Problem installing visual studio service pack on Windows 7 - visual-studio

I recently installed Windows 7, then installed Visual Studio 2008.
I would like to install SP1 for Visual Studio in order to use MVC but I got an error.
I found an answers on SO that suggested a certain patch. I anstalled the patch but still have a problem, see a screenshot here.
What to do now?

That's a very weird error. Is this just a stock Windows 7 install? Any other weird errors occurring? It could be a corruption in memory or on disk...

Yeah, I got this while trying to do the exact same thing--was even going to build an MVC app. The solution was to uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio.

i Finally found Problem And Solution
in the error log of windows vista refer error to network and disk error
then i copy all file from vs sp1 image to my hard disk and then disable network connection and it install successfully
special thanks friends


Error Message During the Installation of Microsoft Visual c++ 2015

I have problem trying to install visual c++ 2015. All I get is error Message. The error message is 0x80240017. I have tried several solutions provided online but it seems none of them is working for me. Some will tell me to fully uninstall then restart my PC and try to do the installation again.
I'm running windows 7 32bit.
Thanks so much in advance.
I'm very grateful to everyone.
I found the solution to my problem. The specifications of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 indicate that your Operating System must have a Service Pack. Eg service pack 1 for win7.
You can check this by checking the properties of my computer. Right under the operating system it will be indicated if you have a service pack or not.
To get a service pack for windows 7 try to check for updates. Make sure you see service Pack 1. Or whatsoever. If not install the updates available and restart your PC then check for updates again. Then it should be there.
Thanks house for your contribution

Error installing Visual Studio 15 Preview 4 - Windows 7 SP1 requires KB2952664

As per the latest announcement from Microsoft here I'm trying to install Visual Studio 15 Preview 4 on my machine. My machine is Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition. I had already installed Visual Studio 15 Preview 3 but now I want to install Preview 4. The moment I try to run the installer "vs_bootstrapper.exe" downloadable from above mentioned URL it fails with following error.
Windows 7 SP1 requires KB2952664.
It shows the above message in a message box without any other redirection to some error log file or retry option.
I also tried running the installer exe with administrative privileges as well but to no success. I'm stuck. Can anyone help me if you also have faced or fixed this issue?
Note: I'm on a hyper-v box.
Visual Studio community link from Daniel A. White helped me resolve this issue. The problem is faced by many users and you can find the details here.
Quoting from the thread:
It seems that installer is looking for a file named "dismapi.dll".
This file has to be present in either %windir%\system32 or
%windir%\SysWow64 or any subdirectory.
A (dirty) workaroud is to create an empty file named dismapi.dll in
any of those directories and then you can install Preview 4... :)
As suggested in the problem thread, creating a dummy dismapi.dll file in %windir%\SysWow64 path helped me get past this issue. After creating the dummy file, the welcome page of the installer finally popped-up. The first solution to create the dummy file in %windir%\system32 didn't work for me. The two alternative solutions could be OS dependent. Mine was Windows Server 2008 R2.

InPageError while installing Visual Studio

I have a big problem. I need to install Visual Studio 2010 but I get this error:
Suite Intergration Toolkit Executable has stopped workingg
Problem Event Name: InPageError
Error Status Code: c0000010
I have also tried to extract the .iso and run the setup.exe. The instalation fails in this case, too.
Also, when I tried chkdsk F: /R in cmd I got: "Windows cannot run disk checking on this volume because it is write protected".
I would like to mention that I have recently reinstalled windows 7 on my laptop.
What drivers should I check?
How could I solve this? I really need to install Visual Studio for a project that I have to work on.
thank you!
It's solved, but I don't really know why...
I only changed the boot order and I made some windows updates.
Then I run the setup and it all worked.

Error when installing of VS 2013 (Access denied)

I'm trying to install VS 2013 RTM on my laptop with Windows 7 (x64) SP1 and at the end it gives the following error. I've looked at that KB article and it mentions a hotfix that comes with VS 2012 (i don't have it installed on my machine). Any ideas about how to fix it?
I faced with the same issue during VS 2013 installation on my laptop. In general, even with this issues VS is working well, but VS addons won't see your installation. The reason of such behavior - issue with windows update service.
From my installation log: Error 0x80070005: Failed to open WU service.
Please see article on technet, answer from Della Li:
After listed there actions try to repair/reinstall your VS. It should help.
while installing new VS 2015 Enterprise edition on Windows 7 machine, I got below error... it was strange and could not find any help from Googling...
finally saw the log file and search with the KB2999226, it was referring Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu may be did not have access. I did that installation manually and hence it started working.
so manually install the file "Windows6.1-KB2999226-x64.msu" from "$VS folder\packages\Patch\x64" .
then run it.

The version of clr.dll does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for

I have a C# console app in Visual Studio 2010 that I can run just fine. When I attempt to run the process in debug mode, I am presented with the following error:
I have tried searching for any information, but I haven't been able to find anything. Can anyone provide clues as to why I can't run this with the debugger?
EDIT: I should clarify that I have been able to successfully debug a console app previously, this is a new situation.
From what I can tell when I'm able to reproduce this error, it is caused by being in the middle of installing Windows updates. So, running updates, then postponing a reboot, then attempting to debug code is what was putting me in this broken state.
I had this issue once and it was caused by an pending Windows Update on the Server where the process was running, which I wanted to attach.
I encountered the same issue. It happened to me when I attempted to attach to a process for debugging purposes. At the time I had postponed a pending windows update.
Everything started working fine after I restarted my computer and allowed the update to take place.
Additional notes: I had recently updated to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and installed its Service Pack 1.
I had this when I installed .NET 4.6 for Visual Studio 2013.
In this particular case, restarting Visual Studio 2013 solved the problem.
I have finally solved this!
It seemed to have happened after I updated my Windows 7. One of my files must have been out of date.
The fix: Install VS 2010 Service Pack 1
Worked correctly right after I installed. Hitting breakpoints and everything!
Hope this works for you too!
I also updated to Service Pack 1, and made sure Windows updates were up to date, but I was still having the same issue:
"The Version of CLR.dll in the target does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for."
Microsoft closed this issue on as not reproducible... Unforgivable, irresponsible support system!!
But on I was directed to upgrade through this link, and this has resolved the problem in my machine ( Win7,VS2010,target 4.0)
Hope it helps.
Simply. Restarting Visual Studio solved the problem in my case.
I had VS 2010 SP1 for ages and had rebooted many times. There wasn't any windows update in progress either. I closed all my VS 2010 IDEs and then opened them, and the problem was gone.
This happens, when you do a WINDOWS UPDATE and haven't rebooted your system and the update isn't compatible with VISUAL STUDIO. So in order to solve this, just do an update on VISUAL STUDIO to latest. That should FIX it
I had this weird issue after installing .net framework 4.5, when using .net 4 for my project.
updating VS 2010 service pack didn't solve this, only removal of .net 4.5 and 4, and then reinstalling .net 4 only.
I have VS2013 on Win7 and restarting VS worked for me. Seems it is a VS/CLR bug.
