When I try to execute jMeter in server mode, I get this exception:
"Windows can not find 'rmiregistry'"
. I don't know how to solve this, I googled about it, but I didn't find anything related to my problem.
It sounds like you don't have the rmiregistry in your path. Make sure the java\bin directory is in your path.
Once that's done, to check it's working:
Start -> Run -> cmd -> start rmiregistry
If that doesn't work, check your path again.
You may need to start the registry yourself, before running the jmeter-server.bat. Additionally, edit the batch file to make sure it's running with the correct server settings.
Dylan's answer is the most likely, but just to add clarification, your path is stored as an environment variable in Windows. From the command line, you can run:
echo %PATH%
To see the value of the variable. You should see a semi-colon delimited output of various directory paths.
To append to the variable (if java\bin isn't in there) use the following:
set PATH=%PATH%;[full path to java\bin]
To check that the RMI registry has started correctly, you can check that it is listening on its standard port (1099 unless you've specified otherwise) with a tool such as TCP View.
I am following this tutorial where i have to run this command in order to start the zookeeper server.
./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
But the problem is this command is not working properly. I found that .sh file is bash file that required cygwin. I have installed it and then run command like this
C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe ./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
But it is showing:
I can confirm that in bin directory the file is exsits. what i am doing wrong?
Here is my directory snapshot from where i running the command:
Note: I have successfully tested bin/windows zookeeper bat file but i want to run it through .sh file as the kafka security tutorial which i am following using this.
From your screenshot, I conclude that you are using Cygwin. So, please add the cygwin tag to your question.
As you can see from the error message, the command dirname is not found by bash, so assuming that your Cygwin installation is not broken, I assume that the PATH is not set correctly; in your setup, dirname.exe should be in C:/cygwin64/bin (please verify this).
Your usage of bash.exe is a bit unusual in that you run it directly from a Windows cmd prompt. The more common way would be to use it from the 'Cygwin Terminal', which you get created a Windows-link to, when installing Cygwin, or to use another suitable Terminal program; I'm using for instance mintty for this task (also available via the Cygwin installer).
Having said this, it is possible to run bash.exe in the way you are doing it, but you then have to ensure, that at least the PATH is set up correctly. One possibility to do this, is to add C:\cygwin64\bin to your Windows PATH, but this has the drawback, that some commands have the same name in the Windows world and in Cygwin, though they serve a completely different purpose, and this will bite you sooner or later. Another problem is that at some point, you will rely on other bash specific setups besides the PATH.
A better way to accomplish your goal is IMO to ensure, that the system wide bash-initialization files are sourced by bash. If I have to run the script from a Windows cmd prompt, I would run it by
C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --login YOURSCRIPT
This will read the file (in your setup) C:\cygwin64\etc\profile before running YOURSCRIPT, so you can check, that the PATH is correctly set there, by looking at this file. In a default installation, this should be the case.
After having read this file, it will try to read the file .bash_profile in your Cygwin HOME directory, so if you need additional settings for your (non-interactive) bash-scripts, create this file and put your settings there.
now I'm currently using Visual Studio Code and I wanted to make the terminal use babun instead of the default cmd.exe
In fact, I have already managed to do that in theory - the problem is that, unlike with cmd.exe, the directory that I'm in upon starting the terminal is no longer the currently open project, it's just simply /home/myusername (i.e. a path in babun's directory tree).
This kinda sucks, since I don't really want to navigate to my directory every time.
Next, I also found out how to tell babun (in my case, zsh.exe) to use a default directory such as C:/ by adding cd /cygdrive/c to the end of .zshrc - Unfortunately, that's not what I want either, since I don't want babun to always use the same directory.
Now I figured that, seeing as this would be the most comfortable option with VSC*, there might be some console argument that tells zsh.exe to use a specific directory. Sadly, I couldn't find anything, hence this question.
Weirdly enough
Anyone know how to help me out? Appreciate the help :)
*VSC allows you to specify the path to your shell, as well as an array of arguments that will be passed.
You could place your directory into a cmd file and run it as a shell:
#rem note that's important to change the drive 'permanently'
cd d:\home
And then specify this cmd file as shell to invoke.
Open the desired directory in a file explorer, right click, then select Open Babun here.
Babun currently does not natively support a command line parameter specifying the directory to launch in.
However, there is a pull request in the Babun GitHub which solves the issue. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be likely to be accepted anytime soon, though.
To gain access to the feature manually, check out the pull request.
This works (Notepad++):
C:\Anywhere> start notepad++ hello.txt
And this works (SoX for removing silence in sounds):
C:\Anywhere> sox in.wav out1.wav silence 1 0.1 1%
Yet, my PATH variable includes neither (would send on request).
How can I do this with my program?
To run from everywhere.
Also, why doesn't Notepad++ work without the start command?
(I did this workaround by putting the .exe in C:\ and then simply calling C:\Anywhere> /myprogram but I'm still curious about the above.)
To get the indicated scenario where
you can start applications from anywhere using the start command (or the windows Run dialog) without including its parent folder in path variable,
but you can not start the application without the start command from any directory whithout including the full path to reach it (it is not in the path) or being located in the adecuated directory
the applications are included in the registry under the key
note: It is a "merged" view showing the combined contents of
If you are not administrator to change the local machine configuration, you can always modify your user registry information to include the applications you need.
edited There is a second place in registry that will allow to include an application in the registry to be executed using start command, Run dialog or from anything that uses the ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx API calls.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\
I want to run a command that is installed and available globally on my cmd.exe commandline.
This usually works fine, except when I run it in a directory that has a file with the same name as the command.
So any time I use this command in this particular directory my windows is trying to open this file in whatever application is registered for this extension.
It is very annoying, but there must be a way around this right?
I tried it with a bunch of names, like ping.txt and they all open the files intead of running the command.
That's not normal behaviour in the default configuration; sounds like the PATHEXT environment variable has been modified.
You could either change it back to the default,
or explicitly type ping.exe (for example) instead of just ping.
If the file name is EXACTLY the same (including the same extension, i.e. ".exe"), then I believe the only way around this is to specify the full path to the file you WANT to execute. For example, if the program you want to execute is explorer.exe, but you have a file named explorer.exe in your current directory, you have to specify \Windows\explorer.exe to run Windows explorer.
I've been trying to install the 64bit version of PostgreSQL 9.2 for Windows on my machine (Windows 7 64bit) and get this error:
The environment variable COMPSPEC does not seem to point to the cmd.exe or there is a trailing semi colon present.
I've installed it as Administrator.
I disabled the antivirus (Microsoft Security Essentials) and the firewall.
"%COMSPEC%" /C "echo test ok"
returned test ok
I've checked my System Environment Variables for trailing semi colon and I couldn't find any.
I then installed the 32bit version and managed to get to the end of the install with a different error message stating: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly Error reading the C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.2\data\postgresql.conf but there is no postgresql.conf file in that directory. It did install the application and when I try to connect the server with the red X on it it says fail at the bottom and it won't connect after I type in my password.
How can I connect to this server connection?
ComSpec is a generic error message for any installation failure.
Identifying the problem
Navigate to below path
Open 'bitrock_installer_XXXX.log'
Check, if you are getting below error:
Script stderr:
'"C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\POSTGR~1\TEMP_C~1.BAT"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Error running
C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp/postgresql_installer_47b21c4ea1/temp_check_comspec.bat :
'"C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\POSTGR~1\TEMP_C~1.BAT"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This is a problem with '8.3 file names and directories' (e.g. '\Postgres Install' -> '\POSTGR~1')
Microsoft article on disabling 8.3 file names and directories: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/121007
Open command prompt in admin mode
Execute following command to change the format based on your drive or all drives
Sample commands:
fsutil 8dot3name set 1" - disable 8dot3 name creation on all volumes
fsutil 8dot3name set C: 1" - disable 8dot3 name creation on c:
Execute the installation as a user having admin privileges
After install, consider resetting the 8dot3name setting to default (2) to avoid unintended consequences
Hope it solves the problem!
Very easy fix:
Just open Advanced System Settings in Control Panel and create a new System Variable( in the System Variable instead of User Variable section).
In the variable name, enter ComSpec and then in the variable value , enter C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe.
Alternative fix:
If you have already the ComSpec variable in the System Variable section, remove the ;at the end of it this should fix it.
It's not COMPSPEC it's just COMSPEC. Please show the output of:
echo %COMSPEC%
Note that COMSPEC could be set to something different in the Administrator account you're running the installer as. I'm not sure how to find that out, but it might appear in the PostgreSQL installer log, so please upload that and link to it in your post. See Reporting an installation error for info on where to get the installer log.
See the PostgreSQL for Windows FAQ entry Check the COMSPEC environment variable.
Here's a report I made suggesting that the installer should test for this explicitly and here's my blog post on the topic.
I got the same problem, and i found in the log:
Script stderr:
'C:\Users\S300' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error running C:\Users\S300 (i5)\AppData\Local\Temp/postgresql_installer_56caeadbd6/temp_check_comspec.bat : 'C:\Users\S300' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I change in User Variables TEMP to D:\TEMP and TMP to D:\TEMP.
And Solved My Problem.
In my case , the Installer was in %USERPROFILE%\DownloadsP{ Windows download folder}, I moved the installer to desktop and ran again. weird it worked lol.
I had a similar problem. After installation, the data folder contained no postgres.conf file. It only contained a single folder named "pg_log".
I described the solution that I used here: Postgres Installation Error reading file postgresql.conf
Basically, it would be helpful to check if the user has full permissions for the postgres folder, and run "init_db" and "pg_ctl start" commands again. If the path contains a space character, try using a relative path for the pg_ctl data folder argument.
I'm running Windows Server 2003 R2, and I have been unable to resolve this problem with the installer, so I resorted to using the binary PostgreSQL package. Hopefully this will be an alternative for others who do not want to perform an OS reinstall.
First, some background (hopefully useful to the developers)
It started out with the postgres service failing to start (the server had been running reliably for over a year). I assumed it was a corrupted PostgreSQL installation, so I uninstalled and attempted to reinstall. I encountered the following error:
There has been an error.
The environment variable COMSPEC does not seem to point to the cmd.exe or there is a trailing semicolon present.
Please fix this variable and restart installation.
However, the COMSPEC variable is set properly, verified with:
echo %COMSPEC%
"%COMSPEC%" /C "echo test ok"
test ok
Since this is Windows Server 2003, there is no UCA wrapper around the Administrator account, so that is not causing the problem.
Manual Installation
NET USER postgres /ADD
C:\pgsql\bin\initdb.exe -U postgres -A password -E utf8 -W -D C:\pgsql\data
runas /user:postgres "C:\pgsql\bin\pg_ctl -D C:/pgsql/data -l C:/pgsql/logfile.txt start"
just do it run as administrator and change the environment system variable
like create a new variable 'ComSpec' and value type 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'.
If the installer exe is on a network share that mapped drive might actually not be accessible to the installer as it runs as administrator. This can often happen in some virtual machine arrangements such as running windows in a parallels VM. Copy the installer to a local drive first and you won't have a problem.
What worked for me after trying to enter the commandline given her in cmd.exe
I found it was named cmd1.exe in system32.. so i copied the file and renamed it as cmd.exe and installation finished
Open Environment Variables, you can do this on Windows 7 by typing environment variables in the Search program and files bar when pressing the start button at the bottom left of the desktop. And create a new System Variable(in the 'System Variable' instead of 'User Variable' section).
In the variable name, enter ComSpec and then in the variable value , enter C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe.
That's all. Hope it works!
Alternative fix:
If you already got the ComSpec variable in the System Variable section, remove the ; at the end of it this should fix it.
First find the path to cmd.exe(mostly it is C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe).
Go to the enviornment variable and add this path to system variable path.And also create new variable in user variable called ComSpec and add this path as value. And you are ready to go.