How do i stop a particular ruby daemons? - ruby

For the daemons' options :multiple => true , so, It allows me to start multiple instance of background process.
now, when run command stop it stop all background processes, How can i stop them individually?
Note: I know we can kill by pid but i want the ticker to at_exit as well.

The at_exit code should still execute provided you use a suitable signal when killing the process. e.g. if you use SIGINT rather than SIGKILL
Process.kill('SIGINT', pid)


Python3 How to gracefully shutdown a multiprocess application

I am trying to fix a python3 application where multiple proceess and threads are created controlled by various queues and pipes. I am trying to make a form of controlled exit when someone tries to break the program with ctrl-c. However no mather what I do it always hangs just at the end.
I've tried to used Keyboard-interrupt exception and signal catch
The below code is part of the multi process code.
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, JoinableQueue as Queue, Event
class TaskExecutor(Process):
def __init__(....)
def signal_handler(self, sig, frame):
print('TaskExecutor closing')
def run
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal_handler)
while True:
# Get the Task Groupe name from the Task queue.
ExecCmd = self._in_p.recv() # type: TaskExecCmd
except Exceptions as e:
if ExecCmd.Kill:'{:30} : Kill Command received'.format(
{other code executing here}
I'm getting the above print that its closing.
but im still getting a lot of different exceptions which i try to catch but it will not.
I'm am looking for some documentation on how to and in which order to shut down multiprocess and its main process.
I know it's very general question however its a very large application so if there are any question or thing i could test i could narrow it down.
So after investigating this issue further I found that in situation where I had a pipe thread, Queue thread and 4 multiprocesses running. # of these processes could end up hanging when terminating the application with ctrl-c. The Pipe and Queue process where already shut down.
In the multiprocessing documentation there are a warning.
Warning If this method is used when the associated process is using a
pipe or queue then the pipe or queue is liable to become corrupted and
may become unusable by other process. Similarly, if the process has
acquired a lock or semaphore etc. then terminating it is liable to
cause other processes to deadlock.
And I think this is what's happening.
I also found that even though I have a shutdown mechanism in my multi-process class the threads still running would of cause be considered alive (reading is_alive()) even though I know that the run() method have return IE som internal was hanging.
Now of the solution. My multiprocesses was for a design view not a Deamon because I wanted to control the shot down of them. However I changed them to Deamon so they would always be killed regardless. I first added that anyone kill signal would raise and ProgramKilled exception throughout my entire program.
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
raise ProgramKilled('Task Executor killed')
I then changed my shut down mechanism in my multi process class to
while True:
# Get the Task Groupe name from the Task queue.
# Reading from pipe
ExecCmd = self._in_p.recv() # type: TaskExecCmd
# If fatal error just close it all
except BrokenPipe:
# This can occure close the pipe and break the loop
except EOFError:
# Exception for when a kill signal is detected
# Set the multiprocess as killed (just waiting for the kill command from main)
except ProgramKilled:'{:30} : Died'.format(
self._KilledStatus = True
# kill command from main recieved
# Shut down all we can. Ignore exceptions
if ExecCmd.Kill:'{:30} : Kill Command received'.format(
except Exception:
pass'{:30} : Kill Command executed'.format(
else if (not self._KilledStatus):
{Execute code}
# When out of the loop set killed event
And in my main thread I have added the following clean up process.
#loop though all my resources
for ThreadInterfaces in ResourceThreadDict.values():
# test each process in each resource
for ThreadIf in ThreadInterfaces:
# Wait for its event to be set
# When event have been recevied see if its hanging
# We know at this point every thing have been closed and all data have been purged correctly so if its still alive terminate it.
if ThreadIf['Thread'].is_alive():
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, AttributeError):
Af a lot of testing I know its really hard to control a termination of and app with multiple processes because you simply do not know in which order all of your processes receive this signal.
I've tried to in someway to save most of my data when its killed. Some would argue what I need that data for when manually terminating the app. But in this case this app runs a lot of external scripts and other application and any of those can lock the application and then you need to manually kill it but still retain the information for what have already been executed.
So this is my solution to my current problem with my current knowledge.
Any input or more in depth knowledge on what happening is welcome.
Please note that this app runs both on linux and windows.

Windows JDK8: When will the windows system reuse the handle value of a process object?

jdk8 on windows
Create a Process instance with ProcessBuilder, and do some tasks using the process's output.
Call waitFor() to wait for this process to complete.
Use jna+cmd to forcibly kill the process. I do this in a finally block to make sure that the process is always terminated.
Field f = process.getClass().getDeclaredField("handle");
long handleValue = f.getLong(process);
WinNT.HANDLE handle = new WinNT.HANDLE();
Kernel32 kernel = Kernel32.INSTANCE;
int pid = kernel.GetProcessId(handle);
Process killPr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c taskkill /pid " + pid + " /f /t");
Is it safe to do above steps? Will I kill another unrelated process in step 3? I debugged and notice that the handle value of ProcessImpl is still valid after the process is exited. I'm worried that windows system will reuse the same handle when the real process is exited but the process object is not recycled by the jvm.
Process handle becomes available for reuse only after the last handle to the process is closed. As long as you can ensure that process doesn't get cleaned up, killing the process by PID is fine. Also, there are more cleaner ways to kill the process since you are already using JNA, see kernel32.TerminateProcess.
The handle for the process will be closed in finalize, also Process class has a call to destroy() that will also trigger a TerminateProcess call. Mostly you don't have to do what you are doing here. Calling destroy followed by waitFor should do the job.

How can a process die in a way that Process.wait wouldn't notice?

I have this ruby script to manage que processes. que doesn't support multi-proccess, see discussion here):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
cluster_size = 2
puts "starting Que cluster with #{cluster_size} workers"; STDOUT.flush
%w[INT TERM].each do |signal|
trap(signal) do
#pids.each{|pid| Process.kill(signal, pid) }
#pids = []
cluster_size.to_i.times do |n|
puts "Starting Que daemon #{n}"; STDOUT.flush
#pids << Process.spawn("que --worker-count $MAX_THREADS")
puts "Que cluster has shut down"; STDOUT.flush
The script has been working well for a couple months. The other day I found things in a state where the script was running, but both child processes were dead.
I experimented with trying to replicate this. I killed the children with various signals, had them raise exceptions. In all cases, the script knew the process died and itself died.
How could the child process have died without the parent script knowing?
How could the child process have died without the parent script
My guess is that the child process turned into a zombie and missed by Process.waitall. Did you check if the child processes are zombies when it happens?
The zombie:
If you have zombie processes it means those zombies have not been waited for by their parent (check the PPID with ps -l). In the end you have three choices: Fix the parent process (make it wait); kill the parent; or get over it.
Could you check your list of signals and trap it?
You can list all Signal(s) available (below is on windows):
=> {"EXIT"=>0, "INT"=>2, "ILL"=>4, "ABRT"=>22, "FPE"=>8, "KILL"=>9, "SEGV"=>11, "TERM"=>15}
Could you try to trap it via e.g. INT (note: you can have one trap per Signal) (
Signal.trap('SEGV') { throw :sigsegv }
catch :sigsegv
puts 'OMG! Got a SEGV!'
Since your question is a general one, it is hard to give you a specific answer.
Zombies are not the only possible cause for this problem -- stopped children may not be reported for a variety of reasons.
The existence of a zombie typically means that the parent has not properly waited on them. The posted code looks OK, though, so unless there's a framework bug lurking somewhere I'd want to look beyond the zombie apocalypse to explain this problem.
In contrast to zombies, which can't be fully reaped because they have no accessible parent, frozen processes have an intact parent but have stopped responding for some reason (waiting for an external process or I/O operation, memory problems, long or infinite looping, slow database operations, etc.).
On some platforms, Ruby can add a flag requesting return of stopped children that haven't been reported, using the following syntax:
waitpid(pid, Process::WUNTRACED)
AFAIK waitall doesn't have a version that accepts flags, so you'd have to aggregate this yourself, or use pid = -1 to wait for any child process (the default if you omit pid) or pid = 0 to wait for any child with the same process groupID as the calling process.
See documentation here.

Best way to wait for all child processes to complete in Ruby?

Looking for a way to wait for the completion of all child processes, I found this code:
while true
p "waiting for child processes"
exited_pid = Process.waitpid(-1,Process::WNOHANG)
if exited_pid and exited_pid > 0 then
p "Process exited : #{exited_pid} with status #{$?.exitstatus }"
sleep 5
rescue SystemCallError
puts "All children collected!"
This looks like it works in a similar way to Unix-systems process management, as I read on tutorialspoint HERE.
So in summary, it looks like this code:
Calls Process.waitpid, for any child process that exists. If no child process has exited, continue anyway.
If a child process has exited, then notify the user. Otherwise sleep, and check again.
When all child processes have exited an error is thrown, which is caught and the user is notified that processes are complete.
But looking at a similar question on waiting for child processes in C (Make parent wait for all child processes), which has as an answer:
POSIX defines a function: wait(NULL);. It's shorthand for waitpid(-1,
NULL, 0);, which will block until all children processes exit.
I tested that Process.wait() in Ruby achieves pretty much the same thing as the more verbose code above.
What is the benefit of the more verbose code above? Or, which is considered a better approach to waiting for child processes? It seems in the verbose code that I would be able to wait for specific processes and listen for specific exit codes. But if I don't need to do this is there any benefit?
Also, regarding the more verbose code:
Why does the call to Process.waitpid() throw an error if there are no more child processes?
If more than 1 child process exists within the 5 second sleep period, it seems like there is a queue of completed processes and that Process.waitpid just returns the top member of the queue. What is actually happening here?

Using Unix Process Control Methods in Ruby

Ryan Tomayko touched off quite a fire storm with this post about using Unix process control commands.
We should be doing more of this. A lot more of this. I'm talking about fork(2), execve(2), pipe(2), socketpair(2), select(2), kill(2), sigaction(2), and so on and so forth. These are our friends. They want so badly just to help us.
I have a bit of code (a delayed_job clone for DataMapper that I think would fit right in with this, but I'm not clear on how to take advantage of the listed commands. Any Ideas on how to improve this code?
def start
say "*** Starting job worker #{#name}"
t = do
loop do
delay = Update.work_off(self)
break if $exit
sleep delay
break if $exit
trap('TERM') { terminate_with t }
trap('INT') { terminate_with t }
trap('USR1') do
say "Wakeup Signal Caught"
Ahh yes... the dangers of "We should do more of this" without explaining what each of those do and in what circumstances you'd use them. For something like delayed_job you may even be using fork without knowing that you're using fork. That said, it really doesn't matter. Ryan was talking about using fork for preforking servers. delayed_job would use fork for turning a process into a daemon. Same system call, different purposes. Running delayed_job in the foreground (without fork) vs in the background (with fork) will result in a negligible performance difference.
However, if you write a server that accepts concurrent connections, now Ryan's advice is right on the money.
fork: creates a copy of the original process
execve: stops executing the current file and begins executing a new file in the same process (very useful in rake tasks)
pipe: creates a pipe (two file descriptors, one for read, one for write)
socketpair: like a pipe, but for sockets
select: let's you wait for one or more of multiple file descriptors to be ready with a timeout
kill: used to send a signal to a process
sigaction: lets you change what happens when a process receives a signal
5 months later, you can view my solution at Look at lib/updater/fork_worker.rb
