String Tiling Algorithm - algorithm

I'm looking for an efficient algorithm to do string tiling. Basically, you are given a list of strings, say BCD, CDE, ABC, A, and the resulting tiled string should be ABCDE, because BCD aligns with CDE yielding BCDE, which is then aligned with ABC yielding the final ABCDE.
Currently, I'm using a slightly naïve algorithm, that works as follows. Starting with a random pair of strings, say BCD and CDE, I use the following (in Java):
public static String tile(String first, String second) {
for (int i = 0; i < first.length() || i < second.length(); i++) {
// "right" tile (e.g., "BCD" and "CDE")
String firstTile = first.substring(i);
// "left" tile (e.g., "CDE" and "BCD")
String secondTile = second.substring(i);
if (second.contains(firstTile)) {
return first.substring(0, i) + second;
} else if (first.contains(secondTile)) {
return second.substring(0, i) + first;
return EMPTY;
System.out.println(tile("CDE", "ABCDEF")); // ABCDEF
System.out.println(tile("BCD", "CDE")); // BCDE
System.out.println(tile("CDE", "ABC")); // ABCDE
System.out.println(tile("ABC", tile("BCX", "XYZ"))); // ABCXYZ
Although this works, it's not very efficient, as it iterates over the same characters over and over again.
So, does anybody know a better (more efficient) algorithm to do this ? This problem is similar to a DNA sequence alignment problem, so any advice from someone in this field (and others, of course) are very much welcome. Also note that I'm not looking for an alignment, but a tiling, because I require a full overlap of one of the strings over the other.
I'm currently looking for an adaptation of the Rabin-Karp algorithm, in order to improve the asymptotic complexity of the algorithm, but I'd like to hear some advice before delving any further into this matter.
Thanks in advance.
For situations where there is ambiguity -- e.g., {ABC, CBA} which could result in ABCBA or CBABC --, any tiling can be returned. However, this situation seldom occurs, because I'm tiling words, e.g. {This is, is me} => {This is me}, which are manipulated so that the aforementioned algorithm works.
Similar question: Efficient Algorithm for String Concatenation with Overlap

Order the strings by the first character, then length (smallest to largest), and then apply the adaptation to KMP found in this question about concatenating overlapping strings.

I think this should work for the tiling of two strings, and be more efficient than your current implementation using substring and contains. Conceptually I loop across the characters in the 'left' string and compare them to a character in the 'right' string. If the two characters match, I move to the next character in the right string. Depending on which string the end is first reached of, and if the last compared characters match or not, one of the possible tiling cases is identified.
I haven't thought of anything to improve the time complexity of tiling more than two strings. As a small note for multiple strings, this algorithm below is easily extended to checking the tiling of a single 'left' string with multiple 'right' strings at once, which might prevent extra looping over the strings a bit if you're trying to find out whether to do ("ABC", "BCX", "XYZ") or ("ABC", "XYZ", BCX") by just trying all the possibilities. A bit.
string Tile(string a, string b)
// Try both orderings of a and b,
// since TileLeftToRight is not commutative.
string ab = TileLeftToRight(a, b);
if (ab != "")
return ab;
return TileLeftToRight(b, a);
// Alternatively you could return whichever
// of the two results is longest, for cases
// like ("ABC" "BCABC").
string TileLeftToRight(string left, string right)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (true)
if (left[i] != right[j])
if (i >= left.Length)
return "";
if (i >= left.Length)
return left + right.Substring(j);
if (j >= right.Length)
return left;

If Open Source code is acceptable, then you should check the genome benchmarks in Stanford's STAMP benchmark suite: it does pretty much exactly what you're looking for. Starting with a bunch of strings ("genes"), it looks for the shortest string that incorporates all the genes. So for example if you have ATGC and GCAA, it'll find ATGCAA. There's nothing about the algorithm that limits it to a 4-character alphabet, so this should be able to help you.

The first thing to ask is if you want to find the tilling of {CDB, CDA}? There is no single tilling.

Interesting problem. You need some kind of backtracking. For example if you have:
Combining DBC with BCD results in:
Which is not solvable. But combining ABC with BCD results in:
Which can be combined to:


Valid Permutations of a String

This question was asked to me in a recent amazon technical interview. It goes as follows:-
Given a string ex: "where am i" and a dictionary of valid words, you have to list all valid distinct permutations of the string. A valid string comprises of words which exists in the dictionary. For ex: "we are him","whim aree" are valid strings considering the words(whim, aree) are part of the dictionary. Also the condition is that a mere rearrangement of words is not a valid string, i.e "i am where" is not a valid combination.
The task is to find all possible such strings in the optimum way.
As you have said, space doesn't count, so input can be just viewed as a list of chars. The output is the permutation of words, so an obvious way to do it is find all valid words then permutate them.
Now problem becomes to divide a list of chars into subsets which each forms a word, which you can find some answers here and following is my version to solve this sub-problem.
If the dictionary is not large, we can iterate dictionary to
find min_len/max_len of words, to estimate how many words we may have, i.e. how deep we recur
convert word into map to accelerate search;
filter the words which have impossible char (i.e. the char our input doesn't have) out;
if this word is subset of our input, we can find word recursively.
The following is pseudocode:
int maxDepth = input.length / min_len;
void findWord(List<Map<Character, Integer>> filteredDict, Map<Character, Integer> input, List<String> subsets, int level) {
if (level < maxDepth) {
for (Map<Character, Integer> word : filteredDict) {
if (subset(input, word)) {
findWord(filteredDict, removeSubset(input, word), subsets, level + 1);
And then you can permutate words in a recursive functions easily.
Technically speaking, this solution can be O(n**d) -- where n is dictionary size and d is max depth. But if the input is not large and complex, we can still solve it in feasible time.

Getting the closest string match

I need a way to compare multiple strings to a test string and return the string that closely resembles it:
(If I did this correctly) The closest string to the "TEST STRING" should be "CHOICE C". What is the easiest way to do this?
I plan on implementing this into multiple languages including, Lua, and JavaScript. At this point, pseudo code is acceptable. If you can provide an example for a specific language, this is appreciated too!
I was presented with this problem about a year ago when it came to looking up user entered information about a oil rig in a database of miscellaneous information. The goal was to do some sort of fuzzy string search that could identify the database entry with the most common elements.
Part of the research involved implementing the Levenshtein distance algorithm, which determines how many changes must be made to a string or phrase to turn it into another string or phrase.
The implementation I came up with was relatively simple, and involved a weighted comparison of the length of the two phrases, the number of changes between each phrase, and whether each word could be found in the target entry.
The article is on a private site so I'll do my best to append the relevant contents here:
Fuzzy String Matching is the process of performing a human-like estimation of the similarity of two words or phrases. In many cases, it involves identifying words or phrases which are most similar to each other. This article describes an in-house solution to the fuzzy string matching problem and its usefulness in solving a variety of problems which can allow us to automate tasks which previously required tedious user involvement.
The need to do fuzzy string matching originally came about while developing the Gulf of Mexico Validator tool. What existed was a database of known gulf of Mexico oil rigs and platforms, and people buying insurance would give us some badly typed out information about their assets and we had to match it to the database of known platforms. When there was very little information given, the best we could do is rely on an underwriter to "recognize" the one they were referring to and call up the proper information. This is where this automated solution comes in handy.
I spent a day researching methods of fuzzy string matching, and eventually stumbled upon the very useful Levenshtein distance algorithm on Wikipedia.
After reading about the theory behind it, I implemented and found ways to optimize it. This is how my code looks like in VBA:
'Calculate the Levenshtein Distance between two strings (the number of insertions,
'deletions, and substitutions needed to transform the first string into the second)
Public Function LevenshteinDistance(ByRef S1 As String, ByVal S2 As String) As Long
Dim L1 As Long, L2 As Long, D() As Long 'Length of input strings and distance matrix
Dim i As Long, j As Long, cost As Long 'loop counters and cost of substitution for current letter
Dim cI As Long, cD As Long, cS As Long 'cost of next Insertion, Deletion and Substitution
L1 = Len(S1): L2 = Len(S2)
ReDim D(0 To L1, 0 To L2)
For i = 0 To L1: D(i, 0) = i: Next i
For j = 0 To L2: D(0, j) = j: Next j
For j = 1 To L2
For i = 1 To L1
cost = Abs(StrComp(Mid$(S1, i, 1), Mid$(S2, j, 1), vbTextCompare))
cI = D(i - 1, j) + 1
cD = D(i, j - 1) + 1
cS = D(i - 1, j - 1) + cost
If cI <= cD Then 'Insertion or Substitution
If cI <= cS Then D(i, j) = cI Else D(i, j) = cS
Else 'Deletion or Substitution
If cD <= cS Then D(i, j) = cD Else D(i, j) = cS
End If
Next i
Next j
LevenshteinDistance = D(L1, L2)
End Function
Simple, speedy, and a very useful metric. Using this, I created two separate metrics for evaluating the similarity of two strings. One I call "valuePhrase" and one I call "valueWords". valuePhrase is just the Levenshtein distance between the two phrases, and valueWords splits the string into individual words, based on delimiters such as spaces, dashes, and anything else you'd like, and compares each word to each other word, summing up the shortest Levenshtein distance connecting any two words. Essentially, it measures whether the information in one 'phrase' is really contained in another, just as a word-wise permutation. I spent a few days as a side project coming up with the most efficient way possible of splitting a string based on delimiters.
valueWords, valuePhrase, and Split function:
Public Function valuePhrase#(ByRef S1$, ByRef S2$)
valuePhrase = LevenshteinDistance(S1, S2)
End Function
Public Function valueWords#(ByRef S1$, ByRef S2$)
Dim wordsS1$(), wordsS2$()
wordsS1 = SplitMultiDelims(S1, " _-")
wordsS2 = SplitMultiDelims(S2, " _-")
Dim word1%, word2%, thisD#, wordbest#
Dim wordsTotal#
For word1 = LBound(wordsS1) To UBound(wordsS1)
wordbest = Len(S2)
For word2 = LBound(wordsS2) To UBound(wordsS2)
thisD = LevenshteinDistance(wordsS1(word1), wordsS2(word2))
If thisD < wordbest Then wordbest = thisD
If thisD = 0 Then GoTo foundbest
Next word2
wordsTotal = wordsTotal + wordbest
Next word1
valueWords = wordsTotal
End Function
' SplitMultiDelims
' This function splits Text into an array of substrings, each substring
' delimited by any character in DelimChars. Only a single character
' may be a delimiter between two substrings, but DelimChars may
' contain any number of delimiter characters. It returns a single element
' array containing all of text if DelimChars is empty, or a 1 or greater
' element array if the Text is successfully split into substrings.
' If IgnoreConsecutiveDelimiters is true, empty array elements will not occur.
' If Limit greater than 0, the function will only split Text into 'Limit'
' array elements or less. The last element will contain the rest of Text.
Function SplitMultiDelims(ByRef Text As String, ByRef DelimChars As String, _
Optional ByVal IgnoreConsecutiveDelimiters As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1) As String()
Dim ElemStart As Long, N As Long, M As Long, Elements As Long
Dim lDelims As Long, lText As Long
Dim Arr() As String
lText = Len(Text)
lDelims = Len(DelimChars)
If lDelims = 0 Or lText = 0 Or Limit = 1 Then
ReDim Arr(0 To 0)
Arr(0) = Text
SplitMultiDelims = Arr
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Arr(0 To IIf(Limit = -1, lText - 1, Limit))
Elements = 0: ElemStart = 1
For N = 1 To lText
If InStr(DelimChars, Mid(Text, N, 1)) Then
Arr(Elements) = Mid(Text, ElemStart, N - ElemStart)
If IgnoreConsecutiveDelimiters Then
If Len(Arr(Elements)) > 0 Then Elements = Elements + 1
Elements = Elements + 1
End If
ElemStart = N + 1
If Elements + 1 = Limit Then Exit For
End If
Next N
'Get the last token terminated by the end of the string into the array
If ElemStart <= lText Then Arr(Elements) = Mid(Text, ElemStart)
'Since the end of string counts as the terminating delimiter, if the last character
'was also a delimiter, we treat the two as consecutive, and so ignore the last elemnent
If IgnoreConsecutiveDelimiters Then If Len(Arr(Elements)) = 0 Then Elements = Elements - 1
ReDim Preserve Arr(0 To Elements) 'Chop off unused array elements
SplitMultiDelims = Arr
End Function
Measures of Similarity
Using these two metrics, and a third which simply computes the distance between two strings, I have a series of variables which I can run an optimization algorithm to achieve the greatest number of matches. Fuzzy string matching is, itself, a fuzzy science, and so by creating linearly independent metrics for measuring string similarity, and having a known set of strings we wish to match to each other, we can find the parameters that, for our specific styles of strings, give the best fuzzy match results.
Initially, the goal of the metric was to have a low search value for for an exact match, and increasing search values for increasingly permuted measures. In an impractical case, this was fairly easy to define using a set of well defined permutations, and engineering the final formula such that they had increasing search values results as desired.
In the above screenshot, I tweaked my heuristic to come up with something that I felt scaled nicely to my perceived difference between the search term and result. The heuristic I used for Value Phrase in the above spreadsheet was =valuePhrase(A2,B2)-0.8*ABS(LEN(B2)-LEN(A2)). I was effectively reducing the penalty of the Levenstein distance by 80% of the difference in the length of the two "phrases". This way, "phrases" that have the same length suffer the full penalty, but "phrases" which contain 'additional information' (longer) but aside from that still mostly share the same characters suffer a reduced penalty. I used the Value Words function as is, and then my final SearchVal heuristic was defined as =MIN(D2,E2)*0.8+MAX(D2,E2)*0.2 - a weighted average. Whichever of the two scores was lower got weighted 80%, and 20% of the higher score. This was just a heuristic that suited my use case to get a good match rate. These weights are something that one could then tweak to get the best match rate with their test data.
As you can see, the last two metrics, which are fuzzy string matching metrics, already have a natural tendency to give low scores to strings that are meant to match (down the diagonal). This is very good.
To allow the optimization of fuzzy matching, I weight each metric. As such, every application of fuzzy string match can weight the parameters differently. The formula that defines the final score is a simply combination of the metrics and their weights:
value = Min(phraseWeight*phraseValue, wordsWeight*wordsValue)*minWeight
+ Max(phraseWeight*phraseValue, wordsWeight*wordsValue)*maxWeight
+ lengthWeight*lengthValue
Using an optimization algorithm (neural network is best here because it is a discrete, multi-dimentional problem), the goal is now to maximize the number of matches. I created a function that detects the number of correct matches of each set to each other, as can be seen in this final screenshot. A column or row gets a point if the lowest score is assigned the the string that was meant to be matched, and partial points are given if there is a tie for the lowest score, and the correct match is among the tied matched strings. I then optimized it. You can see that a green cell is the column that best matches the current row, and a blue square around the cell is the row that best matches the current column. The score in the bottom corner is roughly the number of successful matches and this is what we tell our optimization problem to maximize.
The algorithm was a wonderful success, and the solution parameters say a lot about this type of problem. You'll notice the optimized score was 44, and the best possible score is 48. The 5 columns at the end are decoys, and do not have any match at all to the row values. The more decoys there are, the harder it will naturally be to find the best match.
In this particular matching case, the length of the strings are irrelevant, because we are expecting abbreviations that represent longer words, so the optimal weight for length is -0.3, which means we do not penalize strings which vary in length. We reduce the score in anticipation of these abbreviations, giving more room for partial word matches to supersede non-word matches that simply require less substitutions because the string is shorter.
The word weight is 1.0 while the phrase weight is only 0.5, which means that we penalize whole words missing from one string and value more the entire phrase being intact. This is useful because a lot of these strings have one word in common (the peril) where what really matters is whether or not the combination (region and peril) are maintained.
Finally, the min weight is optimized at 10 and the max weight at 1. What this means is that if the best of the two scores (value phrase and value words) isn't very good, the match is greatly penalized, but we don't greatly penalize the worst of the two scores. Essentially, this puts emphasis on requiring either the valueWord or valuePhrase to have a good score, but not both. A sort of "take what we can get" mentality.
It's really fascinating what the optimized value of these 5 weights say about the sort of fuzzy string matching taking place. For completely different practical cases of fuzzy string matching, these parameters are very different. I've used it for 3 separate applications so far.
While unused in the final optimization, a benchmarking sheet was established which matches columns to themselves for all perfect results down the diagonal, and lets the user change parameters to control the rate at which scores diverge from 0, and note innate similarities between search phrases (which could in theory be used to offset false positives in the results)
Further Applications
This solution has potential to be used anywhere where the user wishes to have a computer system identify a string in a set of strings where there is no perfect match. (Like an approximate match vlookup for strings).
So what you should take from this, is that you probably want to use a combination of high level heuristics (finding words from one phrase in the other phrase, length of both phrases, etc) along with the implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm. Because deciding which is the "best" match is a heuristic (fuzzy) determination - you'll have to come up with a set of weights for any metrics you come up with to determine similarity.
With the appropriate set of heuristics and weights, you'll have your comparison program quickly making the decisions that you would have made.
This problem turns up all the time in bioinformatics. The accepted answer above (which was great by the way) is known in bioinformatics as the Needleman-Wunsch (compare two strings) and Smith-Waterman (find an approximate substring in a longer string) algorithms. They work great and have been workhorses for decades.
But what if you have a million strings to compare? That's a trillion pairwise comparisons, each of which is O(n*m)! Modern DNA sequencers easily generate a billion short DNA sequences, each about 200 DNA "letters" long. Typically, we want to find, for each such string, the best match against the human genome (3 billion letters). Clearly, the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm and its relatives will not do.
This so-called "alignment problem" is a field of active research. The most popular algorithms are currently able to find inexact matches between 1 billion short strings and the human genome in a matter of hours on reasonable hardware (say, eight cores and 32 GB RAM).
Most of these algorithms work by quickly finding short exact matches (seeds) and then extending these to the full string using a slower algorithm (for example, the Smith-Waterman). The reason this works is that we are really only interested in a few close matches, so it pays off to get rid of the 99.9...% of pairs that have nothing in common.
How does finding exact matches help finding inexact matches? Well, say we allow only a single difference between the query and the target. It is easy to see that this difference must occur in either the right or left half of the query, and so the other half must match exactly. This idea can be extended to multiple mismatches and is the basis for the ELAND algorithm commonly used with Illumina DNA sequencers.
There are many very good algorithms for doing exact string matching. Given a query string of length 200, and a target string of length 3 billion (the human genome), we want to find any place in the target where there is a substring of length k that matches a substring of the query exactly. A simple approach is to begin by indexing the target: take all k-long substrings, put them in an array and sort them. Then take each k-long substring of the query and search the sorted index. Sort and search can be done in O(log n) time.
But storage can be a problem. An index of the 3 billion letter target would need to hold 3 billion pointers and 3 billion k-long words. It would seem hard to fit this in less than several tens of gigabytes of RAM. But amazingly we can greatly compress the index, using the Burrows-Wheeler transform, and it will still be efficiently queryable. An index of the human genome can fit in less than 4 GB RAM. This idea is the basis of popular sequence aligners such as Bowtie and BWA.
Alternatively, we can use a suffix array, which stores only the pointers, yet represents a simultaneous index of all suffixes in the target string (essentially, a simultaneous index for all possible values of k; the same is true of the Burrows-Wheeler transform). A suffix array index of the human genome will take 12 GB of RAM if we use 32-bit pointers.
The links above contain a wealth of information and links to primary research papers. The ELAND link goes to a PDF with useful figures illustrating the concepts involved, and shows how to deal with insertions and deletions.
Finally, while these algorithms have basically solved the problem of (re)sequencing single human genomes (a billion short strings), DNA sequencing technology improves even faster than Moore's law, and we are fast approaching trillion-letter datasets. For example, there are currently projects underway to sequence the genomes of 10,000 vertebrate species, each a billion letters long or so. Naturally, we will want to do pairwise inexact string matching on the data...
I contest that choice B is closer to the test string, as it's only 4 characters(and 2 deletes) from being the original string. Whereas you see C as closer because it includes both brown and red. It would, however, have a greater edit distance.
There is an algorithm called Levenshtein Distance which measures the edit distance between two inputs.
Here is a tool for that algorithm.
Rates choice A as a distance of 15.
Rates choice B as a distance of 6.
Rates choice C as a distance of 9.
EDIT: Sorry, I keep mixing strings in the levenshtein tool. Updated to correct answers.
Lua implementation, for posterity:
function levenshtein_distance(str1, str2)
local len1, len2 = #str1, #str2
local char1, char2, distance = {}, {}, {}
str1:gsub('.', function (c) table.insert(char1, c) end)
str2:gsub('.', function (c) table.insert(char2, c) end)
for i = 0, len1 do distance[i] = {} end
for i = 0, len1 do distance[i][0] = i end
for i = 0, len2 do distance[0][i] = i end
for i = 1, len1 do
for j = 1, len2 do
distance[i][j] = math.min(
distance[i-1][j ] + 1,
distance[i ][j-1] + 1,
distance[i-1][j-1] + (char1[i] == char2[j] and 0 or 1)
return distance[len1][len2]
You might find this library helpful!
It is currently available in Java, JavaScript, Dart, C++, C#, Objective C, Lua and Python
It works pretty well too. I use it in a couple of my Lua projects.
And I don't think it would be too difficult to port it to other languages!
You might be interested in this blog post.
Fuzzywuzzy is a Python library that provides easy distance measures such as Levenshtein distance for string matching. It is built on top of difflib in the standard library and will make use of the C implementation Python-levenshtein if available.
If you're doing this in the context of a search engine or frontend against a database, you might consider using a tool like Apache Solr, with the ComplexPhraseQueryParser plugin. This combination allows you to search against an index of strings with the results sorted by relevance, as determined by Levenshtein distance.
We've been using it against a large collection of artists and song titles when the incoming query may have one or more typos, and it's worked pretty well (and remarkably fast considering the collections are in the millions of strings).
Additionally, with Solr, you can search against the index on demand via JSON, so you won't have to reinvent the solution between the different languages you're looking at.
The problem is hard to implement if the input data is too large (say millions of strings). I used elastic search to solve this.
Quick start :
Just insert all the input data into DB and you can search any string based on any edit distance quickly. Here is a C# snippet which will give you a list of results sorted by edit distance (smaller to higher)
var res = client.Search<ClassName>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.VariableName)
A very, very good resource for these kinds of algorithms is Simmetrics:
Unfortunately the awesome website containing a lot of the documentation is gone :(
In case it comes back up again, its previous address was this:
Voila (courtesy of "Wayback Machine"):
You can study the code source, there are dozens of algorithms for these kinds of comparisons, each with a different trade-off. The implementations are in Java.
To query a large set of text in efficient manner you can use the concept of Edit Distance/ Prefix Edit Distance.
Edit Distance ED(x,y): minimal number of transfroms to get from term x to term y
But computing ED between each term and query text is resource and time intensive. Therefore instead of calculating ED for each term first we can extract possible matching terms using a technique called Qgram Index. and then apply ED calculation on those selected terms.
An advantage of Qgram index technique is it supports for Fuzzy Search.
One possible approach to adapt QGram index is build an Inverted Index using Qgrams. In there we store all the words which consists with particular Qgram, under that Qgram.(Instead of storing full string you can use unique ID for each string). You can use Tree Map data structure in Java for this.
Following is a small example on storing of terms
col : colmbia, colombo, gancola, tacolama
Then when querying, we calculate the number of common Qgrams between query text and available terms.
Example: x = HILLARY, y = HILARI(query term)
$$HILLARY$$ -> $$H, $HI, HIL, ILL, LLA, LAR, ARY, RY$, Y$$
$$HILARI$$ -> $$H, $HI, HIL, ILA, LAR, ARI, RI$, I$$
number of q-grams in common = 4
number of q-grams in common = 4.
For the terms with high number of common Qgrams, we calculate the ED/PED against the query term and then suggest the term to the end user.
you can find an implementation of this theory in following project(See ""). Feel free to ask any questions.
To study more about Edit Distance, Prefix Edit Distance Qgram index please watch the following video of Prof. Dr Hannah Bast (Lesson starts from 20:06)
Here you can have a golang POC for calculate the distances between the given words. You can tune the minDistance and difference for other scopes.
package main
import (
const minDistance float64 = 2
const difference float64 = 1
type word struct {
data string
letters map[rune]int
type words struct {
words []word
// Print prettify the data present in word
func (w word) Print() {
var (
lenght int
c int
i int
key rune
fmt.Printf("Data: %s\n",
lenght = len(w.letters) - 1
c = 0
for key, i = range w.letters {
fmt.Printf("%s:%d", string(key), i)
if c != lenght {
fmt.Printf(" | ")
func (ws words) fuzzySearch(data string) ([]word, error) {
var (
w word
err error
founds []word
w, err = initWord(data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Errors: %s\n", err.Error())
return nil, err
// Iterating all the words
for i := range ws.words {
letters := ws.words[i].letters
var similar float64 = 0
// Iterating the letters of the input data
for key := range w.letters {
if val, ok := letters[key]; ok {
if math.Abs(float64(val-w.letters[key])) <= minDistance {
similar += float64(val)
lenSimilarity := math.Abs(similar - float64(len(data)-strings.Count(data, " ")))
log.Printf("Comparing %s with %s i've found %f similar letter, with weight %f", data, ws.words[i].data, similar, lenSimilarity)
if lenSimilarity <= difference {
founds = append(founds, ws.words[i])
if len(founds) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no similar found for data: " + data)
return founds, nil
func initWords(data []string) []word {
var (
err error
words []word
word word
for i := range data {
word, err = initWord(data[i])
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error in index [%d] for data: %s", i, data[i])
} else {
words = append(words, word)
return words
func initWord(data string) (word, error) {
var word word = data
word.letters = make(map[rune]int)
for _, r := range data {
if r != 32 { // avoid to save the whitespace
return word, nil
func main() {
var ws words
words := initWords(strings.Split(data, "-"))
for i := range words {
ws.words = words
solution, _ := ws.fuzzySearch("THE BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE RED COW")
fmt.Println("Possible solutions: ", solution)
A sample using C# is here.
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World " + LevenshteinDistance("Hello","World"));
Console.WriteLine("Choice B " + LevenshteinDistance("THE BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE RED COW","THE RED COW JUMPED OVER THE RED COW"));
Console.WriteLine("Choice C " + LevenshteinDistance("THE BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE RED COW","THE RED FOX JUMPED OVER THE BROWN COW"));
public static float LevenshteinDistance(string a, string b)
var rowLen = a.Length;
var colLen = b.Length;
var maxLen = Math.Max(rowLen, colLen);
// Step 1
if (rowLen == 0 || colLen == 0)
return maxLen;
/// Create the two vectors
var v0 = new int[rowLen + 1];
var v1 = new int[rowLen + 1];
/// Step 2
/// Initialize the first vector
for (var i = 1; i <= rowLen; i++)
v0[i] = i;
// Step 3
/// For each column
for (var j = 1; j <= colLen; j++)
/// Set the 0'th element to the column number
v1[0] = j;
// Step 4
/// For each row
for (var i = 1; i <= rowLen; i++)
// Step 5
var cost = (a[i - 1] == b[j - 1]) ? 0 : 1;
// Step 6
/// Find minimum
v1[i] = Math.Min(v0[i] + 1, Math.Min(v1[i - 1] + 1, v0[i - 1] + cost));
/// Swap the vectors
var vTmp = v0;
v0 = v1;
v1 = vTmp;
// Step 7
/// The vectors were swapped one last time at the end of the last loop,
/// that is why the result is now in v0 rather than in v1
return v0[rowLen];
The output is:
Hello World 4
Choice A 15
Choice B 6
Choice C 8
There is one more similarity measure which I once implemented in our system and was giving satisfactory results :-
Use Case
There is a user query which needs to be matched against a set of documents.
Extract keywords from the user query (relevant POS TAGS - Noun, Proper noun).
Now calculate score based on below formula for measuring similarity between user query and given document.
For every keyword extracted from user query :-
Start searching the document for given word and for every subsequent occurrence of that word in the document decrease the rewarded points.
In essence, if first keyword appears 4 times in the document, the score will be calculated as :-
first occurrence will fetch '1' point.
Second occurrence will add 1/2 to calculated score
Third occurrence would add 1/3 to total
Fourth occurrence gets 1/4
Total similarity score = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 = 2.083
Similarly, we calculate it for other keywords in user query.
Finally, the total score will represent the extent of similarity between user query and given document.
Here is a quick solution that doesn't depend on any libraries, and works well enough for things like autocomplete forms:
function compare_strings(str1, str2) {
arr1 = str1.split("");
arr2 = str2.split("");
res = arr1.reduce((a, c) => a + arr2.includes(c), 0);
Can use in an autocomplete input like this:
<div id="wrapper">
<input id="tag_input" placeholder="add tags..."></input>
<div id="hold_tags"></div>
body {
background: #2c2c54;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
input {
height: 40px;
width: 400px;
border-radius: 4px;
outline: 0;
border: none;
padding-left: 5px;
font-size: 18px;
#wrapper {
height: auto;
background: #40407a;
.tag {
background: #ffda79;
margin: 4px;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px black;
font-size: 18px;
font-family: arial;
cursor: pointer;
const input = document.getElementById("tag_input");
const wrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper");
const hold_tags = document.getElementById("hold_tags");
const words = [
input.addEventListener("input", function (e) {
const value = document.getElementById(;
if (value !== "") {
words.forEach(function (word) {
if (compare_strings(word, value) > value.length - 1) {
const tag = document.createElement("div");
tag.className = "tag";
tag.innerText = word;
function compare_strings(str1, str2) {
arr1 = str1.split("");
arr2 = str2.split("");
res = arr1.reduce((a, c) => a + arr2.includes(c), 0);
return res;

string algorithm homework/interview like question

Lets say we have to strings, A and B. The task is to insert any needed letters in the string B in order to end up with the string A.
For example:
A - This is just a simple test
B - is t a sim te
So if we look at the string A like this:
--is -- ---t a sim--- te--
---- is ---t a sim--- te--
it is clear that we can build string A from the string B, and the output should be in the above written format (both answers are correct).
Can you think of an algorithm that will solve this in the reasonable time? It is quite easy to come up with brute force solution, but I need something a bit more sophisticated than that.
You could take Levenshtein distance algorithm as a base and extend it to also remember the characters that were added/deleted/substituted. That would run in linear time.
You can just find first occurrence of characters of B in A, just start finding occurrence after last index found in A, for example in your case:
A - This is just a simple test
B - is t a sim te
i: 3rd place in A,
s: 4th place in A,
' ': 5th place in A,
t: 12th place in A, (because last index was 4)
' ': ...
a: ....
That's O(|A|+|B|) and because |A| > |B| it's O(|A|).
After finding indices it's easy to convert B to A, just by adding characters of A between 2 indices to B.
Edit: Also if there is no match this algorithm, works fine (there will be some characters in B which are not in A, from last index).
I would think you could determine if its possible with a nice reg expression. as there may or may not be 1 or more characters between any of the ones suggested in B.
I actually think brute force will be the quickest but you have to mutate string A to do it fastests in one pass... just iterate over A change each letter to "-" that doesn't match the letter you are looking for unless it is a space type of deal... that will be constant time and require no extra storage... basically your time will be N. Of course you have to deal with the tokens from "B" so once you find "i" you need to make sure the next letter is "s" so that you find "is" but is still should be quick just don't go back to the I position if the next letter isn't s... that should point you in the correct direction without giving you the solution to your homework...
I think you could do it in linear time and space, like this (pseudocode, completely untested):
String f( String a, String b ) {
String result;
// Iterate over 'a' and 'b' in parallel. If both have the same
// character, add it to the result. Otherwise, if 'a' has a space add a space to the result, otherwise add a dash.
int idxB = 0;
for (int idxA = 0; idxA < a.length(); ++idxA ) {
if (a[idxA] == b[idxB]) {
} else if (a[idxA] == ' ') {
result.append(' ');
} else {
// Tack on dashes to the result until it's as long as 'a'.
while (result.length() < a.length()) {
return result;

C/C++/Java/C#: help parsing numbers

I've got a real problem (it's not homework, you can check my profile). I need to parse data whose formatting is not under my control.
The data look like this:
So there's first a number made of up to 9 digits, followed by a colon.
Then I know for sure that, after the colon:
there's at least one valid combination of numbers that add up to the number before the column
I know exactly how many numbers add up to the number before the colon (two in this case, but it can go as high as ten numbers)
In this case, 6852 is 6100 + 752.
My problem: I need to find these numbers (in this example, 6100 + 752).
It is unfortunate that in the data I'm forced to parse, the separator between the numbers (the comma) is also the separator used inside the number themselves (6100 is written as 6,100).
Once again: that unfortunate formatting is not under my control and, once again, this is not homework.
I need to solve this for up to 10 numbers that need to add up.
Here's an example with three numbers adding up to 6855:
I fear that there are cases where there would be two possible different solutions. HOWEVER if I get a solution that works "in most cases" it would be enough.
How do you typically solve such a problem in a C-style bracket language?
Well, I would start with the brute force approach and then apply some heuristics to prune the search space. Just split the list on the right by commas and iterate over all possible ways to group them into n terms (where n is the number of terms in the solution). You can use the following two rules to skip over invalid possibilities.
(1) You know that any group of 1 or 2 digits must begin a term.
(2) You know that no candidate term in your comma delimited list can be greater than the total on the left. (This also tells you the maximum number of digit groups that any candidate term can have.)
Recursive implementation (pseudo code):
int total; // The total read before the colon
// Takes the list of tokens as integers after the colon
// tokens is the set of tokens left to analyse,
// partialList is the partial list of numbers built so far
// sum is the sum of numbers in partialList
// Aggregate takes 2 ints XXX and YYY and returns XXX,YYY (= XXX*1000+YYY)
function getNumbers(tokens, sum, partialList) =
if isEmpty(tokens)
if sum = total return partialList
else return null // Got to the end with the wrong sum
var result1 = getNumbers(tokens[1:end], sum+token[0], Add(partialList, tokens[0]))
var result2 = getNumbers(tokens[2:end], sum+Aggregate(token[0], token[1]), Append(partialList, Aggregate(tokens[0], tokens[1])))
if result1 <> null return result1
if result2 <> null return result2
return null // No solution overall
You can do a lot better from different points of view, like tail recursion, pruning (you can have XXX,YYY only if YYY has 3 digits)... but this may work well enough for your app.
Divide-and-conquer would make for a nice improvement.
I think you should try all possible ways to parse the string and calculate the sum and return a list of those results that give the correct sum. This should be only one result in most cases unless you are very unlucky.
One thing to note that reduces the number of possibilities is that there is only an ambiguity if you have aa,bbb and bbb is exactly 3 digits. If you have aa,bb there is only one way to parse it.
Reading in C++:
std::pair<int,std::vector<int> > read_numbers(std::istream& is)
std::pair<int,std::vector<int> > result;
if(!is >> result.first) throw "foo!"
for(;;) {
int i;
if(!is >> i)
if(is.eof()) return result;
else throw "bar!";
char ch;
if(is >> ch)
if(ch != ',') throw "foobar!";
is >> std::ws;
void f()
std::istringstream iss("6,852:6,100,752");
std::pair<int,std::vector<int> > foo = read_numbers(iss);
std::vector<int> result = get_winning_combination( foo.first
, foo.second.begin()
, foo.second.end() );
for( std::vector<int>::const_iterator i=result.begin(); i!=result.end(), ++i)
std::cout << *i << " ";
The actual cracking of the numbers is left as an exercise to the reader. :)
I think your main problem is deciding how to actually parse the numbers. The rest is just rote work with strings->numbers and iteration over combinations.
For instance, in the examples you gave, you could heuristically decide that a single-digit number followed by a three-digit number is, in fact, a four-digit number. Does a heuristic such as this hold true over a larger dataset? If not, you're also likely to have to iterate over the possible input parsing combinations, which means the naive solution is going to have a big polynomic complexity (O(nx), where x is >4).
Actually checking for which numbers add up is easy to do using a recursive search.
List<int> GetSummands(int total, int numberOfElements, IEnumerable<int> values)
if (numberOfElements == 0)
if (total == 0)
return new List<int>(); // Empty list.
return null; // Indicate no solution.
else if (total < 0)
return null; // Indicate no solution.
for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; ++i)
List<int> summands = GetSummands(
total - values[i], numberOfElements - 1, values.Skip(i + 1));
if (summands != null)
// Found solution.
return summands;

Palindrome detection efficiency

I got curious by Jon Limjap's interview mishap and started to look for efficient ways to do palindrome detection. I checked the palindrome golf answers and it seems to me that in the answers are two algorithms only, reversing the string and checking from tail and head.
def palindrome_short(s):
length = len(s)
for i in xrange(0,length/2):
if s[i] != s[(length-1)-i]: return False
return True
def palindrome_reverse(s):
return s == s[::-1]
I think neither of these methods are used in the detection of exact palindromes in huge DNA sequences. I looked around a bit and didn't find any free article about what an ultra efficient way for this might be.
A good way might be parallelizing the first version in a divide-and-conquer approach, assigning a pair of char arrays 1..n and length-1-n..length-1 to each thread or processor.
What would be a better way?
Do you know any?
Given only one palindrome, you will have to do it in O(N), yes. You can get more efficiency with multi-processors by splitting the string as you said.
Now say you want to do exact DNA matching. These strings are thousands of characters long, and they are very repetitive. This gives us the opportunity to optimize.
Say you split a 1000-char long string into 5 pairs of 100,100. The code will look like this:
isPal(w[0:100],w[-100:]) and isPal(w[101:200], w[-200:-100]) ...
etc... The first time you do these matches, you will have to process them. However, you can add all results you've done into a hashtable mapping pairs to booleans:
isPal = {("ATTAGC", "CGATTA"): True, ("ATTGCA", "CAGTAA"): False}
etc... this will take way too much memory, though. For pairs of 100,100, the hash map will have 2*4^100 elements. Say that you only store two 32-bit hashes of strings as the key, you will need something like 10^55 megabytes, which is ridiculous.
Maybe if you use smaller strings, the problem can be tractable. Then you'll have a huge hashmap, but at least palindrome for let's say 10x10 pairs will take O(1), so checking if a 1000 string is a palindrome will take 100 lookups instead of 500 compares. It's still O(N), though...
Another variant of your second function. We need no check equals of the right parts of normal and reverse strings.
def palindrome_reverse(s):
l = len(s) / 2
return s[:l] == s[l::-1]
Obviously, you're not going to be able to get better than O(n) asymptotic efficiency, since each character must be examined at least once. You can get better multiplicative constants, though.
For a single thread, you can get a speedup using assembly. You can also do better by examining data in chunks larger than a byte at a time, but this may be tricky due to alignment considerations. You'll do even better to use SIMD, if you can examine chunks as large as 16 bytes at a time.
If you wanted to parallelize it, you could divide the string into N pieces, and have processor i compare the segment [i*n/2, (i+1)*N/2) with the segment [L-(i+1)*N/2, L-i*N/2).
There isn't, unless you do a fuzzy match. Which is what they probably do in DNA (I've done EST searching in DNA with smith-waterman, but that is obviously much harder then matching for a palindrome or reverse-complement in a sequence).
They are both in O(N) so I don't think there is any particular efficiency problem with any of these solutions. Maybe I am not creative enough but I can't see how would it be possible to compare N elements in less than N steps, so something like O(log N) is definitely not possible IMHO.
Pararellism might help, but it still wouldn't change the big-Oh rank of the algorithm since it is equivalent to running it on a faster machine.
Comparing from the center is always much more efficient since you can bail out early on a miss but it alwo allows you to do faster max palindrome search, regardless of whether you are looking for the maximal radius or all non-overlapping palindromes.
The only real paralellization is if you have multiple independent strings to process. Splitting into chunks will waste a lot of work for every miss and there's always much more misses than hits.
On top of what others said, I'd also add a few pre-check criteria for really large inputs :
quick check whether tail-character matches
head character
if NOT, just early exit by returning Boolean-False
if (input-length < 4) {
# The quick check just now already confirmed it's palindrome
return Boolean-True
} else if (200 < input-length) {
# adjust this parameter to your preferences
# e.g. make it 20 for longer than 8000 etc
# or make it scale to input size,
# either logarithmically, or a fixed ratio like 2.5%
reverse last ( N = 4 ) characters/bytes of the input
if that **DOES NOT** match first N chars/bytes {
return boolean-false # early exit
# no point to reverse rest of it
# when head and tail don't even match
} else {
if N was substantial
trim out the head and tail of the input
you've confirmed; avoid duplicated work
remember to also update the variable(s)
you've elected to track the input size
[optional 1 : if that substring of N characters you've
just checked happened to all contain the
same character, let's call it C,
then locate the index position, P, for the first
character that isn't C
if P == input-size
then you've already proven
the entire string is a nonstop repeat
of one single character, which, by def,
must be a palindrome
then just return Boolean-True
but the P is more than the half-way point,
you've also proven it cannot possibly be a
palindrome, because second half contains a
component that doesn't exist in first half,
then just return Boolean-False ]
[optional 2 : for extremely long inputs,
like over 200,000 chars,
take the N chars right at the middle of it,
and see if the reversed one matches
if that fails, then do early exit and save time ]
if all pre-checks passed,
then simply do it BAU style :
reverse second-half of it,
and see if it's same as first half
With Python, short code can be faster since it puts the load into the faster internals of the VM (And there is the whole cache and other such things)
def ispalin(x):
return all(x[a]==x[-a-1] for a in xrange(len(x)>>1))
You can use a hashtable to put the character and have a counter variable whose value increases everytime you find an element not in table/map. If u check and find element thats already in table decrease the count.
For odd lettered string the counter should be back to 1 and for even it should hit 0.I hope this approach is right.
See below the snippet.
s->refers to string
eg: String s="abbcaddc";
Hashtable<Character,Integer> textMap= new Hashtable<Character,Integer>();
char charA[]= s.toCharArray();
for(int i=0;i<charA.length;i++)
textMap.put(charA[i], ++count);
if(length%2 !=0)
if(count == 1)
System.out.println("(odd case:PALINDROME)");
System.out.println("(odd case:not palindrome)");
else if(length%2==0)
if(count ==0)
System.out.println("(even case:palindrome)");
System.out.println("(even case :not palindrome)");
public class Palindrome{
private static boolean isPalindrome(String s){
if(s == null)
return false; //unitialized String ? return false
if(s.isEmpty()) //Empty Strings is a Palindrome
return true;
//we want check characters on opposite sides of the string
//and stop in the middle <divide and conquer>
int left = 0; //left-most char
int right = s.length() - 1; //right-most char
while(left < right){ //this elegantly handles odd characters string
if(s.charAt(left) != s.charAt(right)) //left char must equal
return false; //right else its not a palindrome
left++; //converge left to right
right--;//converge right to left
return true; // return true if the while doesn't exit
though we are doing n/2 calculations its still O(n)
this can done also using threads, but calculations get messy, best to avoid it. this doesn't test for special characters and is case sensitive. I have code that does it, but this code can be modified to handle that easily.
