Storing Large 2D Game Worlds - data-structures

I've been experimenting with different ideas of how to store a 2D game world. I'm interested in hearing techniques of storing large quantities of objects while managing the set that's visible ( lets say 100,000 tiles square ). Obviously the techniques can vary based on how the game renders that space.
Lets assume that we're describing a scrolling 2d game world rather than screen based as you could fairly easily do screen based rendering from such a setup while the converse is a bit more messy.
Looking for language agnostic solutions here so it's more helpful to others.
Edit: I think a good answer here would be a general review of the ideas to consider when thinking about this, as some of the responders have attempted, but also begin to explain how different solutions would apply to those scenarios. It's a somewhat complex question, so I would expect a good answer to reflect that.

Quadtrees are a fairly efficient solution for storing data about a large 2-dimensional world and the objects within it.

You might get some ideas on how to implement this from some spatial data structures like range or kd trees.
However, the answer to this question would vary considerably depending exactly on how your game works.
Are we talking a 2D platformer with 10 enemies onscreen, 20 more offscreen but "active", and an unknown number more "inactive"? If so, you can probably store your whole level as an array of "screens" where you manipulate the ones closest to you.
Or do you mean a true 2D game with lots of up/down movement too? You might have to be a bit more careful here.
The platform is also of some importance. If you're implementing a simple platformer for desktop PCs, you probably wouldn't have to worry about performance as much as you would on an embedded device. This is no excuse to be naive about it, but you might not have to be terribly clever either.
This is a somewhat interesting question I think. Presumably someone smarter than I who has experience with implementing platformers has thought these things out already.

Break the world into smaller areas, and deal with them. Any solution to this problem is going to boil down to this concept (such as quadtrees, mentioned in another answer). The differences will be in how they subdivide the world.
How much data is stored per tile? How fast can players move across the world? What's the behavior of NPCs, etc., that are offscreen? Do they just reset when the player comes back (like old Zelda games)? Do they simply resume where they were? Do they do some kind of catch-up script?
How much different rendering data is going to be needed for different areas?
How much of the world can be seen at one time?
All of these questions are going to immpact your solution, as well as the capabilities of your platform. Coming up with a general answer for these without having a reasonable idea of these parameters is going to be a bit difficult.

Assuming that your game will only update what is visible and some area around what is visible, just break the world in "screens" (a "screen" is a rectangular area on the tilemap that can fill the whole screen). Keep in memory the "screens" around the visible area (and some more if you want to update entities which are close to the character - but there is little reason to update an entity that far away) and have the rest on disk with a cache to avoid loading/unloading of commonly visited areas when you move around. Some setup like:
Where "V" part is the "screen" where the center (hero or whatever) is, the "N" parts are those who are nearby and have active (updating) entities, are checked for collisions, etc and "F" parts are far parts which might get updated infrequently and are prone to be "swapped" out (stored to disk). Of course you might want to use more "N" screens than two :-).
Note btw that since 2D games do not usually hold much data instead of saving the far away parts to disk you might want to just keep them in memory compressed.

You probably want to use a single int or byte array that links to block types. If you need more optimization from there, then you'll want to link to more complicated data structures like oct trees from your array. There is a good discussion on a Java game forum here:,20505.30.html text
Anything with links becomes very expensive because the pointer takes up something like 8 bytes each, depending upon the language, so depending upon how populated your world is it can get expensive very quickly (8 pointers 8 bytes each is 64 bytes per item, and a byte array is 1 byte per item). So unless 1/64 of your world is empty, a byte array is going to be a much better option. You're also going to need to spend a lot of time iterating down the tree whenever you're doing a lookup for collision or whatever else - a byte array will be an instantaneous lookup.
Hopefully that's detailed enough for you. :-)


Matlab - distinguish overlapping low contrast objects in a RGB or Grayscale Image

I have a big problem detecting objects within an image - I know this topic was already highly discusses in many forums, but I spend the last 4 days searching for an answer and was not able.
In fact: I have a picture from a branch ( My goal is to count every single needle in this picture. So I have to face several problems:
Separate the branch with its needles from the background (which in this case is no problem).
Select the borders of the needles. This is a huge problem; I tried different ways including all edges() functions but the problem is always the same - the borders around the needles are not closed and - which leads to the last problem:
Needles are overlapping! This leads in "squares between the needles" which are, if I use imfill() or equal formula, filled in instead of the needles. And: the places where the needles are concentrated (many needles at one place) are nearly impossible to distinguish.
I tried watershed, I tried to enhance the contrast, Kmeans clustering, I tried imerose, imdilate and related functions with subsequent edge detection. I tried as well to filter and smooth the picture a bit in order to "unsharp" the needles a bit so that not every small change in color is recognized as a border (which is another problem).
I am relatively new to matlab, so I dont know what I have to look for. I tried to follow the MatLab tutorial used for Nuclei detection - but with this I just can get all the green objects (all needles at once).
I hope this questions did not came up before - if yes, I apologize deeply for the double post. If anybody has an idea what to do or what methods to use, it would be awesome and would safe this really bad beginning of the week.
Thank you very much in advance,
Distinguishing overlapping objects is very, very hard, particularly if you do not know how many objects you have to distinguish. Your brain is much better at distinguishing overlapping objects than any segmentation algorithm I'm aware of, since it is able to integrate a lot of information that is difficult to encode. Therefore: If you're not able to distinguish some of the features yourself, forget about doing it via code.
Having said that, there may be a way for you to be able to get an approximate count of the needles: If you can segment the image pixels into two classes: "needle" versus "not needle", and you know how much area in your picture is covered by a needle (it may help to include a ruler when you take the picture), you can then divide number of "needle"-pixels by the number of pixels covered by a single needle to estimate the total number of needles in the image. This will somewhat underestimate the needle count due to overlaps, and it will underestimate more the denser the needles are (due to more overlaps), but it should allow you to compare automatically between branches with lots of needles and branches with few needles, as well as to identify changes in time, should that be one of your goals.
I agree with #Jonas = you got yourself one HUGE problem.
Let me make a few suggestions.
First, along #Jonas' direction, instead of getting an accurate count, another way of getting a rough estimate is by counting the tips of the needles. Obviously, not all the tips are clearly visible. But, if you can get a clear mask of the branch it might be relatively easy to identify the tips of the needles using some of the morphological operations you mentioned yourself.
Second, is there any way you can get more information? For example, if you could have depth information it might help a little in distinguishing the needles from one another (it will not completely solve the task but it may help). You may get depth information from stereo - that is, taking two pictures of the branch while moving the camera a bit. If you have a Kinect device at your disposal (or some other range-camera) you can get a depth map directly...

Concerning Octrees

I am creating a Minecraft like terrain engine thing, and I was wondering what exactly octrees are. With my engine I have seperated each part of it into chunks or regions - which from what I have read has something to do with it. Also, I was wondering if indices do increase performance within a game and if so how much? Any other ideas/ways to increase performance would be much appreciated. Note that I have already included backface culling and that if the box or a side is hidden don't show that side.
Read this excellent article on FlipCode
Googleing for Octree and flipcode or will give you a lot of references.
Thoughts on performance are hard to give because a lot depends on what you are doing. (how many changes are being made to the 'world', are there any objects moving, what do you want to use the Octree for (visibility, collision detection, rendering, ...) Read about K-d-trees too because they might be more appropriate for your problem.

How should I index for a simple world of rectangles?

The world consists of many (1k-10k) rectangles of similar sizes, and I need to be able to quickly determine potential overlaps when trying to add a new rectangle. Rectangles will be added and removed dynamically. Are R-Trees appropriate here? If so, are there any good libraries I should consider? (I'm open to suggestions in any language).
R-Trees would be suitable, yes.
quad trees are also a good data structure for quickly finding objects in a region of 2D space. They are really a more uniform version of r-trees. Using these structures you can quickly zero in on a small region of space, with very few tests, even with massive data sets.
There is a c# implementation here, though I have not looked at it.
This kind of data structure (and it's 3D version called Octrees) are often used in games to manage the large data sets of objects that need to know if they are near any other objects for collision testing, and all kinds of other fun reasons.
You should be able to find lots of articles and examples of these kinds of data structures in the games industry sites, like gamasutra and
You can also look up to kd-trees.
I don't know of any implementation but in 3D at least they are usually considered more performant than Octrees. For example, here is a return of experience I just googled it.
You may want to consider alternative to quad trees if you ever have a problem of performance.
However it should be noted that kd-trees are hard to rebalance...

another Game of Life question (infinite grid)?

I have been playing around with Conway's Game of life and recently discovered some amazingly fast implementations such as Hashlife and Golly. (download Golly here -
One thing that I cant get my head around is how do coders implement the infinite grid? We can't keep an infinite array of anything, if you run golly and get a few gliders to fly off past the edges, wait for a few mins and zoom right out, you will see the gliders still there out in space running away, so how in gods name is this concept of infinity dealt with programmatically? Is there a well documented pattern or what?
Many thanks
It is possible to represent living nodes with some type of sparse matrix in this situation. For instance, if we store a list of (LivingNode, Coordinate) pairs instead of an array of Nodes where each is either living or dead, we are simply changing the Coordinates rather than increasing an array's size. Thus, the space required for this is proportional to the number of LivingNodes.
This solution doesn't work for states where the number of living nodes is constantly increasing, but it works very well for gliders.
EDIT: So that was off the top of my head. Turns out Wikipedia has an article that shows a much more well-thought out solution. Oh well! :) Enjoy.
Wikipedia explains it.
The basic idea is that Conway's Game of Life exhibits locality, since information travels at a slow speed compared to the pattern size and the maximum density of filled cells is around 1/2 of the cells in any region. (More will kill off cells due to overcrowding.)
Since there is locality, you can separate the field in different sections and simulate each section independently. If you choose your locality well, you will often see the same patterns. You can simulate how those evolve and store the results in a lookup table, so that other instances of the same pattern do not need to be simulated more than once. Combining adjacent patterns into larger 'metapatterns' allows you to precalculate those as well, and so on.

Finding patterns in Puzzle games

I was wondering, which are the most commonly used algorithms applied to finding patterns in puzzle games conformed by grids of cells.
I know that depends of many factors, like the kind of patterns You want to detect, or the rules of the game...but I wanted to know which are the most commonly used algorithms in that kind of problems...
For example, games like columns, bejeweled, even tetris.
I also want to know if detecting patterns by "brute force" ( like , scanning all the grid trying to find three adyacent cells of the same color ) is significantly worst that using particular algorithms in very small grids, like 4 X 4 for example ( and again, I know that depends of the kind of game and rules ...)
Which structures are commonly used in this kind of games ?
It's always domain-dependent. But there's also two situations where you'd do these kinds of searches. Ones situation is after a move (a change to the game field made by the player), and the other would be if/when the whole board has changed.
In Tetris, you wouldn't need to scan the whole board after a piece is dropped. You'd just have to search the rows the piece is touching.
In a match-3 games like Bejeweled, where you're swapping two adjacent pieces at a time, you'd first run a localized search in each direction around each square that changed, to see if any pieces have triggered. Then, if they have, the game will dump some new, random pieces onto the board. Now, you could run the same localized search around each square that's changed, but that might involve a lot of if statements and might actually be slower to just scanning the whole board from top left to bottom right. It depends on your implementation and would require profiling.
As Adrian says, a simple 2D array suffices. Often, though, you may add a "border" of pixels around this array, to simplify the searching-for-patterns aspect. Without a border, you'd have to have if statements along the edge squares that says "well, if you're in the top row, don't search up (and walk off the array)". With a border around it, you can safely just search through everything: saving yourself if statements, saving yourself branching, saving yourself pipeline issues, searching faster.
To Jon: these kinds of things really do matter in high-performance settings, even on modern machines, if you're making a search algorithm to play/solve the game. If you are, you want your underlying simulation to run as quickly as possible in order to search as deep as possible in the fewest cycles.
Regarding algorithms: It certainly depends on the game. For example for tetris, you'd only have to scan each row if it has the same color. I can't even think of something that would not equal the brute force approach in this case. But for most casual games brute force should be perfectly fine. Pattern recognition should be negligible in comparison to graphics and sound processing.
Regarding structures: A simple 2D-Array should suffice for representing the board.
Given the average computer speed these days, if it's real-time as the user is playing the game, it probably won't matter (EDIT: for very small game boards only). Certainly, it would depend on the complexity of the game logic, but also how fast the code is going to run on the target machine (i.e., is this a JavaScript web page game, or a Windows app written in C++).
If this is for something like simulating gameplay strategies, then use an algorithm that's more efficient.
A more efficient strategy could involve keeping track of incremental changes to the game board, instead of re-scanning the whole board every time.
