Oracle: Set NLS_PARAMETERS with sqlplus - oracle

I found out my servers, running Oracle 10g, were not initializing with the same NLS_SORT value when using the sqlplus binary.
Is there a way to set the default NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS for every instance of sqlplus?
PS: The idea is not to do an ALTER SESSION at the beginning of every sql script.

the NLS parameters are specified by the client application. SQL*Plus on windows will have its parameters defined in the registry (same as the ORACLE_HOME where it is installed). On *nix systems the paremeters are defined as environment variable.
You can find additionnal information in the documentation.

Use an ON LOGON trigger to do the ALTER SESSION?
Then you can do it in one place and won't have have to change every client.


Oracle DB connection issue through external connection

Need your advise on the below:
Recently we migrated to Oracle client 19c from Oracle 11g through script on the windows server.
The script has wiped the previous Environment variable path for oracle 11g and replaced with 19c which is good.
The set up is such that, When I tried to connect to the DB, it first checks the environmental variable and then establishes the DB connection.
Sample Script:
set ora
set tns
tnsping GENPF_dev_connect
The respective output are
"set ora"
Note: This path is correctly set
"set tns"
Note: Not sure from where Oracle took the TNS_ADMIN path.
TNS_NAMES path is correctly set
tnsping GENPF_dev_connect
Used parameter files:
The strange part on tnsping is, even after defining and retrieving the right TNS_NAMES, it only checks the path for TNS_ADMIN.
As a work around, I set the TNS_ADMIN with the right path under Environmental variable such as
Even after adding the above entry, Oracle seems to ignore the environment variable path added and always provides the old entry.
Please suggest where things are going wrong on this?

Thai language Configuration in Oracle

I have an issue regarding configuring Thai language in oracle (PL/SQL Developer). I have configured Thai language 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.TH8TISASCII' in regedit. Also I configured Environment variables in my computer. But still when I connect PL/SQL developer and retrieve data, columns that should show Thai descriptions are showing garbage data. Please help me.
Example of garbage data is '¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿'
Oracle Configurations is as below :
Windown Configuration is as below:
Mycomputer->Advanced system setting->Advanced System
Settings->Environment Variables -> (here i added variable)
the same configuration is done by my peers and they got the configuration but i am not able to do this
I have configured Thai language 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.TH8TISASCII' in regedit.
It means you have configured your NLS_LANGUAGE as AMERICAN and NLS_TERRITORY as AMERICA. Which is wrong.
You should select the following:
You need to do this at:
Database level - init.ora file
Environment level - NLS LANG settings
I think your characterset is fine.
UPDATE OP got the issue with PL/SQL Developer tool.
You can enter "alter session" commands in the AfterConnect.sql file in the PL/SQL Developer installation directory. For example:
alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mm-yyyy';
alter session set nls_territory='THAILAND';
alter session set nls_language='THAI';
I assume your selected font in PL/SQL Developer does not support Thai characters. Try this command to check:
Do you get proper output like this?
Kho Khuat: ฃ
If not, you should select a font which support Thai characters.
You can use this page to check which font supports your character.
Value for NLS_LANG should match your local environment settings, not the setting from Database. By this all characters are properly translated in SQL communication.
Check you local environment with this command:
c:\>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage /v ACP
In my case it is
So, my NLS_LANG should be set to .WE8MSWIN1252 or something similar.
However, this is only valid if your application (SQL Developer in your case) uses the default encoding settings from Windows. In some applications you can change that - typically you can switch between local codepage and Unicode (UTF-8). In this case you must modify NLS_LANG accordingly.

Altering session permanently

Is it possible to alter the session permanently even after i close my oracle sql developer?
An example of the statement that i want to alter:
Alter Session Set Nls_Timestamp_Tz_Format='HH24:MI TZR';
The above statement only allow me to alter the current session and not making it permanently.
If you just want to change the default value for SQL Developer, you can do that in the SQL Developer settings. In SQL Developer 3.1 (the same settings exist in earlier versions though the navigation may be slightly different), Tools | Preferences | Database | NLS allows you to specify a Timestamp Format and a Timestamp TZ Format. SQL Developer will then automatically issue the appropriate ALTER SESSION commands for you whenever it creates a new session.
You need to set this in the initialization parameter file to affect the database globally.
Initialization parameters such as Nls_Timestamp_Tz_Format can be set up from three sources:
In a session using the ALTER SESSION SET statement
In client side parameter file init.ora
In server side parameter file spfile
To set default permanently in the db, from the database:-
alter system ... scope=spfile;
then as SYS (so you may need to talk to a DBA), and obviously at an appropriate time! -
(I know the spfile has been mentioned, but it can all be done from the sqlplus cmdline, at least in 11g.)

ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment

The other day I got this annoying oracle error: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified. Funny thing I wasn't trying to access NLS data files
There are two possible causes:
An attempt was made to issue an ALTER SESSION statement with an invalid NLS parameter or value.
The NLS_LANG environment variable contains an invalid language, territory, or character set.
Unset the NLS_LANG environment variable
Windows - The NLS_LANG must be unset in the Windows registry (re-named is best). Look for the NLS_LANG subkey in the registry at \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE, and rename it.
Linux/UNIX - Here you simply issue the Linux command "unset NLS_LANG"
I have Oracle 10g XE and Windows 7. I resolved this as follows:
Go to Control panel > Regional and language options > Format and set your language.
Follow this procedure to set the NLS_LANG environment variable for Oracle databases.
To set the NLS_LANG environment variable for Oracle databases
Determine the NLS_LANG value.
In the data warehouse database, run the command
Make a note of the NLS_LANG value, which is in the format [NLS_LANGUAGE]_[NLS_TERRITORY].[NLS_CHARACTERSET].
For example: American_America.UTF8
For Windows:
Navigate to Control Panel > System and click the Advanced tab. Click Environment Variables.
In System variables section, click New.
In the Variable Name field, enter NLS_LANG.
In the Variable Value field, enter the NLS_LANG value that was returned in Step 1.
The format for the NLS_LANG value should be [NLS_LANGUAGE]_[NLS_TERRITORY].[NLS_CHARACTERSET].
For example: American_America.UTF8.
For UNIX, set the variable as shown below:
setenv NLS_LANG
For example: setenv NLS_LANG American_America.UTF8.
If your data is 7-bit or 8-bit ASCII and the Informatica Server is running on UNIX, then set
CAUTION: Make sure you set the NLS_LANG variable correctly, as stated in this procedure, or your data will not display correctly.
Reboot the machine after creating the variable.
In my case, I was creating a database adapter in the oracle weblogic console, solve the problem by doing the following configuration.
Windows -> control panel -> region: 1. Change the format to English (United States) date format M / d / yy and 2. Change my address to the United States. Perform this configuration because my machine was configured with the Spanish language, then restart the computer and I worked without problems.
After addition of path in Environment variable of Oracle Instant client the Oracle SQLPLUSW goes to Oracle Instant client and for that client it required to set NLS LANG AS American_America.UTF8
You can also just set the NLS config in your oracle settings
In case if above solutions not helped, can try my solution. I just replaced my latest version of Ojdbc14.jar to an older version Ojdbc5.jar. It helped me to solve my issue.
I was trying to configure my Data Source on WebLogic 12c that was pointing to an 11g Database and I kept getting this error. I found out that WL 12c is not compatible with oracle 11g databases.
I know it is not related but I am sure someone else will find this useful.

Settings in Oracle client and Server

Are the settings of oracle server like , the nls_date_format,.... attributes (I don't know really how many of these kind settings are there) , will be downloaded to the oracle client running on different machine by connecting to the SQL*plus using server host name?
Or the client will maitain its different set , assuming the client is SQL*Plus.
If the client is having its own settings ,is there any way If I can set the same settings as server. like export all settings from server and import those settings to client.
If the client is SQL Developer , is there any way to maintain the sync. between server settings and client's.
You can query the settings (about 20 variables) from the NLS-Views (NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS, NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS, NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS). By show parameter nls you can view the actual settings in SQL*Plus.
These can be altered by sysdba in several ways:
The database parameters are read from (s)pfile while startup. They can be altered via ALTER SYSTEM SCOPE=SPFILE if you use spfile. If you use pfile you have to edit it manually
The instance parameters are set by ALTER SYSTEM SCOPE=MEMORY and will be lost upon shutdown
Both at once can be altered using SCOPE=BOTH. This will be applied immediately and survive the shutdown
The client can override this for his own session in (at least?) two ways:
Set it for your session by ALTER SESSION in SQL*Plus
Set environment variables before client startup via export NLS_...=... in the shell
The latter overrides the earlier ones, so SESSION beats INSTANCE which eats DATABASE.
For your question: you can use a SELECT * FROM NLS_INSTANCE_SETTINGS and apply these to your current session by ALTER SESSION SET ... for each of these variables (maybe via some PL/SQL procedure). Another way would be just to unset all session parameters so that the instance parameters will be used.
If you do not set any NLS variables (especially NLS_LANG) in your environment, your session should be the same as the instance or the database ones. In practice this will never work as expected as you always have some locale settings that produce weired results in SQLP*Plus. ;-)
