How to use already created database? - vb6

How to select a same database?
I want to create a table from already created database.
Using vb6
My code.
Set db = DBEngine.CreateDatabase("1.mdb", dbLangGeneral)
I don't want to create database, I want to used already created database, so 1.mdb is already created. I want to use the 1.mdb database
How to modify a code?
Need vb6 code Help

Here you go.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")


Copying a ADODB recordset into a Table without Looping

Can someone please provide sample code for the following
I need to copy data from SQL Server database to a Microsoft Access database. I am using VBA.
I have an Access table "Loadtime". Required data is in a recordset ObjRecSQL. Same columns, Data types match etc. I populated ObjrecSQL from tables in a SQL Server database based on some conditions. I need to get all the data in ObjrecSQL updated to Loadtime without looping. Looks like UpdateBatch does it. But how do i copy from ObjrecSQL to a new recordset and indicate that it needs to update Loadtime.

Dataset to sqlite data transfer

While development I was in need to create sqlite data base using dataset.
First create empty database file in sqlite. Then using dataset create table and dump data.
Is it possible using some dataset method?
I have done one thing
I have used one query
select * from sqlite_master where type='table'
That will give me schema of sqllite file from where I want to copy data.
On other end I will execute query return by above query.
That will help to create table dynamically.
On by one I used dataadapter to fill data and assigned dataset datatable data and used
Dataadapter. Update method.

DBML to SQL script?

Initially I created database tables and generated DBML class file using Database. (LINQ).
But due to system crash, I lost my database instance ( around 20 tables ) and I want to get it back. ( atlest schema )
Is there any tool/ way to generate SQL from DBML file.
Thanks in advance.
You can find a way to do it on msdn. I bit citation:
there is enough information about the relational database that you can
create a new instance of the database using the
DataContext.CreateDatabase method.
YourDbContext db = new YourDbContext ("c:\\yourDbFile.mdf");

Oracle Database creation with exitsting tables

I've database with 15 tables. Now due to development process one column has to added to all the tables in the database. This changes should not affect the existing process because some other services are also consuming this database. So to accomplish it I thought of creating a new database. Is there are any other way to do it.
Usually it should be enough to create a new schema ("user") and create the tables in that new schema. In Oracle, identically named tables can exist in several schemas.
you can create another schema for development and import the table to new schema.Developer should use the development schema instead of production can also create new database and import from current database but it might be last option
What's wrong with alter table T add (COL varchar2(5)); ?
Of course dependend stored procedures or packages become invalid.
You can leave them alone, then the first call would return an exception and auto-recompile the called procedure. Or you can alter procedure P compile;.

Oracle Data Modeler: add initial data to tables

I've created a relational model in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.
I want to add predefined\static data that should exist in the initial clean database: enum values, fixed lists( for example: contries ) using modeler. My goal is to receive script using "DDL File Editor" tool which contains not only "create table" commands and so on, but also "inserts" with initial data.
I there any way to do this?
What might be the easiest way would be to put the DML into the AFTER CREATE tab under Scripts for each table - and to make sure it's included in the DDL script.
