ArgumentError calling a Proc - ruby

s = {|x|x*2}
-> 10
def foo(&a)
puts "test foo:"
When I try to call the proc above, I get:
foo: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError)
My expectation was that I can pass a proc to a method if the method is defined with this type of signature:
def foo(&a)
and then I can execute the proc insiide foo like this:

If you want to pass an actual proc to foo, just define it with def foo(a). Putting the & in front of a means "this isn't actually an argument. Instead take the block passed to this method, create a proc out of it, and store that proc in the variable a". In other words with your current definition you can call foo like this:
foo do |x|
puts x*2
You can also use & when calling a method to turn a proc into a block:


Don't pass block when calling super

How can I set a block to nil for the super call?
class A
def foo
if block_given?
result = yield
# do stuff with the yield result
# some more code
class B < A
def foo
block_result = yield
# process block results and store it
# ...
end { puts "block called" }
# => block called
# => block called
I don't want to yield the block twice. Is it somehow possible that block_given? in class A returns false?
Background is that I don't own the A class and I can't change it's foo method but I want to avoid calling my block twice. I also don't want to pass a dummy / empty block to super, because the behaviour of A's foo method changes when a block is given.
It's actually not that obvious. From the documentation we know that:
calling super passes all arguments
calling super() passes no arguments
What the documentation doesn't say is that this only applies to positional and keyword arguments. super() still passes a given block!
You have to explicitly unset the block by calling:
How does this work?
You probably know that you can define a method with an explicit block argument:
def foo(&block)
# ...
and that you can pass it as a block to another method: (that other method might be super)
def foo(&block)
Now, if you pass a block when calling the method, the corresponding block variable will be an instance of Proc:
def foo(&block)
p block_given: block_given?, block: block
foo {}
#=> {:block_given=>true, :block=>#<Proc:0x00007ff4990d0030>}
If you call it without passing block, the block variable will just be nil:
#=> {:block_given=>false, :block=>nil}
So if no block is given, block is nil and

Ruby pass arguments to a method

I would like to add a method to a class C
class C
I defined a proc:
impl = proc{|x,y| puts "x=#{x} - y=#{y}"}
I added the proc to the class as a method foo:
C.send(:define_method, :foo, lambda do |args = { |arg| arg[1] }|
puts "foo is called"
When I call foo as,2), I get an error:
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 0..1)
To avoid this, I need to call foo like[1,2]). Someone can tell me how to avoid this problem?
Answering the question stated:
C.send(:define_method, :foo, lambda do |*args|
args = if args.empty?
puts "foo is called, args are: #{args.inspect}"*args)
#⇒ foo is called, args are: [1, 2]
# x=1 - y=2
Since you want to pass an arbitrary amount of parameters to the method, the lambda should receive splat argument.
Also, defaulting to makes not much sense, since the defaults will be symbols [:x, :y].

How can I pass a method as an argument in Ruby?

I am passing a method as an argument to a called function:
def my_function(args1)
puts args1
def my_calling_method
self.my_function(def do_this
return 2*3
When I call my_calling_method which makes a call to my_function, I am getting args1 as nil instead of def do_this return 2*3 end.
Am I doing anything wrong? Can we pass method as an argument in Ruby?
Alright, I tried implemented a Proc for my requirement now but I am having a hard time to pass it to the calling method.
my_Proc = do
return 2*3
def my_calling_method
def my_function my_Proc
The reference material I used passes a Proc as an argument to the method like I do, but I am getting error, zero arguments passed to my_function as I am not passing any argument through my_calling_method.
Defining a new method will not return a value. (Much like writing down a phone number does not result in a conversation.)
irb:001>def something
irb:002> # code here
=> nil
When you run that in IRB, you get nil, right? So, if you define that method as part of a method call:
some_method( def something; stuff; end )
You are getting back nil from the method definition and hence nil is what gets passed into some_method.
Without knowing exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish, I will tell you that you can pass methods, or what are called "blocks", into your method call.
def my_function(&block)
my_function {2*3}
#=> 6
my_function {t =; t + 8640}
#=> 2013-08-09 14:03:29 -0500
my_function do
name = "Charlie"
#=> Eilrahc
In fact, this is what you are doing (more or less) with the method .each
array.each {|ele| foo}
I recommend reading up on Ruby's block, Procs, and Lambdas for passing methods in as arguments.
Nothing wrong. A method definition returns nil. The value of def do_this; return 2*3 end is nil. That is what you get.

Why can a method definition without a block parameter accept a block?

Why can a method definition without a block parameter accept a block? This is the demo code:
def fun
fun {puts 'hello ruby'}
Because that's how ruby works. Any method can be passed a block. It is responsibility of that method to check if block_given? and yield to it if needed.
This is implicit block passing. When you declare a block parameter, then something different happens: the block is converted to a Proc object, so that it can be called like a function and passed around as a parameter. You can't do that with implicit blocks (AFAIK).
def foo &block 3
bar block
# this method expects proc as a regular parameter (not a block), so you can pass
# a block in addition to it (if you so desire)
def bar block 4
foo do |x|
puts "this is #{x}"
# >> this is 3
# >> this is 4

Difference between block and &block in Ruby

Why sometimes I should use block and other times &block inside functions that accept blocks?
block is just a local variable, &block is a reference to the block passed to the method.
def foo(block = nil)
p block
foo # => nil
foo("test") # => test
foo { puts "this block will not be called" } # => nil
def foo(&block)
p block
foo # => nil
foo("test") # => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
foo { puts "This block won't get called, but you'll se it referenced as a proc." }
# => #<Proc:0x0000000100124ea8#untitled:20>
You can also use &block when calling methods to pass a proc as a block to a method, so that you can use procs just as you use blocks.
my_proc = proc {|i| i.upcase }
p ["foo", "bar", "baz"].map(&my_proc)
# => ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]
p ["foo", "bar", "baz"].map(my_proc)
# => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
The variable name block doesn't mean anything special. You can use &strawberries if you like, the ampersand is the key here.
You might find this article helpful.
In an argument list, &whatever takes the block that was passed to the method and wraps it in a Proc object. The Proc is stored in a variable called whatever (where that can be whatever name you typed after the ampersand, of course — usually it's "block"). After a method call, the &whatever syntax turns a Proc into a block. So if you define a method like so:
def thing(&block)
thing2 &block
You're defining a method that takes a block and then calls another method with that block.
If you don't set the & before block, Ruby won't recognize it's relationship to the "block" you pass to the function. Here some examples.
def f(x, block); end
f(3) { 2+2 } # gives an error, because "block" is a
# regular second argument (which is missing)
def g(x, &block); end
g(3) { 2+2 } # legal
def h(x); end
h(3) { 2+2 } # legal
For later use in a function:
def x(&block) # x is a 0 param function
y(block) # y is a 1 param function (taking one "Proc")
z(&block) # z is a 0 param function (like x) with the block x received
So, if you call z(&block) it's (nearly!!) the same as calling z { yield }: You just pass the block to the next function.
