VM cannot access Windows 7 host website - windows-7

Im developing a website using VS2008 on Windows 7. I am running a VM with IE6 on it and want to test that the site works ok on IE6. On the VM IE6 browser I type since my router gave the windows host that ip address but the browser errors with : Cannot find server or DNS Error
I can ping the host though through a command window.
Could this be a firewall issue on Windows7 and how can I open it up to allow VM browsing of the host website?

The most dangerouse but simplest way to test this theory:
Open the "Network and Sharing Center". If you look at the left panel at the button there should be a "Windows Firewall" under the "See also" section.
On the left again there should now appear a "Turn Windows Firewall on or off"
So you can now quickly test and see if it is in fact your firewall blocking it.
I would not keep the firewall off, and would consider plugging out the network cable before I do this.
Hope it helps


Can't access my local virtual-box hosted sites using Edge (works in Chrome/Firefox/IE11)

I am running Vagrant for our local web development sites, they all work fine on Chrome, Firefox and even Internet Explorer 11. However when using the Microsfot Edge browser I always get the following message:
Can't reach this page
Obviously this is something unique to Edge, can anyone guess to why this is happening?
I am running the following:
Vagrant 1.9.2
VirtualBox 5.1.2
Windows 10 Home
This happens if I enter the IP or the hostname
Had this problem, Vagrant site wouldnt load on Edge (site not found), but worked on Chrome, IE, Firefox, etc.
The workaround for me was changing the VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter’s "*NdisDeviceType" from 1 to 0 and rebooting:
open regedit
navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\00XX.
For me, the path to the registry key "*NdisDeviceType" ended with \0016
set "*NdisDeviceType" to 0
The downside to this is that now you’ll have an “Unidentified Network”
in your Network and Sharing Center. It’s also managed by Windows
Firewall now and by default it is in the Public Profile and it can’t
be really changed easily.

Can't access internet after installing vagrant?

I was following this new edx course on Big data on Apache spark. For setting up environment I was told to install virtual-box and vagrant. After installing box and vagrant I restarted my laptop. My modem was working fine, Windows was showing Ethernet connection active but when I try to open any browser and search it was reported that can't connect to internet. I tried uninstalling both box and vagrant but no use. I even restored my system to state when these both applications were not installed but still I can't access internet. What should I do? I'm using Windows 8.1
Just googled a bit and found this:
Seems to be a working solution.
In any case this is how I got it working again. First go to:
Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings
Right click on the connection you are having a problem with. In my
case it was “Wireless Network Connection”. On this menu select
Notice there is a line here that says “Virtual Box Bridged Networking
Driver”. This is Vagrant watching the connection, is my guess.
When I unchecked the box in front of “Virtual Box Bridged Networking
Driver” my internet connection started working again.
Now at this point I started using Google to find out what was going
on. I never found a solution or reason. After searching I rechecked
the box. And everything started working again.
I would also advice to disable/enable all network cards, from the "network connections" panel. (right click on the networks, open the "Network center" and then go to to "update parameters" (I don't have the exact english labels, my Windows isn't in English). It may fix the issue.

Using Chromium Remote Debugging from External Device

Chrome can be run to support remote debugging by starting it via the command line with a prompt such as chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir=C:/foo. This is often used to debug on android or iOs using a Browser on a Desktop Device but I would like to debug chrome running on a desktop PC. from a "client browser" on the same machine one can call localhost:9222 and see the server browser, calling localhost:9222/json will result in a json representation of the tabs open in the "server browser". This works just fine.
However, when I try to use another device in the same (wifi) network by calling [local IP]:9222 or [local IP]:9222/json (local IP is the IP of the server browser) I get a connection timeout. Is it possible to use remote debugging in such way? Are any other switches needed when starting the browser?
Edit I have found some use of forward tcp for the debugging of mobile devices, but there does not seem to be such a switch for chrome.
Edit 2 This seems to be a bit of a duplicate of the questions here and here however, as of yet I have not gotten the solutions presented there to work.
So, apparently this comes down to forwarding a port to localhost:9222. However, at least on windows machines I have no luck with SSH tunnels. Are there any other ways to forward on the machine?
As you've mentioned it, the solution is to forward the port 9222. Below you find approaches for Linux and Windows.
After having started chrome with
chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222
Forward the port
ssh -L localhost -N
This way you can access the debuggin interface from an external device on port 9223 using a Chrome browser.
As seen in this answer, on windows (tested on 7,8) the easiest way to do portforwarding without 3rd party apps is via netsh
I've created a batch file with the following content. It has to be ran as administrator, and with no previous chrome windows open:
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=9222 listenaddress=
start /b cmd /c call "\program files\google\chrome\application\chrome.exe" -remote-debugging-port=9222
timeout 5
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=9222 connectaddress= connectport=9222 listenaddress=
This way you can access the debuggin interface from an external device on port 9222.
Make also sure that no firewall is blocking the corresponding port.
You can achieve the same behaviour by adding the argument
--remote-debugging-address=[YOUR_EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS] as reported here, without any additional software other than Chrome itself.
I've successfully used RInetD for easy port-forwarding in Windows 7, tried this and it worked like a charm, externally debugging a Chrome browser in Windows from a Chrome in Mac/Ubuntu.
You can download rinetd from:
Unzip the file, create an empty file with any name (I used rinetd.conf), with this content: 9223 9222
The in Windows console run it with:
rinetd.exe -c rinetd.conf
And voila!

Cannot connect Windows Phone Emulator to Internet when using Wireless adapter on the host

I’m developing Windows Phone app using VS2012 on Dell XPS 15 laptop with Win8 pro.I read a lot of troubleshooting articles here (specially Windows Phone 8 emulator can't connect to the internet) and in other places on the web and have not managed to solve the issue (see the subject). Note my laptop gets successfully IP using DHCP on both adapters (wireless and wired) and no MAC filtering is set on the router. Here is the story:
1) Does not work: When starting WP emulator, it does not get IP from
router (DHCP)
2) Works:
start over (delete virtual switches and machine in Hyper-v)
disable wireless adapter
connect wired adapter to router with cable
start emulator (it creates machine and switches)
gets IP and Internet is accessible
3) Does not work:
start over (delete virtual switches and machine in Hyper-v)
disable wired adapter– windows control panel shows : Bluetooth and
Wireless enabled and wired disable – no others
start emulator (it creates machine and switches)
a) router log shows “DHCP server received REQUEST”
b) on the host I see (ipconfig) virtual switch gets IP (vEthernet
(Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 1030 Virtual Switch)) – it selected
as “Windows Phone Emulator External” in virtual machine settings
c) in emulator network tab of “Additional Tools” window I see adaptors
with default IP 169.*
3) Partially works:
delete virtual switches
disable wired adapter– windows control panel shows : Bluetooth and
Wireless enabled and wired disable – no others
create internal switch in hyper-v named “Windows Phone Emulator
Internal Switch” and select it in internal network adapter of virtual
enable sharing in wireless adapter (in control panel)
start emulator as standalone with xde.exe (starting from VS will not
use right snapshot with deployed app) and does not allow it to
connect to network – loading takes much more time and after that, OS
is loading and emulator shows error dialog “Some functionality maybe
it possible to use emulator with Internet, but device buttons does
not work – use keyboard shortcuts
it cannot be used for debugging – it is good only for showing the app on public ;-)
You have answered your question but this may help.
connect with your wireless network
host the wireless connection using netsh in CMD. an alternative is creating an internal switch sharing your connection with your lan adapter
you can do that with connectify too.
by now, your PC should show you are both connected to a wireless and lan network.
run the emulator from visual studio and you get connected.

Localhost and Windows Phone Emulator

I'm runnning the Windows Phone Emulator and want to access the local host of the computer the emulator is running on. "http://localhost" doesn't work as well as using the ip address in the emulator's browser.
So, how can I access the localhost or any other PC available in the local network via the browser of the windows phone emulator?
Strange - it normally works. Perhaps some network configuration setting on your box is affecting it? Try running with fiddler too.
