SSAS 2008 Dimension Wizard and the Date Template - time

Does anyone know how to use the Date Template with the BIDS 2008, SSAS Project, Dimension Wizard? I keep getting an error - rightly so, I suppose - "Dimension not generated because it is bound to a time binding" (after having selected Generate a non-time table in the data source, in order to get to the Date template).
I am trying to do this as there is no Time dimension table in my data source.
Furthermore, I need time periods of HourOFDay, MinuteOfHour, and MinuteOfDay, which are not there if I go down the Generate a time table in the data source route.
In the meantime, I will go create the Time table from scratch, but it would be useful to know if I could achieve the same through some clever use of the Dimension Wizard.
Thank you,

Check out the solution here.


Filtering date column in Visual Studio SSIS ( Derived column)

I want to filter a column that spans from 2014-2019 to 2017-2018 in VS with SSIS.
I have tried different things but none seem to work.
Derived Column date in your example is likely what you're looking for.
The Week column is of a date type DT_DBDATE. Your string "2017-01-01" should be getting promoted to a data date type so the boolean check will identify if the lower bound is being met.
You'd either need to create a second derived column to check against the upper bound or as #vhoang indicates, change the logic to just extract the year from the date column.
YEAR([Week]) >= 2017 && YEAR([Week]) < 2019
Now, you have a column that flags each row as meets criteria or not (year is 2017 or 2018)
You will then need to do something with that. The SSIS something is called a Conditional Split. I would add a new path called OutOfConsideration and the logic there would be the inverse of our above Derived Column Derived Column date which is true if the year meets our criteria.
![Derived Column date]
Now connect your destination, or additional processing steps, to the Conditional Split's default output path. If you need to do processing on the invalid data, that'd be the OutOfConsideration path.
Finally, to get the best performance out of SSIS, only bring the rows into it that you need. If the source data is in a system that supports filtering, filter the data there. It is easy to click click click design SSIS packages but it is better long term for you to write custom queries to only bring the required columns and rows into the data flow. Less work for all around, lower maintenance cost, etc

Table design : conversion rates on turnaround times

I have following table called "status" in source :
and following is the target table requirement:
My issue is I am not able to finalise how to write the job to put it against a column time dimension. It's easy in excel to simply divide the cell but I am not able to do it using ETL tool.
I am sure someone must have faced and resolved similar requirement.
Please help.
Caveat: I have not worked with MYSQL and SAP BODS, I am using SQL Server tools as a platform to explain the solution. I am not including any codes, but just listing high level steps; which I recommend.
I believe you should be able to tackle this problem by:
Build a date table (or date dimension in DWH language).This table should have dates, associated financial ears . Refer to the following location for info:
Select the data into a staging table and increment a counter column , for each of the source columns; Req in count, offer issued etc. The date dim should have the months associated with each of the dates, so you should be able to map the counts.
You should then be able to pivot the date into your destination table.
Hope that helps.

Calculate Value For Dates Between

A few references:
Microsoft's documentation on DATESBETWEEN.
Somewhat similar question, though the answer and derivatives of the formula don't return the correct results.
Microsoft's documentation on TODAY
Per the above Microsoft documentation, I'm trying to get a calculation for the last three months based on today's current date in SSAS Tabular model. First, I have no idea how to use SSAS and my company doesn't provide any learning material, so I've been reading through the MSDN documentation, which may not be the place to start, so if this is wrong, I'd appreciate being told so. For instance, with C# or Ruby, I can test code in a console to see if I get the result that I want, and I don't see how I can do that in SSAS Data Tools' DAX language - this is a GUI which gives users very little power over what they can do (it took me four hours to figure out how to access a dimension's properties). I am definitely a code monkey.
I tried using the below formula (and derivatives of it) because this is what it looks like Microsoft is doing in their example:
The result, nothing. Of course, if I run similar SQL logic, I get the right results. I also used the provided SO example, though I suspect that's not exactly what I'm trying to achieve, and only obtained blanks as answers. Given that I need to calculate a formula between a certain time frame, which in SQL would be the WHERE clause, how do I translate this into DAX? In other words, what is DAX's WHERE and if CALCULATE isn't right, what's the correct approach?
When you say it isn't working, how do you mean? The formula you are using refers to your date dimension's key as the starting date for your DATESBETWEEN function - this means if you are expecting the measure to populate a value, you'll need to be using a particular date in your pivot to establish context.
If you are trying to view the measure at design time, in the editor, there is no context so the measure wont populate.
Moreover, if in a pivot you're looking at a time context that includes more than one date, that also will not work. So say you are looking at a month, or a quarter. Both of these encompass what amount to multiple DateDimension[Date]'s - so again context cannot be established.
so to recap - measures which look at date ranges like DATESBETWEEN using a starting time context that is set to your dimensions time key will only show up in a pivot when the pivots data is filtered to a single date.
You can test this using the same function, but hard set the starting date by replacing DateDimension[Date] with a static date (or possibly TODAY()). The measure should show up in design time because the formula has all the information it needs to complete the calculation.

ssrs questions regarding drop down menu and dataset

I am using SSRS through VS 2010 and have the following questions:
Can I define a drop down menu without defining a dataset?
I have a dataset defined, is there anyway to add "manual" values to this dataset? The background requirement of this is that the report query is based on this dataset. However I want to have an option in the dataset where it says "all" in order to allow the user to see everything instead of narrowing down results based on the dataset.
I am a newbie to SQL Server reports and found my answers:
For the first one, can simply create a table and use a dataset on the created table with customzied values.
Same goes for the second one, the manual data can be added to the table itself.

How to get average of a column in terms of another column?

How to get average of a column in terms of another column and put this value in a third column, and this value will be evaluated for each retrieved record?
"How to perform an opertaion on two columns in a report and insert the result in a third column?"
FYI: I'm using CrystalReport Designer embedded with VisualStudio.NET 2005.
First you need to create formula (with content like "{table.commission}/{table.fare}*100"). I hope next MSDN link will help you (I personally have never used embedded variant of CRD):
Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio
Formula Overview
