how to upload a file with ajax,like what gmail does? - ajax

I know how to POST/GET text values with ajax,
but never know how to upload files with ajax.
Can someone just give a simple demo here?

GMail is actually using Flash for uploading files now... You could try looking into something like SWFUpload.

Ajax could certainly upload files by posting a HTML form with a input type="file" in it.
Some links to get you started:
Depending on the server/server side language you could probably send some kind of progress info to the client to render as a progress bar.

Check out this Ajax upload scripts, it has examples in Php and .Net. The basic idea behind the script is that you have to create an iFrame to handle this.

The YUI uploader is a flash based uploader that is designed to be very easy to integrate into javascript, with minimal knowledge of flash.
If you want a progress bar, I believe a pure javascript solution would require a server side piece to send back the current completion percentage via ajax, which would add quite a bit of complexity compared to a flash solution.


How to change only a part of web page? (is there a non JS solution?)

Hi I'm pretty new to web applications, and I want to make a small form that search for an object and show the results there. I don't want to load the whole web page, probably change only one <div> tag.
Is there a way to do this without Javascript? (It's not mandatory that I don't. Just checking if I can)
I'm using Pyramid framework (and has been working with less than 2-3 days, so please be patient with your answers).
Please point me in the right direction, I feel like I don't even know what to search for.
(Didn't go anywhere with my pyramid XMLHTTPRequest google search).
Thanks a bunch.
No, that's what AJAX is, a Javascript technique. You cannot initiate a XMLHTTPRequest from your browser without it.
Just use jQuery to load a URL from you Pyramid server; have one route serve up a HTML snippet instead of a full page:
and jQuery will request /route/to/snippet from your server, and place the result wholesale under <div id="somediv"></div>.
What you need is a Javascript library like jQuery to do the XMLHTTPRequest (popularly known as AJAX). See

Javascript file upload mechanism

I need for users to upload files (mostly images) without leaving the current webpage. What's the best tool, library or mechanism for doing this? I'm using the latest jQuery and Spring webmvc (with JSP), so if there's already a mechanism within them then that's ideal.
It would also be really great to have some kind of progress bar. Does that mean it requires coordination with the server to read the progress (where Spring would have to come into play)? Or is there a mechanism within JavaScript for this?
You should check out Plupload.
Plupload offers a cross-browser
JavaScript File uploading API that
handles multiple file uploads,
client-side progress meters, type
filtering and even client-side image
resizing and drag-and-drop from the
desktop. It achieves all of this by
providing backends for Flash,
Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 and
Browserplus and picking the most
capable available option.
Its really neat! Here's a link to some of their Demos...
... and a screenshot of the jQuery UI queue widget (it has a progress bar!):
I hope this helps.
I use uploadify pretty regularly:
However it does use flash for the upload mechanism and as a result may create some issues if the user is authenticated.
You should use AJAX on the client side This tutorial covers all client side.
Om the server side
This tutorlal covers most of this issue:
Yopu can use jquery as well or any other JS framework.
But the mist important thing is the fact You need to remember that your tag on client side should have.
property. it means that your request contains muultipart data.
Uploadify does that trick >
All samples are php but you should be able to convert it to your platform.

How do we do AJAX programming

I have no idea about AJAX programming features. I just know that it is Asynchronous Javascript and XML.
Please help me in knowing about this language.
I have gone through many AJAX tutorials. But none of the programs are running. Why I don't know.
Do we save the file with .HTML extension?
AJAX Tutorial by W3Schools.
AJAX Programming by Google Code University
To start coding you can get the Ajax Control Toolkit by Microsoft. You should read Ajax Control Toolkit Tutorials to get a grasp of it.
You can use the free Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Edition as your IDE.
Aside from the correct responses that the others gave you, judging from your question I think you first need to learn about client-side and server-side code.
Do we save the file with .HTML extension?
Yes and no. You will have an HTML frontend, that for instance contains a button. This will be interpreted from the client's (=user) browser. In fact it may be rendered differently depending on the browser/OS/etc.
Now, you attach some Javascript code to this button. This also runs on the client's browser, and creates a XMLHttpRequest object, either directly or through the use of a library (JQuery & Co.). Note that a library is not necessary to do an AJAX request. It will make your life easier if you do a lot of AJAX calls, but it is not essential.
And here's where the magic happens: the XMLHttpRequest object will call asynchronously (i.e.: without reloading the page) a server-side page. This may be a PHP, ASP, Perl etc etc file that does something on the server, for instance queries a database. This part of the operation is absolutely independent from the client. The user can close the browser before the server-side code finishes to load and the server will not know about it.
Once the server-side code has finished executing it returns to the client with some response data (e.g. a piece of XML, JSON, HTML or whatever you like). Finally the client executes (or not) some other Javascript code in response to this, for example to write on the screen, again with no reloading of the page, something based on what the server has returned.
Maybe I can help you understand AJAX by clarifying the concepts a bit.
Please help me in knowing about this language.
AJAX is not a language, it is a way of using existing techniques to improve the user experience of a web site. The language is Javascript in the browser but you can use any server side technique that you feel comfortable with (ASP.NET, Java, PHP, Ruby etc.)
Do we save the file with .HTML extension?
Well, that is not really the point. What you have to grasp here is that there is a server and a browser that interact with each other. Yes, you can use static HTML files for your pages (and save them as .html files), but you'll need a server to respond to the requests of the browser. This may be why your sample code is not working; you need to set up a server that works with your pages.
The whole idea behind AJAX is to improve the user experience by not reloading the entire page when a user interacts with it. You request the data you need and update the page by using Javascript to update the HTML. This is called an out-of-band or asynchronous request.
I just know that it is Asynchronous Javascript and XML.
That is what the acronym stands for but it doesn't quite cover what the technique is for, nor is it accurate any more. In the beginning XML was used to transfer data from the server to the client. People found that XML is not really that easy to work with in Javascript so now it's more common to use JSON. JSON is a snippet of javascript that can be evaluated in the browser. The snippet creates javascript object(s) that represent the data.
If you use a Javascript library, like others have suggested here, you won't have to worry about many of the details though.
Before you get into AJAX you should make sure that you understand:
how to modify HTML with Javascript
how a browser requests information from a server
how to handle requests on the server
If you are not comfortable with all of these concepts, stick with 'regular' web pages and try to improve your knowledge step by step.
Once you get the basic knowledge from W3school, I suggest you use a framework. Usually developers do not use XMLHttpRequest at all. Instead, javascript frameworks like ExtJS, jQuery and other frameworks make your work simple. I suggest you learn bit of javascript as well. check out jQuery.
Just to add that AJAX is rarely used in its pure form with XMLHttpRequest. You will often use it as a part of AJAX UI libraries which make your life easier. If you are from the Java world - such an AJAX library is Richfaces.
Instead of worrying about how to do AJAX, use something that allows you to forget about it. Frameworks like NOLOH do AJAX (and Comet) for you automatically without you having to do a thing. Just concentrate on your application, and business logic and it does the rest.
Really, everything is done via AJAX if available, automatically. No work on your part. If you're don't want to spend much time researching it, check out this short video that was demonstrated at Confoo PHP Conference this past March
For all those worried about, well, if it's all AJAX, what about search engines? No need to worry,
So instead of having to worry about all these different technologies, or the client-server relationship, you can sit down, code and have your website/WebApp working in no time.
You can read about NOLOH is this month's cover story of php|architect magazine,
Disclaimer: I'm a co-founder of NOLOH.
It is easy one. Ajax getting data from server side by client side execution. We have to do use XMLHttpRequest to get the result.

Upload an image using jquery AJAX in .net MVC

I am creating one application in .net MVC, in which I am using jQuery AJAX to post some data to server. The data posting is working fine, but I also need to upload one image along with the data. I have searched on stack over flow for similar question but they are not able to help me. I donot want to use flash to upload file, pure jquery solution will help me.
Using some solution I tried to post to server, but on server side I am not getting file data.
Please can some body tell me how to implement file upload in jQuery ajax?
I think you're out of luck if you want ajax like uploading without flash. Due to security limitations javascript can't do all the things required. Off the top of my head i'd say your only other option will be to use an iframe to make it appear as thought it was an ajax post.
Why not use flash though? YUI Uploader is amazingly simple and works great!

Javascript: achieving the Google Ad AJAX effect

I need to create a portable script to give to others to implement on their websites that will dynamically show content from my database (MySQL).
I know AJAX has a cross-site problem, but it seems that Google's ad's somehow manage the effect in a cross-browser / cross-site fashion.
Knowing that I have to give people a simple cut/paste snippet to put in their can I achieve this? How did Google?
They use an <iframe>, so the ad is served from their server, and can talk to their database. I'm not actually sure that they use any sort of AJAX from their ads, though; they appear to just be mostly static content, with a few scripts for tweaking the formatting (which are optional, since they want their ads to be visible even if users have JS turned off).
Remember, you can always look into this on your own, and see what they did. On Firefox, use Firebug to explore the html, css, and scripts on a site. On WebKit based browsers (Safari, Chrome, and others), you can use the Web Inspector.
Google's ad code is loaded via a script tag that calls a remote javascript file. The AJAX restrictions that are generally enforced with xmlhttp, iframe, and similar AJAX requests don't apply when it comes to loading remote javascript files.
Once you've loaded the javascript file, you can create iframes in your page that link back to the actual hosted content on your server (and feed them any data about the current page that you wish).
jQuery has built in support for jsonp in their ajax calls. You may want to lookin in to using that if you are really needing to use ajax.
You don't need iFrames and you don't need AJAX. It's really, really simple!
You pull in a remote JS file that is actually a constructed file from php/asp/whatever. In your JS file you have a document.write script that writes the content. It's that simple.
We do this all the time with media stored on separate sites. Here's an example.
YOUR SERVER: file.php (which outputs js)
document.write("I'm on a remote server");
<script src=''></script>
And it will output the content generated by the script. To make the content customized you can put in script vars above the script call that will adjust what your file pulls out. From there it's pretty straightforward.
I realize this question is a year old, but I've written a library that can help with the document.write part of the problem (whether this is a TOS violation, I don't know) writeCapture.js. It's pretty simple:
$('#ads').writeCapture().html('<script src="whatever-your-adsense-code-is"> </script>');
The example uses jQuery, but you can use it standalone as well.
