYBE_KILL 2> /dev/null 2>&1
where sleeps the amount of time you want and then kills
So basically the two scenario are:
your command exits fine (before your 5 seconds timeout or whatever) and so the wait stop as soon as your command exits fine (and kills the "killer" because it's not needed anymore
the command locks up, the killer ends up killing the command
In any case you're guaranteed to either succeed as soon as the command is done or to fail after the timeout.
You can set a timeout after 2 hours and restart your javaScriptThatStalls 100 times this way in a loop
seq 100|xargs -II timeout $((2 * 60 * 60)) javaScriptThatStalls
Do you mean you don't want the error message printed if the process isn't still running? Then you could just redirect stderr: kill $pid 2>/dev/null.
You could also check whether the process is still running:
if ps -p $pid >/dev/null; then kill $pid; fi
I found this bash script
by Anthony Thyssen (his web). Looks good.

Shell Script (bash/ksh): 20 seconds to read a variable

I need to wait for an input for 20 seconds, after that myscript should continue the execution.
I've tried using read -t20 var however this works only on bash. I'm using ksh on Solaris 10.
Can someone help me please?
EDIT: 20 seconds is only an example. Let's pretend it needs to wait for 1 hour. But the guy could or could not be in front the PC to write the input, he doesn't need to wait the 1 hour to enter an input, but if he's not in front of the PC so the shell should continue the execution after waiting for some time.
From man ksh:
If set to a value greater than zero, the shell terminates if a command is not entered within the prescribed number of seconds after issuing the PS1 prompt. The shell can be compiled with a maximum bound for this value which cannot be exceeded.
I'm not sure whether this works with read in ksh on Solaris. It does work with ksh93, but that version also has read -t.
This script includes this approach:
# Start the (potentially blocking) read process in the background
(read -p && print "$REPLY" > "$Tmp") & readpid=$!
# Now start a "watchdog" process that will kill the reader after
# some time:
sleep 2; kill $readpid >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
{ sleep 1; kill -1 $readpid >/dev/null 2>&1; } ||
{ sleep 1; kill -9 $readpid; }
) & watchdogpid=$!
# Now wait for the reading process to terminate. It will terminate
# reliably, either because the read terminated, or because the
# "watchdog" process made it terminate.
wait $readpid
# Now stop the watchdog:
kill -9 $watchdogpid >/dev/null 2>&1
REPLY=TERMINATED # Assume the worst
[[ -s $Tmp ]] && read < "$Tmp"
Look at this forum thread it has the answer in the third post.
