how do oracle stored procedures (w/ cursors) work? - oracle

I have a following oracle stored procedure
PROCEDURE getRejectedReasons
OPEN p_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM reasons_for_rejection;
However, when I run this stored procedure in sql-developer then I dont see anything. I just see something like this:
Connecting to the database oracleLocal.
Process exited.
Disconnecting from the database oracleLocal.
I'm coming from MS sql server and am used to seeing actual results when running a stored procedure like this. Is this stored procedure not returning results because I am using a cursor??

The stored procedure is returning something it's just you aren't doing anything with the results.
You can do this simply by running the following script in SQLDeveloper:
EXEC getRejectedReasons(:csr); -- the colon identifies the parameter as a variable
PRINT csr;
Another method is to fetch each row and do some sort of processing:
-- sys_refcursor is weakly typed
-- define a record so we can reference the fields
rej_rec Reasons_for_Rejection%ROWTYPE;
-- loop through the results
-- gets one row at a time
FETCH refcsr INTO rej_rec;
-- if the fetch doesn't find any more rows exit the loop
-- Do something here.
-- For example : DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rej_rec.reason_desc);

You opened the cursor. You didn't select anything from it, update it, or advance it.
All open does, effectively, to select the matching rows into temporary memory, so you can advance the cursor row by row. Which you didn't do.

One of the differences between Oracle and SQL Server is that the latter returns result sets naturally. I'd use a function, by the way.
In Oracle, functions typically return a single element. Cursors came later.
There's some documentation online that will help you understand the use of refcursor bind variables. Here's one such for SQL*Plus:
I think in SQL Developer you can do the same thing with autoprint on, although I haven't tested that.
Found a blog that also discusses something similar:

ETA: Ok. Ignore what I wrote. Listen to someone else. Apparently it's wrong, as I got down voted.
What tpdi said is correct. You have to do something with the cursor after you declare it.
Here's an example using two cursors in nested loops
PROCEDURE update_insert_tree (exid_in IN NUMBER, outvar_out OUT VARCHAR2)
nxtid NUMBER;
phaseid NUMBER;
rowcounter1 NUMBER;
rowcounter1 := 0;
outvar_out := 0;
FOR acur IN (SELECT dept_exercise_id, phase
FROM ep_dept_exercise
WHERE exercise_id = exid_in)
FOR thecur IN (SELECT document_name, thelevel, sortnum, type_flag,
FROM ep_exercise_save
WHERE exercise_id = exid_in)
phaseid := acur.phase;
IF phaseid = 0
phaseid := 10;
UPDATE ep_dept_exercise
SET phase = 10
WHERE dept_exercise_id = acur.dept_exercise_id;


dbms_output.put_line doesn't work inside a Cursor For loop of a stored procedure

I am having a bizarre problem that seems very specific to CURSOR FOR Loops inside of a stored procedure. For clarity, I am using Oracle within DBeaver and am attempting to loop over all of the columns in a table and print out the results of a select statement.
I don't have access to the exact code but this is functionally approximate:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE column_null(table_name_in IN VARCHAR2)
str_query VARCHAR2(1000);
temp_number NUMBER(10);
CURSOR col_cursor IS
SELECT * FROM user_tab_cols
WHERE table_name = table_name_in;
FOR c_id IN col_cursor
str_query := 'select COUNT(*) FROM ' || table_name_in ||
' WHERE ' || c_id.column_name || ' IS NOT NULL';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE str_query INTO temp_number;
Now, the bizarre part is that if I do this exact same code block outside of a stored function (minus an extra DECLARE keyword), it works as expected. Even if I try to just echo out 'Hello' within a loop it works as expected, but as soon as it becomes a stored procedure it stops working. I've been testing this for hours today, and am completely baffled; for reference, I have only recently become acquainted with PL/SQL so its mysteries escape me.
Furthermore, it seems specific to CURSOR FOR loops; if I replace the Cursor For loop with a generic numeric loop (i.e. FOR c_id IN 1 .. 10), a procedure will produce output just fine. And it isn't just DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE that's affected; pretty much everything that goes on inside the Cursor For loop is ignored in a stored procedure, including variable updates, even though they work fine otherwise in normal PL/SQL blocks.
To summarize: Works fine as a PL/SQL block, works fine in a numeric for loop, but for some reason the exact combination of stored procedure and cursor for loop causes no output to be produced; in fact from my testing it seems like nothing meaningful happens within the cursor for loop of a stored function.
Is this a DBeaver bug? A PL/SQL oddity? I'm posting here because I'm ignorant as to whether this is expected behavior due to how Procedures and/or Cursor For loops work, or if this is a bug of some kind.
What you have done is declaring a procedure. Now that you have declared it, you have to call it using a program like bellow. Most likely it will generate outputs.
Option 01
set serveroutput on;
v_table_name_in IN VARCHAR2(499);
v_table_name_in := 'your table name';
column_null(table_name_in => v_table_name_in);
Option 02
Get a return parameter. ideally a table type as out parameter. and inside the above code, loop through it and print the value.
Option 03.
Log the outputs into a log table.
I found the error was solved by simply adding AUTHID current_user to the procedure; apparently the procedure didn't have permission to access the table it was trying to select. Strangely though, no error was produced when trying to run the procedure; it just didn't produce any output.

Partially consuming a cursor in multiple pl/sql calls without defining it in package spec

I have a large source data set (a few million rows) that requires complex processing, resulting in much larger amount of data, which should be then offloaded and stored as files. The storage requires dividing up resulting data based on certain parameters, namely N source rows that meet certain criteria.
Since it's possible to compute the said parameters within PL/SQL, it was decided that the most efficient way would be to create a package, specify a spec-level cursor for source rows in it, then write a procedure that would partially consume the opened cursor until the criteria is meet and fill temporary tables with resulting data, which would then be offloaded, and the procedure would be called again, repeating until there's no more source rows. PL/SQL basically looks like this:
create or replace PACKAGE BODY generator as
cursor glob_cur_body(cNo number) is
select *
from source_table
where no = cNo
order by conditions;
procedure close_cur is
if glob_cur_body%isopen then
close glob_cur_body;
end if;
end close_cur;
procedure open_cur(pNo number) is
open glob_cur_body(pNo);
end open_cur;
function consume_cur return varchar2 is
v source_table%rowtype;
part_id varchar2(100);
fetch glob_cur_body into v;
if glob_cur_body%notfound then
return null;
end if;
--Clear temporary tables
--Do the processing until criteria is meet of there's no more rows
--Fill the temporary tables and part_id
return part_id;
end consume_cur;
end generator;
And the consumer is doing the following (in pseudocode)
part_id = generator.consume;
while ( part_id != null )
//offload data from temp tables
part_id = generator.consume;
It's working fine, but unfortunately there's one problem: a spec-level cursor makes the package stateful, meaning that its recompilation results in ORA-04068 for sessions that already accessed it before. It makes maintenance cumbersome, because there's a lot more to the package besides said functions, and it's actively used for unrelated purposes.
So, I want to get rid of the spec-level cursor, but I'm not sure if that's possible. Some ideas I've already discarded:
Re-opening the cursor and skipping N rows: terrible performance, unreliable because affected by any changes to data made between opens
Fetching the source cursor into plsql table: size too large.
Filling up the entire unload tables at once, splitting them later: size too large, subpar performance.
Opening the cursor as refcursor and storing refcursor variable in a dedicated package: impossible, as pl/sql doesn't allow sys_refcursor variables at spec levels
Having open_cur procedures return refcursor, storing it in the offloader, and then somehow passing it to consume_cur: looked viable, but the offloader is in Java, and JDBC doesn't allow binding of SYS_REFCURSOR parameters.
Changing consume_cur to pipelined function: could have worked, but oracle buffers pipelined rows, meaning it would execute multiple times when fetching data from it row-by-row. Also counterintuitive.
Only other idea I've had so far is to make a dedicated package storing said cursor, having open and close procedures and get_cursor returning refcursor; then call get_cursor from generator.consume_cur. That would make the dedicated package (which is unlikely to change) stateful and main package stateless. However, it seems like a half-baked patch rather than a problem solution. Is there a more decent way of achieving what I need? Perhaps changing the logic completely without affecting performance and storage limits too much.
I have a problem to understand your question. But I can provide clarification for your ideas.
Opening the cursor as refcursor and storing refcursor variable in a
dedicated package: impossible, as pl/sql doesn't allow sys_refcursor
variables at spec levels
The workaround with dbms_sql.
create table test_rows as (select level rr from dual connect by level <= 100);
create or replace package cursor_ctx is
ctx_number integer;
p_cursor sys_refcursor;
open p_cursor for 'select rr from test_rows';
cursor_ctx.ctx_number := DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR_NUMBER(p_cursor);
This part consuming is data from the cursor.
p_cursor sys_refcursor;
type l_number is table of number;
v_numbers l_number;
if DBMS_SQL.IS_OPEN(cursor_ctx.ctx_number) then
p_cursor := DBMS_SQL.TO_REFCURSOR( cursor_ctx.ctx_number);
fetch p_cursor bulk collect into v_numbers limit 10;
if v_numbers.count < 10 then
dbms_output.put_line('No more data, close cursor');
close p_cursor;
cursor_ctx.ctx_number := null;
cursor_ctx.ctx_number := DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR_NUMBER(p_cursor);
end if;
for i in nvl(v_numbers.first,1) .. nvl(v_numbers.last,-1) loop
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line('Null or cursor close ');
end if;
Pipelined function has future to split input cursor into chunk. Parallel Enabled Pipelined Table Functions
JDBC allows using sys_refcursor as an output parameter. sys_refcursor = ResultSet.

PL/SQL: Error when creating sequence

I'm quite new to PL/SQL, and am using Oracle SQL Developer to write a procedure which uses a sequence to generate a primary key for some existing data, to write into another DB.
The code in question is under NDA.. Essentially I have the following:
create or replace
PROCEDURE Generate_Data
output IN VARCHAR2
-- Variables here --
CURSOR myCursor IS
SELECT data1, data2
FROM table;
CREATE SEQUENCE mySequence <-- error on this line
-- snip --
It raises the error PLS-00103, saying it encountered the symbol CREATE when expecting on of the following: begin, function, package, pragma, procedure, ...
I've been following the example at:
The reason you're getting this error is that you're trying to perform DDL, in this case creating a sequence, within PL/SQL. It is possible to do this, but you must use execute immediate.
As Alex says, you also wouldn't be able to do this in the declare section. It would look something like this:
execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE mySequence
However, as Padmarag also says, it's highly unlikely that you want to do this within PL/SQL. It would be more normal to create a sequence outside and then reference this later. More generally speaking, performing DDL inside a PL/SQL block is a bad idea; there should be no need for you to do it.
You don't mention what version of Oracle you're using. From 11g the ways in which you could access sequences got extended. If you're using 11g then you can access the sequence by creating a variable and assigning the next value in the sequence, .nextval, to this variable:
l_seq number;
-- For each loop l_seq will be incremented.
l_seq := mysequence.nextval;
-- snip
If you're before 11g you must (outside of DML) use a select statement in order to get the next value:
l_seq number;
-- For each loop l_seq will be incremented.
select mysequence.nextval into l_seq from dual;
-- snip
Please bear in mind that a sequence is meant to be a persistent object in the database. There is no need to drop and re-create it each time you want to use it. If you were to run your script, then re-run it the sequence would happily keep increasing the returned value.
Further Reading
About sequences
Using sequences
You can't create sequence in the DECLARE block of procedure. Move it after BEGIN. It's arguable if it makes sense, though. You probably need to create it outside your procedure in the first place.
Actually, if you truly want it inside BEGIN/END use following:
You'd need to create the sequence before using it.
And in the PL/SQL code use
-- Variables here --1
v_seq_val number;
Select mySequence.nextval from dual into v_seq_val
In general SQL is for DDL(Data Definition Language) and PL/SQL is for DML(Data Manipulation Language) and logic.
If you wanted you could do Create from PL/SQL, but I think that's not what you want over here.

How to get refcursor result/output to show as text?

I'm trying to call a stored procedure in Oracle and show the results of the call, the problem is that it crashes on the line FETCH v_cur into v_a; with error: ORA-06504: PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match.
I guess the output of the query does not match v_a VARCHAR2(100), but I don't know what to put there instead. The stored procedure that's being called does a join of several tables and selects more than 20+ different columns belonging to different tables. So what I would want is to just view the output of the query without having to refer to each result column separately. How I would go and do this ?
I'm using SQL Navigator (not that important I guess).
v_a VARCHAR2(100);
pkg_get_results.get_rows(v_cur,to_date('2012/04/12', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),to_date('2012/04/12', 'yyyy/mm/dd'), '','','','');
FETCH v_cur into v_a; -- what to put here ?
dbms_output.put_line(v_a );
CLOSE v_cur;
SQL Navigator does have the ability to do this for you. How to do it exactly depends on your version of Navigator, and it's conceivable (though I don't know) some versions may not have it.
Instructions can be found in this thread:
Incidentally, Toad also has this ability.

How to test an Oracle Stored Procedure with RefCursor return type?

I'm looking for a good explanation on how to test an Oracle stored procedure in SQL Developer or Embarcardero Rapid XE2. Thank you.
Something like
create or replace procedure my_proc( p_rc OUT SYS_REFCURSOR )
open p_rc
for select 1 col1
from dual;
variable rc refcursor;
exec my_proc( :rc );
print rc;
will work in SQL*Plus or SQL Developer. I don't have any experience with Embarcardero Rapid XE2 so I have no idea whether it supports SQL*Plus commands like this.
Something like this lets you test your procedure on almost any client:
v_a VARCHAR2(10);
v_b VARCHAR2(10);
FETCH v_cur INTO v_a, v_b;
dbms_output.put_line(v_a || ' ' || v_b);
CLOSE v_cur;
Basically, your test harness needs to support the definition of a SYS_REFCURSOR variable and the ability to call your procedure while passing in the variable you defined, then loop through the cursor result set. PL/SQL does all that, and anonymous blocks are easy to set up and maintain, fairly adaptable, and quite readable to anyone who works with PL/SQL.
Another, albeit similar way would be to build a named procedure that does the same thing, and assuming the client has a debugger (like SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, TOAD, etc.) you could then step through the execution.
In SQL Developer you can right-click on the package body then select RUN. The 'Run PL/SQL' window will let you edit the PL/SQL Block. Clicking OK will give you a window pane titled 'Output Variables - Log' with an output variables tab. You can select your output variables on the left and the result is shown on the right side. Very handy and fast.
I've used Rapid with T-SQL and I think there was something similiar to this.
Writing your own delcare-begin-end script where you loop through the cursor, as with DCookie's example, is always a good exercise to do every now and then. It will work with anything and you will know that your code works.
In Toad I use:
variable salida refcursor
exec MY_PKG.MY_PRC(1, 2, 3, :salida) -- 1, 2, 3 are params
print salida
Then, Execute as Script.
I think this link will be enough for you. I found it when I was searching for the way to execute oracle procedures.
The link to the page
Short Description:
--cursor variable declaration
variable Out_Ref_Cursor refcursor;
--execute procedure
execute get_employees_name(IN_Variable,:Out_Ref_Cursor);
--display result referenced by ref cursor.
print Out_Ref_Cursor;
create or replace procedure my_proc( v_number IN number,p_rc OUT SYS_REFCURSOR )
open p_rc
for select 1 col1
from dual;
and then write a function lie this which calls your stored procedure
create or replace function my_proc_test(v_number IN NUMBER) RETURN sys_refcursor
p_rc sys_refcursor;
return p_rc;
then you can run this SQL query in the SQLDeveloper editor.
SELECT my_proc_test(3) FROM DUAL;
you will see the result in the console right click on it and cilck on single record view and edit the result you can see the all the records that were returned by the ref cursor.
