Converting non-decimal numbers to another non-decimal - algorithm

Not that it's a lot of work, but the only way I know to convert a non-decimal to another non-decimal is by converting the number to decimal first, then take a second step to convert it to a new base. For example, to convert 456 (in base 7) to 567 (in base 8), I would calculate the decimal value of 456, then convert that value into base 8...
Is there a better way to go directly from 7 to 8? or any base to any other base for that matter?
Here's what I have:
//source_lang and target_lang are just the numeric symbols, they would be "0123456789" if they were decimal, and "0123456789abcdef" if hex.
private string translate(string num, string source_lang, string target_lang)
int b10 = 0;
string rv = "";
for (int i=num.Length-1; i>=0; i--){
b10 += source_lang.IndexOf( num[i] ) * ((int)Math.Pow(source_lang.Length, num.Length -1 - i));
while (b10 > 0) {
rv = target_lang[b10 % target_lang.Length] + rv;
b10 /= target_lang.Length;
return rv;

You're not really converting into base 10. You're converting it into a numeric data type instead of a string representation. If anything, you're converting it into binary :) It's worth distinguishing between "an integer" (which doesn't intrinsically have a base) and "the textual representation of an integer" (which does).
That seems like a sensible way to go, IMO. However, your conversion routines certainly aren't particularly efficient. I would separate out your code into Parse and Format methods, then the Convert method can be something like:
public static string Convert(string text, int sourceBase, int targetBase)
int number = Parse(text, sourceBase);
return Format(number, targetBase);
(You can use a string to represent the different bases if you want, of course. If you really need that sort of flexibility though, I'd be tempted to create a new class to represent a "numeric representation". That class should probably be the one to have Parse, Format and Convert in it.)


What's the best way to compress multiple values into deserializable value?

I'm implementing an library for Flutter in which user can create their own peeps to use as an avatar within our product.
One of the reasons behind using peeps as avatar is that (in theory) it can be easily stored as a single value within a database.
A Peep within my library contains of up to 6 PeepAtoms:
class Peep {
final PeepAtom head;
final PeepAtom face;
final PeepAtom facialHair;
final PeepAtom? accessories;
final PeepAtom? body;
final PeepAtom? pose;
A PeepAtom is currently just a name identifying the underlying image file required to build a Peep:
class PeepAtom {
final String name;
How to get a hash?
What I'd like to do now is get a single value from a Peep (int or string) which I can store in a database. If I retrieve the data, I'd like to deconstruct the value into the unique atoms so I can render the appropriate atom images to display the Peep. While I'm not really looking to optimize for storage size, it would be nice if the bytesize would be small.
Since I'm normally not working with such stuff I don't have an idea what's the best option. These are my (naïve) ideas:
do a Peep.toJson and convert the output to base64. Likely inefficient due to a bunch of unnecessary characters.
do a PeepAtom.hashCode for each field within a Peep and upload this. As an array that would be 64bit = 8 Byte * 6 (Atoms). Thats pretty ok but not a single value.
since there are only a limited number of Atoms in each category (less than 100) I could use bitshifts and ^ to put this into one int. However, I think this would not really working because I'd need a unique identifier and since I'm code generating the PeepAtoms within my code that likely would be quite complex.
Any better ideas/algorithms?
I'm not sure what you mean by "quite complex". It looks quite simple to pack your atoms into a double.
Note that this is no way a "hash". A hash is a lossy operation. I presume that you want to recover the original data.
Based on your description, you need seven bits for each atom. They can range in 0..98 (since you said "less than 100"). A double has 52 bits of mantissa. Your six atoms needs 42 bits, so it fits easily. For atoms that can be null, just give that a special unused 7-bit value, like 127.
Now just use multiply and add to combine them. Use modulo and divide to pull them back out. E.g.:
double val = head;
val = val * 128 + face;
val = val * 128 + facialHair;
To extract:
int pose = val % 128;
val = (val / 128).floorToDouble();
int body = val % 128;
val = (val / 128).floorToDouble();

Integers converted to strings do not work as expected

Issue comparing str() to what I'd expect is their String form
Code :
int i = 2;
String r = str(i);
if (r == "2") {
println("String works");
} else println("String doesnt work");
if (i == 2) {
println("Integer works");
} else println("Integer doesnt work");
Prints :
String doesnt work
Integer works
The second if statement is a copy paste of the first, with only the variable and value changed so theres nothing wrong with my if statement
Processing documentation states (about str()):
Converts a value of a primitive data type (boolean, byte, char, int, or float) to its String
representation. For example, converting an integer with str(3) will return the String value of "3",
converting a float with str(-12.6) will return "-12.6", and converting a boolean with str(true) will
return "true".
Also doesnt work with str(2) == "2" or str(i) == "2"
How do I fix this and get it to work (without converting it back to an integer because that would make my code a bit ugly)
You should not compare String values using ==. Use the equals() function instead:
if (r.equals("2")) {
From the reference:
To compare the contents of two Strings, use the equals() method, as in if (a.equals(b)), instead of if (a == b). A String is an Object, so comparing them with the == operator only compares whether both Strings are stored in the same memory location. Using the equals() method will ensure that the actual contents are compared. (The troubleshooting reference has a longer explanation.)
More info here: How do I compare strings in Java?

Generating nice looking BETA keys

I built a web application that is going to launch a beta test soon. I would really like to hand out beta invites and keys that look nice.
i.e. A3E6-7C24-9876-235B
This is around 16 character, hexadecimal digits.
It looks like the typical beta key you might see.
My question is what is a standard way to generate something like this and make sure that it is unique and that it will not be easy for someone to guess a beta key and generate their own.
I have some ideas that would probably work for beta keys:
MD5 is secure enough for this, but it is long and ugly looking and could cause confusion between 0 and O, or 1 and l.
I could start off with a large hexadecimal number that is 16 digits in length. To prevent people from guessing what the next beta key might be increment the value by a random number each time. The range of numbers between 1111-1111-1111-1111 and eeee-eeee-eeee-eeee will have plenty of room to spare even if I am skipping large quantities of numbers.
I guess I am just wondering if there is a standard way for doing this that I am not finding with google. Is there a better way?
The canonical "unique identifying number" is a uuid. There are various forms - you can generate one from random numbers (version 4) or from a hash of some value (user's email + salt?) (versions 3 and 5), for example.
Libraries for java, python and a bunch more exist.
PS I have to add that when I read your question title I thought you were looking for something cool and different. You might consider using an "interesting" word list and combining words with hyphens to encode a number (based on hash of email + salt). That would be much more attractive imho: "your beta code is secret-wombat-cookie-ninja" (I'm sure I read an article describing an example, but I can't find it now).
One way (C# but the code is simple enough to port to other languages):
private static readonly Random random = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
static void Main(string[] args)
string x = GenerateBetaString();
public static string GenerateBetaString()
const string alphabet = "ABCDEF0123456789";
string x = GenerateRandomString(16, alphabet);
return x.Substring(0, 4) + "-" + x.Substring(4, 4) + "-"
+ x.Substring(8, 4) + "-" + x.Substring(12, 4);
public static string GenerateRandomString(int length, string alphabet)
int maxlen = alphabet.Length;
StringBuilder randomChars = new StringBuilder(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
randomChars.Append(alphabet[random.Next(0, maxlen)]);
return randomChars.ToString();
Doing this way gives you precise control of the characters in the alphabet. If you need crypto strength randomness (unlikely) use the cryto random class to generate random bytes (possibly mod the alphabet length).
Computing power is cheap, take your idea of the MD5 and run an "aesthetic" of your own devising over the set. The code below generates 2000 unique keys almost instantaneously that do not have a 0,1,L,O character in them. Modify aesthetic to fit any additional criteria:
import random, hashlib
def potential_key():
x = random.random()
m = hashlib.md5()
s = m.hexdigest().upper()[:16]
return "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (s[:4],s[4:8],s[8:12],s[12:])
def aesthetic(s):
bad_chars = ["0","1","L","O"]
for b in bad_chars:
if b in s: return False
return True
key_set = set()
while len(key_set) < 2000:
k = potential_key()
if aesthetic(k):
print key_set
Example keys:
'4297-CAC6-9DA8-625A', '43DD-2ED4-E4F8-3E8D', '4A8D-D5EF-C7A3-E4D5',
'A68D-9986-4489-B66C', '9B23-6259-9832-9639', '2C36-FE65-EDDB-2CF7',
'BFB6-7769-4993-CD86', 'B4F4-E278-D672-3D2C', 'EEC4-3357-2EAB-96F5',
'6B69-C6DA-99C3-7B67', '9ED7-FED5-3CC6-D4C6', 'D3AA-AF48-6379-92EF', ...

Making a list of integers more human friendly

This is a bit of a side project I have taken on to solve a no-fix issue for work. Our system outputs a code to represent a combination of things on another thing. Some example codes are:
The max number in one of the slots I've seen so far is about 150 but they will likely go higher.
When the system was designed there was no requirement for what this code would look like. But now the client wants to be able to type it in by hand from a sheet of paper, something the code above isn't suited for. We've said we won't do anything about it, but it seems like a fun challenge to take on.
My question is where is a good place to start loss-less compressing this code? Obvious solutions such as store this code with a shorter key are not an option; our database is read only. I need to build a two way method to make this code more human friendly.
1) I agree that you definately need a checksum - data entry errors are very common, unless you have really well trained staff and independent duplicate keying with automatic crosss-checking.
2) I suggest to turn your list of numbers into a stream of bits. To get the probabilities required for this, you need a decent sized sample of real data, so you can make a count, setting Ni to the number of times number i appears in the data. Then I suggest setting Pi = (Ni + 1) / (Sum_i (Ni + 1)) - which smooths the probabilities a bit. Also, with this method, if you see e.g. numbers 0-150 you could add a bit of slack by entering numbers 151-255 and setting them to Ni = 0. Another way round rare large numbers would be to add some sort of escape sequence.
3) Finding a way for people to type the resulting sequence of bits is really an applied psychology problem but here are some suggestions of ideas to pinch.
3a) Software licences - just encode six bits per character in some 64-character alphabet, but group characters in a way that makes it easier for people to keep place e.g. BC017-06777-14871-160C4
3b) UK car license plates. Use a change of alphabet to show people how to group characters e.g. ABCD0123EFGH4567IJKL...
3c) A really large alphabet - get yourself a list of 2^n words for some decent sized n and encode n bits as a word e.g. GREEN ENCHANTED LOGICIAN... -
i worried about this problem a while back. it turns out that you can't do much better than base64 - trying to squeeze a few more bits per character isn't really worth the effort (once you get into "strange" numbers of bits encoding and decoding becomes more complex). but at the same time, you end up with something that's likely to have errors when entered (confusing a 0 with an O etc). one option is to choose a modified set of characters and letters (so it's still base 64, but, say, you substitute ">" for "0". another is to add a checksum. again, for simplicity of implementation, i felt the checksum approach was better.
unfortunately i never got any further - things changed direction - so i can't offer code or a particular checksum choice.
ps i realised there's a missing step i didn't explain: i was going to compress the text into some binary form before encoding (using some standard compression algorithm). so to summarize: compress, add checksum, base64 encode; base 64 decode, check checksum, decompress.
This is similar to what I have used in the past. There are certainly better ways of doing this, but I used this method because it was easy to mirror in Transact-SQL which was a requirement at the time. You could certainly modify this to incorporate Huffman encoding if the distribution of your id's is non-random, but it's probably unnecessary.
You didn't specify language, so this is in c#, but it should be very easy to transition to any language. In the lookup you'll see commonly confused characters are omitted. This should speed up entry. I also had the requirement to have a fixed length, but it would be easy for you to modify this.
static public class CodeGenerator
static Dictionary<int, char> _lookupTable = new Dictionary<int, char>();
static CodeGenerator()
private static void PrepLookupTable()
public static bool TryPCodeDecrypt(string iPCode, out Int64 oDecryptedInt)
//Prep the result so we can exit without having to fiddle with it if we hit an error.
oDecryptedInt = 0;
if (iPCode.Length > 3)
Char[] Bits = iPCode.ToCharArray(0,iPCode.Length-2);
int CheckInt7 = 0;
int CheckInt3 = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(iPCode[iPCode.Length-1].ToString(),out CheckInt7) ||
!int.TryParse(iPCode[iPCode.Length-2].ToString(),out CheckInt3))
//Unsuccessful -- the last check ints are not integers.
return false;
//Adjust the CheckInts to the right values.
CheckInt3 -= 2;
CheckInt7 -= 2;
int COffset = iPCode.LastIndexOf('M')+1;
Int64 tempResult = 0;
int cBPos = 0;
while ((cBPos + COffset) < Bits.Length)
//Calculate the current position.
int cNum = 0;
foreach (int cKey in _lookupTable.Keys)
if (_lookupTable[cKey] == Bits[cBPos + COffset])
cNum = cKey;
tempResult += cNum * (Int64)Math.Pow((double)31, (double)(Bits.Length - (cBPos + COffset + 1)));
cBPos += 1;
if (tempResult % 7 == CheckInt7 && tempResult % 3 == CheckInt3)
oDecryptedInt = tempResult;
return true;
return false;
//Unsuccessful -- too short.
return false;
public static string PCodeEncrypt(int iIntToEncrypt, int iMinLength)
int Check7 = (iIntToEncrypt % 7) + 2;
int Check3 = (iIntToEncrypt % 3) + 2;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.Insert(0, Check7);
result.Insert(0, Check3);
int workingNum = iIntToEncrypt;
while (workingNum > 0)
result.Insert(0, _lookupTable[workingNum % 31]);
workingNum /= 31;
if (result.Length < iMinLength)
for (int i = result.Length + 1; i <= iMinLength; i++)
result.Insert(0, 'M');
return result.ToString();

Visual Studio C++ 2008 Manipulating Bytes?

I'm trying to write strictly binary data to files (no encoding). The problem is, when I hex dump the files, I'm noticing rather weird behavior. Using either one of the below methods to construct a file results in the same behavior. I even used the System::Text::Encoding::Default to test as well for the streams.
StreamWriter^ binWriter = gcnew StreamWriter(gcnew FileStream("test.bin",FileMode::Create));
(Also used this method)
FileStream^ tempBin = gcnew FileStream("test.bin",FileMode::Create);
BinaryWriter^ binWriter = gcnew BinaryWriter(tempBin);
Writing that sequence of bytes, I noticed the only bytes that weren't converted to 0x3F in the hex dump were 0x81,0x8D,0x90,0x9D, ... and I have no idea why.
I also tried making character arrays, and a similar situation happens. i.e.,
array<wchar_t,1>^ OT_Random_Delta_Limits = {0x00,0x00,0x03,0x79,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x88};
0x88 would be written as 0x3F.
If you want to stick to binary files then don't use StreamWriter. Just use a FileStream and Write/WriteByte. StreamWriters (and TextWriters in generally) are expressly designed for text. Whether you want an encoding or not, one will be applied - because when you're calling StreamWriter.Write, that's writing a char, not a byte.
Don't create arrays of wchar_t values either - again, those are for characters, i.e. text.
BinaryWriter.Write should have worked for you unless it was promoting the values to char in which case you'd have exactly the same problem.
By the way, without specifying any encoding, I'd expect you to get non-0x3F values, but instead the bytes representing the UTF-8 encoded values for those characters.
When you specified Encoding.Default, you'd have seen 0x3F for any Unicode values not in that encoding.
Anyway, the basic lesson is to stick to Stream when you want to deal with binary data rather than text.
EDIT: Okay, it would be something like:
public static void ConvertHex(TextReader input, Stream output)
while (true)
int firstNybble = input.Read();
if (firstNybble == -1)
int secondNybble = input.Read();
if (secondNybble == -1)
throw new IOException("Reader finished half way through a byte");
int value = (ParseNybble(firstNybble) << 4) + ParseNybble(secondNybble);
output.WriteByte((byte) value);
// value would actually be a char, but as we've got an int in the above code,
// it just makes things a bit easier
private static int ParseNybble(int value)
if (value >= '0' && value <= '9') return value - '0';
if (value >= 'A' && value <= 'F') return value - 'A' + 10;
if (value >= 'a' && value <= 'f') return value - 'a' + 10;
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid nybble: " + (char) value);
This is very inefficient in terms of buffering etc, but should get you started.
A BinaryWriter() class initialized with a stream will use a default encoding of UTF8 for any chars or strings that are written. I'm guessing that the
calls are binding to the Write( char) overload so they're going through the character encoder. I'm not very familiar with C++/CLI, but it seems to me that these calls should be binding to Write(Int32), which shouldn't have this problem (maybe your code is really calling Write() with a char variable that's set to the values in your example. That would account for this behavior).
0x3F is commonly known as the ASCII character '?'; the characters that are mapping to it are control characters with no printable representation. As Jon points out, use a binary stream rather than a text-oriented output mechanism for raw binary data.
EDIT -- actually your results look like the inverse of what I would expect. In the default code page 1252, the non-printable characters (i.e. ones likely to map to '?') in that range are 0x81, 0x8D, 0x8F, 0x90 and 0x9D
