How can I control the subreport layout? - reportingservices-2005

My business analysts have created 7 reports (using Report Builder) they want merged into a MEGA-report. I've been trying to do this by wrapping them all in subreports (which you can't use in Report Builder 1.0). While all reports show up, the layouts are all over the place. The subreports seem to reorder themselves.
I've dropped down to only using two reports to try to isolate the error. When this runs, subreport2 shows up above subreport1.
What changes do I need to make to my report, (or the child reports) to get them to display in order?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="schema">
<Subreport Name="subreport1">
<Subreport Name="subreport2">

Add a Table
Place each subreport in its own table cell
Organize cells for desired layout


QuickLink in UML Profile not displaying in Sparx enterprise Architect

I am trying to add a new item to the 'quick link' menu in Sparx Enterprise Architect.
I have followed the instructions on the EA website:
and in despiration I have also tried a vanilla copy of the example from
I have a new profile with a new stereotype of 'quick' which extends the metaclass 'Class'. I have added a 'QuickLink' artefact and copied the below entries into it (from the example above):
Class,quick,,,,Component,,Dependency,,to,,Dependency to,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Component,0,,,,,
Class,quick,,,,Component,,Dependency,,from,,Dependency from,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Component,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Component,,,,,Dependency,,to,Dependency to,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,,,
Class,quick,Component,,,,,Dependency,,from,Dependency from,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Port,,,,,Dependency,,to,Dependency to,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,,,
Class,quick,Port,,,,,Dependency,,from,Dependency from,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Component,,,Port,,Dependency,,to,,Dependency to,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Port,0,,TRUE,,,
Class,quick,Component,,,Port,,Dependency,,from,,Dependency from,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Port,0,,TRUE,TRUE,,
I have then saved the UML Profile and generated an MDG from it. I have looked in the profile.xml and MDG xml files and in both cases the CSV information appears as I would expect in the QuickLink element:
When I import the MDG, I can create a new diagram, the correct toolbox appears with my 'quick' stereotype on it. When I drag it onto the diagram however and try to create new links, the quicklinks menu is not showing any of my customisations.
Is there anythink I am missing here to make this work?
The problem doesn't appear to be the quicklinker definition. I have created a working technology using that definition (below).
It is likely that the problem is with the way the technology has been put together, rather than the quicklinks themselves. Hopefully you can see what is different by comparing this to your technology. If not then post your technology and I will take a look.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<UMLProfile profiletype="uml2">
<Documentation id="C5186393-D" name="MyProfile" version="1.0" notes="MyProfile"/>
<Stereotype name="quick" notes="">
<Apply type="Class">
<Property name="isActive" value=""/>
<QuickLink data="Class,quick,,,,Component,,Dependency,,to,,Dependency to,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Component,0,,,,,
Class,quick,,,,Component,,Dependency,,from,,Dependency from,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Component,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Component,,,,,Dependency,,to,Dependency to,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,,,
Class,quick,Component,,,,,Dependency,,from,Dependency from,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Port,,,,,Dependency,,to,Dependency to,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,,,
Class,quick,Port,,,,,Dependency,,from,Dependency from,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Component,,,Port,,Dependency,,to,,Dependency to,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Port,0,,TRUE,,,
Class,quick,Component,,,Port,,Dependency,,from,,Dependency from,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Port,0,,TRUE,TRUE,,

How can I find (and rehabilitate, if necessary) the Code Snippet I created?

I created a code snippet (the first of many, hopefully) using mainly this article as guidance.
It seemed to work. Here are the steps I took:
First, I created this file with the code snippet (HtmlTableRowWithTwoCells.snippet):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets xmlns="">
<CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
<!-- The Title of the snippet, this will be shown in the snippets manager. -->
<Title>Create a 2-Cell HTML Table Row</Title>
<!-- The description of the snippet. -->
<Description>Creates a 2-Cell Row to be added to an HtmlTable</Description>
<!-- The author of the snippet. -->
<Author>Warble P. McGorkle for Platypi R Us (Duckbills Unlimited)</Author>
<!-- The set of characters that must be keyed in to insert the snippet. -->
<!-- The set of snippet types we're dealing with - either Expansion or -->
<!-- Now we have the snippet itself. -->
<ToolTip>Enter the Row instance name</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Enter the name for Cell 1</ToolTip>
<ToolTip>Enter the name for Cell 2</ToolTip>
<!-- Sepecify the code language and the actual snippet content. -->
<Code Language="CSharp" Kind="any">
var $RowName$ = new HtmlTableRow();
var $Cell1Name$ = new HtmlTableCell();
var $Cell2Name$ = new HtmlTableCell();
Then, I created this "manifest" file (.vscontent):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<VSContent xmlns="" >
<DisplayName>Inserts a 2-Cell HTML Table Row</DisplayName>
<Description>Inserts a 2-Cell Row to be added to an HtmlTable</Description>
<FileContentType>Code Snippet</FileContentType>
<Attribute name="lang" value="csharp"/>
I zipped those two files together, renamed the extension from .zip to .vsi, 2-clicked it, and installed it into the "My Code Snippets" folder here with these steps:
And it indicates the snippet was installed in a reasonable location:
Yet, when I attempt to add a Code Snippet in VS, the only categories I see are these (no "My Code Snippets"):
When I select Tools > Code Snippets Manager..., I can navigate to Visual C# > My Code Snippets, but it is empty.
When I use the Code Snippets Manager's "Import" button and navigate to the location of the snippet and attempt to add the snippet file, I get, "The snippet files chosen were not valid."
Why does it tell me it installed successfully, when it apparently didn't (or where is it hiding)? What flaming hoop did I neglect to catapult myself through?
Is the "weird" name of the "manifest" file possibly the problem? ".vscontent" seems odd to me, but that's what the article referenced above says to name it. Perhaps that was just on oversight, and it should really be [snippetName].vscontent?
Apparently, naming the "manifest" file *.vscontent" is not the problem. Maybe it's a problem, but it's not the problem, because I named it the same as the .snippets file (except for the extension), went through the installation process again, and got the same exact results: seeming success, actual demoralization.
BTW, by default, when choosing a category into which to place the snippet, the Code Snipeets Manager puts a checkbox in "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2005 > My Code Snippets". I had previously unticked that and ticked the topmost "My Code Snippets"; this time I retained the default selection, PLUS my preferred location/category PLUS "Visual C#"
But alas and anon, the only category of those that seems to dispaly via Ctrl+K, X in VS is C#, and the expected shortcut ("row2") does not appear in the snippet dropdown.
Here's an easier way (and, as a bonus, it works):
Download the Snippets Designer:
Write the code directly in Visual Studio:
var RowName = new HtmlTableRow();
var Cell1Name = new HtmlTableCell();
var Cell2Name = new HtmlTableCell();
Right-click and select "Export as Snippet"
This puts the code in the Snippet Designer. Here's what it looks like after setting a few properties, and electing which parts of the code would be replaceable:
This is quite easy - sure beats the "olde-fashioned" way I was trying (which would have been okay, had it worked).
All I had to do was right-click the elements of code I wanted to replace on adding a new snippet, set the snippet's shortcut and description properties in Solution Explorer, save it, and voila!
Now mashing Ctrl+K, X in VS shows the snippet in "My Code Snippets" along with its description and shortcut:
Selecting it adds the snippet with the replacement strings highlighted:

Devexpress Gridview Filter Control

I have a ASPxGridView component that is filled from a SQL query
I wanted to apply a filter on my ASPX Gridview
so I wrote:
<dx:ASPxGridView runat="server" ID="gvExecReq" Visible="false" AutoGenerateColumns="true"
OnPageIndexChanged="gvExecReq_PageIndexChanged" OnBeforeColumnSortingGrouping="gvExecReq_BeforeColumnSortingGrouping">
**<Settings ShowFilterRow="True" />
<Settings ShowFilterBar="Visible" ShowHeaderFilterButton="True" />**
the filter is well established, but it is not functional
What do I need to add more?
Please Use Following Settings For Filter To Be Operational :
<Settings ShowHeaderFilterButton="true"
ShowFilterBar="Visible" ShowFilterRow="True" ShowFilterRowMenu="True" />
Also In The Columns of The Grid You Can Control The Condition of Filtering i.e. Contains, Equal, Does Not Contain etc.
<dx:GridViewDataColumn Settings-AutoFilterCondition="Contains" Settings-FilterMode="DisplayText">
if in the database filed type is string you can write part of text for search,but is type of int or decimal or so on,you should write ALL text even it can find rows

Oracle ADF: LOV not working on create

I have a ViewObject (VO1) with a ListOfValue that points to a ViewObject (VO2), and fetches records from VO2. There is no ViewCriteria added on VO2.
When testing in the BC tester, the LOV works fine. Both on editing a row in VO1, and when creating a row in VO1.
Using the LOV in a jspx page, the LOV works fine when editing a row in VO1. But when I'm creating a new row in the jspx page, the LOV doesn't fetch any records. Just an empty list.
I can't figure out what is wrong, or why it doesn't work. I have created several LOV all working like a charm, but this one is making me tear my hair out.
Anyone else experienced a similar scenario where a LOV only works upon editing a row?
Any ideas what can be wrong?
The SOC on the jspx page:
<af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.bindings.IdSosBasGrantType.inputValue}"
id="soc12" autoSubmit="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{row.bindings.IdSosBasGrantType.items}" id="si11"/>
The iterator binding:
<tree IterBinding="SosBasCaseGrantPerCaseTypeIterator" id="SosBasCaseGrantPerCaseType">
<nodeDefinition DefName="fo.att.alm.sos.model.bas.views.SosBasCaseGrantVO" Name="SosBasCaseGrantPerCaseType0">
<Item Value="Seq"/>
<Item Value="IdSosBasGrantType"/>
<Item Value="IdSosBasGrantVariant"/>
<Item Value="RuleType"/>
<Item Value="Status"/>
<Item Value="IdAplCfgPartyType"/>
The ViewAttribute:
The ListBinding:
<AttrArray Name="AttrNames">
<Item Value="IdSosBasGrantType"/>
<AttrArray Name="ListAttrNames">
<Item Value="GrantTypeId"/>
<AttrArray Name="ListDisplayAttrNames">
<Item Value="ObjectTypeDisplayName"/>
The ViewAccessor
Hard to guess without knowing more about the code.
But if you have a situation where on creating a new record the LOV shows up empty, maybe you have a viewlink defined between the two VOs.
You need to make sure that the LOV data comes from an independent VO2 that is not a detail of VO1.
I guess that
1- Lov view object VO2 has view link defined between two View Objects
2- Lov view object VO2 has parameter in its sql statement to filter data which gets its value from current view object VO1 and the parameter is null so it will not return data
Try turning on the ADF BC debugging and see what is the query that the LOV sends to the DB when you invoke it from the page.
edit your project properties and in the Run/Debug page, select a run configuration and click Edit. Then add the string -Djbo.debugoutput=console to the Java Options field.

Customize a document_view and add a div?

This feels like a newbie question but:
I am trying to create a new page from the drop-down display menu so that I can supply a background color to the page (so end user doesn't have to go into the html and add a div). I tried adding a new (empty) div to the template but it's not working. Is this even possible?
Here is my code (my div is called "s_holder"):
<metal:field use-macro="python:here.widget('text', mode='view')">
Body text
<div metal:use-macro="here/document_relateditems/macros/relatedItems">
show related items if they exist
<div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.belowcontentbody" />
<div id="s_holder"></div><!--end s holder-->
For the part of creating the new display view: as #Auspex said, you should put the div inside the macro.
To add your display view to the drop down menu you need to edit every content type. There are two ways of doing this:
1- manually add a "types" folder in the genericsetup profile of your product and put inside one xml file per content type. Ex:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="File"
meta_type="Factory-based Type Information with dynamic views"
i18n:domain="plone" xmlns:i18n="">
<property name="view_methods">
<element value="file_view"/>
<element value="myniewfantastic_view"/>
2- in the ZMI -> portal_types edit every content type to add your display view and then in the portal_setup tool export the step for types. Extract the xml definitions from the downloaded archive to your genericsetup profile (in the "types" folder) and then edit them to remove unuseful parts as above.
Sure you can do it. I'm not convinced it's a good idea :-), but you need the <div> to be inside the main_macro (your example HTML is invalid - you have a </tal:main-macro> and no start tag, but I'm assuming you just cut and pasted the last part of the template here, because that template would never display, if it was written that way.
That said, how exactly are you adding it to "the drop-down display menu"?
