Output a watched Visual Studio variable to a file - visual-studio

Is there a way in Visual Studio (2008 if it matters) that I can, in debug/break mode, write the contents of a variable to a text/XML file?
The scenario is that I have a long process running in debug and I have realised too late that I haven't logged enough detail about the events that the process has been monitoring, but fortunately a history is still available within a variable in the code.
I could trawl through the tens of thousands of items in this list, but it's not going to persist once I hit stop on the application ... there is no obvious context option for this, but is there any way, a better way than manual? Or is there no hope and I just need to hit stop, re-tool the logging function and run the thing again?
Aside from trying to hit a breakpoint, modify the code and re-write to make a better logger, is there a way of not losing that in-memory data?

One way to do it would be to use the immediate window (menu Debug -> Windows -> Immediate). In the window that appears you can use the "?" to query the value of a variable.
Assuming your history variable is a string you view its contents by typing the following in the immediate window:
You could copy and paste the output from there into a text file or alternatively ask Visual Studio to log all command window output. To do this type:
>log "c:\test.log"
>? history
>log off
Log is an alias for Tools.LogCommandWindowOutput and accepts the following parameters:
Tools.LogCommandWindowOutput [filename] [/on|/off] [/overwrite]
Check out the MSDN article Log Command Window Output Command for more information.

I think that my answer is pretty much the same as JamesPickrell's, but from the Immediate Window you could also do something like this:
This would output the content of the "history" variable to a file called c:\temp.txt.

Thanks to Richard's answer, this is working for me.
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(#"c:\Temp\temp.txt", myVar);
Make sure that C:\Temp exists.
The reason for writing to a folder and not to the root C:\ is to avoid UnauthorizedAccessException when not running Visual Studio as administrator.

I found useful/demonstrative/shareable to save the variable as a json string to the file. From Immediate Window enter the following:
string jsonedVariable = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(VARIABLE);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(#"C:\FILENAME.json", jsonedVariable);

Not sure from which version it's supported, but you can simply put it in the WATCH window, then right-click copy past wherever you want.


The visual studio F# interactive window keeps not opening in current directory

So I want to work a little bit in the interactive window in visual studio, to take a look at some F#.
Now View>other windows>F# interactive
In order to load my file I then type
>#load "Distance.fs";;
It is important to mention that Distance.fs is the current file that I am standing on.
however now, I get this error:
It looks like it keeps looking in the wrong directory, and it keeps doing this across different files and projects. Why does this happen? Is there any way I can configure VS to always open the interactive windows on the currently open directory
FSI defaults its current directory to whatever %TEMP% is and just needs a little help. Create a scratch script (as #TheQuickBrownFox suggested), and put your #load statement in there. Above that, add
open System
Environment.CurrentDirectory <- __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
Highlight those two lines and press Alt-Enter to tell FSI to change to the script's current directory, then your #load statement should work (if needed, adjust your path, for example if you create a separate scripts folder, then maybe you now need #load "../Distance.fs", etc.

How to manage files with a batchscript via "Send To"?

I want to improve my file managent and need some help to get started.
For this specific script, my idea is the following:
while in Explorer
rightclick a file -> Send To -> "Apps[.bat]"
Then the script starts and does the following:
moves the whole directory (and subfolders) of the selected file to a specified location (in my case C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps\Files)
so sending Name\Downloads\Coolportableapplication\Coolapp.exe to the batch results in Name\Desktop\Apps\Files\Coolportableapplication\Coolapp.exe
creates a shortcut of C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps\Files\Coolportableapplication\Coolapp.exe in C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps
Is this generally possible with a batchscript?
This isn't my first batch but I've never dealt with unspecified files and English isn't my native language so I couldn't really find anything useful for my cause, though I am sure my little script won't be too much of a problem for you. Based on that batch, I want to create similar scripts but I just have no idea how to begin with that one.
Thanks a lot!
No need for a batch file but anyway.
1: Type shell:sendto into your explorer window and copy the shortcut to your directory "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Apps\Files". This directory will now show as default in your Send To options.

How to comfortably monitor variables in a VBscript during development process? (e.g. in a continuously opened command window)

I need to write a huge VBscript to automatically run an application and I'm looking for a way to comfortably monitor what I'm actually doing, in other words, to display the values of some/all variables involved in my script.
I'm used to work with Matlab, where I have a comfortable workspace browser. When I run a Matlab script, all variables, their types and their values are accessible in that workspace and can be checked.
The VBscript I write with Notepad++ (it needs to be a free editor) and the only way I found to display variables was echoing them via wscript and cscript.
I set up the shortcuts.xml with the following line to run my script directly from Notepad++:
<Command name="Run with CScript" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="116">cmd /K %windir%\system32\cscript.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command>
In case I include commands in my script like
Wscript.Echo myVar
Wscript.Echo "Hello World!"
and run it with the newly introduced shortcut, a cmd window pops up and displays the value of myVar and "Hello World!".
But the next time I run the script a new window pops up. So my question is:
Is it possible get a continuously opened output window, displaying all echoed values everytime I run a script? I actually want to put the window on a second screen and keep the values from previous runs. So I can enter a line Wscript.Echo something, run, check, enter something else and so on, without fiddling around with a bunch of opened windows.
Alternatively, is there any open-source/free editor which offers an accessible workspace like the one in Matlab?
The open-source editor SciTE offers what I was looking for.
The default settings in vb.properties enable a similar behavior like in Notepad++
command.build.$(file.patterns.wscript)=cscript "$(FilePath)"
One can change it as follows to get the output into the integrated console.
command.go.$(file.patterns.wscript)=cscript.exe //nologo "$(FilePath)"
F5 runs the script and Shift+F5 cleans the output.
Another option is the NppExec Plugin for Notepad++ suggested by #Ansgar Wiechers, which adds a console. The script can be run with cscript.exe /nologo "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" then.
Use a debugger. Start your script with the (meta)option //X. If you are lucky, you already have installed software (MS Office, Visual Studio (Express)) that provides a debugger for VBScript. If not do a bit of research to find an Express version suitable to your OS.
You can almost write native VBScript in the VBA editor, so if you have Excel or whatever you can use this to debug, then go through some steps to convert back to VBScript. That's what I usually do.

Keep focus in command window when debugging MATLAB

Often in MATLAB I turn on 'automatic' debugging with dbstop if error. When an error occurs, the function enters debug mode, and I am able to query the variables in the command window and see exactly what is going on. Very useful.
However, when this occurs, the focus switches to the editor. To me this seems counter-intuitive; we are in debug mode, so I want to find out what is going on, not look at the code (which I can already see in the adjacent window). I always immediately tab back to the command window.
So my first question is: Is there any point in accessing the editor at this point? What can I usefully do, when my script has crashed, in the editor?
And secondly: If I want to, can I change MATLAB's default behaviour to keep the focus in the command window?
To your second question:
If you use MATLAB's desktop environment, just deselect "Open Files when Debugging" in the "Debug" menu.
If you use MATLAB without the graphical desktop you can change this preference by modifying your matlab.prf file. This file stores preferences set from the GUI. The menu option described above makes the same changes as the manual process described below.
NOTE: Editing this file is entirely unsupported. Do so at your own risk.
Open the file from the MATLAB command prompt,
>> edit([prefdir '/matlab.prf'])
Or use the prefdir command in MATLAB to find the directory and then open the file in whatever editor you prefer.
Search for a line that says
Change it to read
If the line doesn't exist, add it to the file.
Restart MATLAB.
You can use the invocation stack to see how you came about to the particular error position. Sure, you can use dbup and dbdown for this in the command window, but it's much easier in the editor.
Also, seeing the variables (and their values, using mouse hover) in the context of the code that caused the crash is far better for understanding the root cause of the error than just seeing the static values.
I can answer only your first question.
Things you can do in the editor:
Mouse hover a variable, which pops up a 'quick view' window.
Any action you can do when not in debug mode, treating the function as a script - running a line (highlight + F9), running a code block, etc.

My Ruby files don't run correctly

When i click on a .rb file to run it a CMD window pops up for a brief second and then closes again. This is probably a really nooby question thats easily fixed but i've looked everywhere for help. But like i said it pops up for a brief second and i THINK while its up its executing the code but when the codes done it closes so i don't know if i'm making mistakes in code or other important things like that.
Run the program through the command prompt (CMD), that way you can see the result, otherwise the window closes when the program exits.
Alternatively, you can prevent the program from exiting by putting some sort of blocking instruction at the end of the script, such that the program waits for user input before exiting.
Press Windows_Key+R and then type CMD. Browse to the location of the file and then type ruby your_ruby_file.rb. The program is running, but Windows automatically closes the window upon completion of the command.
To get Windows to run your *.rb files through Ruby when you click on them in the UI, you have to associate the .rb extension with the ruby.exe executable. Such an association is called a "Windows File Association." Here's a Microsoft Knowledge Base article that'll tell you how to create such a thing.
