Binary Tree's usage - binary-tree

Can someone give me a real life example ( in programming, C#) of needing to use a Binary Tree or even just an ordinary tree?
I understand the principle of a Binary Tree and how they work, but I'm trying to find some real life example's of their usage?

In C#, Java, Python, C++ (using the STL) and other high-level languages, most of the time you will use one of the built-in/library-included types to store your data, at least the data you work on at the moment, so most of the time you won't be using a binary tree or another kind of tree explicitly.
This being said, some of these built-in types are implemented as trees of one kind or another "in the backstage", and in some situations you will have to implement one yourself.
Also, a related thing you HAVE to know is binary search. This is mostly done in binary trees (binary search trees :P) but the idea can be extrapolated to a lot of problems, even without trees involved, so try understand it well.
Edit: Real life classical example:
Imagine that you want to search for the phone number of a particular person in the phone guide of a big city. All things being equal, you will open it roughly at the middle, look for the guys in that page, and see if your "target" is before or after it, thus cutting the data by half. Then you repeat the operation in the half where you know your "target" is, and again and again until you found your "target". As each time you are looking into half the data you had before, you require a total of log(base 2) n operations to reach your "target", where n is the total size of the data.
So in a 1 million phone book, you find your target in log(base 2) 1 million = 20 comparisons, instead of comparing one by one as in a linear search (that's 1 million comparisons in the worst case).
Note that this only work in already sorted data.

Balanced binary trees, storing data maintained in sorted order, are used to achieve O(log(n)) lookup, delete, and insert times. "Balanced" just means there is a bounded limit between the depth of the shallowest and deepest leaves, counting empty left/right nodes as leaves. (optimally the depth of left and right subtrees differs at most by one, some implementations relax this to make the algorithms simpler)
You can use an array, rather than a tree, in sorted order with binary search to achieve O(log(n)) lookup time, but then the insert/delete times are O(n).
Some trees (notably B-trees for databases) use more than 2 branches per node, to widen the tree and reduce the maximum depth (which determines search times).
I can't think of a reason to use binary trees that are not maintained in sorted order (a point that has not been mentioned in most of the answers here), but maybe there's some application for this. Besides the sorted binary balanced tree, anything with hierarchy (as other answerers have mentioned, XML or directory structures) is a good application for trees, whether binary or not.
edit: re: unsorted binary trees: I just remembered that LISP and Scheme both make heavy use of unbalanced binary trees. The cons function takes two arguments (e.g. (define c (cons a b)) ) and returns a tree node whose branches are the two arguments. The car function takes such a tree node and returns the first argument given to cons. The cdr function is similar but returns the second argument to cons. Finally nil represents a null object. These are the primitives used to make all data structures in LISP and Scheme. Lists are implemented using an extreme unbalanced binary tree. The list containing literal elements 'Alabama, 'Alaska, 'Arizona, and 'Arkansas can be constructed explicitly as
(cons 'Alabama (cons 'Alaska (cons 'Arizona (cons 'Arkansas nil))))
and can be traversed using car and cdr (where car is used to get the head of the list and cdr is used to get the sublist excluding the list head). This is how Scheme works, I think LISP is the same or very similar. More complicated data structures, like binary trees (which need 3 members per node: two to hold the left and right nodes, and a third to hold the node value) or trees containing more than two branches per node can be constructed using a list to implement each node.

How about the directory structure in Unix. For instance the du command i.e. the disk usage command does a post order traversal (traversal order:: left child -> right child -> root node) of a tree representing the directory structure in order to fetch the disk space used by that directory.
The following slides should help.

In Java, trees are used to implement certain sorted data structures, such as the TreeSet:
They are used for data structures where you want the order to be based on some property of the elements, rather than on insertion order.

Here are some examples:
The in-memory representation of a parsed program or expression is a tree. In the case of expressions (excluding ternary operators) the tree will be binary.
The components of a GUI are organized as a tree.
Any "containment" hierarchy can be represented as a tree. (HTML, XML and SGML are examples.
And of course, binary (and n-ary) trees can be used to represent indexes, maps, sets and other "generic" data structures.

An easy example is searching. If you store your list data in a tree, for example, you get O(log(n)) lookup times. A standard array implementation of a list would achieve O(n) lookup time.

XML, HTML (and SGML) documents are trees.


Base 3 or more search? [duplicate]

I recently heard about ternary search in which we divide an array into 3 parts and compare. Here there will be two comparisons but it reduces the array to n/3. Why don't people use this much?
Actually, people do use k-ary trees for arbitrary k.
This is, however, a tradeoff.
To find an element in a k-ary tree, you need around k*ln(N)/ln(k) operations (remember the change-of-base formula). The larger your k is, the more overall operations you need.
The logical extension of what you are saying is "why don't people use an N-ary tree for N data elements?". Which, of course, would be an array.
A ternary search will still give you the same asymptotic complexity O(log N) search time, and adds complexity to the implementation.
The same argument can be said for why you would not want a quad search or any other higher order.
Searching 1 billion (a US billion - 1,000,000,000) sorted items would take an average of about 15 compares with binary search and about 9 compares with a ternary search - not a huge advantage. And note that each 'ternary compare' might involve 2 actual comparisons.
Wow. The top voted answers miss the boat on this one, I think.
Your CPU doesn't support ternary logic as a single operation; it breaks ternary logic into several steps of binary logic. The most optimal code for the CPU is binary logic. If chips were common that supported ternary logic as a single operation, you'd be right.
B-Trees can have multiple branches at each node; a order-3 B-tree is ternary logic. Each step down the tree will take two comparisons instead of one, and this will probably cause it to be slower in CPU time.
B-Trees, however, are pretty common. If you assume that every node in the tree will be stored somewhere separately on disk, you're going to spend most of your time reading from disk... and the CPU won't be a bottleneck, but the disk will be. So you take a B-tree with 100,000 children per node, or whatever else will barely fit into one block of memory. B-trees with that kind of branching factor would rarely be more than three nodes high, and you'd only have three disk reads - three stops at a bottleneck - to search an enormous, enormous dataset.
Ternary trees aren't supported by hardware, so they run less quickly.
B-tress with orders much, much, much higher than 3 are common for disk-optimization of large datasets; once you've gone past 2, go higher than 3.
The only way a ternary search can be faster than a binary search is if a 3-way partition determination can be done for less than about 1.55 times the cost of a 2-way comparison. If the items are stored in a sorted array, the 3-way determination will on average be 1.66 times as expensive as a 2-way determination. If information is stored in a tree, however, the cost to fetch information is high relative to the cost of actually comparing, and cache locality means the cost of randomly fetching a pair of related data is not much worse than the cost of fetching a single datum, a ternary or n-way tree may improve efficiency greatly.
What makes you think Ternary search should be faster?
Average number of comparisons:
in ternary search = ((1/3)*1 + (2/3)*2) * ln(n)/ln(3) ~ 1.517*ln(n)
in binary search = 1 * ln(n)/ln(2) ~ 1.443*ln(n).
Worst number of comparisons:
in ternary search = 2 * ln(n)/ln(3) ~ 1.820*ln(n)
in binary search = 1 * ln(n)/ln(2) ~ 1.443*ln(n).
So it looks like ternary search is worse.
Also, note that this sequence generalizes to linear search if we go on
Binary search
Ternary search
n-ary search ≡ linear search
So, in an n-ary search, we will have "one only COMPARE" which might take upto n actual comparisons.
"Terinary" (ternary?) search is more efficient in the best case, which would involve searching for the first element (or perhaps the last, depending on which comparison you do first). For elements farther from the end you're checking first, while two comparisons would narrow the array by 2/3 each time, the same two comparisons with binary search would narrow the search space by 3/4.
Add to that, binary search is simpler. You just compare and get one half or the other, rather than compare, if less than get the first third, else compare, if less than get the second third, else get the last third.
Ternary search can be effectively used on parallel architectures - FPGAs and ASICs. For example if internal FPGA memory required for search is less than half of the FPGA resource, you can make a duplicate memory block. This would allow to simultaneously access two different memory addresses and do all comparisons in a single clock cycle. This is one of the reasons why 100MHz FPGA can sometimes outperform the 4GHz CPU :)
Here's some random experimental evidence that I haven't vetted at all showing that it's slower than binary search.
Almost all textbooks and websites on binary search trees do not really talk about binary trees! They show you ternary search trees! True binary trees store data in their leaves not internal nodes (except for keys to navigate). Some call these leaf trees and make the distinction between node trees shown in textbooks:
J. Nievergelt, C.-K. Wong: Upper Bounds for the Total Path Length of Binary Trees,
Journal ACM 20 (1973) 1–6.
The following about this is from Peter Brass's book on data structures.
2.1 Two Models of Search Trees
In the outline just given, we supressed an important point that at first seems
trivial, but indeed it leads to two different models of search trees, either of
which can be combined with much of the following material, but one of which
is strongly preferable.
If we compare in each node the query key with the key contained in the
node and follow the left branch if the query key is smaller and the right branch
if the query key is larger, then what happens if they are equal? The two models
of search trees are as follows:
Take left branch if query key is smaller than node key; otherwise take the
right branch, until you reach a leaf of the tree. The keys in the interior node
of the tree are only for comparison; all the objects are in the leaves.
Take left branch if query key is smaller than node key; take the right branch
if the query key is larger than the node key; and take the object contained
in the node if they are equal.
This minor point has a number of consequences:
{ In model 1, the underlying tree is a binary tree, whereas in model 2, each
tree node is really a ternary node with a special middle neighbor.
{ In model 1, each interior node has a left and a right subtree (each possibly a
leaf node of the tree), whereas in model 2, we have to allow incomplete
nodes, where left or right subtree might be missing, and only the
comparison object and key are guaranteed to exist.
So the structure of a search tree of model 1 is more regular than that of a tree
of model 2; this is, at least for the implementation, a clear advantage.
{ In model 1, traversing an interior node requires only one comparison,
whereas in model 2, we need two comparisons to check the three
Indeed, trees of the same height in models 1 and 2 contain at most approximately
the same number of objects, but one needs twice as many comparisons in model
2 to reach the deepest objects of the tree. Of course, in model 2, there are also
some objects that are reached much earlier; the object in the root is found
with only two comparisons, but almost all objects are on or near the deepest
Theorem. A tree of height h and model 1 contains at most 2^h objects.
A tree of height h and model 2 contains at most 2^h+1 − 1 objects.
This is easily seen because the tree of height h has as left and right subtrees a
tree of height at most h − 1 each, and in model 2 one additional object between
{ In model 1, keys in interior nodes serve only for comparisons and may
reappear in the leaves for the identification of the objects. In model 2, each
key appears only once, together with its object.
It is even possible in model 1 that there are keys used for comparison that
do not belong to any object, for example, if the object has been deleted. By
conceptually separating these functions of comparison and identification, this
is not surprising, and in later structures we might even need to define artificial
tests not corresponding to any object, just to get a good division of the search
space. All keys used for comparison are necessarily distinct because in a model
1 tree, each interior node has nonempty left and right subtrees. So each key
occurs at most twice, once as comparison key and once as identification key in
the leaf.
Model 2 became the preferred textbook version because in most textbooks
the distinction between object and its key is not made: the key is the object.
Then it becomes unnatural to duplicate the key in the tree structure. But in
all real applications, the distinction between key and object is quite important.
One almost never wishes to keep track of just a set of numbers; the numbers
are normally associated with some further information, which is often much
larger than the key itself.
You may have heard ternary search being used in those riddles that involve weighing things on scales. Those scales can return 3 answers: left is lighter, both are the same, or left is heavier. So in a ternary search, it only takes 1 comparison.
However, computers use boolean logic, which only has 2 answers. To do the ternary search, you'd actually have to do 2 comparisons instead of 1.
I guess there are some cases where this is still faster as earlier posters mentioned, but you can see that ternary search isn't always better, and it's more confusing and less natural to implement on a computer.
Theoretically the minimum of k/ln(k) is achieved at e and since 3 is closer to e than 2 it requires less comparisons. You can check that 3/ln(3) = 2.73.. and 2/ln(2) = 2.88.. The reason why binary search could be faster is that the code for it will have less branches and will run faster on modern CPUs.
I have just posted a blog about the ternary search and I have shown some results. I have also provided some initial level implementations on my git repo I totally agree with every one about the theory part of the ternary search but why not give it a try? As per the implementation that part is easy enough if you have three years of coding experience.
I found that if you have huge data set and you need to search it many times ternary search has an advantage.
If you think you can do better with a ternary search go for it.
Although you get the same big-O complexity (ln n) in both search trees, the difference is in the constants. You have to do more comparisons for a ternary search tree at each level. So the difference boils down to k/ln(k) for a k-ary search tree. This has a minimum value at e=2.7 and k=2 provides the optimal result.

What invariant do RRB-trees maintain?

Relaxed Radix Balanced Trees (RRB-trees) are a generalization of immutable vectors (used in Clojure and Scala) that have 'effectively constant' indexing and update times. RRB-trees maintain efficient indexing and update but also allow efficient concatenation (log n).
The authors present the data structure in a way that I find hard to follow. I am not quite sure what the invariant is that each node maintains.
In section 2.5, they describe their algorithm. I think they are ensuring that indexing into the node will only ever require e extra steps of linear search after radix searching. I do not understand how they derived their formula for the extra steps, and I think perhaps I'm not sure what each of the variables mean (in particular "a total of p sub-tree branches").
What's how does the RRB-tree concatenation algorithm work?
They do describe an invariant in section 2.4 "However, as mentioned earlier
B-Trees nodes do not facilitate radix searching. Instead we chose
the initial invariant of allowing the node sizes to range between m
and m - 1. This defines a family of balanced trees starting with
well known 2-3 trees, 3-4 trees and (for m=32) 31-32 trees. This
invariant ensures balancing and achieves radix branch search in the
majority of cases. Occasionally a few step linear search is needed
after the radix search to find the correct branch.
The extra steps required increase at the higher levels."
Looking at their formula, it looks like they have worked out the maximum and minimum possible number of values stored in a subtree. The difference between the two is the maximum possible difference between the maximum and minimum number of values underneath a point. If you divide this by the number of values underneath a slot, you have the maximum number of slots you could be off by when you work out which slot to look at to see if it contains the index you are searching for.
#mcdowella is correct that's what they say about relaxed nodes. But if you're splitting and joining nodes, a range from m to m-1 means you will sometimes have to adjust up to m-1 (m-2?) nodes in order to add or remove a single element from a node. This seems horribly inefficient. I think they meant between m and (2 m) - 1 because this allows nodes to be split into 2 when they get too big, or 2 nodes joined into one when they are too small without ever needing to change a third node. So it's a typo that the "2" is missing in "2 m" in the paper. Jean Niklas L’orange's masters thesis backs me up on this.
Furthermore, all strict nodes have the same length which must be a power of 2. The reason for this is an optimization in Rich Hickey's Clojure PersistentVector. Well, I think the important thing is to pack all strict nodes left (more on this later) so you don't have to guess which branch of the tree to descend. But being able to bit-shift and bit-mask instead of divide is a nice bonus. I didn't time the get() operation on a relaxed Scala Vector, but the relaxed Paguro vector is about 10x slower than the strict one. So it makes every effort to be as strict as possible, even producing 2 strict levels if you repeatedly insert at 0.
Their tree also has an even height - all leaf nodes are equal distance from the root. I think it would still work if relaxed trees had to be within, say, one level of one-another, though not sure what that would buy you.
Relaxed nodes can have strict children, but not vice-versa.
Strict nodes must be filled from the left (low-index) without gaps. Any non-full Strict nodes must be on the right-hand (high-index) edge of the tree. All Strict leaf nodes can always be full if you do appends in a focus or tail (more on that below).
You can see most of the invariants by searching for the debugValidate() methods in the Paguro implementation. That's not their paper, but it's mostly based on it. Actually, the "display" variables in the Scala implementation aren't mentioned in the paper either. If you're going to study this stuff, you probably want to start by taking a good look at the Clojure PersistentVector because the RRB Tree has one inside it. The two differences between that and the RRB Tree are 1. the RRB Tree allows "relaxed" nodes and 2. the RRB Tree may have a "focus" instead of a "tail." Both focus and tail are small buffers (maybe the same size as a strict leaf node), the difference being that the focus will probably be localized to whatever area of the vector was last inserted/appended to, while the tail is always at the end (PerSistentVector can only be appended to, never inserted into). These 2 differences are what allow O(log n) arbitrary inserts and removals, plus O(log n) split() and join() operations.

How to calculate that a B+ tree is O(log(n)) for lookups

I'm studying B+trees for indexing and I try to understand more than just memorizing the structure. As far as I understand the inner nodes of a B+tree forms an index on the leaves and the leaves contains pointers to where the data is stored on disk. Correct? Then how are lookups made? If a B+tree is so much better than a binary tree, why don't we use B+trees instead of binary trees everywhere?
I read the wikipedia article on B+ trees and I understand the structure but not how an actual lookup is performed. Could you guide me perhaps with some link to reading material?
What are some other uses of B+ trees besides database indexing?
I'm studying B+trees for indexing and I try to understand more than just memorizing the structure. As far as I understand the inner nodes of a B+tree forms an index on the leaves and the leaves contains pointers to where the data is stored on disk. Correct?
No, the index is formed by the inner nodes (non-leaves). Depending on the implementation the leaves may contain either key/value pairs or key/pointer to value pairs. For example, a database index uses the latter, unless it is an IOT (Index Organized Table) in which case the values are inlined in the leaves. This depends mainly on whether the value is insanely large wrt the key.
Then how are lookups made?
In the general case where the root node is not a leaf (it does happen, at first), the root node contains a sorted array of N keys and N+1 pointers. You binary search for the two keys S0 and S1 such that S0 <= K < S1 (where K is what you are looking for) and this gives you the pointer to the next node.
You repeat the process until you (finally) hit a leaf node, which contains a sorted list of key-values pairs and make a last binary search pass on those.
If a B+tree is so much better than a binary tree, why don't we use B+trees instead of binary trees everywhere?
Binary trees are simpler to implement. One though cookie with B+Trees is to size the number of keys/pointers in inner nodes and the number of key/values pairs in leaves nodes. Another though cookie is to decide on the low and high watermark that leads to grouping two nodes or exploding one.
Binary trees also offer memory stability: an element inserted is not moved, at all, in memory. On the other hand, inserting an element in a B+Tree or removing one is likely to lead to elements shuffling
B+Trees are tailored for small keys/large values cases. They also require that keys can be duplicated (hopefully cheaply).
Could you guide me perhaps with some link to reading material?
I hope the rough algorithm I explained helped out, otherwise feel free to ask in the comments.
What are some other uses of B+ trees besides database indexing?
In the same vein: file-system indexing also benefits.
The idea is always the same: a B+Tree is really great with small keys/large values and caching. The idea is to have all the keys (inner nodes) in your fast memory (CPU Cache >> RAM >> Disk), and the B+Tree achieves that for large collections by pushing keys to the bottom. With all inner nodes in the fast memory, you only have one slow memory access at each search (to fetch the value).
B+ trees are better than binary tree all the dbms use them,
a lookup in B+Tree is LOGF N being F the base of LOG and the fan out. The lookup is performed exactly like in a binary tree but with a bigger fan out and lower height thats why it is way better.
B+Tree are usually known for having the data in the leaf(if they are unclustered probably not), this means you dont have to make another jump to the disk to get the data, you just take it from the leaf.
B+Tree is used almost everywhere, Operating Systems use them, datawarehouse (not so much here but still), lots of applications.
B+Tree are perfect for range queries, and are used whenever you have unique values, like a primary key, or any field with low cardinality.
If you can get this book its one of the best. Its basically the bible for any database guy.

What are the advantages of storing all elements in the leaf nodes?

I'm reading Advanced Data Structures by Peter Brass.
In the beginning of the chapter on search trees, he stated that there is two models of search trees - one where nodes contain the actual object (the value if the tree is used as a dictionary), and an other where all objects are stored in leaves and internal nodes are only for comparisons.
What are the advantages of the second model over the first one?
One of the big advantages of a binary tree where data is only in the leaf nodes is that you can partition based on elements that are not in your dataset.
For example, if I have a possible dataset of 0-1 million, but the vast majority of items are either at the high end or low end but not in the middle, I may still want my first compare against 500,000 - even though that number is not in my data set. If every node had data, I could not do this. While not normally needed in theory, I've run into many times that partitioning based on a value outside my data simplified implementation.
B+ trees are an example of a case where all key/values are stored in leaf nodes. The primary advantage here is that since all items are in the leaf nodes, the leaf nodes can be linked together to form a linked list which allows rapid in-order traversal. If you access a particular element, you can always find the next element in the sequence without visiting any parents because the leaf nodes are linked together. Filesystems and database storage systems can take advantage of this structures for range searches and stuff.
Lets say you are building tree over some objects on some complex criteria. On example calculated from multiple properties. Sometimes you can't change this object to store calculated value and calculating this criteria is expansive. So you calculate this criteria only once, and store objects in leafs based on criteria result. Then when your tree is complete you can find required object much faster because you don't have to calculate criteria for each tree node in your path.
well storing information objects in the nodes, we talking in this case about a trie, is usefull for fast retrival of information(faster than storing stuff in an array/hashtable, where the worst case auf acces is O(n), in the trie this is O(m) [m is the lenght of n])
look here:
In a search tree this oerations can be much more complicated(look AVL Tree O(log n) ) and so can be slower and is more compley to implement.
What data structure to choose??
Well this depends on what u want to do

Why use binary search if there's ternary search?

I recently heard about ternary search in which we divide an array into 3 parts and compare. Here there will be two comparisons but it reduces the array to n/3. Why don't people use this much?
Actually, people do use k-ary trees for arbitrary k.
This is, however, a tradeoff.
To find an element in a k-ary tree, you need around k*ln(N)/ln(k) operations (remember the change-of-base formula). The larger your k is, the more overall operations you need.
The logical extension of what you are saying is "why don't people use an N-ary tree for N data elements?". Which, of course, would be an array.
A ternary search will still give you the same asymptotic complexity O(log N) search time, and adds complexity to the implementation.
The same argument can be said for why you would not want a quad search or any other higher order.
Searching 1 billion (a US billion - 1,000,000,000) sorted items would take an average of about 15 compares with binary search and about 9 compares with a ternary search - not a huge advantage. And note that each 'ternary compare' might involve 2 actual comparisons.
Wow. The top voted answers miss the boat on this one, I think.
Your CPU doesn't support ternary logic as a single operation; it breaks ternary logic into several steps of binary logic. The most optimal code for the CPU is binary logic. If chips were common that supported ternary logic as a single operation, you'd be right.
B-Trees can have multiple branches at each node; a order-3 B-tree is ternary logic. Each step down the tree will take two comparisons instead of one, and this will probably cause it to be slower in CPU time.
B-Trees, however, are pretty common. If you assume that every node in the tree will be stored somewhere separately on disk, you're going to spend most of your time reading from disk... and the CPU won't be a bottleneck, but the disk will be. So you take a B-tree with 100,000 children per node, or whatever else will barely fit into one block of memory. B-trees with that kind of branching factor would rarely be more than three nodes high, and you'd only have three disk reads - three stops at a bottleneck - to search an enormous, enormous dataset.
Ternary trees aren't supported by hardware, so they run less quickly.
B-tress with orders much, much, much higher than 3 are common for disk-optimization of large datasets; once you've gone past 2, go higher than 3.
The only way a ternary search can be faster than a binary search is if a 3-way partition determination can be done for less than about 1.55 times the cost of a 2-way comparison. If the items are stored in a sorted array, the 3-way determination will on average be 1.66 times as expensive as a 2-way determination. If information is stored in a tree, however, the cost to fetch information is high relative to the cost of actually comparing, and cache locality means the cost of randomly fetching a pair of related data is not much worse than the cost of fetching a single datum, a ternary or n-way tree may improve efficiency greatly.
What makes you think Ternary search should be faster?
Average number of comparisons:
in ternary search = ((1/3)*1 + (2/3)*2) * ln(n)/ln(3) ~ 1.517*ln(n)
in binary search = 1 * ln(n)/ln(2) ~ 1.443*ln(n).
Worst number of comparisons:
in ternary search = 2 * ln(n)/ln(3) ~ 1.820*ln(n)
in binary search = 1 * ln(n)/ln(2) ~ 1.443*ln(n).
So it looks like ternary search is worse.
Also, note that this sequence generalizes to linear search if we go on
Binary search
Ternary search
n-ary search ≡ linear search
So, in an n-ary search, we will have "one only COMPARE" which might take upto n actual comparisons.
"Terinary" (ternary?) search is more efficient in the best case, which would involve searching for the first element (or perhaps the last, depending on which comparison you do first). For elements farther from the end you're checking first, while two comparisons would narrow the array by 2/3 each time, the same two comparisons with binary search would narrow the search space by 3/4.
Add to that, binary search is simpler. You just compare and get one half or the other, rather than compare, if less than get the first third, else compare, if less than get the second third, else get the last third.
Ternary search can be effectively used on parallel architectures - FPGAs and ASICs. For example if internal FPGA memory required for search is less than half of the FPGA resource, you can make a duplicate memory block. This would allow to simultaneously access two different memory addresses and do all comparisons in a single clock cycle. This is one of the reasons why 100MHz FPGA can sometimes outperform the 4GHz CPU :)
Here's some random experimental evidence that I haven't vetted at all showing that it's slower than binary search.
Almost all textbooks and websites on binary search trees do not really talk about binary trees! They show you ternary search trees! True binary trees store data in their leaves not internal nodes (except for keys to navigate). Some call these leaf trees and make the distinction between node trees shown in textbooks:
J. Nievergelt, C.-K. Wong: Upper Bounds for the Total Path Length of Binary Trees,
Journal ACM 20 (1973) 1–6.
The following about this is from Peter Brass's book on data structures.
2.1 Two Models of Search Trees
In the outline just given, we supressed an important point that at first seems
trivial, but indeed it leads to two different models of search trees, either of
which can be combined with much of the following material, but one of which
is strongly preferable.
If we compare in each node the query key with the key contained in the
node and follow the left branch if the query key is smaller and the right branch
if the query key is larger, then what happens if they are equal? The two models
of search trees are as follows:
Take left branch if query key is smaller than node key; otherwise take the
right branch, until you reach a leaf of the tree. The keys in the interior node
of the tree are only for comparison; all the objects are in the leaves.
Take left branch if query key is smaller than node key; take the right branch
if the query key is larger than the node key; and take the object contained
in the node if they are equal.
This minor point has a number of consequences:
{ In model 1, the underlying tree is a binary tree, whereas in model 2, each
tree node is really a ternary node with a special middle neighbor.
{ In model 1, each interior node has a left and a right subtree (each possibly a
leaf node of the tree), whereas in model 2, we have to allow incomplete
nodes, where left or right subtree might be missing, and only the
comparison object and key are guaranteed to exist.
So the structure of a search tree of model 1 is more regular than that of a tree
of model 2; this is, at least for the implementation, a clear advantage.
{ In model 1, traversing an interior node requires only one comparison,
whereas in model 2, we need two comparisons to check the three
Indeed, trees of the same height in models 1 and 2 contain at most approximately
the same number of objects, but one needs twice as many comparisons in model
2 to reach the deepest objects of the tree. Of course, in model 2, there are also
some objects that are reached much earlier; the object in the root is found
with only two comparisons, but almost all objects are on or near the deepest
Theorem. A tree of height h and model 1 contains at most 2^h objects.
A tree of height h and model 2 contains at most 2^h+1 − 1 objects.
This is easily seen because the tree of height h has as left and right subtrees a
tree of height at most h − 1 each, and in model 2 one additional object between
{ In model 1, keys in interior nodes serve only for comparisons and may
reappear in the leaves for the identification of the objects. In model 2, each
key appears only once, together with its object.
It is even possible in model 1 that there are keys used for comparison that
do not belong to any object, for example, if the object has been deleted. By
conceptually separating these functions of comparison and identification, this
is not surprising, and in later structures we might even need to define artificial
tests not corresponding to any object, just to get a good division of the search
space. All keys used for comparison are necessarily distinct because in a model
1 tree, each interior node has nonempty left and right subtrees. So each key
occurs at most twice, once as comparison key and once as identification key in
the leaf.
Model 2 became the preferred textbook version because in most textbooks
the distinction between object and its key is not made: the key is the object.
Then it becomes unnatural to duplicate the key in the tree structure. But in
all real applications, the distinction between key and object is quite important.
One almost never wishes to keep track of just a set of numbers; the numbers
are normally associated with some further information, which is often much
larger than the key itself.
You may have heard ternary search being used in those riddles that involve weighing things on scales. Those scales can return 3 answers: left is lighter, both are the same, or left is heavier. So in a ternary search, it only takes 1 comparison.
However, computers use boolean logic, which only has 2 answers. To do the ternary search, you'd actually have to do 2 comparisons instead of 1.
I guess there are some cases where this is still faster as earlier posters mentioned, but you can see that ternary search isn't always better, and it's more confusing and less natural to implement on a computer.
Theoretically the minimum of k/ln(k) is achieved at e and since 3 is closer to e than 2 it requires less comparisons. You can check that 3/ln(3) = 2.73.. and 2/ln(2) = 2.88.. The reason why binary search could be faster is that the code for it will have less branches and will run faster on modern CPUs.
I have just posted a blog about the ternary search and I have shown some results. I have also provided some initial level implementations on my git repo I totally agree with every one about the theory part of the ternary search but why not give it a try? As per the implementation that part is easy enough if you have three years of coding experience.
I found that if you have huge data set and you need to search it many times ternary search has an advantage.
If you think you can do better with a ternary search go for it.
Although you get the same big-O complexity (ln n) in both search trees, the difference is in the constants. You have to do more comparisons for a ternary search tree at each level. So the difference boils down to k/ln(k) for a k-ary search tree. This has a minimum value at e=2.7 and k=2 provides the optimal result.
