Given an input and desired output, figure out the needed transformation - transformation

I want a program that does what I said in the title.
I realize that this is a pretty vague problem. I also realize that figuring out how to transform any input into any output is nearly impossible, but it seems like handling some simple cases should be feasible.
To provide a concrete example (in Python):
>>> def find_transform(start, desired):
>>> # Insert magic here
>>> find_trasform([1,2,3], [3,2,1])
>>> find_trasform([1,2,3,4], [[1,2], [3,4]])
"divide 2"
I suspect there's an official word for this sort of thing, but I don't know what it is.

Well, the term is called Data Mapping. It's a vast field that can serve a few purposes, including yours.
The tools for such a task are hard to master, so don't expect this to be easy. For this specific case, you will be looking for Data-Driven Mapping methodologies. These involve a combination of heuristics and statistics to find the relevant relationships.
Thankfully your examples are well expressed mathematically and will remain true for every element of the data sets. So you can start tackling this problem by trying to analyze mathematical relationships between paired elements and trying to validate any found relationships on the remaining pairs.
EDIT: The last example adds a new dimension. So this must be observable too. If you stick to a progressive relationship between sets as is the case there (first establish relationship between set 1 and 2, then between set 2 and 3) all will be well. It may even help to more quickly prove a relationship since you don't need to recurse so often. But more complex relationships between sets may force you into a much more complex problem to handle. Try to keep it simple.


How are keyword clouds constructed?

How are keyword clouds constructed?
I know there are a lot of nlp methods, but I'm not sure how they solve the following problem:
You can have several items that each have a list of keywords relating to them.
(In my own program, these items are articles where I can use nlp methods to detect proper nouns, people, places, and (?) possibly subjects. This will be a very large list given a sufficiently sized article, but I will assume that I can winnow the list down using some method by comparing articles. How to do this properly is what I am confused about).
Each item can have a list of keywords, but how do they pick keywords such that the keywords aren't overly specific or overly general between each item?
For example, trivially "the" can be a keyword that is a lot of items.
While "supercalifragilistic" could only be in one.
I suppose that I could create a heuristic where if a word exists in n% of the items where n is sufficiently small, but will return a nice sublist (say 5% of 1000 articles is 50, which seems reasonable) then I could just use that. However, the issue that I take with this approach is that given two different sets of entirely different items, there is most likely some difference in interrelatedness between the items, and I'm throwing away that information.
This is very unsatisfying.
I feel that given the popularity of keyword clouds there must have been a solution created already. I don't want to use a library however as I want to understand and manipulate the assumptions in the math.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
freenode/programming/guardianx has suggested
tf-idf is ok btw, but the issue is that the weighting needs to be determined apriori. Given that two distinct collections of documents will have a different inherent similarity between documents, assuming an apriori weighting does not feel correct
freenode/programming/anon suggested
I'm not sure I want something that uses a neural net (a little complicated for this problem?), but still considering.
Tf-idf is still a pretty standard method for extracting keywords. You can try a demo of a tf-idf-based keyword extractor (which has the idf vector, as you say apriori determined, estimated from Wikipedia). A popular alternative is the TextRank algorithm based on PageRank that has an off-the-shelf implementation in Gensim.
If you decide for your own implementation, note that all algorithms typically need plenty of tuning and text preprocessing to work correctly.
The minimum you need to do is removing stopwords that you know that they never can be a keyword (prepositions, articles, pronouns, etc.). If you want something fancier, you can use for instance Spacy to keep only desired parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives). You can also include frequent multiword expressions (gensim has good function for automatic collocation detection), named entities (spacy can do it). You can get better results if you run coreference resolution and substitute pronouns with what they refer to... There are endless options for improvements.

Finding an experiment to evaluate how good an algorithm for keywords extraction is

I have a few algorithms that extract and rank keywords [both terms and bigrams] from a paragraph [most are based on the tf-idf model].
I am looking for an experiment to evaluate these algorithms. This experiment should give a grade to each algorithm, indicating "how good was it" [on the evaluation set, of course].
I am looking for an automatic / semi-automatic method to evaluate each algorithm's results, and an automatic / semi-automatic method to create the evaluation set.
Note: These experiments will be ran off-line, so efficiency is not an issue.
The classic way to do this would be to define a set of key words you want the algorithms to find per paragraph, then check how well the algorithms do with respect to this set, e.g. (generated_correct - generated_not_correct)/total_generated (see update, this is nonsense). This is automatic once you have defined this ground truth. I guess constructing that is what you want to automate as well when you talk about constructing the evaluation set? That's a bit more tricky.
Generally, if there was a way to generate key words automatically that's a good way to use as a ground truth - you should use that as your algorithm ;). Sounds cheeky, but it's a common problem. When you evaluate one algorithm using the output of another algorithm, something's probably going wrong (unless you specifically want to benchmark against that algorithm).
So you might start harvesting key words from common sources. For example:
Download scientific papers that have a keyword section. Check if those keywords actually appear in the text, if they do, take the section of text including the keywords, use the keyword section as ground truth.
Get blog posts, check if the terms in the heading appear in the text, then use the words in the title (always minus stop words of course) as ground truth
You get the idea. Unless you want to employ people to manually generate keywords, I guess you'll have to make do with something like the above.
The evaluation function mentioned above is stupid. It does not incorporate how many of the available key words have been found. Instead, the way to judge a ranked list of relevant and irrelevant results is to use precision and recall. Precision rewards the absence of irrelevant results, Recall rewards the presence of relevant results. This again gives you two measures. In order to combine these two into a single measure, either use the F-measure, which combines those two measures into a single measure, with an optional weighting. Alternatively, use Precision#X, where X is the number of results you want to consider. Precision#X interestingly is equivalent to Recall#X. However, you need a sensible X here, ie if you have less than X keywords in some cases, those results will be punished for never providing an Xth keyword. In the literature on tag recommendation for example, which is very similar to your case, F-measure and P#5 are often used.

Method for runtime comparison of two programs' objects

I am working through a particular type of code testing that is rather nettlesome and could be automated, yet I'm not sure of the best practices. Before describing the problem, I want to make clear that I'm looking for the appropriate terminology and concepts, so that I can read more about how to implement it. Suggestions on best practices are welcome, certainly, but my goal is specific: what is this kind of approach called?
In the simplest case, I have two programs that take in a bunch of data, produce a variety of intermediate objects, and then return a final result. When tested end-to-end, the final results differ, hence the need to find out where the differences occur. Unfortunately, even intermediate results may differ, but not always in a significant way (i.e. some discrepancies are tolerable). The final wrinkle is that intermediate objects may not necessarily have the same names between the two programs, and the two sets of intermediate objects may not fully overlap (e.g. one program may have more intermediate objects than the other). Thus, I can't assume there is a one-to-one relationship between the objects created in the two programs.
The approach that I'm thinking of taking to automate this comparison of objects is as follows (it's roughly inspired by frequency counts in text corpora):
For each program, A and B: create a list of the objects created throughout execution, which may be indexed in a very simple manner, such as a001, a002, a003, a004, ... and similarly for B (b001, ...).
Let Na = # of unique object names encountered in A, similarly for Nb and # of objects in B.
Create two tables, TableA and TableB, with Na and Nb columns, respectively. Entries will record a value for each object at each trigger (i.e. for each row, defined next).
For each assignment in A, the simplest approach is to capture the hash value of all of the Na items; of course, one can use LOCF (last observation carried forward) for those items that don't change, and any as-yet unobserved objects are simply given a NULL entry. Repeat this for B.
Match entries in TableA and TableB via their hash values. Ideally, objects will arrive into the "vocabulary" in approximately the same order, so that order and hash value will allow one to identify the sequences of values.
Find discrepancies in the objects between A and B based on when the sequences of hash values diverge for any objects with divergent sequences.
Now, this is a simple approach and could work wonderfully if the data were simple, atomic, and not susceptible to numerical precision issues. However, I believe that numerical precision may cause hash values to diverge, though the impact is insignificant if the discrepancies are approximately at the machine tolerance level.
First: What is a name for such types of testing methods and concepts? An answer need not necessarily be the method above, but reflects the class of methods for comparing objects from two (or more) different programs.
Second: What are standard methods exist for what I describe in steps 3 and 4? For instance, the "value" need not only be a hash: one might also store the sizes of the objects - after all, two objects cannot be the same if they are massively different in size.
In practice, I tend to compare a small number of items, but I suspect that when automated this need not involve a lot of input from the user.
Edit 1: This paper is related in terms of comparing the execution traces; it mentions "code comparison", which is related to my interest, though I'm concerned with the data (i.e. objects) than with the actual code that produces the objects. I've just skimmed it, but will review it more carefully for methodology. More importantly, this suggests that comparing code traces may be extended to comparing data traces. This paper analyzes some comparisons of code traces, albeit in a wholly unrelated area of security testing.
Perhaps data-tracing and stack-trace methods are related. Checkpointing is slightly related, but its typical use (i.e. saving all of the state) is overkill.
Edit 2: Other related concepts include differential program analysis and monitoring of remote systems (e.g. space probes) where one attempts to reproduce the calculations using a local implementation, usually a clone (think of a HAL-9000 compared to its earth-bound clones). I've looked down the routes of unit testing, reverse engineering, various kinds of forensics, and whatnot. In the development phase, one could ensure agreement with unit tests, but this doesn't seem to be useful for instrumented analyses. For reverse engineering, the goal can be code & data agreement, but methods for assessing fidelity of re-engineered code don't seem particularly easy to find. Forensics on a per-program basis are very easily found, but comparisons between programs don't seem to be that common.
(Making this answer community wiki, because dataflow programming and reactive programming are not my areas of expertise.)
The area of data flow programming appears to be related, and thus debugging of data flow programs may be helpful. This paper from 1981 gives several useful high level ideas. Although it's hard to translate these to immediately applicable code, it does suggest a method I'd overlooked: when approaching a program as a dataflow, one can either statically or dynamically identify where changes in input values cause changes in other values in the intermediate processing or in the output (not just changes in execution, if one were to examine control flow).
Although dataflow programming is often related to parallel or distributed computing, it seems to dovetail with Reactive Programming, which is how the monitoring of objects (e.g. the hashing) can be implemented.
This answer is far from adequate, hence the CW tag, as it doesn't really name the debugging method that I described. Perhaps this is a form of debugging for the reactive programming paradigm.
[Also note: although this answer is CW, if anyone has a far better answer in relation to dataflow or reactive programming, please feel free to post a separate answer and I will remove this one.]
Note 1: Henrik Nilsson and Peter Fritzson have a number of papers on debugging for lazy functional languages, which are somewhat related: the debugging goal is to assess values, not the execution of code. This paper seems to have several good ideas, and their work partially inspired this paper on a debugger for a reactive programming language called Lustre. These references don't answer the original question, but may be of interest to anyone facing this same challenge, albeit in a different programming context.

Yahoo! LDA Implementation Questions

I have been running Y!LDA ( on a set of documents and the results look great (or at least what I would expect). Now I want to use the resulting topics to perform a reverse query against the corpus. Does anyone know if the 3 human readable text files that are generated after the learntopics executable is run is the final output for this library? If so, is that what I need to parse to perform my queries? I am stuck with a little shoulder shrugging at this point...
If LDA is working the way I think it is (I use a java implementation, so explanations may vary) then what you get out are the three following things:
P(word,concept) -- The probability of getting a word given a concept. So, when LDA finishes figuring out what concepts exist within the corpus, this P(w,c) will tell you (in theory) which words map to which concepts.
A very naive method of determining concepts would be to load this file into a matrix and combine all these probabilities for all possible concepts for a test document in some method (add, multiply, Root-mean-squared) and rank order the concepts.
Do note that the above method does not recognize the various biases introduced by weakly represented topics or dominating topics in LDA. To accommodate that, you need more complicated algorithms (Gibbs sampling, for instance), but this will get you some results.
P(concept,document) -- If you are attempting to find the intrinsic concepts in the documents in the corpus, you would look here. You can use the documents as examples of documents that have a particular concept distribution, and compare your documents to the LDA corpus documents... There are uses for this, but it may not be as useful as the P(w,c).
Something else probably relating to the weights of words, documents, or concepts. This could be as simple as a set of concept examples with beta weights (for the concepts), or some other variables that are output from LDA. These may or may not be important depending on what you are doing. (If you are attempting to add a document to the LDA space, having the alpha or beta values -- very important.)
To answer your 'reverse lookup' question, to determine the concepts of the test document, use P(w,c) for each word w in the test document.
To determine which document is the most like the test document, determine the above concepts, then compare them to the concepts for each document found in P(c,d) (using each concept as a dimension in vector-space and then determining a cosine between the two documents tends to work alright).
To determine the similarity between two documents, same thing as above, just determine the cosine between the two concept-vectors.
Hope that helps.

Predict next event occurrence, based on past occurrences

I'm looking for an algorithm or example material to study for predicting future events based on known patterns. Perhaps there is a name for this, and I just don't know/remember it. Something this general may not exist, but I'm not a master of math or algorithms, so I'm here asking for direction.
An example, as I understand it would be something like this:
A static event occurs on January 1st, February 1st, March 3rd, April 4th. A simple solution would be to average the days/hours/minutes/something between each occurrence, add that number to the last known occurrence, and have the prediction.
What am I asking for, or what should I study?
There is no particular goal in mind, or any specific variables to account for. This is simply a personal thought, and an opportunity for me to learn something new.
I think some topics that might be worth looking into include numerical analysis, specifically interpolation, extrapolation, and regression.
This could be overkill, but Markov chains can lead to some pretty cool pattern recognition stuff. It's better suited to, well, chains of events: the idea is, based on the last N steps in a chain of events, what will happen next?
This is well suited to text: process a large sample of Shakespeare, and you can generate paragraphs full of Shakespeare-like nonsense! Unfortunately, it takes a good deal more data to figure out sparsely-populated events. (Detecting patterns with a period of a month or more would require you to track a chain of at least a full month of data.)
In pseudo-python, here's a rough sketch of a Markov chain builder/prediction script:
n = how_big_a_chain_you_want
def build_map(eventChain):
map = defaultdict(list)
for events in get_all_n_plus_1_item_slices_of(eventChain):
slice = events[:n]
last = events[-1]
def predict_next_event(whatsHappenedSoFar, map):
slice = whatsHappenedSoFar[-n:]
return random_choice(map[slice])
There is no single 'best' canned solution, it depends on what you need. For instance, you might want to average the values as you say, but using weighted averages where the old values do not contribute as much to the result as the new ones. Or you might try some smoothing. Or you might try to see if the distribution of events fits a well-kjnown distribution (like normal, Poisson, uniform).
If you have a model in mind (such as the events occur regularly), then applying a Kalman filter to the parameters of that model is a common technique.
The only technique I've worked with for trying to do something like that would be training a neural network to predict the next step in the series. That implies interpreting the issue as a problem in pattern classification, which doesn't seem like that great a fit; I have to suspect there are less fuzzy ways of dealing with it.
The task is very similar to language modelling task where given a sequence of history words the model tries to predict a probability distribution over vocabulary for the next word.
There are open source softwares such as SRILM and NLTK that can simply get your sequences as input sentences (each event_id is a word) and do the job.
if you merely want to find the probability of an event occurring after n days given prior data of its frequency, you'll want to fit to an appropriate probability distribution, which generally requires knowing something about the source of the event (maybe it should be poisson distributed, maybe gaussian). if you want to find the probability of an event happening given that prior events happened, you'll want to look at bayesian statistics and how to build a markov chain from that.
You should google Genetic Programming Algorithms
They (sort of like the Neural Networks mentioned by Chaos) will enable you to generate solutions programmatically, then have the program modify itself based on a criteria, and create new solutions which are hopefully closer to accurate.
Neural Networks would have to be trained by you, but with genetic programming, the program will do all the work.
Although it is a hell of a lot of work to get them running in the first place!
