What is the location of session cookies in IE7? - session

Should I be able to see per-session cookies, created by IE7 (on Vista) here:
C:\Users\myUsername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
That is where my standard cookies are stored.

Session cookies are stored in memory

Persistent Cookies vs. Session Cookies
Cookies are either stored in memory (session cookies) or placed on your hard disk (persistent cookies). Persistent cookies are written to the Cookies folder under either your user profile folder or the Windir\Cookies folder. The Temporary Internet Files index is updated with pointers to the actual cookies files.
First-Party and Third-Party Cookies
First-party cookies are cookies that are associated with the host domain. Third-party cookies are cookies from any other domain.


Http Only cookies vs Session

So I'm implementing integration with API that uses OAuth 2, which state: Recommend to use httpOnly Cookies to store the tokens (access, refresh).
I've used sessions for long time and I was not sure if there is any difference between using httponly cookie or session
Any pros vs cons?
HttpOnly cookies serve same security as session cookies
Except the extra work involved with session cookies (storing and clearing data)
Oauth 2 recommends the usage of HttpOnly cookies, but I wasn't sure why!
Thanks in advance
Cookies and Sessions are used to store information. Cookies are only stored on the client-side machine, while sessions get stored on the client as well as a server. A session creates a file in a temporary directory on the server where registered session variables and their values are stored.
The main difference between a session and a cookie is that session data is stored on the server, whereas cookies store data in the visitor's browser. Sessions are more secure than cookies as it is stored in server. Cookie can be turned off from browser.

Where does chrome store its session cookies?

I have a macOS. I want to export the 11 cookies with domain .facebook.com that is stored by Google Chrome.
I want to know where Chrome stores session cookies. I am using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cookies/iphcomljdfghbkdcfndaijbokpgddeno/ to read my cookies. I want to know where these are stored. Upon searching the web, I found that it is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/ as Cookies as a sqlite3 file. Upon reading it I seemed convinced that it is the same cookies.
When I delete all my cookies in chrome://settings/content/cookies or via the extension, I am logged out of facebook. However the file Cookies in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/ is unchanged. It has a unchanged timestamp of yesterday.
How do I export my current cookies from chrome? When I removed the file Cookies and reloaded facebook, I was still signed in. So, thats not the Cookie.

What prevents website X from reading website Y's cookies?

I have recently been reading about session ID's and how websites track users.
I was wondering how session ID's are safe inside cookies. Couldn't a website read another website's cookies and get your session ID?
Cookies are stored on the client's browser with cookie name, value and the expiry. But multiple websites may have cookie with same name so cookies are grouped with respect to domains. See the Firefox's cookies screenshot bellow.
Suppose sites A and B have cookies with name ABC. Browser will provide the cookie data for site A from site A only.

sessions versus cookies

Which is the difference between sessions and cookies. I know that sessions are server side, and managed by the server, and the cookies are client side and managed by the browser.
I don't know why, but I see those things as rendundant. Which data have to be keept in a session variable and which on cookies?
Session is implemented with cookies. You would normally save in a cookie things like the user id, or some identifier that will allow you to know who the user is, and use that information as a key for your session variable on the server side.
Most importantly, you wouldn't want any secret information being stored on the client side, since cookies can easily be stolen (from a security point of view).
Don't forget that HTTP is stateless, so cookies are just a way to bypass this.
In short, cookies are more persistent than sessions. As soon as you close your browser, the session information is gone. Therefore a session has no way to store information about a website/user pair. Cookies do, and are used for things like allowing you to stay logged in to a website, or storing preferences for that website (e.g. language).
The main difference between cookies and sessions is that cookies are stored in the user's browser, and sessions are not. This difference determines what each is best used for.
see http://php.about.com/od/learnphp/qt/session_cookie.htm
Cookies are for small data. They can only hold strings.
In session variables you're able to store objects in the server memory.

Are cookies sent with image requests?

If I have a site (e.g. foo.com) and on the home page of foo.com, there is an image request where the src=bar.com..., will the cookies on the bar.com domain be sent to the bar.com servers?
Yes. HTTP doesn't distinguish between one kind of resource or another (image vs html).
The cookie will typically be included in any type of request, but the scenario you describe is what's known as a third-party cookie (that is, the cookie is set on a domain that is different than the domain of the loaded page) and most browsers offer a privacy setting to block third-party cookies.
A third-party cookie allows the owners of bar.com to place an image (say a banner ad) on foo.com and track the users of foo.com even though those users have never visited bar.com. This is a privacy concern and many users elect to block such cookies.
This question is old, but was the first result on Google for me, so I think it's worth clarifying how this works nowadays (2021).
When bar.com sets the cookie, they can specify a SameSite attribute.
If the cookie is set with SameSite=Lax (or the SameSite attribute is not specified), then the cookie will not be sent for requests for images/iframes/etc hosted on bar.com, but will be sent if the user clicks a link on your foo.com homepage that takes them to bar.com
If the cookie is set with SameSite=Strict, the cookie will not be included in requests to bar.com that originate from another webiste, including if the user clicks a bar.com link on foo.com.
If the cookie is set with SameSite=None, the cookie will be sent to bar.com, including requests for images.
If third-party-cookies are not blocked by the user then most modern browsers will set or send cookies of the third party domain when a request is made to the third party web site. IE 6 has a different kind of blocking mechanism called leashing. wiki: A leashed cookie is a third-party cookie that is sent by the browser only when accessing a third-party document via the same first-party.
Yes cookies are sent on all requests.
This includes "img" and "script" as well as XMLHttpRquest calls from javascript and can be a security issue on script tags as scripts loaded by one website can load scripts from another site and will send their authentication cookies too. This can be exploited to steal data.
Yes, aspx/js/css/image requestion need the cookie verification.
