data structure to support lookup based on full key or part of key - data-structures

I need to be able to lookup based on the full key or part of the key..
e.g. I might store keys like 10,20,30,40 11,12,30,40, 12,20,30,40
I want to be able to search for 10,20,30,40 or 20,30,40
What is the best data structure for achieving for time.
our programming language is Java..any pointers for open source projects will be appreciated..
Thanks in advance..

If those were the actual numbers I'd be working with, I'd use an array where a given index contains an array of all records that contain the index. If the actual numbers were larger, I'd use a hash table employed the same way.
So the structure would look like (empty indexes elided, in the case of the array implementation):
10 => ((10,20,30,40)),
11 => ((11,12,30,40)),
12 => ((11,12,30,40), (12,20,30,40)),
20 => ((10,20,30,40), (12,20,30,40)),
30 => ((10,20,30,40), (11,12,30,40), (12,20,30,40)),
40 => ((10,20,30,40), (11,12,30,40), (12,20,30,40)),
It's not clear to me whether your searches are inclusive (OR-based) or exclusive (AND-based), but either way you look up the record groups for each element of the search set; for the inclusive search you find their union, and for the exclusive search you find their intersection.

Since you seen to care about retrieval time over other concerns (such as space), I suggest you use a hashtable and you enter your items several times, once per subkey. So you'd put("10,20,30,40",mydata), then put("20,30,40",mydata) and so on (of course this would be a method, you're not going to manually call put so many times).

Use a tree structure. Here is an open source project that might help ... written in Java :-)


Using redis to store a structured event log

I'm a bit new to Redis, so please forgive if this is basic.
I'm working on an app that sends automatic replies to users for certain events. I would like to use Redis to store who has received what event.
Essentially, in ruby, the data structure could look like this where you have a map of users to events and the dates that each event was sent.
"" => {
"sent_comment_reply" => ["12/12/2014", "3/6/2015"],
"added_post_reply" => ["1/4/2006", "7/1/2016"]
What is the best way to represent this in a Redis data structure so you can ask, did Mary get a sent_comment_reply? and if so, when was the latest?
In short, the question is, how(if possible) can you have a Hash structure that holds an array in Redis.
The rationale as opposed to using a set or list with a compound key is that hashes have O(1) lookup time, whereas lookups on lists(lrange) and sets(smembers) will be O(s+n) and sets O(n), respectively.
One way of structuring it in Redis, depending on the idea that you know the events of the user and you want the latest to be fresh in memory :
A sorted set per user. the content of the sorted set will be event codes; sent_comment_reply, added_post_reply with the score of the latest event as the highest. you can use ZRANK to get the answer for the question :
Did Mary get a sent_comment_reply?
A hash also for the user, this time you will have the field as the event sent_comment_reply and the value is the content of it which should be updated with the latest value including the body, date, etc. this will answer the question:
and if so, when was the latest?
Note: Sorted sets are really fast , and in this example we are depending on the events as the data.
With sorted sets you can add, remove, or update elements in a very
fast way (in a time proportional to the logarithm of the number of
elements). Since elements are taken in order and not ordered
afterwards, you can also get ranges by score or by rank (position) in
a very fast way. Accessing the middle of a sorted set is also very
fast, so you can use Sorted Sets as a smart list of non repeating
elements where you can quickly access everything you need: elements in
order, fast existence test, fast access to elements in the middle!
A possible approach to use a hash to map an array is as follows:
add_element(key , value):
len := redis.hlen(key)
redis.hset(key , len , value)
this will map array[i] element to i field in a hash key.
this will work for some cases, but I would probably go with the answer suggested in

Condense nested for loop to improve processing time with text analysis python

I am working on an untrained classifier model. I am working in Python 2.7. I have a loop. It looks like this:
features = [0 for i in xrange(len(dictionary))]
for bgrm in new_scored:
for i in xrange(len(dictionary)):
if bgrm[0] == dictionary[i]:
features[i] = int(bgrm[1])
I have a "dictionary" of bigrams that I have collected from a data set containing customer reviews and I would like to construct feature arrays of each review corresponding to the dictionary I have created. It would contain the frequencies of the bigrams found within the review of the features in the dictionary (I hope that makes sense). new_scored is a list of tuples which contains the bigrams found within a particular review paired with their relative frequency of occurrence in that review. The final feature arrays will be the same length as the original dictionary with few non zero entries.
The above works fine but I am looking at a data set of 13000 reviews, for each review to loop through this code is going to take for eeever (if my computer doesnt run out of RAM first). I have been sitting with it for a while and cannot see how I can condense it.
I am very new to python so I was hoping a more experienced could help with condensing it or perhaps point me in the right direction towards a library that will contain the function I need.
Thank you in advance!
Consider making dictionary an actual dict object (or some fancier subclass of dict if it better suits your needs), as opposed to an iterable (list or tuple seems like what it is now). dictionary could map bigrams as keys to an integer identifier that would identify a feature position.
If you refactor dictionary that way, then the loop can be rewritten as:
features = [0 for key in dictionary]
for bgram in new_scored:
features[dictionary[bgram[0]]] = int(bgrm[1])
except KeyError:
# do something if the bigram is not in the dictionary for some reason
This should convert what was an O(n) traversal through dictionary into a hash lookup.
Hope this helps.

How do I find and remove duplicate mongo documents with ruby

I have a collection in Mongo with duplicates on a specific key that I need to remove all but one of. The Map Reduce solutions don't seem to make it clear how to remove all but one of the duplicates. I am using Ruby, how can I do this in a somewhat efficient way? My current solution is unbelievably slow!
I currently just iterate over an array of the duplicate keys and delete the first document that is returned but this only works if there are at most 1 duplicate document for each key and it is really slow.
dupes.each do |key|
$mongodb.collection("some_collection").remove($mongodb.collection("some_collection").find({key: key}).first)
I think you should use the MongoDB ensureIndex() to remove the duplicates. For instance, in your case, you want to drop the duplicate documents give the key duplicate_key, you can do
db.duplicate_collection.ensureIndex({'duplicate_key' : 1},{unique: true, dropDups: true})
where duplicate_collection is the collection where your duplicate documents are. This operation will only preserve single document if there are duplicate documents give a particular key.
After the operation, if you think you want to remove the index, just do the dropIndex operation. For details, you can search the mongodb documentation.
A lot of solutions suggest Map Reduce (which is fast and fine) but I implemented a solution in Ruby that seems pretty fast as well and makes it easy to leave the one document from each duplicate set.
Basically you find all your duplicate keys by adding them to a hash and any time you find a duplicate key in the collection you add the id of that document to an array which you will use in a bulk removal at the end.
all_keys = {}
dupes = []
dupe_key = "some_key"
$mongodb.collection("some_collection").find.each do |doc|
all_keys[doc[dupe_key]].present? ? dupes << doc["_id"] : asins[doc[dupe_key]] = 1
$mongodb.collection("some_collection").remove({_id: {"$in" => dupes } })
The only issue with this method is that it potentially won't work if the total list of keys/dupe ids can't be stored in memory. The map reduce solution would probably be best at that point.

Modeling data in Redis

I am building a system that keeps track of many counters in real time in Redis. Each counter is basically the impression, conversion details for ad keywords shown on a specific url.
ie. if 10 keywords are shown on a specific url, I need to update a count for each of those keywords for both impressions and conversions. And on each impression of a url, possibly a different set of 10 keywords can be shown.
ie. the basic data model I need is something like
> url=>
k1 =>
impression => 2
conversion => 1
k2 =><br>
impression => 100
conversion => 8
k100 (max around 100)</li>
I understand Redis doesnt have nested hashes so I cant store a 2 level hash as I have shown above.
What is the best way to solve this problem?
I thought of combining k1-impression and k1 conversion and making it one single field
ie like
url =>
k1-impression => 100
k1-conversion => 3
. so on</li>
But the problem is the lengths of 'k1', 'k2' etc is significant ( 120-150 bytes) and I dont want to replicate that data, if possible, to save on memory.
How would I go about solving this problem?
Any help will be appreciated.
If your keywords are of significant enough length that you're worried about it, you should normalize them. Make a hash of keyword -> id, and a hash of id -> keyword, for encoding and decoding them. Then you can have per-url hashes of the form url => {kw_id:impressions => 1123, kw_id:conversions => 28}. This will also serve you well when you start needing to make indexes of the key words, which you will as soon as you get a requirement to show the top 10 best performing key words across all urls, for example.

Creating an id from name and address data. Hash/Digest

My problem:
I'm looking for a way to represent a person's name and address as an encoded id. The id should contain only alpha-numeric characters, be collision-proof, and be represented in a smallest number of characters possible. My first thought was to simply use a cryptographic hash function like MD5 or SHA1, but this seems like overkill (security isn't important - doesn't need to be one-way) and I'd prefer to find something that would produce a shorter id. Does anyone know of an existing algorithm that fits this problem?
In other words, what is the best way to implement the following function so that the return value is the same consistently for the same input, collisions are unlikely, and ids are less than 20 characters?
>>> make_fake_id(fname = 'Oscar', lname = 'Grouch', stnum = '1', stname = 'Sesame', zip = '12345')
Application Context (for those that are interested):
This will be used for a record linkage app. Given an input name and address we search a very large database for the best match and return the database id and other data (how we do this is not important here). If there isn't a match I need to generate this psuedo/generated/derived id from the search input (entity's name and address data). Every search record should result in an output record with either a real (the actual database id resulting from a match/link) or this generated psuedo/generated/derived id. The psuedo id will be prefixed with a character (e.g. N) to differentiate it from a real id.
I know you said no to MD5 and SHA1, but I think you should consider them anyway. As well as being well studied hashing algorithms, the length gives you more protection against possible collisions. No hash is collision-proof, but the cryptographic ones generally are less collision-prone than something you couuld come up with yourself.
Use a cryptographic hash for its collision resistance, not its other qualities
Use as many bytes from the hash as you want (truncate)
convert to alpha-numeric characters
You can also truncate the alpha-numeric string instead of the hash
An easy way to do this: hash the data, encode in base64, remove all non-alpha-numeric characters, truncate.
import hashlib, re
def digest(name, address):
hash = hashlib.md5(name + "|" + address).digest().encode("base64")
alnum_hash = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', "", hash)
return alnum_hash[:N_HASH_CHARS]
How many alpha-numeric characters should you keep? Each character gives you around 5.95 bits of entropy (log(62,2)). 11 characters give you 65.5 bits of entropy, which should be enough to avoid a collision for the first 2**32.7 users (about 7 billion).
A good solution is somewhat dependent on your application. Do you know how many users and what the set of all users is? If you provide more details you would get better help.
I agree with the other poster suggesting serial numbers. OTOH, if you really, really really want to do something else:
Create a SHA1 hash from the data, and store it in a table with a serial number field.
Then, when you get the data, calculate the hash, look it up on the table, get the serial, and that's your id. If it's not on the table, insert it.
I wonder whether you intend to "assign" these ids to the users? If so, I would expect your users to hate anything that you propose; who would want a user id of "AAAAA01"?
So, if these ids are visible to the user, then you should just let them pick what they like and check them for uniqueness (easy). If they are not visible to the user (e.g., internal primary key), then just generate them sequentially using an appropriate technique such as an Oracle Sequence or SQL Server AutoNumber (also easy).
If these ids are an attempt to detect a user that is registering more than once, then I would agree that you should consider a cryptographic hash followed by a full comparison of the registration data (name, address, etc.). However, to be usable, you will need to translate the data into a canonical form (standardized letter case, whitespace, canonical street address, etc.) before computing the hash or making the comparison. Otherwise, you will mismatch based on trivial differences.
EDIT: Now that I understand the problem space better based on your edits, I think that it is highly unlikely that your algorithm (so far) will catch most matches. Beyond my suggestion to canonicalize the inputs, I recommend that you consider an approach that results in a ranked list of a handful of possible matches (to be resolved by a human if possible) rather than an all-or-nothing attempt at a single match. In other words, I recommend a search approach rather than a lookup approach.
Is that feasible in your situation?
Well, if there's more than one person at the same address with the same name, you're toast here, (w/o adding code to detect this and add a discriminator of some kind).
but assuming that issue is not, then the street address and zip code portion of the full addresss is sufficient to guaranteee uniqueness there, so adding enough data from the name should take care of the issue...
Do you have access to a database, or other persistence mechanism, where you could generate and maintain key values for each address? Then keep the address and individual entities in two keyed dictionary structures, where the key is autogenerated for each new distinct address, person encountered... and then use the autogenerated alpha-numeric key...
You could use AAAAA01 for first person at first address,
AAAAA02 for second person at first address,
AAAAB07 for the seventh resident at the second adresss, etc.
If you donlt have any way to generate and maintain these entity-Key mappings then you need to use the full street address/Zip and fullNAme, or a hash value of the same, although the Hash value approach has a smnall chance of generating duplicates...
