How to configure a custom SiteMapNode for a sitemap? - sitemap

I created a class which inherits from SiteMapNode and overrode the Title property of it. However how and where do I configure it so that my sitemap (and custom sitemapprovider) takes this custom SiteMapNode implementation instead of the default one?

Apparantly this should be done by creating a custom sitemapprovider which inherits from StaticSiteMapProvider instead of XmlSiteMapProvider.


Can we modify a document class properties with CE APIs and how to do it?

I'm trying to update security for document class using automation. Here I need to add/modify users who can access the class instead of doing it manually.
Please check the URL below, this is for updating the document object security, but you can apply the same for the document class definition

Xamarin, How to invoke Shared code Method from Platform specific Dependency class

In Xamarin forms app, How can we invoke Shared code Method from Platform specific Dependency class.
I need to call one method implemented in my ContentPage class from my iOS dependency class.
There are different solutions to this:
Use a static method to call it where ever you need to.
Use the messaging center to send a message to your Shared/PCL project and do what ever you need. (link:
If this is a Custom renderer you can use binded command properties and Execute those in your platforms specific code.
In my case, what I did was having a static class called Helper, that contains all the static methods that I need to call on all platforms/projects.
Hope this helps.

Hippo CMS SpringBridgeHstComponent Breaks Editing Component Item Parameters

I'm currently migrating existing components to use the HST-2 Spring Bean Bridge to integrate better with the Spring IOC container.
I followed the Hippo documentation and everything works as advertised, at least in the running site. I can now define my component beans in my spring configuration and use DI for my component dependencies.
However, I learned that now I cannot modify the parameters on those component's in the Channel Manager's Template Composer. Before migrating those catalog components to use the SpringBridgeHstComponent I could click in the component item area in the Template Composer and get the pop up dialog which let me view and edit all the parameters to that component item
(hst:parameternames, hst:parametervalues).
Now the pop up dialog just shows a message that
"No editable properties found for this component."
I should mention that the component parameter values that were already set on the components are still available during request processing/execution. But those values are now effectively "hard-coded" because the webmaster cannot view/change them in the Template Composer.
Is this a known issue with the SpringBridgeHstComponent? Or is there a workaround configuration or something to make those component parameters available again in the Channel's Template Composer?
The Hippo CMS Channel manager can only scan annotations in the component class configured by the hst:componentclassname property.
SpringBridgeHstComponent class itself, which is used in your component
configuration now, cannot be annotated by a domain-specific parameters
info annotation. As a result, it's not shown in the channel manager
If you want to enable the parameters setting window for the
SpringBridgeHstComponent-bridged component, then you should extend the
class only for the annotation. e.g, ContactSpringBridgeHstComponent
extends SpringBridgeHstComponent with a specific annotation in that
extending class for contact component for instance. See the docs for detail.
This is needed at the moment because channel manager recognizes the
parameters information only by class annotation, which makes you extend
a new class for each component.

using App.xaml.cs Reference in another project present in same solution?

hi i am having a different projects in my solution in the initial project (default project) i am accessing the global reference to App.xaml.cs in this way :-
App objref = (App)Application.Current;
But now i have added new project to my solution and trying to access the app.xaml.cs in the same way as defined earlier but i am not able to access app.xaml.cs ?
1)can i know the reason
2)What should i do if i want to use it in both the projects ?
Please let me know
Thanks in advance.
You can access it, but the new project will not be familiar with the derived App class that is in your project. To explain further we need to take inheritance into consideration.
There's a generic definition for the Application class that exposes a number of predefined methods. Your App.xaml.cs is a new class definition that is derived from the Application class. It has the methods it inherited plus what ever methods and properties that you've added. To make use of these any code that is seeking to use your extra properties or methods must have access to the class definition. Your classes in the other projects that you've added do not have access to this definition.
You'll need to make a class or interface definition that both projects have access to. There are several ways of organizing this. I'll present one.
Create your main project in the solution. This contains your
Create your class library project that contains the
other code.
Create a third project called Common that only contains
an Interface definition.
On the Interface definition define all of the methods/properties
that you want both your class library and main project to have
access too.
Have App.Xaml.cs implement this interface.
In the Class Library access var appReference =
(IMyInterfaceName)Applcation.Current. You'll have access to the
methods that were defined in the interface

How to stop Ninject from overriding custom DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider?

I have a custom DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider for doing model validation in a more dynamic way then just adding attributes. I tried to add my provide to the global.asax.cs like so:
ModelValidatorProviders.Providers.Add(new AttributeValidatorProvider());
But once I load my form, I get an error saying "Validation type names in unobtrusive client validation rules must be unique. The following validation type was seen more than once: required".
According to a comment on this blog, this is because Ninject is overriding custom validator providers.
I'm fairly new to MVC and I can't seem to find a way to tell Ninject to accept my custom providers as well, how would I go about fixing this problem?
For the record: I do not wish to use, I want to stick with the default MVC validations (for the most part).
There is another way (works in MVC 4 for sure):
Find your class which inherit IdependencyResolver interface and add to constructor _kernel.Unbind<ModelValidatorProvider>(); - you just unbind ninject validator and there should be no colission with default validator.
In my case my constructor looks like this:
public NinjectDependencyResolver()
_kernel = new StandardKernel();
Change the registration of the provider to
