Visual Studio Solution Shared Data Source for Report Projects? - visual-studio

Simple question... I have a VS 2005 solution that encompasses several reporting services projects. Currently, each project has it's own shared data source making changing the database target very tedious.
Is there a way to share the data source across the entire solution (i.e. all the projects in the solution will use the data source defined in one place?).
I thought I could create a project that just held one data source item and then make all of the other projects dependent upon that one, however, the shared date source in the new project does not appear in the other projects for me to select.
Help! I have looked around the web for info, but not much available. There must be a simple solution to this.

I am sorry I somehow overlooked your question when I posted the same.
Nonetheless, a technique I am using is described in an answer to it. It feels a little shady and underhanded but seems to be working so far:
Make a new report project to hold your shared data source. I called mine Data Source.
Copy your shared data source (let's pretend it's called My Shared Data Source) to that new project.
If necessary, copy My Shared Data Source to each actual report project and link things up the way you want. But probably you're already set up like this.
Close Visual Studio to make sure all changes are saved in the filesystem and to make sure it doesn't end up clobbering some of our next, "backstage" edits.
In plain old Windows Explorer (or whatever), delete the My Shared Data Source.rds file from every project folder except Data Source's.
Using a text editor or XML-file editor, edit each project's .rptproj file to change the text of the Project.DataSources.ProjectItem.FullPath element from My Shared Data Source.rds to ..\Data Source\My Shared Data Source.rds.
Now each project still has its own reference to a data source, but all those references happen point to the same underlying physical file, and thus they all share one data source specification.

According to this post by Paul Turley, it appears as if this is not possible. You'll have to copy the data source into each project. The good news is that if you deploy them to the same location, only one data source should exist on the server.

This may not be what you're thinking, but when I'm writing an app consisting of several distinct applicaitons accessing the same data I usually take one of two approaches.
write all of my data access logic into a Class Library project and reference it from the other projects.
Write my data access logic into a Web Service library and add a web reference.
I usually go for option 2 if the data I am accessing is likely to be used in future development, such as accessing company-wide customer lists, etc.


Purpose of linked file vs class project?

What is the purpose of "Linked" Files in visual studio, and when I would use them versus simply including the class project that contains the file to my current project.
Project + Add Existing Item, arrow on the Add button, select "Add as Link".
Visual Studio strongly favors copying the item you select in this dialog into your project directory. This will keep you out of trouble, like accidentally modifying a source code file or resource that's also used in another project. Or forgetting to check-in the file into source control, by far the most dangerous mishap. Something you'll discover only a year or more from now, far too late to do anything about it.
The Add as Link option overrides that behavior, the file stays in its original location and the project file records the relative path of the file.
Good reasons to use this feature are very hard to come by. Trying to come up with some:
You may want to maintain a single source code file that's included in multiple projects, using Add as Link ensures you'll only ever edit that one single source file.
You may have a project that uses the same source code files as another project but with very different build settings, in which case you'd make all of the project items a link.
You may have a humongous resource that you don't want to have copied repeatedly in multiple projects
You may have a deployable item, like an unmanaged DLL, that you keep in a single directory but is used in multiple unrelated projects.
Digging yourself a deep source control hole is a high risk, be sure to think this through before you commit to using the feature.
Linked files are for when you want the code to be included in that project assembly.
"Wow Jimmy, thanks for pointing out the obvious. But why would I want to do this?"
Well, there can be several reasons, but for now I'll just list one example. Consider the scenario that your company|team requires every assembly to have certain constants or assembly attributes defined. Instead of creating a duplicate class in every single project, you could just have one copy of the file and link it into each project. Update the file once, and every assembly gets the changes.

Mono fo Android - One Solution for many clients

I have created three different solutions for three different clients, but those solutions are for an app that have the same features, classes, methods, resolution, except for the images, XML resource files, and a web service reference, that are specific for each one.
I would like to have just one solution for all those apps, that I could open in VS2010 IDE for edition, without errors. So, when I need to build or publish an specific app, I just set the client which one I need to, and go ahead to building or publishing.
It is important to consider that XML file names will be the same, as classes and images names too. The difference will be the content, but the name will always be the same.
My intention is to reduce my effort to maintain many solutions, having just one solution to work with.
In my company, we will have more than those three clients soon, so I am worried about how to maintain that. The best way will be have just one solution and when I need to generate a new app for a new client, I have just to change/include a few things (like some resources and images) and compile to a new client folder.
Is it possible? If so how?
One option would be to have a master solution which had the following
A "Template" project that contained your actual application and all of the shared code
Projects for all of your clients
In the projects for your clients, you could have links to the files in your files that come from your shared project. Then, in each of those projects, you could add the files that are only specific to them.
With this kind of structure, whenever you made a change to your Template project, all of the client projects would be updated as well because they just have pointers back to the Template project.
A good reference for this kind of setup would be the Json.Net Code Base. There he has a solution and project for all of the different configurations, but they all share the same files.
In terms of ensuring that the xml files are named properly, you might just want to put some checks into your main application to ensure that it has all of the files needed or potentially add a check into your build process.
There are many ways you could look to tackle this.
My favorite would be to run some sort of pre-build step - probably outside of Visual Studio - which simply replaces the files with the correct ones before you do a build. This would be easy to automate and easy to scale.
If you are going to be building for many more than three customers, then I think you should look to switch from Visual Studio building to some other automated build system - e.g. MSBuild from the command line or from something like TeamCity or CruiseControl. You'll find it much easier to scale if your build is automated (and robust)
If you don't like the file idea, then there are plenty of other things you could try:
You could try doing a similar step to above, but could do it inside VS using a pre-Build step.
You could use Conditional nodes within the .csproj file to switch files via a project configuration
You could look to shift the client-specific resources into another assembly - and then use GetResourceStream (or similar) at runtime to extract the resources.
But none of these feel as nice to me!

How to reference projects not in same root

Like most people we use third party libraries. Many have source which we keep in our VCS.
Currently if these libraries are updated, we need to pull the source manually and rebuild the binaries.
I am trying to find a way to instead reference them from the various solutions that use them, so that they will be automatically pulled from source control when you pull the dependant project, and automatically built if they are out of date. It would also be nice to be able to debug into them with the provided source.
The first problem I am having is that the libraries are not in the same solution root as the dependant projects. eg.
Attempting to add Lib1.csproj to my Product1 solution gives me the warning:
The project that you are attempting to add to source control may cause
other source control users to have difficulty opening this solution or
getting newer versions of it. To avoid this problem, add the project
from a location below the binding root (C:\depot\Products\Products1)
of the other source controlled projects in the solution.
If I ignore this then I can set up build dependencies properly, but it still doesn't allow pulling the entire source tree in one go.
I was wondering how other people have third party libraries set up, particularly when there is source code. (We are using Perforce but I guess the question is relevant for any VCS)
One way to solve this in perforce is to put all modules / 3rdparty-software that are about to be reused to a separate location (depot), for examples "//shared" or similar.
Products (trees in your SCMS / perforce) can "link" the required modules by mapping them into the workspace. In perforce you can do that via clientviews.
If you have many people working on many products you'll need a easy mechanism to set up a personal workspace for a product properly (without requiring the developers to setup their clientview manually).
One possibility to achieve that is a small self-written tool/script that sets up a workspace and prepares the personal clientview based on a template that is located in the product-root and that defines what modules from the "//shared" depot need to be mapped to which location in the client workspace.
We are using this practice since years and it works fine. The danger is that the clientviews can get very complex.

Why do vcxproj.filters files exist?

Shouldn't vcxproj.filters be embedded in the .vcxproj? As it stands I have to check this in to source control so others can see the folder structuring in the solution.
According to what Dan Moseley says in this question, they also wanted to separate the tree structure from the build specific information because changing the tree structure would cause an update to be made to the project file, and that in turn would trigger a rebuild. By moving the logical view of the project to a separate file this is avoided.
They were embedded in fact, in previous versions of Visual Studio. The extension was still .vcproj and the filters were stored inside the project file. However, as of 2010 it was decided to pull the .filter information into a separate file.
It is really up to the design teams now to decide whether to add this source control or not. If you want all the developers to have the same structure (for reasons of communication) it might be wise to check them in. If you want to allow each developer to use their own logical view, then don't.
The vcxproj file contains the commands for the msbuild environment. So it contains the files that should be built and the arguments for the compiler how to build/link etc. the source files.
Due to this, the development team decided that the 'view' of the files in the solution explorer should not be contained in the msbuild file, but in another file.
So this was done to separate the build settings from the view you have.

Best way to work with multiple projects / solutions in Visual Studio?

Currently I have 4 solutions that are independent projects, however there is quite a bit of duplicated code when it comes to a few areas of the applications.
At the moment it is simply a few forms and their associated code.
When I want to change or improve something, I have to copy and paste to all relevant projects.
I looked at creating a new project within one of the solutions for the .dll/class library, but I felt that this was incorrect. (Please say if I am wrong).
As it is a component for all the applications, I decided to create a new solution for the .dll/class library and am looking at moving the shared code over to that - but, having never gone down this route before, what are my options from here?
Am I able to then include this solution within the others if I need to make a simple change and have it updated in all the projects or instead, should I always be working on the shared component in a separate instance of Visual Studio, outside of the applications using it?
That's exactly the right way to handle this situation.
You can include projects in multiple solutions by right-clicking the solution and selecting Add Existing Project...
Any changes you then make will appear in all solutions. The only problem this leads to is that it's possible to break one solution from another. This is where automated builds on commit to source control come into their own.
Put shared codes in separate Solution/Project as Class Library,
In post build event of shared projects copy dll's to a specific directory,
Add shared dll's from this directory to other projects/solutions
By doing this each time you build your consumer projects, they will use latest dll's automatically.
Moving the common code into a separate shared assembly is an excellent option.
One thing to think about is to keep your common business logic or business object type code separate from UI related code like custom controls - if you need to then have two common assemblies. This is more work initially, but makes things way easier further down the track when you need to make UI changes or change the control suite you are using.
