Prevent Visual Studio's "Home" page when Pressing the Web Home key - visual-studio

I search the web a lot when writing code. When working in Visual Studio 2008, every time I hit the keyboard's Web Home key (you know the one on every multi media keyboard with the house on it) it opens a browser in VisualStudio - usually to something on MSDN.
Not that I don't like MSDN, but I'd like to open a real browser on my second monitor and go to my home page. Is there a way to tell Visual Studio not to open it's own home page and instead let Windows process it?

You can bypass Visual Studio processing this key by means of the excellent free utility AutoHotkey. It can help with all sorts of automation needs, but in particular Overriding or Disabling Hotkeys of course, see the list of Hotkeys (Mouse, Joystick and Keyboard Shortcuts) too.
Your scenario requires Context-sensitive Hotkeys; the necessary parameters to discriminate target applications via Window class and/or title can be determined via the included Window Spy utility.
While I'm working on a laptop right now, which doesn't feature a Browser Home key, I just tested the following script fragment successfully with another keyboard shortcut:
#IfWinActive ahk_class wndclass_desked_gsk ; Visual Studio browser home key hook
Browser_Home::Run firefox.exe
#IfWinActive ; Subsequent mappings/hotkeys in effect for all windows again now
I usually start one keyboard shortcut related script (incidentally called Windowskey.ahk) automatically via my user Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder, and launch other scripts from there via a hotkey as needed ;)

Is there not a way in the visual studio shortcuts to disable the home button?

Does it do that when Visual Studio is not open? If so, check your file associations.

Did your keyboard have an utility to associate the key? Maybe launching the browser directly will avoid your problem

In the list, Find View/Home, and assign it to a very complex shortcut keys combination.
Also do the same for View/StartPage and View/WebBrowser

Keyboard shortcuts for the multimedia keys can be customized using something like TweakUI. I think you'd have to modify the Home action for the keyboard, not a Visual Studio shortcut.


Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcut

I am new with Visual Studio and I have been looking for keyboard shortcuts but I can't find the one that would show me the doc of a function.
Sometimes it shows it automatically but for other functions don't do it and when you start writing it dissapear so you can't read it again in case you need it.
In jupiter notebook you can do that by pressing in a function CONTROL + SHIFT but there is nothing in Visual Studio and I think it's very handy when you are new.
Please, could anyone help me.
Thank you
I'm not so familiar with Python, but I believe the command you need to invoke is Edit.QuickInfo, to show docs for the symbol under the caret.
In this screenshot you can see it is set to Ctrl+K, I on my machine. It may be different on yours. If you click on Edit.QuickInfo in the list of commands, it will show you what the shortcut is for your environment.

How can I change the keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio?

I would like to change the keyboard shortcut for quick fix in Visual Studio 2013, so that it matches the ReSharper equivalent (which I only use on my office machine). How can I do it?
One way to do it is to enter on the menu 'Tools', 'Customize' and click on the 'Keyboard...' button near the 'Close' button.
Inside this option you can search for the commands by name (I couldn't find the Quick Fix here), maybe you want the Edit.FormatDocument one, that makes the indentation for the documents automatically.
If you can't find this option, tell me your quick fix actual keyboard shortcut, so I'll be able to check which function it calls.
I did some research on the R# QuickFix option and maybe what you want is this is the option you want: View.ShowSmartTag.
Look at this doc: Identify and customize keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio

visual studio, which bookmark is this

I am debugging my code and come across a bookmark I set earlier, my bookmarks have nice names, and I would like to know which bookmark this it. The bookmark window is open, and the last bookmark I clicked on is highlighted, but not the one I am on.
How do I ask visualstudio, “What is the name of the bookmark, that is on this line of code?”
My current method is to click each bookmark in turn, in the bookmark window until I get back to the line I was looking at.
(using visual studio 2012, professional)
There is no command to synchronize Bookmarks window with current cursor position but you can use this macro as a workaround. The macro assumes that the bookmark where the cursor is is enabled and it will enable all bookmarks after run, which may be a problem to your use case.
Sub SyncBookmarksWindow()
DTE.ExecuteCommand ("Edit.EnableAllBookmarks")
DTE.ExecuteCommand ("Edit.EnableBookmark")
DTE.ExecuteCommand ("Edit.NextBookmark")
DTE.ExecuteCommand ("Edit.EnableAllBookmarks")
End Sub
Bind this macro to a keyboard shortcut and sync away.
EDIT: Unfortunately VS2012 does not allow for macros anymore, and you have to create an Add-In. For how-to see another question on this site.

alt+ctrl+f4 not working on visual studio 2005? but it did work previously

In VisualStudio .net (say 2005)
I have this shortcut Alt+Ctrl+F4 which closes all the opened windows. (Already mapped to window.closealldocuments)
and another one Alt+Ctrl+Shift+F4 to close all but this window.
Now both shortcuts used to work on my previous workstation.
Both having winxp 32.And i work on sv 2005 on both.
But on this new machine, Alt+Ctrl+F4 does not seem to propagate to Visual studio, like there's some other application or the explorer mapping this key to something else, and it's not propagating the event to vs process.
I know about the 'tools -> options...keyboard' in VS, but when I press the combination in the 'press shortcut keys:' field..
it would receive these combinations: Alt+Ctrl+F5->F10 but won't receive these: Alt+Ctrl+F1->F4.
It's like you didn't press nothing.
So now... any ideas?
the problem was a process that probably was receiving the key combination and not propagating it to the rest of applications.
in my case it was hkcmd.exe (intel's graphic something ) that captures key combinations to do certain things like display rotation and such.
anyway thanks hans passant for your comment.
These mappings aren't hard coded. Not sure what happened, but it is easy to remap them. Just go to Tools -> Options then:
Click in the top indicated text box, then press the key combination, and select the appropriate command for it. I like to use Ctrl + W to close the document and Ctrl + Shift + W for all.
You can set any hotkeys manually in any version of visual studio, just go to Tools->Options...-> Keyboard and assign any command to keys sequence

Visual Studio 2005 quick file search

In Eclispe you can do Ctrl+Shift+R and a Window popup where you can write the name of the file (or just the beginning of it) and to press enter to go directly to the file.
What is the equivalence in Visual Studio 2005? (Ctrl+Shift+F is not what I would like).
From Top 11 VS 2005 IDE tips and tricks:
This is the Find dropdown that is on the Standard Toolbar, not the Find dialog. Use the shortcut CTRL+D to activate the Find dropdown in normal mode. Use CTRL+/ to activate the Find dropdown in command mode
To quickly go to a file, type CTRL+D, >open <start of file name>. Intellisense works here just like in the Command Window. "of" (short for "open file") can be used instead of open.
I am not sure if there is a built-in command but there are some addons like VS File Finder
Hit Ctrl+D (Find Combo - the one in the toolbar), write ">of " and the name of the file.
I am using ReSharper, so I am not sure if the shortcut is exactly this one in your case.
I don't know if there is an equivalence, but you can probably do it with the macro editor. It's pretty powerful and you can do pretty much what you want with it.
In plain VS.NET 2005, Go to the command window (Ctrl-D), type "openfile" (or just "of") and the file name.
If you have Resharper (and you should have it), you can type Ctrl-N and type in the class name, or Ctrl-Shift-N and type in the filename.
Gulzar proposed VS File Finder that was the greatest solution here.
But I installed SonicFilFinder because the GUI was better. It works like a charm and you can use the HotKey you want. Really fast and no need of of the mouse. It's free.
In VS 2010, you can use Edit > Navigate To... (Ctrl+comma).
Also searches objects/methods
Doesn't support * wildcards
Window isn't dockable
See: MSDN Blog
