Oracle: Using Pseudo column value in the same Select statement - oracle

I have a scenario in oracle where i need to be able to reuse the value of a pseudo column which was calculated previously within the same select statement something like:
select 'output1' process, process || '-Output2' from Table1
I don't want to the repeat the first columns logic again in the second column for maintenance purposes, currently it is done as
select 'output1' process, 'output1' || '-Output2' name from Table1
since i have 4 such columns which depend on the previous column output, repeating would be a maintenance nightmare
Edit: i included table name and removed dual, so that no assumptions are made about that this is not a complex process, my actual statement does have 2 to 3 joins on different tables

You could calculate the value in a sub-query:
select calculated_output process, calculated_output || '-Output2' name from
select 'output1' calculated_output from dual

You can also use the subquery factoring syntax - i think it is more readable myself:
with tmp as
select 'output' process from dual
process, process || '-Output2' from tmp;

very similar to the previous poster, but I prefer the method I show below, it is more readable, thusly more supportable, in my opinion
select val1 || val2 || val3 as val4, val1 from (
select 'output1' as val1, '-output2' as val2, '-output3' as val3 from dual


ORACLE apex - looping through checkbox items using PL/SQL

I have a checkbox on my page P3_Checkbox1 that is populated from the database. How can I loop through all the checked values of my checkbox in PL/SQL code?
I assume that APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01 is used only by sql generated checkboxes and I cannot use it for regular checbox as it would not populate G_Fxx array.
I think I understand now what you're saying.
For example, suppose that the P3_CHECKBOX1 checkbox item allows 3 values (display/return):
Absent: -1
Unknown: 0
Here: 1
I created a button (which will just SUBMIT the page) and two text items which will display checked values: P3_CHECKED_VALUES and P3_CHECKED_VALUES_2.
Then I created a process which fires when the button is pressed. The process looks like this (read the comments as well, please):
-- This is trivial; checked (selected) values are separated by a colon sign,
-- just like in a Shuttle item
-- This is what you might be looking for; it uses the APEX_STRING.SPLIT function
-- which splits selected values (the result is ROWS, not a column), and these
-- values can then be used in a join or anywhere else, as if it was result of a
-- subquery. The TABLE function is used as well.
-- LISTAGG is used just to return a single value so that I wouldn't have to worry
-- about TOO-MANY-ROWS error.
description (code, descr) as
(select -1, 'Absent' from dual union all
select 0 , 'Unknown' from dual union all
select 1 , 'Here' from dual),
desc_join as
(select d.descr
from description d join (select * from table(apex_string.split(:P3_CHECKED_VALUES, ':'))) s
on d.code = s.column_value
select listagg(j.descr, ' / ') within group (order by null)
from desc_join j;
Suppose that the Absent and Unknown values have been checked. The result of that PL/SQL process is:
P3_CHECKED_VALUES_2 = Absent / Unknown
You can rewrite it as you want; this is just one example.
TABLE function
I hope it'll help.
[EDIT: loop through selected values]
Looping through those values isn't difficult; you'd do it as follows (see the cursor FOR loop):
l_dummy number;
for cur_r in (select * From table(apex_string.split(:P3_CHECKED_VALUES, ':')))
select max(1)
into l_dummy
from some_table where some_column = cur_r.column_value;
if l_dummy is null then
-- checked value does not exist
insert into some_table (some_column, ...) valued (cur_r.column_value, ...);
-- checked value exists
delete from some_table where ...
end if;
end loop;
However, I'm not sure what you meant by saying that a "particular combination is in the database". Does it mean that you are storing colon-separated values into a column in that table? If so, the above code won't work either because you'd compare, for example
-1 to 0:-1 and then
0 to 0:-1
which won't be true (except in the simplest cases, when checked and stored values have only one value).
Although Apex' "multiple choices" look nice, they can become a nightmare when you have to actually do something with them (like in your case).
Maybe you should first sort checkbox values, sort database values, and then compare those two strings.
It means that LISTAGG might once again become handy, such as
listagg(j.descr, ' / ') within group (order by j.descr)
Database values could be sorted this way:
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select '1:0' from dual union all
3 select '1:-1:0' from dual
4 ),
5 inter as
6 (select col,
7 regexp_substr(col, '[^:]+', 1, column_value) token
8 from test,
9 table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
10 connect by level <= regexp_count(col, ':') + 1
11 ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
12 )
13 select
14 col source_value,
15 listagg(token, ':') within group (order by token) sorted_value
16 from inter
17 group by col;
------ --------------------
1:-1:0 -1:0:1
1:0 0:1
Once you have them both sorted, you can compare them and either INSERT or DELETE a row.

Passing a parameter to a WITH clause query in Oracle

I'm wondering if it's possible to pass one or more parameters to a WITH clause query; in a very simple way, doing something like this (taht, obviously, is not working!):
with qq(a) as (
select a+1 as increment
from dual
select qq.increment
from qq(10); -- should get 11
Of course, the use I'm going to do is much more complicated, since the with clause should be in a subquery, and the parameter I'd pass are values taken from the main query....details upon request... ;-)
Thanks for any hint's the whole deal:
select appu.* from
(<quite a complex query here>) appu
where not exists
(select 1
from dual
where appu.ORA_APP IN
(select slot from
(select distinct slots.inizio,slots.fine from
params as (select 1900 fine from dual)
--params as (select app.ora_fine_attivita fine
-- where app.cod_agenda = appu.AGE
-- and app.ora_fine_attivita = appu.fine_fascia
--and app.data_appuntamento = appu.dataapp
Intervals (inizio, EDM) as
( select 1700, 20 from dual
union all
select inizio+EDM, EDM from Intervals join params on
(inizio <= fine)
select * from Intervals join params on (inizio <= fine)
) slots
) slots
where slots.slot <= slots.fine
order by 1,2,3;
Without going in too deep details, the where condition should remove those records where 'appu.ORA_APP' match one of the records that are supposed to be created in the (outer) 'slots' table.
The constants used in the example are good for a subset of records (a single 'appu.AGE' value), that's why I should parametrize it, in order to use the commented 'params' table (to be replicated, then, in the 'Intervals' table.
I know thats not simple to analyze from scratch, but I tried to make it as clear as possible; feel free to ask for a numeric example if needed....

Ordered iteration in an user-defined aggregate function?

I just implemented the ODCIAggregate Interface to create a custom aggregation function. It works quite well and fast, but I would like it to do a little something more. I have a statement going like this:
SELECT SomeId, myAggregationFunction(Item) FROM
SomeType(Foo.SomeValue, Foo.SomeOtherValue) AS Item
ORDER BY Foo.SomeOrderingValue
My problem is that items aren't passed to the ODCIAggregateIterate function of my implementation in the same order that my inner (ordered) SELECT returns them.
I've Googled around and didn't find any Oracle-provided way to do so. Has any of you experimented a similar problem based on that requirement?
Have you considered using COLLECT instead of data cartridge?
At least for string aggregation, the COLLECT method is simpler and much faster. It does make your SQL a little weirder though.
Below is an example using just simple string concatenation.
--Create a type
create or replace type sometype as object
someValue varchar2(100),
someOtherValue varchar2(100)
--Create a nested table of the type.
--This is where the performance improvement comes from - Oracle can aggregate
--the types in SQL using COLLECT, and then can process all the values at once.
--This significantly reduces the context switches between SQL and PL/SQL, which
--are usually more expensive than the actual work.
create or replace type sometypes as table of sometype;
--Process all the data (it's already been sorted before it gets here)
create or replace function myAggregationFunction(p_sometypes in sometypes)
return varchar2 is
v_result varchar2(4000);
--Loop through the nested table, just concatenate everything for testing.
--Assumes a dense nested table
for i in 1 .. p_sometypes.count loop
v_result := v_result || ',' ||
p_sometypes(i).someValue || '+' || p_sometypes(i).someOtherValue;
end loop;
--Remove the first delimeter, return value
return substr(v_result, 2);
select someId
--Here's where the aggregation and ordering happen
collect(sometype(SomeValue, SomeOtherValue)
order by SomeOrderingValue)
as someTypes
) result
--Test data: note the unordered SoemOrderingValue.
select 1 someId, 3 SomeOrderingValue, '3' SomeValue, '3' SomeOtherValue
from dual union all
select 1 someId, 1 SomeOrderingValue, '1' SomeValue, '1' SomeOtherValue
from dual union all
select 1 someId, 2 SomeOrderingValue, '2' SomeValue, '2' SomeOtherValue
from dual
) foo
group by someId;
--Here are the results, aggregated and ordered.
------ ------
1 1+1,2+2,3+3
Oracle is very likely be rewriting your query and getting rid of the subquery. I've never done anything like what you're doing, but could you add the NO_UNNEST hint on the inner query?
SELECT SomeId, myAggregationFunction(Item) FROM
Foo.SomeId, ...
Even then, I'm really not sure what it will do with an ORDER BY inside a subquery.

PL/SQL query IN comma deliminated string

I am developing an application in Oracle APEX. I have a string with user id's that is comma deliminated which looks like this,
This string is stored as
I want a query that will find all users that are within this list my query looks like this
SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u.user_id IN (:P5_USER_ID_LIST);
I keep getting an Oracle error: Invalid number. If I however hard code the string into the query it works. Like this:
SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u.user_id IN (45,4932,20,19);
Anyone know why this might be an issue?
A bind variable binds a value, in this case the string '45,4932,20,19'. You could use dynamic SQL and concatenation as suggested by Randy, but you would need to be very careful that the user is not able to modify this value, otherwise you have a SQL Injection issue.
A safer route would be to put the IDs into an Apex collection in a PL/SQL process:
array apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
array := apex_util.string_to_table (:P5_USER_ID_LIST, ',');
apex_collection.create_or_truncate_collection ('P5_ID_COLL');
apex_collection.add_members ('P5_ID_COLL', array);
Then change your query to:
SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u.user_id IN
(SELECT c001 FROM apex_collections
WHERE collection_name = 'P5_ID_COLL')
An easier solution is to use instr:
SELECT * FROM users u
WHERE instr(',' || :P5_USER_ID_LIST ||',' ,',' || u.user_id|| ',', 1) !=0;
',' || :P5_USER_ID_LIST ||','
to make your string ,45,4932,20,19,
',' || u.user_id|| ','
to have i.e. ,32, and avoid to select the 32 being in ,4932,
I have faced this situation several times and here is what i've used:
FROM users u
WHERE ','||to_char(:P5_USER_ID_LIST)||',' like '%,'||to_char(u.user_id)||',%'
ive used the like operator but you must be a little carefull of one aspect here: your item P5_USER_ID_LIST must be ",45,4932,20,19," so that like will compare with an exact number "',45,'".
When using it like this, the select will not mistake lets say : 5 with 15, 155, 55.
Try it out and let me know how it goes;)
Cheers ,
Create a native query rather than using "createQuery/createNamedQuery"
The reason this is an issue is that you cannot just bind an in list the way you want, and just about everyone makes this mistake at least once as they are learning Oracle (and probably SQL!).
When you bind the string '32,64,128', it effectively becomes a query like:
select ...
from t
where t.c1 in ('32,64,128')
To Oracle this is totally different to:
select ...
from t
where t.c1 in (32,64,128)
The first example has a single string value in the in list and the second has a 3 numbers in the in list. The reason you get an invalid number error is because Oracle attempts to cast the string '32,64,128' into a number, which it cannot do due to the commas in the string.
A variation of this "how do I bind an in list" question has come up on here quite a few times recently.
Generically, and without resorting to any PLSQL, worrying about SQL Injection or not binding the query correctly, you can use this trick:
with bound_inlist
instr (txt, ',', 1, level ) + 1,
instr (txt, ',', 1, level+1) - instr (txt, ',', 1, level) -1 )
as token
from (select ','||:txt||',' txt from dual)
connect by level <= length(:txt)-length(replace(:txt,',',''))+1
select *
from bound_inlist a, users u
where a.token =;
If possible the best idea may be to not store your user ids in csv! Put them in a table or failing that an array etc. You cannot bind a csv field as a number.
Please dont use: WHERE ','||to_char(:P5_USER_ID_LIST)||',' like '%,'||to_char(u.user_id)||',%' because you'll force a full table scan although with the users table you may not have that many so the impact will be low but against other tables in an enterprise environment this is a problem.
EDIT: I have put together a script to demonstrate the differences between the regex method and the wildcard like method. Not only is regex faster but it's also a lot more robust.
-- Create table
create table CSV_TEST
NUM NUMBER not null,
create sequence csv_test_seq;
for j in 1..10 loop
for i in 1..500000 loop
insert into csv_test( num, str ) values ( csv_test_seq.nextval, to_char( csv_test_seq.nextval ));
end loop;
end loop;
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table CSV_TEST
add constraint CSV_TEST_PK primary key (NUM)
using index ;
alter table CSV_TEST
add constraint CSV_TEST_FK unique (STR)
using index;
select sysdate from dual;
select *
from csv_test t
where t.num in ( Select Regexp_Substr('100001, 100002, 100003 , 100004, 100005','[^,]+', 1, Level) From Dual
Connect By Regexp_Substr('100001, 100002,100003, 100004, 100005', '[^,]+', 1, Level) Is Not Null);
select sysdate from dual;
select *
from csv_test t
where ('%,' || '100001,100002, 100003, 100004 ,100005' || ',%') like '%,' || num || ',%';
select sysdate from dual;
select *
from csv_test t
where t.num in ( Select Regexp_Substr('100001, 100002, 100003 , 100004, 100005','[^,]+', 1, Level) From Dual
Connect By Regexp_Substr('100001, 100002,100003, 100004, 100005', '[^,]+', 1, Level) Is Not Null);
select sysdate from dual;
select *
from csv_test t
where ('%,' || '100001,100002, 100003, 100004 ,100005' || ',%') like '%,' || num || ',%';
select sysdate from dual;
drop table csv_test;
drop sequence csv_test_seq;
Solution from Tony Andrews works for me. The process should be added to "Page processing" >> "After submit">> "Processes".
As you are Storing User Ids as String so You can Easily match String Using Like as Below
SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u.user_id LIKE '%'||(:P5_USER_ID_LIST)||'%'
For Example
:P5_USER_ID_LIST = 45,4932,20,19
Your Query Surely Will return Any of 1 User Id which Matches to Users table
This Will Surely Resolve Your Issue , Enjoy
you will need to run this as dynamic SQL.
create the entire string, then run it dynamically.

How do I display a field's hidden characters in the result of a query in Oracle?

I have two rows that have a varchar column that are different according to a Java .equals(). I can't easily change or debug the Java code that's running against this particular database but I do have access to do queries directly against the database using SQLDeveloper. The fields look the same to me (they are street addresses with two lines separated by some new line or carriage feed/new line combo).
Is there a way to see all of the hidden characters as the result of a query?I'd like to avoid having to use the ascii() function with substr() on each of the rows to figure out which hidden character is different.
I'd also accept some query that shows me which character is the first difference between the two fields.
select dump(column_name) from table
More information is in the documentation.
As for finding the position where the character differs, this might give you an idea:
create table tq84_compare (
id number,
col varchar2(20)
insert into tq84_compare values (1, 'hello world');
insert into tq84_compare values (2, 'hello' || chr(9) || 'world');
with c as (
(select col from tq84_compare where id = 1) col1,
(select col from tq84_compare where id = 2) col2
l as (
level l from dual
start with 1=1
connect by level < (select length(c.col1) from c)
max(l.l) + 1position
from c,l
where substr(c.col1,1,l.l) = substr(c.col2,1,l.l);
SELECT DUMP('€ÁÑ', 1016)
... will print something like:
Typ=96 Len=3 CharacterSet=WE8MSWIN1252: 80,c1,d1
