Emacs as IDE: Handling a project directory? - visual-studio

I've always used emacs for small projects (and Visual Studio for large ones). I was wondering what the alternatives are for handling a directory structure within emacs, something like the solution explorer in VS. Thank you.

You should also have a look at eproject for something that's more lightweight while also allowing you do to some pretty cool stuff (like project-specific config settings, etc.)

ECB, the Emacs Code Browser, which is built on CEDET, if I am not mistaken, is one you should look at.
Myself, I've always found that I get by well enough using etags and ido-mode. You might also want to look at Speedbar (part of CEDET) as a halfway house between more minimalist solutions and ECB.

I don't use it myself, but it sounds like CEDET is what you are looking for:
Emacs already is a great environment for writing software, but there are additional areas that need improvement. Many new ideas for integrated environments have been developed in newer products, such as Microsoft's Visual environment, JBuilder, or Eclipse. CEDET is a project which implements several advanced features developers have come to expect from an Editor.
The Emacs wiki also has this page with some tips for IDE users.

See also: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Icicles_-_Support_for_Projects.


How to rollback code visual basic

I created a program in visual basic and I published a few different versions of it and my current code isn't working and I want to rollback to my previous version.
I have no ad-dons or extensions or plugins.
Unfortunately, you cannot do it easily. You could "decompile" your working assembly and try to find what's changed in relevant sections, but keep in mind that such programs' output does not contain comments or syntactic constructs so it will be hard to read. I'm afraid that's the best you can do at this point. I had good experience with dotPeek, but there are many such tools.
As for what is most important for you to start doing as soon as possible, look into version control systems. There is no better time to start than now. I recommend starting with git as it is popular, very powerful, lightweight and has tools and documentation to help you get into it. Also, you do not need to set up any servers, you can keep it all on you local computer, but it could be beneficial to host your code on one of open hosting sites, like github.

Installing environment for GO programing language

I would like to start programming in GO. As I am a Windows user, I understand that it possible to do so using the GO plugin for NetBeans.
Until now, I have written GO programs in text files and run them using the command prompt, but I prefer to use another platform/environment so I would be able to debug the programs.
The code examples in this forum are syntax highlighting and seem to be taken from an environment like Visual Studio. Does anyone know about the environment?
I would appreciate a simple solution. Thank you! :)
IDEs built specifically for Go and still actively maintained:
LiteIDE: http://code.google.com/p/golangide/
Portable and fast with build in debugger
GoWorks: http://tunnelvisionlabs.com/products/demo/goworks
Based on NetBeans 7.3, standalone application or NetBeans plugin
Googling you can find several IDE, for instance:
http://go-ide.com/ or
You may find this question gets closed as it's quite subjective, and a FAQ. However, the simple answer: from your description, it seems likely that you would be comfortable with goclipse.
More complete answer: there is no "one true environment" for Go development. The code examples you see here are coloured using Stack Overflow's syntax highlighter, and were submitted in plain text. You'll probably find highlighting and utilities available for most major editors. For example, I use Vim which has a plugin to run gofmt on the current buffer.
I believe some Windows users are fond of Sublime Text 2's GoSublime plugin. A more complete list of development tools can be found here.
You don't really need an IDE to develop using Go. I'd encourage you to spend more time working with a good editor and the command line. Getting to know the tools already distributed with the language is essential IMHO (go, godoc, gofmt). See also Debugging Go Code with GDB.

Are there any Mac OS code editors that support code auto-formatting (a.k.a. beautifying)?

So far I'm really impressed with Espresso, but it doesn't seem to offer any auto-formatting (by which I'm spoiled by Visual Studio). Are there any general code editors for Mac that support this? Specifically I'm interested in PHP and JavaScript, but curious to know about any options that might exist.
I've found Dreamweaver to be a great development platform on the Mac for PHP and Javascript. I'm not sure if you have access to it, but if it is a possibility, at least give it a test run. It does code highlighting, etc. that makes it much easier to code. The price, however, does make it a problem for most people.
In that case, you could try BBEdit. I've heard good things from people who would know but I personally have not used it (I have Dreamweaver through my company). It does auto-complete and a bunch of other nice things. It only costs $99 so it isn't too bad. Here is the link to the site:
I like TextMate. It’s powerful and inexpensive.
I may have found a good one from this answer, Aptana Studio. Looks like it's free/open-source, multi-platform, and supports code formatting for things like JavaScript and PHP.
I'll try it out and post back the results!
Update: While the app is okay and does offer some handy formatting, it's unfortunately clumsy and has some really annoying interface behavior (like code completion that won't go away and appears at the worst possible times) and a horrible options dialog, so it's not an ideal solution.

Most feature-full collaborative editor for Mac OS X?

I'm looking for a collaborative editor that doesn't suck :) And that at least supports Ruby syntax highlighting. Also, a developer and I will be using this to program, so Google Docs won't work.
In all reality, I just need a collaborative editor that has the concept of a project. Where both users see the folder structure of a project and thus see what the other user has opened and is editing.
Also, it would be ideal that both users have local copies of the data (none of this "You remote into me and don't get to keep the data when we're done" stuff) so that one can actively develop against each other's code.
Truthfully, I've found such an editor: http://www.n-brain.net/una_ide.html#features
But I'd really like to see if there's something else out there that's just killer.
I've tried ECF and Eclipse, and it seems SO promising, but NONE of the Ruby IDE's implement the very simple methods of incorporating ECF document sharing functionality into them.
So, does anyone actively use Collaborative editors? And if so, what's your setup like?
SubEthaEdit is an excellent collaborative editor. It allows multiple users to edit files simultaneously, and chat about it. So far it is the best thing I've found for this sort of thing.
Coda licenses SubEthaEdit and includes the same collaborative functionality. Coda also has a notion of a project including directory structure.
SubEthaEdit is quite the tool. I love it.
You seem to have two different questions there.
For Ruby on Rails, you probably want this one: Aptna RadRails.
For collaborative editor, I haven't tried any collaborative editor myself (other than SubEtha, tho not for actual collaboration). But if you haven't looked yet, here are some options you may wish to try:
Zoho Writer, which is a better Google Docs
Bespin, from Mozilla
beWeeVee Notepad, an off-stream online alternative
I got 'em all from AlternativeTo.net
Aquamacs (Emacs for Mac they call it) is pretty much feature rich
and supports collaborative editing as well. Its hard to beat that in feature list. See this list on wiki to do a comparison yourself. And best of all, its open source! Then there is BBEdit too but doesn't have collaborative editing.
Also see this original question for a comprehensive list.

How do I set up Visual Studio 2008 to program in Perl?

My company gave me VS2008 for web development in C#/ASP.NET. I do a lot of Perl programming too and I'd like to start using VS for that so I can have a consistent work environment... but am having real trouble figuring out how to do so.
VS has a lot of nice features but seems pretty hostile towards languages it doesn't support out of the box. Is it really or do I just not "get" the VS way of doing things?
I usually write Perl scripts using TextPad and the features I'm used to having are pretty basic.
line numbering
soft line wrapping
syntax highlighting
auto-indenting in/out after open/close brace
auto-indenting to the same starting point as the previous line
brace matching
run scripts from within the editor
capture script output in an editor pane
dbl-click on error message jumps to the line where the error occurred
How do I at least get the above features in VS2008?
How can I get advanced features like:
code folding
integrated perldoc
VS-style debugging and code tracing
on-the-fly error detection
(I see one possibly relevant online discussion in an ASPN mod-perl mailing list , but don't understand what, if anything, it means to a guy like me.)
-- added --
I'm aware of other editors and IDEs out there: vi, perlmode-emacs, Komodo, E, TextMate, etc. This question is not about what other editor or IDE I should try.
While I appreciate your suggestions, I'd rather read them in a thread like "What editor should I use for Perl" and not "How do I set up VS to accomplish my goal"
-- added --
After doing some additional research I've concluded that you just can't get there from here. The only option would be to write my own language plugin. Considering the time commitment to make something usable I think I'm just better off using a different editor. Thanks anyway guys
I use VS2008 for .NET stuff, but I'm completely sold on Komodo for Perl editing. The full Komodo IDE is worth the money if this is your job and like/need to use a debugger, but even the free Komodo Edit is a terrific Perl editor.
I agree, I really like Komodo as well for an IDE. Its solid and easy to use. I tend to use Vim a lot instead of an IDE, but that's just personal preference.
Check out Komodo though, its worth the look.
I heard rumors of there being a .NET implementation of Perl, called IronPerl, but except for that, I don't think there is any sort of plugin for Visual Studio. I would suggest just using one of the many tools out there that are designed for Perl.
There was something called "Visual Perl" wich worked with Visual Studio.net 2002 and was needed Perl Dev kit tool, but I don't how comatible is with VS.net 2010.
Looks like you can do this via the Managed Package Framework if you are willing to put the time in.
You can decrease the amount of work required by just setting up syntax coloring
