The 8-puzzle is a square board with 9 positions, filled by 8 numbered tiles and one gap. At any point, a tile adjacent to the gap can be moved into the gap, creating a new gap position. In other words the gap can be swapped with an adjacent (horizontally and vertically) tile. The objective in the game is to begin with an arbitrary configuration of tiles, and move them so as to get the numbered tiles arranged in ascending order either running around the perimeter of the board or ordered from left to right, with 1 in the top left-hand position.
I was wondering what approach will be efficient to solve this problem?
I will just attempt to rewrite the previous answer with more details on why it is optimal.
The A* algorithm taken directly from wikipedia is
function A*(start,goal)
closedset := the empty set // The set of nodes already evaluated.
openset := set containing the initial node // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated.
came_from := the empty map // The map of navigated nodes.
g_score[start] := 0 // Distance from start along optimal path.
h_score[start] := heuristic_estimate_of_distance(start, goal)
f_score[start] := h_score[start] // Estimated total distance from start to goal through y.
while openset is not empty
x := the node in openset having the lowest f_score[] value
if x = goal
return reconstruct_path(came_from, came_from[goal])
remove x from openset
add x to closedset
foreach y in neighbor_nodes(x)
if y in closedset
tentative_g_score := g_score[x] + dist_between(x,y)
if y not in openset
add y to openset
tentative_is_better := true
elseif tentative_g_score < g_score[y]
tentative_is_better := true
tentative_is_better := false
if tentative_is_better = true
came_from[y] := x
g_score[y] := tentative_g_score
h_score[y] := heuristic_estimate_of_distance(y, goal)
f_score[y] := g_score[y] + h_score[y]
return failure
function reconstruct_path(came_from, current_node)
if came_from[current_node] is set
p = reconstruct_path(came_from, came_from[current_node])
return (p + current_node)
return current_node
So let me fill in all the details here.
heuristic_estimate_of_distance is the function Σ d(xi) where d(.) is the Manhattan distance of each square xi from its goal state.
So the setup
1 2 3
4 7 6
8 5
would have a heuristic_estimate_of_distance of 1+2+1=4 since each of 8,5 are one away from their goal position with d(.)=1 and 7 is 2 away from its goal state with d(7)=2.
The set of nodes that the A* searches over is defined to be the starting position followed by all possible legal positions. That is lets say the starting position x is as above:
x =
1 2 3
4 7 6
8 5
then the function neighbor_nodes(x) produces the 2 possible legal moves:
1 2 3
4 7
8 5 6
1 2 3
4 7 6
8 5
The function dist_between(x,y) is defined as the number of square moves that took place to transition from state x to y. This is mostly going to be equal to 1 in A* always for the purposes of your algorithm.
closedset and openset are both specific to the A* algorithm and can be implemented using standard data structures (priority queues I believe.) came_from is a data structure used
to reconstruct the solution found using the function reconstruct_path who's details can be found on wikipedia. If you do not wish to remember the solution you do not need to implement this.
Last, I will address the issue of optimality. Consider the excerpt from the A* wikipedia article:
"If the heuristic function h is admissible, meaning that it never overestimates the actual minimal cost of reaching the goal, then A* is itself admissible (or optimal) if we do not use a closed set. If a closed set is used, then h must also be monotonic (or consistent) for A* to be optimal. This means that for any pair of adjacent nodes x and y, where d(x,y) denotes the length of the edge between them, we must have:
h(x) <= d(x,y) +h(y)"
So it suffices to show that our heuristic is admissible and monotonic. For the former (admissibility), note that given any configuration our heuristic (sum of all distances) estimates that each square is not constrained by only legal moves and can move freely towards its goal position, which is clearly an optimistic estimate, hence our heuristic is admissible (or it never over-estimates since reaching a goal position will always take at least as many moves as the heuristic estimates.)
The monotonicity requirement stated in words is:
"The heuristic cost (estimated distance to goal state) of any node must be less than or equal to the cost of transitioning to any adjacent node plus the heuristic cost of that node."
It is mainly to prevent the possibility of negative cycles, where transitioning to an unrelated node may decrease the distance to the goal node more than the cost of actually making the transition, suggesting a poor heuristic.
To show monotonicity its pretty simple in our case. Any adjacent nodes x,y have d(x,y)=1 by our definition of d. Thus we need to show
h(x) <= h(y) + 1
which is equivalent to
h(x) - h(y) <= 1
which is equivalent to
Σ d(xi) - Σ d(yi) <= 1
which is equivalent to
Σ d(xi) - d(yi) <= 1
We know by our definition of neighbor_nodes(x) that two neighbour nodes x,y can have at most the position of one square differing, meaning that in our sums the term
d(xi) - d(yi) = 0
for all but 1 value of i. Lets say without loss of generality this is true of i=k. Furthermore, we know that for i=k, the node has moved at most one place, so its distance to
a goal state must be at most one more than in the previous state thus:
Σ d(xi) - d(yi) = d(xk) - d(yk) <= 1
showing monotonicity. This shows what needed to be showed, thus proving this algorithm will be optimal (in a big-O notation or asymptotic kind of way.)
Note, that I have shown optimality in terms of big-O notation but there is still lots of room to play in terms of tweaking the heuristic. You can add additional twists to it so that it is a closer estimate of the actual distance to the goal state, however you have to make sure that the heuristic is always an underestimate otherwise you loose optimality!
Reading this over again (much) later, I realized the way I wrote it sort of confounds the meaning of optimality of this algorithm.
There are two distinct meanings of optimality I was trying to get at here:
1) The algorithm produces an optimal solution, that is the best possible solution given the objective criteria.
2) The algorithm expands the least number of state nodes of all possible algorithms using the same heuristic.
The simplest way to understand why you need admissibility and monotonicity of the heuristic to obtain 1) is to view A* as an application of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on a graph where the edge weights are given by the node distance traveled thus far plus the heuristic distance. Without these two properties, we would have negative edges in the graph, thereby negative cycles would be possible and Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm would no longer return the correct answer! (Construct a simple example of this to convince yourself.)
2) is actually quite confusing to understand. To fully understand the meaning of this, there are a lot of quantifiers on this statement, such as when talking about other algorithms, one refers to similar algorithms as A* that expand nodes and search without a-priori information (other than the heuristic.) Obviously, one can construct a trivial counter-example otherwise, such as an oracle or genie that tells you the answer at every step of the way. To understand this statement in depth I highly suggest reading the last paragraph in the History section on Wikipedia as well as looking into all the citations and footnotes in that carefully stated sentence.
I hope this clears up any remaining confusion among would-be readers.
You can use the heuristic that is based on the positions of the numbers, that is the higher the overall sum of all the distances of each letter from its goal state is, the higher the heuristic value. Then you can implement A* search which can be proved to be the optimal search in terms of time and space complexity (provided the heuristic is monotonic and admissible.)*_search_algorithm
Since the OP cannot post a picture, this is what he's talking about:
As far as solving this puzzle, goes, take a look at the iterative deepening depth-first search algorithm, as made relevant to the 8-puzzle problem by this page.
Donut's got it! IDDFS will do the trick, considering the relatively limited search space of this puzzle. It would be efficient hence respond to the OP's question. It would find the optimal solution, but not necessarily in optimal complexity.
Implementing IDDFS would be the more complicated part of this problem, I just want to suggest an simple approach to managing the board, the games rules etc. This in particular addresses a way to obtain initial states for the puzzle which are solvable. An hinted in the notes of the question, not all random assignemts of 9 tites (considering the empty slot a special tile), will yield a solvable puzzle. It is a matter of mathematical parity... So, here's a suggestions to model the game:
Make the list of all 3x3 permutation matrices which represent valid "moves" of the game.
Such list is a subset of 3x3s w/ all zeros and two ones. Each matrix gets an ID which will be quite convenient to keep track of the moves, in the IDDFS search tree. An alternative to matrices, is to have two-tuples of the tile position numbers to swap, this may lead to faster implementation.
Such matrices can be used to create the initial puzzle state, starting with the "win" state, and running a arbitrary number of permutations selected at random. In addition to ensuring that the initial state is solvable this approach also provides a indicative number of moves with which a given puzzle can be solved.
Now let's just implement the IDDFS algo and [joke]return the assignement for an A+[/joke]...
This is an example of the classical shortest path algorithm. You can read more about shortest path here and here.
In short, think of all possible states of the puzzle as of vertices in some graph. With each move you change states - so, each valid move represents an edge of the graph. Since moves don't have any cost, you may think of the cost of each move being 1. The following c++-like pseudo-code will work for this problem:
int[][] field = new int[3][3];
// fill the input here
map<string, int> path;
queue<string> q;
put(field, 0); // we can get to the starting position in 0 turns
while (!q.empty()) {
string v = q.poll();
int[][] take = decode(v);
int time = path.get(v);
if (isFinalPosition(take)) {
return time;
for each valid move from take to int[][] newPosition {
put(newPosition, time + 1);
// no path
return -1;
void isFinalPosition(int[][] q) {
return encode(q) == "123456780"; // 0 represents empty space
void put(int[][] position, int time) {
string s = encode(newPosition);
if (!path.contains(s)) {
path.put(s, time);
string encode(int[][] field) {
string s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) s += field[i][j];
return s;
int[][] decode(string s) {
int[][] ans = new int[3][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) field[i][j] = s[i * 3 + j];
return ans;
See this link for my parallel iterative deepening search for a solution to the 15-puzzle, which is the 4x4 big-brother of the 8-puzzle.
I think the big-O time complexity with be 4^(rows + columns) where rows and columns belong to the grid.
class Solution
public void someMethod(int[][] grid, boolean[][] used)
compute(grid, 0, 0, 0, used);
private void compute(int[][] grid, int i, int j, int count, boolean[][] used)
if(i<0 || j<0 || i>= grid.length || j>=grid[0].length || grid[i][j]==0 || used[i][j])
if(grid[i][j] == 1000) // looking to find 1000 from starting position
used[i][j] = true;
compute(grid, i+1, j, count+1, used); // Go down
compute(grid, i-1, j, count+1, used); // Go up
compute(grid, i, j+1, count+1, used); // Go right
compute(grid, i, j-1, count+1, used); // Go left
used[i][j] = false;
Can someone explain what the time complexity would be? Also, it'll be someone can provide good helpful resources/ examples for complex time complexity analysis like 2^n, n^n, n! etc
Let n = columns and m = rows. For simplicity assume n == m.
Short: Your algorithm is O[ (2.6382)^(n^2) ] and Ω[ (1.3196)^(n^2) ].
The first being an asymptotic upper bound and the second being an asymptotic lower bound. In any case a function growing as quickly as c^(n^2) for some c>1 is called doubly-exponential. It is growing quicker than any exponential or a factorial.
See derivation below (though some arguments shortened). Better bounds on the particular problem are likely known, I did not research it. This is just giving an idea on how to solve such problems.
You want to count the number of maximal self-avoiding paths starting from (0,0) on a 2D grid (n, m). There are some additional costs, like the actual call depth, but they are polynomial corrections, while the full complexity is certainly super-exponential.
I will try to construct in the following better and better upper and lower bounds on the complexity.
Note that self-avoiding paths on the grid can have at most length n^2 (because after that many steps all of used is true). We can therefore also ignore the fact that the paths shall be maximal, because if we count each of the non-maximal sub-paths of the maximal ones as well, it will be at most a polynomial factor n^2 difference.
At each step of a path we can go 4 directions (4 compute calls), therefore the number of relevant paths can be at most 4^(n^2).
However we can notice, that at least one of the 4 steps goes back to where we already were (or the start) and therefore is not self-avoiding. Thus an upper bound is also 3^(n^2).
Being a bit more creative, we can realize that the number of self-avoiding paths of fixed length s starting at a fixed point on an grid infinite in all directions is known to grow up to polynomial factors exponential in s with a growth constant µ, known as the connective constant. For the 2D square lattice is is not exactly known, but it is roughly µ = 2.6381....
Now that is for an infinite grid, so certainly the number of such paths on a finite grid is smaller and the number of paths is also certainly monotonic in s and so another upper bound for your problem is µ^(n^2 + O(log n)).
Now for the lower bound. Consider the case n==2. On this grid every cell can be reached from every other with at least 2 different self-avoiding paths.
Now consider again larger n and divide the whole grid into 2x2 sub-grids.
There certainly is at least one self-avoiding path of length (n/2)^2 on the outer n/2 x n/2 grid that the sub-grids from. But also, as just said on each of the n^2/4 sub-grids there are at least two equivalent paths to choose from. Therefore the number of relevant paths in total is at least f_0(n) = 2^(n^2 / 4), which is about (1.189...)^(n^2).
Now this we can also improve. Consider n=4 and divide the grid into 2x2 sub-grids. Then in each sub-grid there are 2 possible paths, as well as at least 2 possible paths in the coarse grid, making 2^5 = 32 paths at least. If now n large again, and we divide into sub-grids of length 4, then with the same argument as before there are at least f_1(n) = 32^(n^2 / 16) = (1.255...)^(n^2) such paths.
Repeating this coarse-graining into 2x2 grids we find for each r a bound 2^((sum 4^x for x=0..r)/4^(r+1)*n^2).
which for r to infinity gives the lower bound 2^(n^2 / 3) = (1.2599...)^(n^2).
Now one might try to redo this bound by coarse-graining not into 2x2 grids, but rather into 3x3 grids. Then one can find, that there are at least 9 paths between any pair of border cells and so with the same arguments as above, one will find the bound 9^(n^2 / (3^2-1)) = (1.316...)^(n^2).
One can repeat this for other coarse-graining, and I found the best bound for 4x4 grids with an assumed minimum 64 self-avoiding paths between any pair of border cells (might actually be higher, didn't enumerate all) giving 64^(n^2 / 15) = (1.3195...)^(n^2).
I'm looking for an algorithm to solve this problem. I have to implement it (so I need a not np solution XD)
I have a complete graph with a cost on each arch and a reward on each vertex. I have only a start point, but it doesn't matter the end point, becouse the problem is to find a path to see as many vertex as possible, in order to have the maximum reward possible, but subject to a maximum cost limit. (for this reason it doesn't matter the end position).
I think to find the optimum solution is a np-hard problem, but also an approximate solution is apprecciated :D
I'm trying study how to solve the problem with branch & bound...
update: complete problem dscription
I have a region in which there are several areas identify by its id and x,y,z position. Each vertex identifies one ot these areas. The maximum number of ares is 200.
From a start point S, I know the cost, specified in seconds and inserted in the arch (so only integer values), to reach each vertex from each other vertex (a complete graph).
When I visit a vertex I get a reward (float valiues).
My objective is to find a paths in a the graph that maximize the reward but I'm subject to a cost constraint on the paths. Indeed I have only limited minutes to complete the path (for example 600 seconds.)
The graph is made as matrix adjacency matrix for the cost and reward (but if is useful I can change the representation).
I can visit vertex more time but with one reward only!
Since you're interested in branch and bound, let's formulate a linear program. Use Floyd–Warshall to adjust the costs minimally downward so that cost(uw) ≤ cost(uv) + cost(vw) for all vertices u, v, w.
Let s be the starting vertex. We have 0-1 variables x(v) that indicate whether vertex v is part of the path and 0-1 variables y(uv) that indicate whether the arc uv is part of the path. We seek to maximize
sum over all vertices v of reward(v) x(v).
The constraints unfortunately are rather complicated. We first relate the x and y variables.
for all vertices v ≠ s, x(v) - sum over all vertices u of y(uv) = 0
Then we bound the cost.
sum over all arcs uv of cost(uv) y(uv) ≤ budget
We have (pre)flow constraints to ensure that the arcs chosen look like a path possibly accompanied by cycles (we'll handle the cycles shortly).
for all vertices v, sum over all vertices u of y(uv)
- sum over all vertices w of y(vw)
≥ -1 if v = s
0 if v ≠ s
To handle the cycles, we add cut covering constraints.
for all subsets of vertices T such that s is not in T,
for all vertices t in T,
x(t) - sum over all vertices u not in T and v in T of y(uv) ≥ 0
Because of the preflow constraints, a cycle necessarily is disconnected from the path structure.
There are exponentially many cut covering constraints, so when solving the LP, we have to generate them on demand. This means finding the minimum cut between s and each other vertex t, then verifying that the capacity of the cut is no greater than x(t). If we find a violation, then we add the constraint and use the dual simplex method to find the new optimum (repeat as necessary).
I'm going to pass on describing the branching machinery – this should be taken care of by your LP solver anyway.
Finding the optimal solution
Here is a recursive approach to solving your problem.
Let's begin with some definitions :
Let A = (Ai)1 ≤ i ≤ N be the areas.
Let wi,j = wj,i the time cost for traveling from Ai to Aj and vice versa.
Let ri the reward for visiting area Ai
Here is the recursive procedure that will output the exact requested solution : (pseudo-code)
List<Area> GetBestPath(int time_limit, Area S, int *rwd) {
int best_reward(0), possible_reward(0), best_fit(0);
List<Area> possible_path[N] = {[]};
if (time_limit < 0) {
return [];
if (!S.visited) {
*rwd += S.reward;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (S.index != i) {
possible_path[i] = GetBestPath(time_limit - W[S.index][i], A[i], &possible_reward);
if (possible_reward > best_reward) {
best_reward = possible_reward;
best_fit = i;
*rwd+= best_reward;
return possible_path[best_fit];
For obvious clarity reasons, I supposed the Ai to be globally reachable, as well as the wi,j.
You start at S. First thing you do ? Collect the reward and mark the node as visited. Then you have to check which way to go is best between the S's N-1 neighbors (lets call them NS,i for 1 ≤ i ≤ N-1).
This is the exact same thing as solving the problem for NS,i with a time limit of :
time_limit - W(S ↔ NS,i)
And since you mark the visited nodes, when arriving at an area, you first check if it is marked. If so you have no reward ... Else you collect and mark it as visited ...
And so forth !
The ending condition is when time_limit (C) becomes negative. This tells us we reached the limit and cannot proceed to further moves : the recursion ends. The final path may contain useless journeys if all the rewards have been collected before the time limit C is reached. You'll have to "prune" the output list.
Complexity ?
Oh this solution is soooooooo awful in terms of complexity !
Each calls leads to N-1 calls ... Until the time limit is reached. The longest possible call sequence is yielded by going back and forth each time on the shortest edge. Let wmin be the weight of this edge.
Then obviously, the overall complexity is bounded by NC/wmin.C/wmin.
This is huuuuuge.
Another approach
Maintain a hash table of all the visited nodes.
On the other side, maintain a Max-priority queue (eg. using a MaxHeap) of the nodes that have not been collected yet. (The top of the heap is the node with the highest reward). The priority value for each node Ai in the queue is set as the couple (ri, E[wi,j])
Pop the heap : Target <- heap.pop().
Compute the shortest path to this node using Dijkstra algorithm.
Check out the path : If the cost of the path is too high, then the node is not reachable, add it to the unreachable nodes list.
Else collect all the uncollected nodes that you find in it and ...
Remove each collected node from the heap.
Set Target as the new starting point.
In either case, proceed to step 1. until the heap is empty.
Note : A hash table is the best suited to keep track of the collected node. This way, we can check a node in a path computed using Dijkstra in O(1).
Likewise, maintaining a hashtable leading to the position of each node in the heap might be useful to optimise the "pruning" of the heap, when collecting the nodes along a path.
A little analysis
This approach is slightly better than the first one in terms of complexity, but may not lead to the optimal result. In fact, it can even perform quite poorly on some graph configurations. For example, if all nodes have a reward r, except one node T that has r+1 and W(N ↔ T) = C for every node N, but the other edges would be all reachable, then this will only make you collect T and miss every other node. In this particular case, the best solution would have been to ignore T and collect everyone else leading to a reward of (N-1).r instead of only r+1.
This is essentially the problem of connecting n destinations with the minimal amount of road possible.
The input is a set of vertices (a,b, ... , n)
The weight of an edge between two vertices is easily calculated (example the cartesian distance between the two vertices)
I would like an algorithm that given a set of vertices in euclidian space, returns a set of edges that would constitute a connected graph and whose total weight of edges is as small as it could be.
In graph language, this is the Minimum Spanning Tree of a Connected Graph.
With brute force I would have:
Define all possible edges between all vertices - say you have n
vertices, then you have n(n-1)/2 edges in the complete graph
A possible edge can be on or off (2 states)
Go through all possible edge on/off
combinations: 2^(n(n-1)/2)!
Ignore all those that would not connect the
From the remaining combinations, find the one whose sum of
edge weights is the smallest of all
I understand this is an NP-Hard problem. However, realistically for my application, I will have a maximum of 11 vertices. I would like to be able to solve this on a typical modern smart phone, or at the very least on a small server size.
As a second variation, I would like to obtain the same goal, with the restriction that each vertex is connected to a maximum of one other vertex. Essentially obtaining a single trace, starting from any point, and finishing at any other point, as long as the graph is connected. There is no need to go back to where you started. In graph language, this is the Open Euclidian Traveling Salesman Problem.
Some pseudocode algorithms would be much helpful.
Ok for the first problem you have to build a Minimum Spanning Tree. There are several algorithms to do so, Prim and Kruskal. But take a look also in the first link to the treatment for complete graphs that it is your case.
For the second problem, it becomes a little more complicated. The problem becomes an Open Traveling Salesman Problem (oTSP). Reading the previous link maybe focused on Euclidean and Asymmetric.
Maybee you could try a greedy algorithm:
1. Create a list sortedList that stores each pair of nodes i and j and is sorted by the
weight w(i,j).
2. Create a HashSet connectedNodes that is empty at the beginning
3. while (connectedNodes.size() < n)
element := first element of sortedList
if (connectedNodes.isEmpty())
delete element from sortedList
for(element in sortedList) //start again with the first
if(connectedNodes.get(element.nodeI) || connectedNodes.get(element.nodeJ))
if(!(connectedNodes.get(element.nodeI) && connectedNodes.get(element.nodeJ)))
//so it does not include already both nodes
delete element from sortedList
So I explain step 3 a little bit:
You add as long nodes till all nodes are connected to one other. It is sure that the graph is connected, because you just add a node, if he has a connection to an other one already in the connectedNodes list.
So this algorithm is greedy what means, it does not make sure, that the solution is optimal. But it is a quite good approximation, because it always takes the shortest edge (because sortedList is sorted by the weight of the edge).
Yo don't get duplicates in connectedNodes, because it is a HashSet, which also make the runtime faster.
All in all the runtime should be O(n^2) for the sorting at the beginning and below its around O(n^3), because in worst case you run in every step through the whole list that has size of n^2 and you do it n times, because you add one element in each step.
But more likely is, that you find an element much faster than O(n^2), i think in most cases it is O(n).
You can solve the travelsalesman problem and the hamilton path problem with the optimap tsp solver fron gebweb or a linear program solver. But the first question seems to ask for a minimum spanning tree maybe the question tag is wrong?
For the first problem, there is an O(n^2 * 2^n) time algorithm. Basically, you can use dynamic programming to reduce the search space. Let's say the set of all vertices is V, so the state space consists of all subsets of V, and the objective function f(S) is the minimum sum of weights of the edges connecting vertices in S. For each state S, you may enumerate over all edges (u, v) where u is in S and v is in V - S, and update f(S + {v}). After checking all possible states, the optimal answer is then f(V).
Below is the sample code to illustrate the idea, but it is implemented in a backward approach.
const int n = 11;
int weight[n][n];
int f[1 << n];
for (int state = 0; state < (1 << n); ++state)
int res = INF;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if ((state & (1 << i)) == 0) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if (j == i || (state & (1 << j)) == 0) continue;
if (res > f[state - (1 << j)] + weight[i][j])
res = f[state - (1 << j)] + weight[i][j];
f[state] = res;
printf("%d\n", f[(1 << n) - 1]);
For the second problem, sorry I don't quite understand it. Maybe you should provide some examples?
I'm trying to solve distance transform problem (using Manhattan's distance). Basically, giving matrix with 0's and 1's, program must assign distances of every position to nearest 1. For example, for this one
distance transform matrix is
Possible solutions from my head are:
Slowest ones (slowest because I have tried to implement them - they were lagging on very big matrices):
Brute-force - for every 1 that program reads, change distances accordingly from beginning till end.
Breadth-first search from 0's - for every 0, program looks for nearest 1 inside out.
Same as 2 but starting from 1's mark every distance inside out.
Much faster (read from other people's code)
Breadth-first search from 1's
1. Assign all values in the distance matrix to -1 or very big value.
2. While reading matrix, put all positions of 1's into queue.
3. While queue is not empty
a. Dequeue position - let it be x
b. For each position around x (that has distance 1 from it)
if position is valid (does not exceed matrix dimensions) then
if distance is not initialized or is greater than (distance of x) + 1 then
I. distance = (distance of x) + 1
II. enqueue position into queue
I wanted to ask if there is faster solution to that problem. I tried to search algorithms for distance transform but most of them are dealing with Euclidean distances.
Thanks in advance.
The breadth first search would perform Θ(n*m) operations where n and m are the width and height of your matrix.
You need to output Θ(n*m) numbers, so you can't get any faster than that from a theoretical point of view.
I'm assuming you are not interested in going towards discussions involving cache and such optimizations.
Note that this solution works in more interesting cases. For example, imagine the same question, but there could be different "sources":
Using BFS, you will get the following distance-to-closest-source in the same time complexity:
However, with a single source, there is another solution that might have a slightly better performance in practice (even though the complexity is still the same).
Before, let's observe the following property.
Property: If source is at (a, b), then a point (x, y) has the following manhattan distance:
d(x, y) = abs(x - a) + abs(y - b)
This should be quite easy to prove. So another algorithm would be:
for r in rows
for c in cols
d(r, c) = abc(r - a) + abs(c - b)
which is very short and easy.
Unless you write and test it, there is no easy way of comparing the two algorithms. Assuming an efficient bounded queue implementation (with an array), you have the following major operations per cell:
BFS: queue insertion/deletion, visit of each node 5 times (four times by neighbors, and one time out of the queue)
Direct formula: two subtraction and two ifs
It would really depend on the compiler and its optimizations as well as the specific CPU and memory architecture to say which would perform better.
That said, I'd advise for going with whichever seems simpler to you. Note however that with multiple sources, in the second solution you would need multiple passes on the array (or multiple distance calculations in one pass) and that would definitely have a worse performance than BFS for a large enough number of sources.
You don't need a queue or anything like that at all. Notice that if (i,j) is at distance d from (k,l), one way to realise that distance is to go left or right |i-k| times and then up or down |j-l| times.
So, initialise your matrix with big numbers and stick a zero everywhere you have a 1 in your input. Now do something like this:
for (i = 0; i < sx-1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < sy-1; j++) {
dist[i+1][j] = min(dist[i+1][j], dist[i][j]+1);
dist[i][j+1] = min(dist[i][j+1], dist[i][j]+1);
dist[i][sy-1] = min(dist[i][sy-1], dist[i][sy-2]+1);
for (j = 0; j < sy-1; j++) {
dist[sx-1][j] = min(dist[sx-1][j], dist[sx-2][j]+1);
At this point, you've found all of the shortest paths that involve only going down or right. If you do a similar thing for going up and left, dist[i][j] will give you the distance from (i, j) to the nearest 1 in your input matrix.
I am thinking about the algorithm for the following problem (found on carrercup):
Given a polygon with N vertexes and N edges. There is an int number(could be negative) on every vertex and an operation in set(*,+) on every edge. Every time, we remove an edge E from the polygon, merge the two vertexes linked by the edge(V1,V2) to a new vertex with value: V1 op(E) V2. The last case would be two vertexes with two edges, the result is the bigger one.
Return the max result value can be gotten from a given polygon.
I think we can use just greedy approach. I.e. for polygon with k edges find a pair (p, q) which produces the maximum number when collapsing: (p ,q) = max ({i operation j : i, j - adjacent edges)
Then just call a recursion on polygons:
1. Let function CollapseMaxPair( P(k) ) - gets polygon with k edges and returns 'collapsed' polygon with k-1 edges
2. Then our recursion:
P = P(N);
Releat until two edges left
P = CollapseMaxPair( P )
maxvalue = max ( two remained values)
What do you think?
I have answered this question here: Google Interview : Find the maximum sum of a polygon and it was pointed out to me that that question is a duplicate of this one. Since no one has answered this question fully yet, I have decided to add this answer here as well.
As you have identified (tagged) correctly, this indeed is very similar to the matrix multiplication problem (in what order do I multiply matrixes in order to do it quickly).
This can be solved polynomially using a dynamic algorithm.
I'm going to instead solve a similar, more classic (and identical) problem, given a formula with numbers, addition and multiplications, what way of parenthesizing it gives the maximal value, for example
6+1 * 2 becomes (6+1)*2 which is more than 6+(1*2).
Let us denote our input a1 to an real numbers and o(1),...o(n-1) either * or +. Our approach will work as follows, we will observe the subproblem F(i,j) which represents the maximal formula (after parenthasizing) for a1,...aj. We will create a table of such subproblems and observe that F(1,n) is exactly the result we were looking for.
- If i>j return 0 //no sub-formula of negative length
- If i=j return ai // the maximal formula for one number is the number
- If i<j return the maximal value for all m between i (including) and j (not included) of:
F(i,m) (o(m)) F(m+1,j) //check all places for possible parenthasis insertion
This goes through all possible options. TProof of correctness is done by induction on the size n=j-i and is pretty trivial.
Lets go through runtime analysis:
If we do not save the values dynamically for smaller subproblems this runs pretty slow, however we can make this algorithm perform relatively fast in O(n^3)
We create a n*n table T in which the cell at index i,j contains F(i,j) filling F(i,i) and F(i,j) for j smaller than i is done in O(1) for each cell since we can calculate these values directly, then we go diagonally and fill F(i+1,i+1) (which we can do quickly since we already know all the previous values in the recursive formula), we repeat this n times for n diagonals (all the diagonals in the table really) and filling each cell takes (O(n)), since each cell has O(n) cells we fill each diagonals in O(n^2) meaning we fill all the table in O(n^3). After filling the table we obviously know F(1,n) which is the solution to your problem.
Now back to your problem
If you translate the polygon into n different formulas (one for starting at each vertex) and run the algorithm for formula values on it, you get exactly the value you want.
Here's a case where your greedy algorithm fails:
Imagine your polygon is a square with vertices A, B, C, D (top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left). This gives us edges (A,B), (A,D), (B,C), and (C, D).
Let the weights be A=-1, B=-1, C=-1, and D=1,000,000.
A (-1) ------ B (-1)
| |
| |
| |
| |
D(1000000) ---C (-1)
Clearly, the best strategy is to collapse (A,B), and then (B,C), so that you may end up with D by itself. Your algorithm, however, will start with either (A,D) or (D,C), which will not be optimal.
A greedy algorithm that combines the min sums has a similar weakness, so we need to think of something else.
I'm starting to see how we want to try to get all positive numbers together on one side and all negatives on the other.
If we think about the initial polygon entirely as a state, then we can imagine all the possible child states to be the subsequent graphs were an edge is collapsed. This creates a tree-like structure. A BFS or DFS would eventually give us an optimal solution, but at the cost of traversing the entire tree in the worst case, which is probably not as efficient as you'd like.
What you are looking for is a greedy best-first approach to search down this tree that is provably optimal. Perhaps you could create an A*-like search through it, although I'm not sure what your admissable heuristic would be.
I don't think the greedy algorithm works. Let the vertices be A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, and the edges be AB = a - 5b, BC = b + c, CA = -20. The greedy algorithm selects BC to evaluate first, value 3. Then AB, value, -15. However, there is a better sequence to use. Evaluate AB first, value -5. Then evaluate BC, value -3. I don't know of a better algorithm though.