conditional assignments in Linq to SQL methods - linq

How do I do something like the following, assinging new values based on condition within a linq method but keeping all results.
int x= 100;
var results= from r in Results where select r
{ if r.value==x set r.result="Found"}

You're not really meant to - ideally queries shouldn't have side effects. I mean you can do:
var results = Results.Where(r => == id)
.Select(r => {
if (r.value == x)
r.result = "Found";
return r;
I'd generally try not to though...
Note that this really won't work in LINQ to SQL etc.

It's probably better to make a second pass so you can keep your query clean and side-effect-free.
int x = 100;
List<Result> results = (from r in Results
where == id
select r).ToList();
results.ForEach(r => r.result = r.value == x ? "Found" : "Not Found");

Linq should not be used in that way. I would iterate over the results of the query and then change them.
var results= from r in Results where select r;
foreach (var r in results.ToList()) { if (r.value==x) r.result="Found"; }


How can I define a List to add results of a query in a loop?

I have an array filled with long type values and for each value in the array I need to implement a query. I used foreach loop as you can see from the code below:
var result;
foreach(long id in PrdIdArr)
var mainQuery = (from o in db.OPERATIONs
join u in db.UNITs on o.OP_UNIT_ID equals u.UNIT_ID into smt
from s in smt
join x in db.XIDs on s.UNIT_ID equals x.UNIT_ID
where o.OP_OT_CODE == OtCode
where x.IDTYP_CD == "BSN"
where s.START_PRD_ID == id
where o.OP_UPD_DATE >= _StartDate
where o.OP_UPD_DATE <= _EndDate
select new
//var result = mainQuery.ToList();
data = this.Json(result);
data.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
return data;
However, I have a problem in my code; I have to define a main list just before the foreach loop so that I could add results of each query to the that main list. my question is: How can I define this list as you can see at the beginning of my code? Thanks for the help...
How can I define this list as you can see at the beginning of my code?
new {
into a concrete type (say QueryResult, although something a little more specific than that), and then just declare
var result = new List<QueryResult>();
Also, you should consider turning
foreach(long id in PrdIdArr)
where s.START_PRD_ID == id
where PrdIdArr.Contains(s.Start_PRD_ID)
var result = new List<object>();
foreach(long id in PrdIdArr)
You could do this:
var result = PrdIdArr.Select(id =>
from o in db.OPERATIONs
join u in db.UNITs on o.OP_UNIT_ID equals u.UNIT_ID into smt
from s in smt
join x in db.XIDs on s.UNIT_ID equals x.UNIT_ID
where o.OP_OT_CODE == OtCode
where x.IDTYP_CD == "BSN"
where s.START_PRD_ID == id
where o.OP_UPD_DATE >= _StartDate
where o.OP_UPD_DATE <= _EndDate
select new
I highly recommend performing some Extract Method refactorings, as the code is pretty complex and hard to understand/mange this way.
Just create the anonymous type outside with the same property names and the correct type
var result = Enumerable.Range(0, 0).Select(x => new
OP_ID = 1,
OP_UPD_DATE = DateTime.Now,
OP_START = DateTIme.Now,
And in your loop call AddRange

How to optimize this LINQ expression?

I have this code:
var query = from deal in db.Deals
where deal.EndDate >= DateTime.UtcNow
select deal;
var priceList = filters.Price.GetPriceRangeList();
foreach(var price in priceList)
var startPrice = price.StartPrice;
var endPrice = price.EndPrice;
var priceResult = from deal in query
where (deal.DiscountPrice >= startPrice && deal.DiscountPrice <= endPrice)
select deal;
if(priceResult.Count() != 0)
priceResults = (priceResults == null) ? priceResult : priceResult.Union(priceResults);
query = priceResults != null ? query.Intersect(priceResults) : Enumerable.Empty<Deal>().AsQueryable();
My query is slow when priceList has more ten values.
I use Intersect for filters.
How to optimize these queries?
One idea for optimization would be to sort query by StartPrice ascending, that way your inner query can just stop traversal once StartPrice is higher than the DiscountPrice property:
var query = from deal in db.Deals
where deal.EndDate >= DateTime.UtcNow
orderby deal.DiscountPrice ascending
select deal;
var startPrice = price.StartPrice;
var endPrice = price.EndPrice;
var queryLocal = query.SkipWhile(deal => deal.DiscountPrice < startPrice);
var priceResult = queryLocal.TakeWhile(deal => deal.DiscountPrice >= startPrice
&& deal.DiscountPrice <= endPrice);
You have a few issues. The first one is that the query is executed every iteration in your foreach loop. Calling ToList or ToArray will ensure that it is only executed once
Secondly the union is costly. It will iterate priceResult for every iteration of the foreach loop
thirdly your count will also iterate priceResult. Use .Any instead if you wish to know if theres any elements. However I think you can avoid that. If I've read your code correctly I believe the below should have the same result but it does not have the above three issues
var query = (from deal in db.Deals
where deal.EndDate >= DateTime.UtcNow
orderby deal.DiscountPrice ascending
select deal).ToList();
var priceResults = (from price in filters.Price.GetPriceRangeList()
let startPrice = price.StartPrice
let endPrice = price.EndPrice
select query.SkipWhile(d => deal.DiscountPrice < startPrice)
.TakeWhile(d => deal.DiscountPrice <= endPrice)
).SelectMany(x => x);
instead of iterating for each union there's a distinct only once

Better way to check resultset from LINQ projection than List.Count?

Is there a better way to check if a LINQ projection query returns results:
IList<T> TList = db.Ts.Where(x => x.TId == 1).ToList(); // More canonical way for this?
if (TitleList.Count > 0)
// Result returned non-zero list!
string s = TList.Name;
You can use Any(), or perhaps more appropriately to your example, SingleOrDefault(). Note that if you are expecting more than one result and plan to use all of them, then it doesn't really save anything to use Any() instead of converting to a List and checking the length. If you don't plan to use all the results or you're building a larger query that might change how the query is performed then it can be a reasonable alternative.
var item = db.Ts.SingleOrDefault( x => x.TId == 1 );
if (item != null)
string s = item.Name;
var query = db.Ts.Where( x => x.Prop == "foo" );
if (query.Any())
var moreComplexQuery = query.Join( db.Xs, t => t.TId, x => x.TId );

Randomize database table result with LINQ

from f in db.Table1
orderby Guid.NewGuid()
select f
this doesn't seem to work. how can i randomize results?
How about
SELECT TOP 1 column FROM table ORDER BY NEWID and skip the linq :)
Or try this:
var t = (from row in db.Table1 order by table1.random()
select row).FirstOrDefault();
Maybe something like this works (not tested):
(from f in db.Table1 select new { f, r = Guid.NewGuid()}).OrderBy(x => x.r)
Randomize whole list
db.Table1.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid())
Get single Random
db.Table1.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).FirstOrDefault();
I like to write an extension method for this.
IEnumerable<T> Randomize(this IEnumerable<T> list)
T[] result = list.ToArray();
Random random = new Random();
for(int i = result.Length; i > 0; i--)
result[i] = random.Next(i);
return (result);

How can I get my orderby to work using an anonymous type?

What do I put in my order by?? I want to order by Name. I have moved the orderby after the distinct because I read that it needs to be done last.
var result = (from r in db.RecordDocs
where r.RecordID == recordID
select new
DocTypeID = r.Document.DocType.DocTypeID,
Name = r.Document.DocType.Name,
Number = r.Document.DocType.Number
).Distinct().OrderBy( );
Just do
.OrderBy(doc => doc.Name)
Another option, if you really prefer the query expression syntax would be to chain your query construction across multiple statements:
var query = from r in db.RecordDocs
where r.RecordID == recordID
select new
DocTypeID = r.Document.DocType.DocTypeID,
Name = r.Document.DocType.Name,
Number = r.Document.DocType.Number
query = query.Disctinct();
query = from doc in query orderby doc.Name select doc;
Since all of these methods are deferred, this will result in the exact same execution performance.
