Algorithm for converting Binary tree to post-fix mathematical expression? - algorithm

I have a Binary tree for a mathematical expression(infix), i want to convert directly this TREE to a postfix(Stack)
can any body suggest the algorithm?

What you’re searching for is known as post-order tree traversal:
if node.left ≠ null then postorder(node.left)
if node.right ≠ null then postorder(node.right)
print node.value

Easy, each node is (Left, Right, Data).
Start with the first node. execute the algorithm for the left subtree if available and then execute the algorithm for the right subtree and then print the data.
TreeNode = ([TreeNode], Data, [TreeNode])
TreeToPostfix: [TreeNode] -> Data*
TreeToPostfix(nil) = []
TreeToPostfix((left, data, right)) ==
TreeToPostfix(left) ++ TreeToPostfix(right) ++ Data
For example:
/ \
* -
/ \ / \
2 3 4 5
Produces: 2 3 * 4 5 - +


breadth of a binary tree

How do we determine breadth a of binary tree.
A simple bin tree
/ \
Breadth of above tree is 4
You could use a recursive function that returns two values for a given node: the extent of the subtree at that node towards the left (a negative number or zero), and the extent to the right (zero or positive). So for the example tree given in the question it would return -1, and 3.
To find these extends is easy when you know the extents of the left child and of the right child. And that is where the recursion kicks in, which in fact represents a depth-first traversal.
Here is how that function would look in Python:
def extents(tree):
if not tree:
# If a tree with just one node has extents 0 and 0, then "nothing" should
# have a negative extent to the right and a positive on the left,
# representing a negative breadth
return 1, -1
leftleft, leftright = extents(tree.left)
rightleft, rightright = extents(tree.right)
return min(leftleft-1, rightleft+1), max(leftright-1, rightright+1)
The breadth is simply the difference between the two extents returned by the above function, plus 1 (to count for the root node):
def breadth(tree):
leftextent, rightextent = extents(tree)
return rightextent-leftextent+1
The complete Python code with the example tree, having 6 nodes, as input:
from collections import namedtuple
Node = namedtuple('Node', ['left', 'right'])
def extents(tree):
if not tree:
return 1, -1
leftleft, leftright = extents(tree.left)
rightleft, rightright = extents(tree.right)
return min(leftleft-1, rightleft+1), max(leftright-1, rightright+1)
def breadth(tree):
left, right = extents(tree)
return right-left+1
# example tree as given in question
tree = Node(
Node(None, Node(None, Node(None, None)))
Node(None, None)
print(breadth(tree)) # outputs 4

Flatten Binary Tree --> Singly Linked List (Ruby)

I'm working on a recursive algorithm to flatten a binary tree into a singly linked list. Problem statement:
Given a binary tree, flatten it to a linked list in-place.
For example,
/ \
2 5
/ \ \
3 4 6
The flattened tree should look like:
I wrote the following recursive code that simply doesn't work (returns wrong answer), but I can't understand conceptually why not. Starting at the root, we flatten root.left and root.right. If root.left exists, then (or in this case, root.right) will point to the flattened left list. Then, the left list points to the beginning of the right list. This continues recursively down the tree.
Is something wrong with this conceptually? I tried modeling it after a preorder traversal since essentially root is visited, then left, then right.
def flatten(root)
return root if root.nil?
left_list = flatten(root.left)
right_list = flatten(root.right)
root.left = nil
root.right = (left_list.nil? ? right_list : left_list)
find_tail(left_list).right = right_list unless left_list.nil?
def find_tail(node)
return nil if node.nil?
until node.right.nil?
node = node.right
Your flatten does not return what it should. It matters as you call it recursively. Change it to
find_tail(left_list).right = right_list unless left_list.nil?
root # <-- add this line

Improving the time complexity of DFS using recursion such that each node only works with its descendants

There is a perfectly balanced m-ary tree that is n levels deep. Each inner node has exactly m child nodes. The root is said to be at depth 0 and the leaf nodes are said to be at level n, so there are exactly n ancestors of every leaf node. Therefore, the total number of nodes in the tree is:
T = 1 + m^2 + ... + m^n
= (m^(n+1) - 1) / (m - 1)
Here is an example with m = 3 and n = 2.
a (depth 0)
| | |
b c d (depth 1)
___|___ ___|___ ___|___
| | | | | | | | |
e f g h i j k l m (depth 2)
I am writing a depth first search function to traverse the entire tree in deepest node first and leftmost node first manner, and insert the value of each node to an output list.
I wrote this function in two different ways and want to compare the time complexity of both functions.
Although this question is language agnostic, I am using Python code below to show my functions because Python code looks almost like pseudocode.
The first function is dfs1. It accepts the root node as node argument and an empty output list as output argument. The function descends into the tree recursively, visits every node and appends the value of the node to the output list.
def dfs1(node, output):
"""Visit each node (DFS) and place its value in output list."""
for child_node in node.children:
dfs1(child_node, output)
The second function is dfs2. It accepts the root node as node argument but does not accept any list argument. The function descends into the tree recursively. At every level of recursion, on visiting every node, it creates a list with the value of the current node and all its descendants and returns this list to the caller.
def dfs2(node):
"""Visit nodes (DFS) and return list of values of visited nodes."""
output = [node.value]
for child_node in node.children:
for s in dfs2(child_node):
return output
There are two variables that define the problem size.
m -- The number of child nodes each child node has.
n -- The number of ancestors each leaf node has (height of the tree).
In dfs1, O(1) time is spent while visiting each node, so the total time spent in visiting all nodes is
O(1 + m + m^2 + ... + m^n).
I don't bother about simplifying this expression further.
In dfs2, the time spent while visiting each node is directly proportional to all leaf nodes reachable from that node. In other words, the time spent while visiting a node at depth d is O(m^(n - d)). Therefore, the total spent time in visiting all nodes is
1 * O(m^n) + m * O(m^(n - 1)) + m^2 * O(m^(n - 2)) + ... + m^n * O(1)
= (n + 1) * O(m^n)
Is it possible to write dfs2 in such a manner that its time complexity is
O(1 + m + m^2 + ... + m^n)
without changing the essence of the algorithm, i.e. each node only creates an output list for itself and all its descendants, and does not have to bother with a list that may have values of its ancestors?
Complete working code for reference
Here is a complete Python code that demonstrates the above functions.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
"""Initialize current node with a value."""
self.value = value
self.children = []
def add(self, node):
"""Add a new node as a child to current node."""
def make_tree():
"""Create a perfectly balanced m-ary tree with depth n.
(m = 3 and n = 2)
1 (depth 0)
| | |
2 3 4 (depth 1)
___|___ ___|___ ___|___
| | | | | | | | |
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (depth 2)
# Create the nodes
a = Node( 1);
b = Node( 2); c = Node( 3); d = Node( 4)
e = Node( 5); f = Node( 6); g = Node( 7);
h = Node( 8); i = Node( 9); j = Node(10);
k = Node(11); l = Node(12); m = Node(13)
# Create the tree out of the nodes
a.add(b); a.add(c); a.add(d)
b.add(e); b.add(f); b.add(g)
c.add(h); c.add(i); c.add(j)
d.add(k); d.add(l); d.add(m)
# Return the root node
return a
def dfs1(node, output):
"""Visit each node (DFS) and place its value in output list."""
for child_node in node.children:
dfs1(child_node, output)
def dfs2(node):
"""Visit nodes (DFS) and return list of values of visited nodes."""
output = [node.value]
for child_node in node.children:
for s in dfs2(child_node):
return output
a = make_tree()
output = []
dfs1(a, output)
output = dfs2(a)
Both dfs1 and dfs2 functions produce the same output.
['a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'c', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'd', 'k', 'l', 'm']
['a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'c', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'd', 'k', 'l', 'm']
If in dfs1 output list is passed by reference, then complexity of ds1 is O(total nodes).
Whereas, in dfs2 output list is returned and appended to parent's output list, thus taking O(size of list) for each return. Hence increasing overall complexity. You can avoid this overhead if both your append and returning of output list takes constant time.
This can be done if your output list is "doubly ended linked list". Hence you can return reference of output list and instead of append you can concatenate two doubly ended linked list (which is O(1)).

Least Common Ancestor algorithm variation

/ \
/ | \ / \
| |
Given a tree and a list of types {C,D,E,F}. The summary is {A,F}
(as CDE implies A)
If the list of types was {C,D,E,F, I}. The summary is root (as cde implies a, i implies g, and gf implies b, and ab implies root).
At a high level, how would the algorithm for finding the summary work? (pseudo code only)
Pseudo Code, a simple tree traversal
String getSummary(Node node){
if(node contains element in the set)
return node name;
String result = "";
for(Node child : node.getChildren){
if(child contains element in the set)
result += getSummary(child);
if(result are all the name of its children)
return node name;
return result;

Pre-order to post-order traversal

If the pre-order traversal of a binary search tree is 6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 7, 10, 9, 11, how to get the post-order traversal?
You are given the pre-order traversal of the tree, which is constructed by doing: output, traverse left, traverse right.
As the post-order traversal comes from a BST, you can deduce the in-order traversal (traverse left, output, traverse right) from the post-order traversal by sorting the numbers. In your example, the in-order traversal is 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11.
From two traversals we can then construct the original tree. Let's use a simpler example for this:
Pre-order: 2, 1, 4, 3
In-order: 1, 2, 3, 4
The pre-order traversal gives us the root of the tree as 2. The in-order traversal tells us 1 falls into the left sub-tree and 3, 4 falls into the right sub-tree. The structure of the left sub-tree is trivial as it contains a single element. The right sub-tree's pre-order traversal is deduced by taking the order of the elements in this sub-tree from the original pre-order traversal: 4, 3. From this we know the root of the right sub-tree is 4 and from the in-order traversal (3, 4) we know that 3 falls into the left sub-tree. Our final tree looks like this:
/ \
1 4
With the tree structure, we can get the post-order traversal by walking the tree: traverse left, traverse right, output. For this example, the post-order traversal is 1, 3, 4, 2.
To generalise the algorithm:
The first element in the pre-order traversal is the root of the tree. Elements less than the root form the left sub-tree. Elements greater than the root form the right sub-tree.
Find the structure of the left and right sub-trees using step 1 with a pre-order traversal that consists of the elements we worked out to be in that sub-tree placed in the order they appear in the original pre-order traversal.
Traverse the resulting tree in post-order to get the post-order traversal associated with the given pre-order traversal.
Using the above algorithm, the post-order traversal associated with the pre-order traversal in the question is: 1, 3, 4, 2, 9, 11, 10, 7, 6. Getting there is left as an exercise.
Pre-order = outputting the values of a binary tree in the order of the current node, then the left subtree, then the right subtree.
Post-order = outputting the values of a binary tree in the order of the left subtree, then the right subtree, the the current node.
In a binary search tree, the values of all nodes in the left subtree are less than the value of the current node; and alike for the right subtree. Hence if you know the start of a pre-order dump of a binary search tree (i.e. its root node's value), you can easily decompose the whole dump into the root node value, the values of the left subtree's nodes, and the values of the right subtree's nodes.
To output the tree in post-order, recursion and output reordering is applied. This task is left upon the reader.
Based on Ondrej Tucny's answer. Valid for BST only
/ \
10 30
/\ \
6 15 35
Preorder = 20 10 6 15 30 35
Post = 6 15 10 35 30 20
For a BST, In Preorder traversal; first element of array is 20. This is the root of our tree. All numbers in array which are lesser than 20 form its left subtree and greater numbers form right subtree.
//N = number of nodes in BST (size of traversal array)
int post[N] = {0};
int i =0;
void PretoPost(int pre[],int l,int r){
if(l==r){post[i++] = pre[l]; return;}
//pre[l] is root
//Divide array in lesser numbers and greater numbers and then call this function on them recursively
for(int j=l+1;j<=r;j++)
PretoPost(a,l+1,j-1); // add left node
PretoPost(a,j,r); //add right node
//root should go in the end
post[i++] = pre[l];
Please correct me if there is any mistake.
you are given the pre-order traversal results. then put the values to a suitable binary search tree and just follow the post-order traversal algorithm for the obtained BST.
This is the code of preorder to postorder traversal in python.
I am constructing a tree so you can find any type of traversal
def postorder(root):
if root==None:
print(,end=" ")
def preordertoposorder(a,n):
for i in range(1,len(a)):
while len(stack)!=0 and a[i]>stack[-1].data:
if temp!=None:
return root
class Node:
def __init__(self,data):
# print(
# print(
# print(
# print(
# print(
If you have been given preorder and you want to convert it into postorder. Then you should remember that in a BST in order always give numbers in ascending order.Thus you have both Inorder as well as the preorder to construct a tree.
preorder: 6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 7, 10, 9, 11
inorder: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11
And its postorder: 1 3 4 2 9 11 10 7 6
I know this is old but there is a better solution.
We don't have to reconstruct a BST to get the post-order from the pre-order.
Here is a simple python code that does it recursively:
import itertools
def postorder(preorder):
if not preorder:
return []
root = preorder[0]
left = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x < root, preorder[1:]))
right = preorder[len(left) + 1:]
return postorder(left) + postorder(right) + [root]
if __name__ == '__main__':
preorder = [20, 10, 6, 15, 30, 35]
[6, 15, 10, 35, 30, 20]
We know that we are in pre-order. This means that the root is at the index 0 of the list of the values in the BST. And we know that the elements following the root are:
first: the elements less than the root, which belong to the left subtree of the root
second: the elements greater than the root, which belong to the right subtree of the root
We then just call recursively the function on both subtrees (which still are in pre-order) and then chain left + right + root (which is the post-order).
Here pre-order traversal of a binary search tree is given in array.
So the 1st element of pre-order array will root of BST.We will find the left part of BST and right part of BST.All the element in pre-order array is lesser than root will be left node and All the element in pre-order array is greater then root will be right node.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int arr[1002];
int no_ans = 0;
int n = 1000;
int ans[1002] ;
int k = 0;
int find_ind(int l,int r,int x){
int index = -1;
for(int i = l;i<=r;i++){
index = i;
if(index == -1)return index;
for(int i =l+1;i<index;i++){
if(arr[i] > x){
no_ans = 1;
return index;
for(int i = index;i<=r;i++){
no_ans = 1;
return index;
return index;
void postorder(int l ,int r){
if(l < 0 || r >= n || l >r ) return;
ans[k++] = arr[l];
if(l==r) return;
int index = find_ind(l+1,r,arr[l]);
int main(void){
int t;
no_ans = 0;
int n ;
for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
for(int i =n-1;i>=0;i--){
cout<<ans[i]<<" ";
return 0;
As we Know preOrder follow parent, left, right series.
In order to construct tree we need to follow few basic steps-:
your question consist of series 6, 2,1,4,3,7,10,9,11
First number of series will be root(parent) i.e 6
2.Find the number which is greater than 6 so in this series 7 is first greater number in this series so right node will be starting from here and left to this number(7) is your left subtrees.
/ \
2 7
/ \ \
1 4 10
/ / \
3 9 11
3.same way follow the basic rule of BST i.e left,root,right
the series of post order will be L, R, N i.e. 1,3,4,2,9,11,10,7,6
Here is full code )
class Tree:
def __init__(self, data = None):
self.left = None
self.right = None = data
def add(self, data):
if is None: = data
if data <
if self.left is None:
self.left = Tree(data)
elif data >
if self.right is None:
self.right = Tree(data)
def inOrder(self):
if self.left is not None:
if self.right is not None:
def postOrder(self):
if self.left is not None:
if self.right is not None:
def preOrder(self):
if self.left is not None:
if self.right is not None:
arr = [6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 7, 10, 9, 11]
root = Tree()
for i in range(len(arr)):
Since, it is a binary search tree, the inorder traversal will be always be the sorted elements. (left < root < right)
so, you can easily write its in-order traversal results first, which is : 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11
given Pre-order : 6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 7, 10, 9, 11
In-order : left, root, right
Pre-order : root, left, right
Post-order : left, right, root
now, we got from pre-order, that root is 6.
now, using in-order and pre-order results:
Step 1:
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
{1,2,3,4} {7,9,10,11}
Step 2: next root is, using in-order traversal, 2:
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
2 {7,9,10,11}
/ \
/ \
/ \
1 {3,4}
Step 3: Similarly, next root is 4:
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
2 {7,9,10,11}
/ \
/ \
/ \
1 4
Step 4: next root is 3, but no other element is remaining to be fit in the child tree for "3". Considering next root as 7 now,
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
2 7
/ \ \
/ \ {9,10,11}
/ \
1 4
Step 5: Next root is 10 :
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
2 7
/ \ \
/ \ 10
/ \ / \
1 4 9 11
This is how, you can construct a tree, and finally find its post-order traversal, which is : 1, 3, 4, 2, 9, 11, 10, 7, 6
