Bresenham line algorithm (thickness) - algorithm

I was wondering if anyone knew of any algorithm to draw a line with specific thickness, based on Bresenham's line algorithm or any similar.
On a second thought, I've been wondering about for each setPixel(x,y) I'd just draw a circle, e.g.:
filledCircle(x,y,thickness); for every x,y but that would of course be very slow. I also tried to use dictionary but that would fill the memory in no time. Check the pixels I'm about to draw on if they have the same color, but that's also not efficient enough for large brushes.
Perhaps I could somehow draw half circles depending on the angle?
Any input would be appreciated.
duplicate: how do I create a line of arbitrary thickness using Bresenham?

You cannot actually draw circles along the line. This approach is patented. :)
You can still read patent for inspiration.

I don't know what is commonly used, but it seems to me that you could use Bresenham for the 1-pixel-wide line, but extend it a set number of pixels vertically or horizonally. For instance, suppose your line is roughly 30 degrees away from the horizontal, and you want it to be four pixels wide. You calculate that the vertical thickness of the line should be five pixels. You run Bresenham, but for each pixel (x,y), you actually draw (x,y), (x,y+1), ... (x,y+4). And if you want the ends of the line to be rounded, draw a circle at each end.
For overkill, make a pixel map of the stylus (a circle or diagonal nib, or whatever), then draw a set of parallel Bresenham lines, one for each pixel in the stylus.

There are variations on Bresenhams which calculate pixel coverage, such as those used in the anti-grain geometry libraries; whether you want something that quality - you don't say what the output medium is, and most systems more capable than on-off LCDS support pens with thickness anyway.


Need line drawing algorithm for simulating natural pencil

I'm writing a drawing program that uses a pressure sensitive table for input. I'd like to be able to simulate the soft pencil effect that many other art programs have (such as Paint Tool SAI, Art Rage). Technique I'm using at the moment is functional, but is missing the cleanness I see in more professional programs.
My algorithm at the moment works like this:
Create a bitmap representing the head of the brush. This is just a transparent bitmap with a black circle drawn on it. The circle has an inner radius that is solid black and an outer radius. The blackness linearly fades from opaque to transparent as you move from the inner to the outer radius.
Capture input events from my tablet. Each point contains an (x, y) coordinate as well as a pressure value
For every point after the first one, draw a line from the previous point to the current one. This is done by drawing (daubing) the brush bitmap several times between the two points. The step size between each daub is chosen so there is an overlap between subsequent daubs.
This works reasonably well, but the result is a line that is somewhat blobby and jagged.
One thing I need to do is somehow smooth out the input points so that the stroke as a whole is smooth.
The other thing I need to do is figure out how to 'drag' the brush head along this path to make the stroke. If the spacing is too far apart, the stroke looks like a line of circles. If too close together, the stroke builds up on itself and becomes very dark. (I tried to fix this by attenuating the brush by the spacing. This does make things more consistent, but stops the stroke from being fully opaque).
Anyhow, I'd expect that there's a lot of research already done on this, if only I knew where to look. Please let me know if there are any better pencil drawing algorithms out there.
Instead of drawing the new circle over what has already been drawn, using the standard blending functions (so that regions of overlap get a higher opacity), you need to keep the maximum opacity so far.
Only after you have built up the complete stroke (as on a white sheet), you can blend it to the existing line art.
The picture illustrates the difference between blending and keeping the maximum opacity.

How to draw Bézier curves with Quartz with a quality equivalent to the default implementation?

I am drawing Bézier curves with my own code. Basically, I am computing a large number of points which I join with a CGPath. But even with the same line width, I can't achieve the same quality as the default implementation. The edge of the stroke is a bit blurry due to anti-aliasing. The stroke is not bad looking, but I notice that on Apple rendering, the anti-aliasing looks different; the width of the antialiasing zone (where the pixels are neither of the color of the stroke, nor the the color of the background) is lesser.
Spying a little with Instruments shows that UIBezierPath's stroke spends some time in libRIP, but I can't find what it is exactly.
I have drawn an ellipse myself, using sin, and cos operations. My ellipse looks as good as the original.
I know that there is a problem when drawing over an gradient. Is that the case in your case?
If you're plotting a large number of points, you might be getting darker anti-aliasing edges because you're over-plotting. I can't find a good image online to describe it, but if you plot from A -> B and then A -> B again, both lines might generate, say, 30% gray partial pixels, which will then be blended together resulting in 60% gray.
You may not think you're doing that, but if you have a high density of points then you might be ending up with overlapping components (and especially if you are plotting separate line segments you'll have your capping etc. overlapping).
Probably worth posting some sample code and screenshots taken with Pixie or xScope so we can see what's happening.

How to get a 1 pixel line with NSBezierPath?

I'm developing a custom control. One of the requirements is to draw lines. Although this works, I noticed that my 1 pixel wide lines do not really look like 1 pixel wide lines - I know, they're not really pixels but you know what I mean. They look more like two or three pixels wide. This becomes very apparent when I draw a dashed line with a 1 pixel dash and a 2 pixel gap. The 1 pixel dashes actually look like tiny lines in stead of dots.
I've read the Cocoa Drawing documentation and although Apple mentions the setLineWidth method, changing the line width to values smaller than 1.0 will only make the line look more vague and not thinner.
So, I suspect there's something else influencing the way my lines look.
Any ideas?
Bezier paths are drawn centered on their path, so if you draw a 1 pixel wide path along the X-coordinate, the line actually draws along Y-coordinates { -0.5, 0.5 } The solution is usually to offset the coordinate by 0.5 so that the line is not drawn in the sub pixel boundaries. You should be able to shift your bounding box by 0.5 to get sharper drawing behavior.
Francis McGrew already gave the right answer, but since I did a presentation on this once, I thought I'd add some pictures.
The problem here is that coordinates in Quartz lie at the intersections between pixels. This is fine when filling a rectangle, because every pixel that lies inside the coordinates gets filled. But lines are technically (mathematically!) invisible. To draw them, Quartz has to actually draw a rectangle with the given line width. This rectangle is centered over the coordinates:
So when you ask Quartz to stroke a rectangle with integral coordinates, it has the problem that it can only draw whole pixels. But here you see that we have half pixels. So what it does is it averages the color. For a 50% black (the line color) and 50% white (the background) line, it simply draws each pixel in grey:
This is where your washed-out drawings come from. The fix is now obvious: Don't draw between pixels, and you achieve that by moving your points by half a pixel, so your coordinate is centered over the desired pixel:
Now of course just offsetting may not be what you wanted. Because if you compare the filled variant to the stroked one, the stroke is one pixel larger towards the lower right. If you're e.g. clipping to the rectangle, this will cut off the lower right:
Since people usually expect the rectangle to stroke inside the specified rectangle, what you usually do is that you offset by 0.5 towards the center, so the lower right effectively moves up one pixel. Alternately, many drawing apps offset by 0.5 away from the center, to avoid overlap between the border and the fill (which can look odd when you're drawing with transparency).
Note that this only holds true for 1x screens. 2x Retina screens actually exhibit this problem differently, because each of the pixels below is actually drawn by 4 Retina pixels, which means they can actually draw the half-pixels. However, you still have the same problem if you want a sharp 0.5pt line. Also, since Apple may in the future introduce other Retina screens where e.g. every pixel is made up of 9 Retina pixels (3x), or whatever, you should really not rely on this. Instead, there are now API calls to convert rectangles to "backing aligned", which does this for you, no matter whether you're running 1x, 2x, or a fictitious 3x.
PS - Since I went to the hassle of writing this all up, I've put this up on my web site: where I'll update and revise this description and add more images.
The answer is (buried) in the Apple Docs:
"To avoid antialiasing when you draw a one-point-wide horizontal or vertical line, if the line is an odd number of pixels in width, you must offset the position by 0.5 points to either side of a whole-numbered position"
Hidden in Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS: iOS Drawing Concepts, though nothing that specific to be found in the current, standard (OS X) Cocoa Drawing Guide..
As for the effects of invoking setDefaultLineWidth: the docs also state that:
"A width of 0 is interpreted as the thinnest line that can be rendered on a particular device. The actual rendered line width may vary from the specified width by as much as 2 device pixels, depending on the position of the line with respect to the pixel grid and the current anti-aliasing settings. The width of the line may also be affected by scaling factors specified in the current transformation matrix of the active graphics context."
I found some info suggesting that this is caused by anti aliasing. Turning anti aliasing off temporarily is easy:
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setShouldAntialias: NO];
This gives a crisp, 1 pixel line. After drawing just switch it on again.
I tried the solution suggested by Francis McGrew by offsetting the x coordinate with 0.5, however that did not make any difference to the appearance of my line.
To be more specific, I changed x and y coordinates individually and together with an offset of 0.5.
I must have done something wrong, as changing the coordinates with an offset of 0.5 actually does work. The end result is better than the one obtained by switching off the anti aliasing so I'll make Francis MsGrew's answer the accepted answer.

Algorithm for "neon glow" graphics programming

I am searching for an article or tutorial that explains how one can draw primitive shapes (mainly simple lines) with a (neon) glow effect on them in the graphical output of a computer program. I do not want to do some sophisticated stuff like for example in modern first pirson shooters or alike. I am more in a search for a simple solution, like the lines in that picture: -- but of course drawn by a computer program in my case.
The whole thing should run on a modern smart phone, so the hardware is a bit limited.
I do know a bit about OpenGL, but not too much, so unfortunately I am a bit lost here. Did some research on Google ("glow effect algoritm" and similar), but found either highly complex stuff for 3D games, or tutorials for Photoshop & co.
So what I would really need is an in-depth article on that subject, but not on a very advanced level. I hope thats even possible... I have just started with OpenGL, did some minor graphics programming in the past, but I am a long-year programmer now, so I would understand technical papers in general.
Does anyone of you know of such an article/paper/tutorial/anything?
Thanks in advance for all good advices!
Its jus a bunch of lines with different brightness/transperency. Basically, if you want a glow effect for 1px line, in a size of 20 pixels, then you draw 41 lines with width of 1 px. The middle line is with your base colour, other lines get colours that gradiently go from base color to 100% transperency (like in your example) or darkest colour variant (if you have black background, no transparency).
That is it. :)
This isn't something I've ever done, but looking at your example, the basic approach I'd use to try and recreate it would be...
Start with an algorithm for drawing a filled shape large enough to include the original shape and the glow. For example, a rectangle becomes a slightly larger rectangle, but with rounded corners. An infinitessimally-wide line becomes a thickened line with semi-circular caps. Subtract out the original shape (and fill the pixels for that normally).
For each pixel in the glow, the colour depends on the shortest distance to any part of the original shape. This normally reduces to the distance to the nearest point on a line (e.g. one edge of a rectangle).
The distance is translated to a colour value using probably Hue-Saturation-Value or a similar colour scheme, as well as reducing alpha (increasing transparency). For neon glows, you probably want constant hue, decreasing brightness, maybe increasing saturation, and decreasing alpha.
Translate the HSV/whatever colour value to RGB for output. See this question.
EDIT - I should probably have said HSL rather than HSV - in HSL, if L is at it's maximum value, the resulting colour is always white. For HSV, that's only true if saturation is also at zero. See
The real trick is that even on a phone these days, I'd guess you probably should use hardware (shaders) for this - sorry, I don't know how that's done.
The "painters algorithm" overlaying of gradually smaller shapes that others have described here is also a possibility, but (1) possibly slower, depending on implementation issues, and (2) you may need to draw to an off-screen buffer, with some special handling for the alpha channel, then blit back to the screen to handle the transparency correctly - if you need transparency, that is.
EDIT - Silly me. An alternative approach is to apply a blur to your original shape (in greyscale), but instead of writing out the blurred pixels directly, apply the colour-transformation to each blurred pixel value.
A blur is basically a weighted moving average. Technically, a finite impulse response filter is implemented using a convolution, but the maths for that is a tad awkward and if you just want "a blur" of about the right size, draw a grayscale circle of pixels as your "weights" image.
The blur in this case basically replaces the distance-from-shape calculation.
| |
----|---------------------|-----> line
gradient block
Break up your line into small non-overlapping blocks. Use whatever graphics primitive you have to draw a tilted rectangular gradient: the center is at 100% and the outer edge is at 0%.
Don't draw it on the image yet; you want to blend it with the image. Using regular transparency will just make it look like a random pipe or pole or something (unless you draw a white line, and your background is dark).
Here are two choices of blending mode:
color dodge: [blended pixel value] = (1-[overlay's pixel value]) / [bottom pixel value]
linear dodge: [blended pixel value] = max([overlay's pixel value]+[bottom pixel value], 1)
Then draw the line above the glow.
If you want to draw a curved "neon" line, simply draw it as a sequence of superimposed "neon dots" where each "neon dot" is a small circular image with transparency going from 0% at the origin to 100% at the edge of the circle.

How do I add an outline to a 2d concave polygon?

I'm successfully drawing the convex polys which make up the following white concave shape.
The orange color is my attempt to add a uniform outline around the white shape. As you can see it's not so uniform. On some edges the orange doesn't show at all.
Evidently using...
glScalef(1.1, 1.1, 0.0);
... to draw a slightly larger orange shape before I drew the white shape wasn't the way to go.
I just have a nagging feeling I'm missing a more simple way to do this.
Note that the white part is going to be mapped with a texture which has areas of transparency, so the orange part needs to be behind the white shapes too, not just surrounding them.
Also, I'm using a parallel projection matrix, that's why glScalef's z is set to 0.0 - reminds me there is no perspective scaling.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Nope, you wont be going anywhere with glScale in this case. Possible options are
a) construct an extruded polygon from the original one (possibly rounding sharp corners)
b) draw the polygon with GL_LINES and set glLineWidth to your desired outline width (in fact you might want to draw the outline with 2x width first)
The first approach will generate CPU load, the second one might slow down rendering significantly AFAIK.
You can displace your polygon in the 8 directions of the compass.
You can have a look at this link:
It's a nice trick, and might do the job
Unfortunately there is no simple way to get an outline of consistent width - you just have to do the maths:
For each edge: calculate the normal, scale to the desired width, and add to the edge vertices to get a line segment on the new expanded edge
Calculate the intersection of the lines through two adjacent segments to find the expanded vertex positions
A distinct answer from those offered to date, posted just for interest; if you're in GLES 2.0 have access to shaders then you could render the source polygon to a framebuffer with a texture bound as the colour renderbuffer, then do a second parse to write to the screen (so you're using the image of the white polygon as the input texture and running a post-processing pixel shader to every pixel on the screen) with a shader that obeys the following logic for an outline of thickness q:
if the input is white then output a white pixel
if the input pixel is black then sample every pixel within a radius of q from the current pixel; if any one of them is white then output an orange pixel, otherwise output a black pixel
In practise you'd spend an awful lot on texture sampling and probably turn that into the bottleneck. And they'd be mostly dependent reads, which are bad for the pipeline on lots of GPUs — including the PowerVR SGX that powers the overwhelming majority of OpenGL ES 2.0 devices.
EDIT: actually, you could speed this up substantially; if your radius is q then have the hardware generate mip maps for your framebuffer object, take the first one for which the output pixels are at least q by q in the source image. You've then essentially got a set of bins that'll be pure black if there were no bits of the polygon in that region and pure white if that area was entirely internal to the polygon. For each output fragment that you're considering might be on the border you can quite possibly just straight to a conclusion of definitely in or definitely out and beyond the border based on four samples of the mipmap.
