Firefox logs invalid URL? - firefox

I'm writing an extension for firefox. Using dom.location to keep track of visited search results pages, i'm getting this url . If you click it, the google search results for "hi" should come up. You'll know that from the title bar - because the rest of the page won't load. This happens with any google search. Oddly enough, if you cut part of it off, so say, - it works! But Googling "hi" myself does give me a longish URL - . I know for a fact that the first time that URL was visited, the page loaded, I did it myself.
Can anyone make reason out of this?
I just tried my experiment again, this time saving the original URL in the location bar. It turns out, dom.location.href is giving a different value. How is this happening?
window.addEventListener("load", function() { myExtension.init(); }, false);
var myExtension = {
init: function() {
var appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent"); // browser
appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", myExtension.onPageLoad, true);
var messagepane = document.getElementById("messagepane"); // mail
messagepane.addEventListener("load", function () { myExtension.onPageLoad(); }, true);
onPageLoad: function(aEvent) {
var doc = aEvent.originalTarget; // doc is document that triggered "onload" event
// do something with the loaded page.
// doc.location is a Location object (see below for a link).
// You can use it to make your code executed on certain pages only.
var url = doc.location.href;
if (url.match(/(?:p|q)(?:=)([^%]*)/)) {alert("MATCH" + url);resultsPages.push(url);} else {alert(url);
This snippet comes directly from Mozilla with the matching and alerts my own. I apologize for not posting the code earlier.

Well, on the "right" page there seems to be a frame with the "wrong" location: frames[0].location == "". You're probably getting the inner frame's location. I have no idea why, since you didn't post any of your code and just mention some "dom.location", which I never heard of.


logout and click back takes me to authenticated pages in Safari browser [duplicate]

Got an issue with safari loading old youtube videos when back button is clicked. I have tried adding onunload="" (mentioned here Preventing cache on back-button in Safari 5) to the body tag but it doesn't work in this case.
Is there any way to prevent safari loading from cache on a certain page?
Your problem is caused by back-forward cache. It is supposed to save complete state of page when user navigates away. When user navigates back with back button page can be loaded from cache very quickly. This is different from normal cache which only caches HTML code.
When page is loaded for bfcache onload event wont be triggered. Instead you can check the persisted property of the onpageshow event. It is set to false on initial page load. When page is loaded from bfcache it is set to true.
Kludgish solution is to force a reload when page is loaded from bfcache.
window.onpageshow = function(event) {
if (event.persisted) {
If you are using jQuery then do:
$(window).bind("pageshow", function(event) {
if (event.originalEvent.persisted) {
All of those answer are a bit of the hack. In modern browsers (safari) only on onpageshow solution work,
window.onpageshow = function (event) {
if (event.persisted) {
but on slow devices sometimes you will see for a split second previous cached view before it will be reloaded. Proper way to deal with this problem is to set properly Cache-Control on the server response to one bellow
'Cache-Control', 'no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-store'
Yes the Safari browser does not handle back/foreward button cache the same like Firefox and Chrome does. Specially iframes like vimeo or youtube videos are cached hardly although there is a new iframe.src.
I found three ways to handle this. Choose the best for your case.
Solutions tested on Firefox 53 and Safari 10.1
1. Detect if user is using the back/foreward button, then reload whole page or reload only the cached iframes by replacing the src
if (!!window.performance && window.performance.navigation.type === 2) {
// value 2 means "The page was accessed by navigating into the history"
//window.location.reload(); // reload whole page
$('iframe').attr('src', function (i, val) { return val; }); // reload only iframes
2. reload whole page if page is cached
window.onpageshow = function (event) {
if (event.persisted) {
3. remove the page from history so users can't visit the page again by back/forward buttons
$(function () {
//replace() does not keep the originating page in the session history,
document.location.replace("/Exercises#nocache"); // clear the last entry in the history and redirect to new url
You can use an anchor, and watch the value of the document's location href;
Start off with, append something to the location, like '#b';
So, now your URL is, when a person hits the back button, it goes back to, and the interval check function sees the lack of the hash tag we set, clears the interval, and loads the referring URL with a time-stamp appended to it.
There are some side-effects, but I'll leave you to figure those out ;)
document.location.hash = "#b";
var referrer = document.referrer;
// setup an interval to watch for the removal of the hash tag
var hashcheck = setInterval(function(){
if(document.location.hash!="#b") {
// clear the interval
var ticks = new Date().getTime();
// load the referring page with a timestamp at the end to avoid caching
This is untested but it should work with minimal tweaking.
The behavior is related to Safari's Back/Forward cache. You can learn about it on the relevant Apple documentation:
Apple's own fix suggestion is to add an empty iframe on your page:
<iframe style="height:0px;width:0px;visibility:hidden" src="about:blank">
this frame prevents back forward cache
(The previous accepted answer seems valid too, just wanted to chip in documentation and another potential fix)
I had the same issue with using 3 different anchor links to the next page. When coming back from the next page and choosing a different anchor the link did not change.
so I had
House 1
View House 2
View House 3
Changed to
House 1
View House 2
View House 3
Also used for safety:
// Javascript
window.onpageshow = function(event) {
if (event.persisted) {
// JQuery
$(window).bind("pageshow", function(event) {
if (event.originalEvent.persisted) {
None of the solutions found online to unload, reload and reload(true) singularily didn't work. Hope this helps someone with the same situation.
First of all insert field in your code:
<input id="reloadValue" type="hidden" name="reloadValue" value="" />
then run jQuery:
var d = new Date();
d = d.getTime();
if (jQuery('#reloadValue').val().length == 0)
There are many ways to disable the bfcache. The easiest one is to set an 'unload' handler. I think it was a huge mistake to make 'unload' and 'beforeunload' handlers disable the bfcache, but that's what they did (if you want to have one of those handlers and still make the bfcache work, you can remove the beforeunload handler inside the beforeunload handler).
window.addEventListener('unload', function() {})
Read more here:

pushState change - equivalent to Chrome Extension onHistoryStateUpdated

I'm porting a Chrome extension to a Firefox extension and due to the nature of the website that it runs on, I need to monitor the pushState.
Chrome Extensions has a handy way to handle this: chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated. The way that I use it in the Chrome extension is as follows:
chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated.addListener(function(details) {
var tabUrl = details.url;
if (isTabUrlValid(tabUrl)) {
$.get(tabUrl, function(data) {
var videoUrl = $(data).find('meta[itemprop=contentURL]').prop('content');
videoUrl = validateUrl(videoUrl);
videoUrl5k = make5kUrl(videoUrl);
I need to do the same thing for the Firefox Extension, but I haven't found any good answers. I've tried doing the answer mentioned here: How to get notified about changes of the history via history.pushState?
(function(history) {
var pushState = history.pushState;
history.pushState = function(state) {
if (typeof history.onpushstate == "function") {
history.onpushstate({state: state});
var tabUrl = tabs.activeTab.url;
console.log("UPDATED TAB URL: " + tabUrl);
if (isTabUrlValid(tabUrl)) {
$.get(tabUrl, function(data) {
var videoUrl = $(data).find('meta[itemprop=contentURL]').prop('content');
videoUrl = validateUrl(videoUrl);
videoUrl5k = make5kUrl(videoUrl);
return pushState.apply(history, arguments);
The problem is that when I do cfx run it complains that history/window is undefined and therefore never gets detected. I think this is due to it being within the SDK, but I don't know of a good workaround.
Any thoughts?
Edit: I looked at #willma's answer below and I don't think that would work for me. The issue is that the URL is updated via pushState and the DOM is not... Is there any good way replicate what I do in the chrome extension?
Edit: Here's the pageMod portion
attachTo: 'top', // Don't attach to iFrames -->
include: [URLs],
contentScriptFile: [data.url("jquery-2.1.1.min.js"),
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on('url', function(url) {
var videoUrl = validateUrl(url);
videoUrl5k = make5kUrl(videoUrl);
console.log("--5K URL--: " + videoUrl5k);
That history code needs to get injected into a tab using a content script. Right now your logic says when the history event occurs, check to see if the tab URL is valid.
In Firefox, the logic will be the other way around: when a tab is opened, check if its URL is valid, and if so, then attach a script to it that will monitor for the history event. To do so you'll need to use a Page Mod.
Edit: All the code
One key concept you're missing is the difference between a content script and a main/library script. The library scripts are stored in lib and have access to all the SDK modules, but don't have access to the DOM, window object… The content scripts are stored in data, are injected into a page using the PageMod or tabs modules, can access the dom and window objects, but have no access to any SDK modules. Content scripts are essentially like the page scripts you'd attach your standard HTML page (with <script></script>) with the caveats that they can't share variables other page scripts but they can communicate with the main scripts.
The only reason I bring this up is because your initial problem was trying to access the window object from a main script and the problem in your fiddle is that you're trying to access the tabs module inside a content script. It's worth reading the topmost link in this answer if this is still confusing.
const { PageMod } = require('sdk/page-mod');
var sendXHR = function(url) {
// Do something with the new URL
// See Request Module docs (below) for sending XHRs from main script.
const pageMod = PageMod({
attachTo: 'top',
include: '*',
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on('newURL', sendXHR);
var sendNewUrlToMain = function() {
self.port.emit('newURL', location.href);
var pushState = window.history.pushState;
window.history.pushState = function(state) {
if (typeof history.onpushstate == "function") {
history.onpushstate({state: state});
return pushState.apply(history, arguments);
window.addEventListener('hashchange', sendNewUrlToMain);
Here are the request module docs, for making XHRs.
NB: if you don't want to use the request module (the only reason being that you already have standard XHR code for your chrome extension and don't want to take the time to learn/rewrite that code), you can send a standard XHR from the content script, but in doing so, you risk allowing the user to close the tab and thus destroy the script before your XHR callbacks are executed.

Pass message from content script to main

EDIT 3: Solution/fix found
Here's the SO thread that solved it for me: PageMod attaching worker to same URL multiple times
TLDR: If the page contains iFrames, it will attach a worker/content script to it which results in multiple content scripts attempting to run. Using attachTo: 'top' only attaches the script to the top level document and no iFrames.
I'm working on porting a simple Chrome extension I made, and I'm having a hard time with message passing for a Firefox addon. Here's what I have.
self.port.emit("url", getVideoUrl());
function getVideoUrl() {
return $('meta[itemprop=contentURL]').prop('content');
include: [URLs],
exclude: [URLs],
contentScriptFile: [data.url("jquery-2.1.1.min.js"),
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on("url", function(url) {
var videoUrl = validateUrl(url);
When a certain URL is hit, I want to grab an attribute value and send it back to my main.js and work with it. As it works now, I get a message is null error. I've read the documentation but just can't seem to understand how to pass messages.
Edit: Changing onAttach to:
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on("url", function(url) {
var videoUrl = validateUrl(url);
Didn't seem to change much. All I need to do is pass one string from the content script back to my main.js file. However, with the code above, it's telling me that url is null. All the documentation I've looked through seems to indicate that this is how message passing works in Firefox addons.
Edit2: After adding some log statements I noticed a couple things:
1) My content script is being run 10+ times when a URL is matched. I don't know why. The script was being attached to each iFrame.
2) Most of the time the URL comes back null/undefined. However, it works correctly once -- the URL is pulled from the content script and then passed correctly back to the main.js file. It's promptly wiped out by the content script running again, however.
First make sure that getVideoUrl() is returning a string, I'm guessing
does not return a string in the cases where you are getting message is null.
Also you had:
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on("url", function(message) {
var videoUrl = validateUrl(message.url);
videoUrl5k = make5kUrl(videoUrl);
Which I changed to:
onAttach: function(worker) {
worker.port.on("url", function(url) {
var videoUrl = validateUrl(url);
videoUrl5k = make5kUrl(videoUrl);
Perhaps that resolves the issue? since I do not see the definition for make5kUrl
In the pageMod constructor, using the attachTo: 'top' option will attach the script to only the top level document. The content script was being attached to other iFrames and then attempting to run.

jQuery .load() wait till content is loaded

How to prevent jQuery $('body').load('something.php'); from changing any DOM till all the content from something.php (including images,js) is fully loaded
-Lets say some actual content is:
Hello world
And something.php content is:
image that loads for 10 seconds
20 js plugins
After firing .load() function nothing should happen, till images an js files are fully loaded, and THEN instantly change the content.
some preloader may appear, but its not subject of question.
My solution for that was css code (css is loaded always before dom is build) that has cross-browser opacity 0.
-moz-opacity: 0.00;
opacity: 0.00;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);
And it prevent from bad flickr of content usually but not always. Now its possible to detect somehow that content is loaded by jQuery ajax and apply some show timeout and so on. But in fact question is still open.
To make now a little more simple example for that question:
How to begin changing DOM after $('body').load('something.php') with 3000ms delay after clicking the link that fire .load('something.php') function? (Browser should start downloading instantly, but DOM changing has to be initiated later)
Use .get instead and assign the contents in the success callback:
$.get('something.php', function(result) {
There are some implementation details you may have to solve yourself, but here's a rough solution:
Don't use .load() directly. It can't be changed to wait for all images to load.
Use $.get() to fetch the HTML into a variable, let's call it frag.
Use $(frag).find('img').each(fn) to find all images and dump each this.src inside a preloader.
var images = [],
$frag = $(frag),
loaded = 0;
function imageLoaded()
// reference images array here to keep it alive
if (images.ready && loaded >= images.length) {
// add $frag to the DOM
$frag.find('img').each(function() {
var i = new Image();
i.onload = i.onerror = imageLoaded;
i.src = this.src;
images[images.length] = i;
// signal that images contains all image objects that we wish to monitor
images.ready = true;
Once all images are loaded, append the earlier frag to the DOM using $frag.appendTo('#container').
Here is a quick proof of concept that loads relevant images before inserting an HTML fragment into the DOM:
You can preload the images using the onload handler to trigger iterations:
var images = $(frag).find('img'),
loader = $('<img/>');
function iterate(i, callback) {
if (i > 0) {
loader.load(function() {
iterate(i, callback);
loader.attr('src', images[i].src);
This should work, since each image is loaded after the previous one has finished loading.
Have you tried this?
Edit: I just realized you are actually wanting to wait for the stuff to load before it get's placed in the body.
Here are three links to similar questions.
Preloading images with jQuery
Is it possible to preload page contents with ajax/jquery technique?
Preloading images using PHP and jQuery - Comma seperated array?
You can probably adapt those to scripts too.
This might work too.
'url': 'content.php',
'dataType': 'text',
'success': function(data){
var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var tmp = document.createElement('div'), child;
//get str from data here like: str data.str
tmp.innerHTML = str;
while(child = tmp.firstChild){
It's a longer way of doing what Shadow Wizard suggests, but it will probably work.
Hm. Never mind. Jack's answer looks the best. I'll wait a while and if no one likes my answer I'll delete it.
Edit: It looks like appending to documentfragments can do http requests.
Any script using createDocumentFrament may benefit from preloading.
In this question they want no http requests even though that's what createDocumentFragment is doing:
Using documentFragment to parse HTML without sending HTTP requests.
I can't be sure if this is true for all browsers or just when the console.log is run, but it could be a good option for preloading if this behavior is universal.

Limit a firefox extension to a specific domain

I would like to write a firefox extension. This extension is not a generic extension but work specifically for a domain where I need to highlight specific html components.
How should I do that? I just want the js loaded when the user is browsing a specific domain.
My current overaly.js is basically empty (generated by the Extension Wizard):
var myextension = {
onLoad: function() {
// initialization code
this.initialized = true;
this.strings = document.getElementById("myextension-strings");
onMenuItemCommand: function(e) {
var promptService = Components.classes[";1"]
promptService.alert(window, this.strings.getString("helloMessageTitle"),
onToolbarButtonCommand: function(e) {
// just reuse the function above. you can change this, obviously!
window.addEventListener("load", myextension.onLoad, false);
And my ff-overlay.xul is:
myextension.onFirefoxLoad = function(event) {
.addEventListener("popupshowing", function (e){ myextension.showFirefoxContextMenu(e); }, false);
myextension.showFirefoxContextMenu = function(event) {
// show or hide the menuitem based on what the context menu is on
document.getElementById("context-myextension").hidden = gContextMenu.onImage;
window.addEventListener("load", myextension.onFirefoxLoad, false);
I was thinking to go neanderthal and do a check inside myextension.onFirefoxLoad to see if the currentpage is the one I want but that requires the user to click the proper item on the context menu.
I'm not totally following what you have because both of those look like JS files, not XUL files. But what you probably want to do is listen for the load event coming from the web pages that are loaded. Then, in your event loader, just look at each page that loads and see whether it's coming from the specific domain you want.
A great (though not always quite as easy as it sounds) way to find out how to do something in a Firefox addon is to find another addon that does something similar. DOM Inspector and Inspect Context are your friends! The first such addon that comes to mind in this case is WikiTrust so you could try looking at that one to see if it gives you any inspiration.
