Scrum Project Managment w/ Trac Integration [closed] - project-management

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Currently we use Trac to manage all of our tickets (bugs, enhancements, and new projects). It lacks a nice ability to map out the projects, releases and do time estimations. Is there a good scrum project management system that would integrate with Trac to use the tickets we are already making?

Instead of looking for something that could integrate with Trac, maybe you could use a Trac based solution. Trac has some plugins for Scrum but I'd suggest to check out Agilo which is a nice Scrum oriented and polished version of Trac. This might be one of the best options in your case.

would i be incorrect to assert that you should go through first and then elaborate here what, if anything, you didn't like about the plugins you found there? otherwise it's not possible to really say what is the best approach, when it is unknown whether you've scanned through the easiest paths.

I work at a company that has completely embraced agile in our engineering organization, but we've done just fine using Jira for our issue management, even though it doesn't have any specific scrum features. Our product manager keeps user stories (fleshed out with acceptance criteria) in his own organized backlog. When the team picks them up for a sprint, he creates a Jira case and we put the case number on our board, along with all of the tasks (which aren't in Jira).
When bugs or feature requests come up (reported by customer support, netops, etc.), the PM prioritizes them just like any other user story. If they're of an immediate nature, he'll put them straight onto the board, but he's hesitant to do so, knowing that's really a redirection of resources. We leave some slack in our sprints to allow for such things, but if things get to hairy, we let him know that we'll have to drop a story, or not do the bugs.


Any scrum/agile project management tools we can use? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Please recommend a scrum/agile project management tool. First, it should be able to be installed or deployed on my local computer. Additionally, it should be free, no need for complete unlimited usage, just that it can support 5 users and some scrum project functions, such as "kanban".
I found some answers of other questions like mine. Some of the tools which have been recommended are too old, so please recommend newer tools for me. And if it has a nice look that would be better, something like scrumwise or targetprocess.
Must haves:
local applications
I would suggest using Eylean board as it is the most visual scrum board compared to the competitors. And according to scrum you need to have a visible and transparent process inside your team. Also this software allows mixing other methodologies as well.
It is free of charge for personal use.
Given that you're wanting a local application, I'm assuming that your team is all located in the same place.
If so, I'd advise against using tools. As the agile manifesto says: "We value Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools". I'd urge you to consider co-locating your team(s), improving communication, using cards, physical boards and information radiators.
Hope that helps.
Try Yodiz, you can have up to 3 free users and it's one of the most intuitive with amazing UX. Every month they add more features to their platform. A few of the important features they have are following.
Collaboration Tools (Chat, Discussion, in-line comments)
Board, they have slick boards to manage your user stories and tasks.
User story management is as easy as it gets. Awesome backlog with priority and filtering
Import/Export data to or from Jira, Pivotal and many other systems.
Three (3) free users with full features.
Report, they have detailed reporting, that makes progress and time tracking so easy.
Over all it's great tool. It's worth to give it a try.
This seems like it meets your requirements. There are other possibilities if you will accept a hosted solution rather than a local install.

What is a tool to build simple team task management? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a specific goal in mind: I want to make a to-do-list-type app for my group at work to use. My key requirements are to have very easy entry and removal of items, as well as work in an OS X environment. The first requirement is because anything that is easy to use is more likely to be used, and the second is because that's what we're on. The application will need to be live-updating among multiple users, but authentication is not a requirement. Distribution of the same app to other remote teams is a plus, but not required. Just a shared to-do list, with task-specific things to be added. It doesn't have to be a web app; native is great but the world at large seems to be more and more web-related these days.
I've been looking at a number of technologies such as Ruby (and Rails), PHP, MAMP, Cappuccino, FileMaker, Trac, and a few other options - but the paradox of choice means that I don't really know what is "best" to use. Looking at that list it is obvious that I don't really know what I should be looking at, let alone how to decide on things. I'm drowning in a sea of opportunities and a surplus if "good enough."
I am a somewhat-experienced with Objective-C and Cocoa, but excluding Cappuccino, those skills don't directly relate. I'm rather excited to learn new things, so my existing skill set is not especially important.
What sounds natural for this? I'm fully prepared for the fact there is no "right" option. Who here has a favorite methodology? What's a good application stack that has proven itself in rapid development time and future flexibility?
TL;DR: I want to make a concurrently-updated todo app for a small work team. It specifically does not need to be feature-filled, but should be "simple" to build and maintain. What is the right tool for the job?
EDIT: My team does nothing related to software dev, but my own personal mindset is that of a software dev. Part of the reason I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and learn something new is a matter of personal development.
I would highly recommend that you use an existing solution rather than build your own. Teams building their own management software has a long history of sucking up lots of time, energy and talent for little benefit.
As for which solution you should use, it depends on the kind of work your team does. If they do software development, as I suspect they might based on your question, Trac is an excellent option.
Based on your requirements, IMHO, the GoogleTask is the best one for you. If want desktop (not web) app, check Things (commercial).

Suitable technology for very small user base [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My friend wants a way to organize her projects and tasks better at work. She would like to be able to:
Define Projects
Define (Weekly) Tasks for each Project
A Task is associated with a particular week (day/time granularity not needed)
Define Sub-Tasks for each Task
View a week's worth of tasks and their subtasks at a time
Zoom in to see a particular task in more detail
Zoom out to see a whole month's tasks in less detail
And last, but not least, she would like to share this data with her supervisor, so he can see it and make comments / adjustments.
I'd like to know what options are available and the pros/cons of each... I've considered:
Excel sheet
Pros: easy to share, availability (she and her boss both have Excel installed)
Cons: harder to maintain and create multiple views of the same data.
Pros: easy to share (perhaps via storage on shared drive), availability
Cons: UI options not very rich, in my opinion
.NET with local db file
Pros: Rich UI options, quick development (i am most familiar with .NET)
Cons: Availability - they would both have to have my app installed, or it would have to live on a shared drive somewhere (which is probably an option I guess...)
Can anybody shed any light on this as far as available options, pros/cons I haven't thought of for these or any other technologies?
Thanks! is the answer made by creators of I know I'm replying to a very old question. But it can be useful for those who will come across this page here on.
Also check out JIRA. JIRA is the project tracker for teams planning, building and launching great products. Its not a free solution but really effective.
Excel is a great tool for this kind of thing. We use it in our development team for our iteration status. At least, when your sole user hits pain points, you'll see what your real pain points are before starting to code something in .NET/Ruby/Java/etc., and it will therefore serve as a useful prototype.

Development schedule for web applications? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for some kind of solution to take care of development scheduling for web applications. How does the big guys in the industry handle this?
Is it all about SVN and bug trackers for them?
I'm not doing web develoment myself, but I assume that the approach for web development is exactly the same as for other big developments (which my team IS doing). In that case, the following tips might help:
Use version management (SVN, ...)
Be agile (this is also resembled by the following points)
Make a mixed team (developers, testers, designer, functional responsibles, ...) that all work as an integrated team on the same subject. Make sure the whole team communicates.
Make everyone responsible for the whole project. Never blame individuals if things go wrong.
Be sure the whole team knows the status of the project: where are we, what should still be done, ... Make everything visual by sticking graphs and sheets to your office wall.
Keep the time between 'raised questions or raised problems' and the answer or solution short. E.g. if a bug is found, log it immediately and try to solve it as soon as possible.
Develop incrementally. Don't develop for several months and then start testing, but make sure you have a working copy every day.
Split development/design/... tasks in smaller tasks that can be developed incrementally (see previous point) and in a minimal amount of time (a day or a few days).
Automate tests as much as possible.
Use continuous integration (where the tests are run at every commit in the version management system)
As a manager, support your team.
Shield the people of the team from all kind of problems not directly related to the project (e.g. PC problems, printer problems, ...). Choose a 'scrum manager' that solves all these annoying problems for the team.
Demonstrate the results at regular intervals to your customer, your boss, ...
Give a reception if an important milestone is reached.
There are probably many more tips. Therefore, read a good book about managing software development. There is probably no essential difference between web development and other software develoments.

Software Design Implementation - Issue/Module/Bug/Feature Tracking Solution [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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The company is growing and we're starting to implement more and more complex software designs. I feel a need for some tracking software... I just don't know if it exists.
I currently maintain a Google Doc Folder (shared by our 3 developers) with a well-organized doc for each module. A doc is also created per major upgrade to a module or modules. For all other "tracking"... we have interal forums.
I want the following:
I want get an immediate printout of all Project_01 features or bug fixes on a particular project with the option to hide or show developer comments that have been implemented in the last X number of days.
This clearly suggests a web-based system where developers enter issues, bugs, and features with appropriate tagging. Entries should be commentable, taggable, dated, editable and reporting should be based upon tags, dates, developers, projects, etc.
I figure I'm going to be perceived as naive by the grizzled veterans floating around here, though I've been running this business for 4 years (so I've been around). I don't think we have the resources to absorb the overhead of implementing something like CMMI... but then again, I don't really know what's best.
My personal evolution to using Google Docs per Application Module + internal phpbb forums for everything else has been pretty nice compared to the way we started out (marker boards, Microsoft Word docs). I just feel like I can go a long ways towards exceeding client expectations if I had the ability to track features/bugs/issues better with superior on-demand reporting.
Update: Went with MediaWiki integrated with Mantis
Take a look at fogbugz. It looks like it meets all your requirements.
Also, take a look at this other SO question: Free/Cheap Task/Bug Management software
I've good experiences with mantis.
Yes, FogBugz and Trac are recommended.
I hope it helps.
I find this comparison of issue tracking systems either interesting or overwhelming.
I think with 3 developers, in the same building, you probably can get by without software tools. But, adopting something now, before you're so big/complex that you can't survive without it may save a lot of future pain.
