Haskell mutable map/tree - data-structures

I am looking for a mutable (balanced) tree/map/hash table in Haskell or a way how to simulate it inside a function. I.e. when I call the same function several times, the structure is preserved. So far I have tried Data.HashTable (which is OK, but somewhat slow) and tried Data.Array.Judy but I was unable to make it work with GHC 6.10.4. Are there any other options?

If you want mutable state, you can have it. Just keep passing the updated map around, or keep it in a state monad (which turns out to be the same thing).
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
memoize :: Ord k => (k -> ST s a) -> ST s (k -> ST s a)
memoize f = do
mc <- newSTRef Map.empty
return $ \k -> do
c <- readSTRef mc
case Map.lookup k c of
Just a -> return a
Nothing -> do a <- f k
writeSTRef mc (Map.insert k a c) >> return a
You can use this like so. (In practice, you might want to add a way to clear items from the cache, too.)
import Control.Monad
main :: IO ()
main = do
fib <- stToIO $ fixST $ \fib -> memoize $ \n ->
if n < 2 then return n else liftM2 (+) (fib (n-1)) (fib (n-2))
mapM_ (print <=< stToIO . fib) [1..10000]
At your own risk, you can unsafely escape from the requirement of threading state through everything that needs it.
import System.IO.Unsafe
unsafeMemoize :: Ord k => (k -> a) -> k -> a
unsafeMemoize f = unsafePerformIO $ do
f' <- stToIO $ memoize $ return . f
return $ unsafePerformIO . stToIO . f'
fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib = unsafeMemoize $ \n -> if n < 2 then n else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (print . fib) [1..1000]

Building on #Ramsey's answer, I also suggest you reconceive your function to take a map and return a modified one. Then code using good ol' Data.Map, which is pretty efficient at modifications. Here is a pattern:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | takes input and a map, and returns a result and a modified map
myFunc :: a -> Map.Map k v -> (r, Map.Map k v)
myFunc a m = … -- put your function here
-- | run myFunc over a list of inputs, gathering the outputs
mapFuncWithMap :: [a] -> Map.Map k v -> ([r], Map.Map k v)
mapFuncWithMap as m0 = foldr step ([], m0) as
where step a (rs, m) = let (r, m') = myFunc a m in (r:rs, m')
-- this starts with an initial map, uses successive versions of the map
-- on each iteration, and returns a tuple of the results, and the final map
-- | run myFunc over a list of inputs, gathering the outputs
mapFunc :: [a] -> [r]
mapFunc as = fst $ mapFuncWithMap as Map.empty
-- same as above, but starts with an empty map, and ignores the final map
It is easy to abstract this pattern and make mapFuncWithMap generic over functions that use maps in this way.

Although you ask for a mutable type, let me suggest that you use an immutable data structure and that you pass successive versions to your functions as an argument.
Regarding which data structure to use,
There is an implementation of red-black trees at Kent
If you have integer keys, Data.IntMap is extremely efficient.
If you have string keys, the bytestring-trie package from Hackage looks very good.
The problem is that I cannot use (or I don't know how to) use a non-mutable type.
If you're lucky, you can pass your table data structure as an extra parameter to every function that needs it. If, however, your table needs to be widely distributed, you may wish to use a state monad where the state is the contents of your table.
If you are trying to memoize, you can try some of the lazy memoization tricks from Conal Elliott's blog, but as soon as you go beyond integer arguments, lazy memoization becomes very murky—not something I would recommend you try as a beginner. Maybe you can post a question about the broader problem you are trying to solve? Often with Haskell and mutability the issue is how to contain the mutation or updates within some kind of scope.
It's not so easy learning to program without any global mutable variables.

If I read your comments right, then you have a structure with possibly ~500k total values to compute. The computations are expensive, so you want them done only once, and on subsequent accesses, you just want the value without recomputation.
In this case, use Haskell's laziness to your advantage! ~500k is not so big: Just build a map of all the answers, and then fetch as needed. The first fetch will force computation, subsequent fetches of the same answer will reuse the same result, and if you never fetch a particular computation - it never happens!
You can find a small implementation of this idea using 3D point distances as the computation in the file PointCloud.hs. That file uses Debug.Trace to log when the computation actually gets done:
> ghc --make PointCloud.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( PointCloud.hs, PointCloud.o )
Linking PointCloud ...
> ./PointCloud
(<calc (1,2)>)
Just 1.0
Just 1.0
(<calc (1,5)>)
Just 1.0
Just 1.0

Are there any other options?
A mutable reference to a purely functional dictionary like Data.Map.


Iterate State Monad and Collect Results in Sequence with Good Performance

I implemented the following function:
iterateState :: Int -> (a -> State s a) -> (a -> State s [a])
iterateState 0 f a = return []
iterateState n f a = do
b <- f a
xs <- iterateState (n - 1) f b
return $ b : xs
My primary use case is for a = Double. It works, but it is very slow. It allocates 528MB of heap space to produce a list of 1M Double values and spends most of its time doing garbage collection.
I have experimented with implementations that work on the type s -> (a, s) directly as well as with various strictness annotations. I was able to reduce the heap allocation somewhat, but not even close to what one would expect from a reasonable implementation. I suspect that the resulting ([a], s) being a combination of something to be consumed lazily ([a]) and something whose WHNF forces the entire computation (s) makes optimization difficult for GHC.
Assuming that the iterative nature of lists would be unsuitable for this situation, I turned to the vector package. To my delight, it already contains
iterateNM :: (Monad m, Unbox a) => Int -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m (Vector a)
Unfortunately, this is only slightly faster than my list implementation, still allocating 328MB of heap space. I assumed that this is because it uses unstreamM, whose description reads
Load monadic stream bundle into a newly allocated vector. This function goes through a list, so prefer using unstream, unless you need to be in a monad.
Looking at its behavior for the list monad, it is understandable that there is no efficient implementation for general monads. Luckily, I only need the state monad, and I found another function that almost fits the signature of the state monad.
unfoldrExactN :: Unbox a => Int -> (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Vector a
This function is blazingly fast and performs no excess heap allocation beyond the 8MB needed to hold the resulting unboxed vector of 1M Double values. Unfortunately, it does not return the final state at the end of the computation, so it cannot be wrapped in the State type.
I looked at the implementation of unfoldrExactN to see if I could adjust it to expose the final state at the end of the computation. Unfortunately, this seems to be difficult, as the stream constructed by
unfoldrExactN :: Monad m => Int -> (s -> (a, s)) -> s -> Stream m a
which is eventually expanded into a vector by unstream has already forgotten the state type s.
I imagine I could circumvent the entire Stream infrastructure and implement iterateState directly on mutable vectors in the ST monad (similarly to how unstream expands a stream into a vector). However, I would lose all the benefits of stream fusion, as well as turning a computation that is easily expressed as a pure function into imperative low-level mush just for performance reasons. This is particularly frustrating while knowing that the existing unfoldrExactN already calculates all the values I want, but I have no access to them.
Is there a better way?
Can this function be implemented in a purely functional way with reasonable performance and no excess heap allocations? Preferably in a way that ties into the vector package and its stream fusion infrastructure.
The following program has 12MB max residency on my computer when compiled with optimizations:
import Data.Vector.Unboxed
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable
iterateNState :: Unbox a => Int -> (a -> s -> (s, a)) -> (a -> s -> (s, Vector a))
iterateNState n f a0 s0 = createT (unsafeNew n >>= go 0 a0 s0) where
go i a s arr
| i >= n = pure (s, arr)
| otherwise = do
unsafeWrite arr i a
case f a s of
(s', a') -> go (i+1) a' s' arr
main = id
. print
. Data.Vector.Unboxed.sum
. snd
$ iterateNState 1000000 (\a s -> (s+1, a+s :: Int)) 0 0
(It continues to have a nice low residency even when the final two 0s are read from input dynamically.)

transferring an imperative for-loop into idiomatic haskell

I have some difficulties to transfer imperative algorithms into a functional style. The main concept that I cannot wrap my head around is how to fill sequences with values according to their position in the sequence. How would an idiomatic solution for the following algorithm look in Haskell?
A = unsigned char[256]
idx <- 1
for(i = 0 to 255)
if (some_condition(i))
A[i] <- idx
A[i] = 0;
The algorithm basically creates a lookup table for the mapping function of a histogram.
Do you know any resources which would help me to understand this kind of problem better?
One of the core ideas in functional programming is to express algorithms as data transformations. In a lazy language like Haskell, we can even go a step further and think of lazy data structures as reified computations. In a very real sense, Haskell's lists are more like loops than normal linked lists: they can be calculated incrementally and don't have to exist in memory all at once. At the same time, we still get many of the advantages of having a data type like that ability to pass it around and inspect it with pattern matching.
With this in mind, the "trick" for expressing a for-loop with an index is to create a list of all the values it can take. Your example is probably the simplest case: i takes all the values from 0 to 255, so we can use Haskell's built-in notation for ranges:
At a high level, this is Haskell's equivalent of for (i = 0 to 255); we can then execute the actual logic in the loop by traversing this list either by a recursive function or a higher-order function from the standard library. (The second option is highly preferred.)
This particular logic is a good fit for a fold. A fold lets us take in a list item by item and build up a result of some sort. At each step, we get a list item and the value of our built-up result so far. In this particular case, we want to process the list from left to right while incrementing an index, so we can use foldl; the one tricky part is that it will produce the list backwards.
Here's the type of foldl:
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
So our function takes in our intermediate value and a list element and produces an updated intermediate value. Since we're constructing a list and keeping track of an index, our intermediate value will be a pair that contains both. Then, once we have the final result, we can ignore the idx value and reverse the final list we get:
a = let (result, _) = foldl step ([], 1) [0..255] in reverse result
where step (a, idx) i
| someCondition i = (idx:a, idx + 1)
| otherwise = (0:a, idx)
In fact, the pattern of transforming a list while keeping track of some intermediate state (idx in this case) is common enough so that it has a function of its own in terms of the State type. The core abstraction is a bit more involved (read through ["You Could Have Invented Monads"][you] for a great introduction), but the resulting code is actually quite pleasant to read (except for the imports, I guess :P):
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
a = evalState (mapM step [0..255]) 1
where step i
| someCondition i = get <* modify (+ 1)
| otherwise = return 0
The idea is that we map over [0..255] while keeping track of some state (the value of idx) in the background. evalState is how we put all the plumbing together and just get our final result. The step function is applied to each input list element and can also access or modify the state.
The first case of the step function is interesting. The <* operator tells it to do the thing on the left first, the thing on the right second but return the value on the left. This lets us get the current state, increment it but still return the value we got before it was incremented. The fact that our notion of state is a first-class entity and we can have library functions like <* is very powerful—I've found this particular idiom really useful for traversing trees, and other similar idioms have been quite useful for other code.
There are several ways to approach this problem depending on what data structure you want to use. The simplest one would probably be with lists and the basic functions available in Prelude:
a = go 1 [] [0..255]
go idx out [] = out
go idx out (i:is) =
if condition i
then go (idx + 1) (out ++ [idx]) is
else go idx (out ++ [0]) is
This uses the worker pattern with two accumulators, idx and out, and it traverses down the last parameter until no more elements are left, then returns out. This could certainly be converted into a fold of some sort, but in any case it won't be very efficient, appending items to a list with ++ is very inefficient. You could make it better by using idx : out and 0 : out, then using reverse on the output of go, but it still isn't an ideal solution.
Another solution might be to use the State monad:
a = flip runState 1 $ forM [0..255] $ \i -> do
idx <- get
if condition i
then do
put $ idx + 1 -- idx++
return idx -- A[i] = idx
else return 0
Which certainly looks a lot more imperative. The 1 in flip runState 1 is indicating that your initial state is idx = 1, then you use forM (which looks like a for loop but really isn't) over [0..255], the loop variable is i, and then it's just a matter of implementing the rest of the logic.
If you want to go a lot more advanced you could use the StateT and ST monads to have an actual mutable array with a state at the same time. The explanation of how this works is far beyond the scope of this answer, though:
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
a :: V.Vector Int
a = runST $ (V.freeze =<<) $ flip evalStateT (1 :: Int) $ do
a' <- lift $ MV.new 256
lift $ MV.set a' 0
forM_ [0..255] $ \i -> do
when (condition i) $ do
idx <- get
lift $ MV.write a' i idx
put $ idx + 1
return a'
I simplified it a bit so that each element is set to 0 from the start, we begin with an initial state of idx = 1, loop over [0..255], if the current index i meets the condition then get the current idx, write it to the current index, then increment idx. Run this as a stateful operation, then freeze the vector, and finally run the ST monad side of things. This allows for an actual mutable vector hidden safely within the ST monad so that the outside world doesn't know that to calculate a you have to do some rather strange things.
Explicit recursion:
a = go 0 1
where go 256 _ = []
go i idx | someCondition i = idx : go (i+1) (idx+1)
| otherwise = 0 : go (i+1) idx
Unfolding: (variant of the explicit recursion above)
a = unfoldr f (0,1)
where f (256,_) = Nothing
f (i,idx) | someCondition i = Just (idx,(i+1,idx+1))
| otherwise = Just (0 ,(i+1,idx ))
Loops can usually be expressed using different fold functions. Here is a solution which uses foldl(you can switch to foldl' if you run into a stackoverflow error):
f :: (Num a) => (b -> Bool) -> a -> [b] -> [a]
f pred startVal = reverse . fst . foldl step ([], startVal)
step (xs, curVal) x
| pred x = (curVal:xs, curVal + 1)
| otherwise = (0:xs, curVal)
How to use it? This function takes a predicate (someCondition in your code), the initial value of an index and a list of element to iterate over. That is, you can call f someCondition 1 [0..255] to obtain the result for the example from your question.

Haskell: performance of IORefs

I have been trying to encode an algorithm in Haskell that requires using lots of mutable references, but it is (perhaps not surprisingly) very slow in comparison to purely lazy code.
Consider a very simple example:
module Main where
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
list :: [Int]
list = [1..10^6]
main1 = mapM newIORef list >>= mapM readIORef >>= print
main2 = print $ map runIdentity $ map Identity list
Running GHC 7.8.2 on my machine, main1 takes 1.2s and uses 290MB of memory, while main2 takes only 0.4s and uses a mere 1MB. Is there any trick to prevent this growth, especially in space? I often need IORefs for non-primitive types unlike Int, and assumed that an IORef would use an additional pointer much like a regular thunk, but my intuition seems to be wrong.
I have already tried a specialized list type with an unpacked IORef, but with no significant difference.
The problem is your use of mapM, which always performs poorly on large lists both in time and space. The correct solution is to fuse away the intermediate lists by using mapM_ and (>=>):
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
list :: [Int]
list = [1..10^6]
main = mapM_ (newIORef >=> readIORef >=> print) list
This runs in constant space and gives excellent performance, running in 0.4 seconds on my machine.
Edit: In answer to your question, you can also do this with pipes to avoid having to manually fuse the loop:
import Data.IORef
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes
list :: [Int]
list = [1..10^6]
main = runEffect $
each list >-> Pipes.mapM newIORef >-> Pipes.mapM readIORef >-> Pipes.print
This runs in constant space in about 0.7 seconds on my machine.
This is very likely not about IORef, but about strictness. Actions in the IO monad are serial -- all previous actions must complete before the next one can be started. So
mapM newIORef list
generates a million IORefs before anything is read.
map runIdentity . map Identity
= map (runIdentity . Identity)
= map id
which streams very nicely, so we print one element of the list, then generate the next one, etc.
If you want a fairer comparison, use a strict map:
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = (f x:) $! map' f xs
I have found that the hack towards a solution is to use a lazy mapM instead, defined as
lazyMapM :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b]
lazyMapM f [] = return []
lazyMapM f (x:xs) = do
y <- f x
ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ lazyMapM f xs
return (y:ys)
This allows the monadic version to run within the same 1MB and similar time. I would expect that a lazy ST monad could solve this problem more elegantly without using unsafeInterleaveIO, as a function:
main = print $ runST (mapM (newSTRef) list >>= mapM (readSTRef))
but that does not work (you also need to use unsafeInterleaveST), what leaves me thinking about how lazy the Control.Monad.ST.Lazy really is. Does someone know? :)

Listing all the contents of a directory by breadth-first order results in low efficiency

I writed a Haskell module to list all the contents of a directory by breadth-first order. The below is the source code.
module DirElements (dirElem) where
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
dirElem :: FilePath -> IO [[FilePath]]
dirElem dirPath = iterateM (not.null) (concatMapM getDirectoryContents') [dirPath] >>= return.tail
getDirectoryContents' :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents' dirPath = do
isDir <- do doesDirectoryExist dirPath
if isDir then dirContent else return [] where
dirContent = do
contents <- getDirectoryContents dirPath
return.(map (dirPath</>)).tail.tail $ contents
iterateM :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m [a]
iterateM fb f x = do --Notice: Due to the the implementation of >>=, iterateM can't be writen like iterate which gives a infinite list and have type of iterateM :: (Monad m) => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m [a]
if fb x
then do
tail <- do {fx <- f x; iterateM fb f fx}
return (x:tail)
else return []
concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m[b]) -> [a] -> m[b]
concatMapM f list = mapM f list >>= return.concat
It works correct but when performing on a large directory, it will "suspend" for a little while, and spring out all the results.
After a research I find it is the same question with sequence $ map return [1..]::[[Int]] see Why the Haskell sequence function can't be lazy or why recursive monadic functions can't be lazy
This comes up every once in a while and the answer ends up being use an iteratee like library. Most often suggested recently has been the Proxy library.
Streaming recursive descent of a directory in Haskell
Older pipes solution out of date and non-iteratee like solution breadth-first traversal of directory tree is not lazy
I have seen Conduit solutions before and a few elegant monadic solutions, but I am not finding them now.
First of all, that's not related to strictness. Like many monads, IO is actually nonstrict in its monadic operations. This is related to lazy vs. eager I/O.
The problem is that you first do the directory traversal and then you process the result. You can improve that by using coroutines to interleave them. One simple way is to make the directory traversal take a callback as argument:
getDirectoryContents' :: (MonadIO m) => (FilePath -> m a) -> FilePath -> m ()
getDirectoryContents' k fp = {- ... -}
This is the simplest and least flexible solution. A more flexible solution is to actually implement coroutines. You can either roll your own coroutine monad by using free, monad-coroutine or operational, or you can use one of the many streaming abstractions like conduit, enumerator or pipes with the last one being my personal recommentation for simple cases like this one.
I modified the older answer that Davorak linked to to use the new pipes library.
It uses StateP to keep a queue of untraversed directories so that it can do a breadth first traversal. It uses MaybeP for exiting from the loop, as a convenience.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Proxy
import Control.Proxy.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Proxy.Trans.State as S
import Data.Sequence hiding (filter)
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.Directory
getUsefulContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getUsefulContents path
= fmap (filter (`notElem` [".", ".."])) $ getDirectoryContents path
:: (Proxy p)
=> FilePath
-> () -> Producer (MaybeP (StateP (Seq FilePath) p)) FilePath IO r
traverseTree path () = do
liftP $ S.modify (|> path)
forever $ do
x <- liftP $ S.gets viewl
case x of
EmptyL -> mzero
file :< s -> do
liftP $ S.put s
respond file
p <- lift $ doesDirectoryExist file
when p $ do
names <- lift $ getUsefulContents file
let namesfull = map (file </>) names
liftP $ forM_ namesfull $ \name ->
S.modify (|> name)
This defines a breadth-first lazy producer of files. If you hook it up to a printing stage, it will print out the files as it traverses the tree:
main = runProxy $ evalStateK empty $ runMaybeK $
traverseTree "/tmp" >-> putStrLnD
Laziness means that if you only demand 3 files, it will only traverse the tree as much as necessary to generate three files, then it will stop:
main = runProxy $ evalStateK empty $ runMaybeK $
traverseTree "/tmp" >-> takeB_ 3 >-> putStrLnD
If you want to learn more about the pipes library, then I recommend you read the tutorial.
Everyone is telling you to use iteratees or pipes or the like, which are the current popular approach. But there's another, classic way to do this! Just use unsafeInterleaveIO from System.IO.Unsafe. All this function of type IO a -> IO a does is modify an IO action so that it only actually performs the IO when the value thunk is demanded, which is exactly what you were asking for. You can use this to write an iterateM with your desired semantics trivially.
Examples like this are where unsafeInterleaveIO shines.
You have, however, I'm sure, noted the "unsafe" in the name -- there are other examples, where you want direct control over filehandles and resource usage or the like, where unsafeInterleaveIO will indeed be bad news, and potentially even introduce violations of referential transparency.
(see this answer for more discussion: When is unsafeInterleaveIO unsafe?)
But again, in a case like this, I think unsafeInterleaveIO is the obvious, correct, and straightforward result.

Haskell: partially drop lazy evaluated results

I have a very large decision tree. It is used as follows:
-- once per application start
t :: Tree
t = buildDecisionTree
-- done several times
makeDecision :: Something -> Decision
makeDecision something = search t something
This decision tree is way too large to fit in memory. But, thanks to lazy evaluation, it is only partially evaluated.
The problem is, that there are scenarios where all possible decisions are tried causing the whole tree to be evaluated. This is not going to terminate, but should not cause a memory overflow either. Further, if this process is aborted, the memory usage does not decrease, as a huge subtree is still evaluated already.
A solution would be to reevaluate the tree every time makeDecision is called, but this would loose the benefits of caching decisions and significantly slow down makeDecision.
I would like to go a middle course. In particular it is very common in my application to do successive decisions with common path prefix in the tree. So I would like to cache the last used path but drop the others, causing them to reevaluate the next time they are used. How can I do this in Haskell?
It is not possible in pure haskell, see question Can a thunk be duplicated to improve memory performance? (as pointed out by #shang). You can, however, do this with IO.
We start with the module heade and list only the type and the functions that should make this module (which will use unsafePerformIO) safe. It is also possible to do this without unsafePerformIO, but that would mean that the user has to keep more of his code in IO.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module ReEval (ReEval, newReEval, readReEval, resetReEval) where
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
We start by defining a data type that stores a value in a way that prevents all sharing, by keeping the function and the argument away from each other, and only apply the function when we want the value. Note that the value returned by unsharedValue can be shared, but not with the return value of other invocations (assuming the function is doing something non-trivial):
data Unshared a = forall b. Unshared (b -> a) b
unsharedValue :: Unshared a -> a
unsharedValue (Unshared f x) = f x
Now we define our data type of resettable computations. We need to store the computation and the current value. The latter is stored in an IORef, as we want to be able to reset it.
data ReEval a = ReEval {
calculation :: Unshared a,
currentValue :: IORef a
To wrap a value in a ReEval box, we need to have a function and an argument. Why not just a -> ReEval a? Because then there would be no way to prevent the parameter to be shared.
newReEval :: (b -> a) -> b -> ReEval a
newReEval f x = unsafePerformIO $ do
let c = Unshared f x
ref <- newIORef (unsharedValue c)
return $ ReEval c ref
Reading is simple: Just get the value from the IORef. This use of unsafePerformIO is safe becuase we will always get the value of unsharedValue c, although a different “copy” of it.
readReEval :: ReEval a -> a
readReEval r = unsafePerformIO $ readIORef (currentValue r)
And finally the resetting. I left it in the IO monad, not because it would be any less safe than the other function to be wrapped in unsafePerformIO, but because this is the easiest way to give the user control over when the resetting actually happens. You don’t want to risk that all your calls to resetReEval are lazily delayed until your memory has run out or even optimized away because there is no return value to use.
resetReEval :: ReEval a -> IO ()
resetReEval r = writeIORef (currentValue r) (unsharedValue (calculation r))
This is the end of the module. Here is example code:
import Debug.Trace
import ReEval
main = do
let func a = trace ("func " ++ show a) negate a
let l = [ newReEval func n | n <- [1..5] ]
print (map readReEval l)
print (map readReEval l)
mapM_ resetReEval l
print (map readReEval l)
And here you can see that it does what expected:
$ runhaskell test.hs
func 1
func 2
func 3
func 4
func 5
func 1
func 2
func 3
func 4
func 5
