get process(e.g. TextEdit) as an object in cocoa - cocoa

I am a newbie and i want to get a process or a key window as an object as i need to send message to it.In fact , i need to get them so that i can manipulate them with my input method kid(IMKit).
The corresponding method is:
I want the key window/process receive the event as client.
I am appreciated if anyone can help.

i want to get a process or a key window as an object as i need to send message to it. … the corresponding method is
You have it the wrong way around. As noted in the documentation, that method is one that you implement, in your input method. Your input method does not send that message; it receives it. And all you do in that method is accept or veto the input.
I think you need to post a higher-level question about whatever it is you're trying to do, asking how to do it.


In which scope my ajax data send from view to handler is stored in coldbox

Please let me know answer if any one knows about it.In which scope my ajax data send from view to handler in coldbox
When you're making an ajax POST, it gets treated as a brand new request. This means you'll need a separate route and handler for that request.
Within your new handler (let's call it /handlers/data.cfc) you'll want to format your response appropriately for your code. ColdBox comes with some nifty tools to help you do this. One way would be to use renderData() within your handler or view.
Rough example:
event.renderData( type="json", data=yourData );
Once set up correctly, the ajax calling code should receive the formatted data from your new handler as expected.
Side note: I recommend including code samples when asking questions on StackOverflow. It will help those that want to provide assistance understand exactly what you are trying to do.

WebObjects field validation

I'm trying to find a good way to do field validation in a WebObjects app. If I have a text field and I tie a number formatter to it, it seems that the default behavior is to parse out the number IF the user enters in a valid number, or, if the user enters an invalid number, it seems to just ignore the value entered by the user. I can't do the validation in a save method or an action method because WO will have already ignored the non-number input by the time it reaches the action method. Is there a standard/recommended way, in a WebObjects app, of validating user input such that the user can be alerted of invalid input, rather than just ignoring the invalid input?
This page: claims that WO and EOF have "an incredible array of validation mechanisms" and even hints that there is a built-in way to prevent the user from entering inappropriate data, but I haven't been able to find any documentation or examples of how to do that (if there is, in fact, a built-in way). Coming up with a custom javascript validator to prevent inappropriate data seems like it would be a nightmare - finding a way to make the JS recognize and handle all of the same edge cases that the backend formatters/parsers handle. It would be nice if WO really did have a built-in way to propagate the formatter edge cases over to JS validation.
The above link also says there is a validationFailedWithException method in WOComponent that gets called "when an EO or formatter failed validation during an assignment", but how can I make a formatter fail validation in the non-number example case above? I've tried having the formatter throw an exception in the parse method if a non-number is entered, but that exception doesn't get passed to the validationFailedWithException method. Does anyone know how I can trigger an exception in a formatter that will trigger a call to validationFailedWithException()? And is that even the best/recommended way? Does anyone know of a better way?
I'm pretty sure, that validationFailedWithException is getting called for every formatting error. You should receive there an NSValidationException that wraps a ParseException. The method is usually called on the component containing the binding. It may get skipped on caret (^) bindings.
All the standard number formatter already throw a ParseException (see Format.parse(String)).
The validation handling in WebObjects can get quite complex, it really depends on your needs. But it was designed without JavaScript or Ajax in mind. Newer approaches in Wonder may incorporate the client side, but I have no experience with it.
The normal validation sequence is:
if needed convert the input into the target type with a formatter
call a validateAttributeName method on the target object, where AttributeName is the attribute name to receive the value
When something fails in this sequence validationFailedWithException is called.
While saving an enterprise object "validateFor..." is called on the objects. An exception at this point has to be caught in your action method.
So you have two points to handle validation errors. The "syntactical" errors have to be handled in validationFailedWithException. After this point you have valid inputs. You may manually further check those or greater object structures in your action method or in validateFor... (e.g. validateForSave).

How do I parse a POST to my Rails 3.1 server manually?

I have a Board model in my Rails server side, and an Android device is trying to post some content to a specific board via a POST. Finally, the server needs to send back a response to the Android device.
How do I parse the POST manually (or do I need to)? I am not sure how to handle this kind of external request. I looked into Metal, Middleware, HttpParty; but none of them seems to fit what I am trying to do. The reason I want to parse it manually is because some of the information I want will not be part of the parameters.
Does anyone know a way to approach this problem?
I am also thinking about using SSL later on, how might this affect the problem?
Thank you in advance!! :)
I was trying to make a cross-domain request from ie9 to my rails app, and I needed to parse the body of a POST manually because ie9's XDR object restricts the contentType that we can send to text/plain, rather than application/x-www-urlencoded (see this post). Originally I had just been using the params hash provided by the controller, but once I restricted the contentType and dataType in my ajax request, that hash no longer contained the right information.
Following the URL in the comment above (link), I learned the how to recover that information. The author mentions that in a rails controller we always have access to a request variable that gives us an instance of the ActionDispatch::Request object. I tried to use request.query_string to get at the request body, but that just returned an empty string. A bit of snooping in the API, though, uncovered the raw_post method. That method returned exactly what I needed!
To "parse it manually" you could iterate over the string returned by request.raw_post and do whatever you want, but I don't recommend it. I used Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query, as suggested in Arthur Gunn's answer to this question, to parse the raw_post into a hash. Once it is in hash form, you can shove whatever else you need in there, and then merge it with the params hash. Doing this meant I didn't have to change much else in my controller!
Hope that helps someone!
Not sure exactly what you mean by "manually", posts are normally handled by the "create" or "update" methods in the controller. Check out the controller for your Board model, and you can add code to the appropriate method. You can access the params with the params hash.
You should be more specific about what you are trying to do. :)

How to get error messages from model

Say you have a User model. The controller is attempting to create a new User. Should the controller check that the username is valid, and the password is long enough, and the first and last name are filled out, etc? Or should you pass all that data straight to the User model via a Create method? The Create method would then return a true on success, or false on failure?
If it's the latter (and I think it is), how do the error messages get sent back to the controller (so they can be displayed in a view)? Should you pass an errors array to the Create method which the model augments? Or should the model keep an internal store of errors, with appropriate accessors? I don't like either there a better way?
These errors don't seem exceptional, so I don't think exception handling is appropriate.
Edit: I'm using PHP for this project, but I use Python too.
For the first question, the model should do the verifications (and use some form of error handling to notify the controller and view that errors did or did not occur). For the second, it depends on what programming language / framework you are using... What are you using?

ajax send parameter to jsp but failed

I am trying to send data to my jsp via:"xhr.send(projectCode);"
but apparently the parameter is not received when I am trying to realise it with System.out.print it is a null displayed.
so the story from the begining. my javascript function send the parameter to the jsp whitch construct an xml file and resend to the first one.
this will reconstruct my second dropdownList with the xml code constructed and received.
so the problem that the parameter dosent sent at all.
What should I do.
Just note in case the syntax whatever you have sent is like this:
url="postjob2.jsp?param=" + param;
After param=" keep a space and then the parameter. My issue got resolved as soon as I entered the space.
The simplest all-round solution is to run your application with a HTTP-tracer, such as fiddler for windows or wireshark. In that way you can see if the proper data is being submitted from your client to the server Given the amount of details you provide, I think this is the best starting point
