use win7 as dev-machine operating system enough? - windows-7

so far i have winsrv 2003 as the operating system on my dev-machine. now my manager asks me if i can switch to win7 because of licencing costs.
anybody of you know any good reasons for doing/not doing this?

I've been using Windows XP on my dev-machine at work, without any problem -- Linux would have been just as fine (or more) too.
I don't see why Windows 7 wouldn't be OK for a development machine, as long as you have all the drivers you need -- you probably don't need a server environment to develop, do you ?
Of course, I wouldn't say the same for a testing/staging server, which has to be as close as possible to the production one.

We don't know what you're developing, but I don't recall ever being hampered by not developing on a server-grade OS, apart from debugging OS-specific issues (which will always happen whatever you pick).

I've been running my dev environment on Windows 7 since the RTM hit. Developing with Visual Studio 2008, SQL 2008, Visual Basic 6, running VMWare--all with no problems.

I'd say the best reason for doing it is because your manager has asked you to.
Seriously, if the company has decided that's the way it want's to go, in my experience you don't usually have a lot of choice.


Out-of-band programmatic identification of Windows Server vs Client

I have some free-standing C++ code (i.e. not a Windows program) that needs to identify the version of Windows that is installed on a PC.
I can easily differentiate between the different Windows client releases by kernel version (e.g. GetFileVersionInfo on ntoskrnl.exe), however I'm wondering if there's a reliable way to distinguish between a client and server installation.
A problem arises when using this method to distinguish between Windows Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 (6.0 build 6002 the both of them) and Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 (6.1 build 7600 for RTM and 6.1 build 7601 for SP2, both). What is a reliable (and preferably as straight forward as possible, avoiding the registry would be great as access to Win32 API is not available) method of identifying client vs server OSes correctly for code running outside the environment?
I suppose I could check for files only present on the server edition (what's a good file guaranteed to be on any server edition install, regardless of configuration?), check the Panther folder (which is safe to delete, so no guarantees there), etc. but I'm sure this is a problem that people have run into before and (hopefully) solved more elegantly?
(Sidenote: this question has been asked on SO before, but the solution (WMI) is inapplicable for out-of-band checking)
I'm not entirely sure what you mean about out of band checking, so I'm going to ignore that for the moment.
The normal way would be to call GetVersionEx, and look at the wProductType member of the OSVERSIONINFOEX.
A PE image does NOT specify whether the image should work on a client or server. It only specifies the runtime requirements regarding subsystem, dependencies, memory, affinity, etc...
I ended up searching for a number of binaries in the system32 directory that are generally associated with the Server Edition of Windows. It's not very clean, but in practice it works very well.

What's a good way to do testing a plug-in on multiple Windows and Outlook versions?

We're building a plug-in for Outlook that should work on multiple Windows versions (XP, Vista, 7) and also with different Outlook versions (2003, 2007, 2010).
The testing problem I am facing right now, is that I can't figure out a good/convenient/thorough way to test the application on multiple Windows and Outlook versions.
At the moment, I have a VirtualBox which runs many virtual machines, with different Windows versions and Outlook versions. So I would have a virtual machine with Windows 7 testing Outlook 2010, and another one with Windows 7 testing Outlook 2007, Windows Vista with Outlook 2010 and so on, going through some of the possible combinations. It kind of gets the job done, although it is cumbersome and takes a long time to test.
Some of the testing included in the application is unit testing, but this is also rather tied in with the machine I test it on (windows 7 with outlook 2010). For example, I was using ManagementObject recently, which worked fine on my system (and thus passed the unit test for that method), however, using that object threw an exception in another person's system, which crashed the application.
I work on Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
The questions: Is there a more elegant way to make the testing process more streamline and more efficient? Any other testing methods you recommend? How would you deal with this problem?
Thanks! Looking forward to your replies.
I've worked on similar situations (in my case is to test 20 different languages of Windows). The basic idea is the same: each virtual machine maps to a specific condition that you need to test.
The cumbersome part comes from inappropriate tool usage. AFAIK, there are several ways to achieve automation (to a certain degree):
Use VMWare ESX which supports nice scripting. It costs a little fortune unfortunately.
Use some screen record/replay tools to automate what you are doing by hand right now. There are quite a few on the market and the price difference is huge. Only you can tell what fits you best.
VirtualBox can be reverted via command-line. Therefore, if you can setup a bunch of machines hosting VBox, each configured to revert VBox during reboot, and each guest image is scripted to load your test, then the problem is to reboot these machines as you wish. This is an easier problem since there are quite a few ways to reboot machine remotely.

Moving from XP to Windows 7

This week I’m going to try and start the move from Windows XP to Windows 7 on my development PC at work. I’ve downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer app for going from XP to Win7; that should take care of My Documents. My concern is all of the development environment. In particular I’m concerned about re-establishing things like my Windows services, which host my WCG services, etc. They use TCP and various ports. Plus there are the various ASP.NET apps that are on my machine. What caveats should I be aware of, before I start this?
I deeply don't recommend you to migrate. If I were you, I'd backup these files, format the PC, reinstall everything back again and re-set up the websites. No matter how much pain that may cause, it's still less pain then the potential one you might get if you use this migration tool rather than doing it properly, which would eventually cause you to do the right way anyway.

Are there any drawbacks to running Visual Studio remotely?

Let's say you have a slow laptop which can't handle Visual Studio but a blazingly fast desktop that can. Let's also say that you want to develop in several rooms in your house. Are there any drawbacks to having Visual Studio running on the desktop and simply using the laptop as a way to access it remotely? I'd guess that the only thing that you would be concerned about would be the network latency, but if the two computers are on the same network that should be minimal.
Do it.
Since you are running Visual Studio in your own local network, the main drawbacks (security and latency) are not there. In addition, you get the speed of your desktop and the mobility of your laptop.
I do this a lot even over broadband, I've never found speed to be a problem.
This is my standard working practice at work. There are times when you have issues, such as opening TFS document attachments can fail, but overall the experience is fine.
It is also an added bonus that you can leave it running continually (i.e. overnight / weekends) and you can kick off a build before you leave for the evening and come back to a packaged installer (or an error :) ).
I'm looking forward to (in a year or two) be able to do this over Hyper-V - then the application will run as though it IS on my laptop, with no remote desktop required.
No big drawbacks. I've been running VS 2008 remotely on a server 400 miles away, using GNU/Linux and rdesktop on my laptop and the server (of course) running Windows. The only problems I encounter are that it is a mess to move files between the two - but if you have the desktop near and can install anything you like (ftp programs for example), I can't see any drawbacks.
In a corp work environment where I've tried this I never felt particularly joyful. Tried using MSTSC and VNC.
Having a desktop with multiple monitors and trying to view that through a smaller laptop display is typically quite painful, never enough space.
Even when it was PC's on the same switch there always seemed to be some delay in the mouse moving or typing, I'm sure you could adjust, I just found it a bit annoying too.
We haven't tried serving up DevStudio from a CITRIX server yet, that might be worth a go.
I work a lot with Visual Studio over broadband, which is ok.
If you are running linux on your laptop, rdesktop is your friend. There are many options to gain more speed, like using 8-bit color instead of 16 or more. I don't know if mstsc offers such options. Visual Studio 2008 has got many options concerning speed which can be enabled if the connection is too slow: disable fancy menus etc.
I think that having the dual (or more) monitor set-up does beat the ease of mobility when using a laptop connecting to a remote desktop. I work at home at least two days in a working week using my laptop (which is a 17", 1900x1200 screen, basically what they call a "desktop replacement"), connected to VS and TFS using VPN and I find that experience less than the situation at work where I have the 17" laptop screen AND a 24" TFT (also 1900x1200).
I also have experienced that running VS (or SQL Server Management Studio for example) over an RDP session is just not like the real thing. It does get the job done, however the "feel" isn't just the same.

How to configure Visual Studio not to give UAC prompt on each run?

I have switched to Vista recently and I wanted to keep UAC turned on, as I agree it increases computer security a lot. Some developer tools I use regularly require running elevated:
PIX for Windows
Visual Studio 2005 (elevated privileges seem to be needed for debugging and for IncrediBuild to work)
mapped and substed drives: The elevated process does not seem to see the drives I have mapped in my user account. This article describes the problem, but I am not sure how could I implement its final suggestion to "map these drives in the context of the elevated login".
I have experimented with many suggestions I have found, Compatibility Administrator seemed quite promising, but the result was still not what I wanted. When I used RunAsInvoker, there was no UAC prompt, but the Visual Studio did not work. When I used RunAsAdmin or RunAsHighest, it worked, but there was the prompt.
Is there any way how to teach UAC to remember some particular application should always run elevated and never prompt me about this, or some other way how to allow me launching VS elevated without the prompt? If there is no way to do it, does there exist some security reason why it cannot be done?
Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode = Elevate without prompting.
I've had to turn UAC off for my 2008 dev system also, despite similar feelings about wanting to be able to use it. It's just too painful to need to keep track of the running context of every single application in order for things like drag/drop between windows to work, or interacting with remote systems, or debugging scenarios, or any number of other tasks. UAC was a good idea in theory, but there seems to have been so little effort put in to making it functionally useful for real-world power users, that at the end of the day, the only feasible solution is to disable it entirely.
Windows 7 will purportedly be somewhat better with eliminating the constant prompts, but unless they really work to address all the cross-application and remote access issues, it's still going to be a non-starter for anyone other than novice users. Here's to hoping they eventually get it to be actually usable.
VS 2005 was a pain in Vista, and there's a lot of little gotchas even when running as administrator. See if you can upgrade to 2008, which works a lot better on Vista.
Unfortunately UAC prompt is mandatory in windows Vista, when UAC is enabled.
One solution that worked for me is to have a elevated command line and a bunch of non-ui shell scripts that run elevated from there for some tasks.
Also to debug I've setup another computer in which I can run a remote debugging session, it is a bit tricky to configure with VS 2005, the plus is that if you crash/hang the remote session it didn't crash your main computer :)
PD: VS 2008 is slightly nicer in vista than VS 2005 give it a try if you can.
As far as I'm aware, you can't get everything you want (UAC on, VS working without prompts).
However, there's a better workaround than "have someone else test it with LUA:" A Virtual PC. Use Virtual PC (free from Microsoft) to create a guest operating system. Install Vista and set up a regular user as well as your default admin. Test your apps on that VPC using the regular (non-elevated) user. This at least gives you the early indication of LUA issues without too many major headaches.
I agree that it's a bit of a pain (and I've noticed VS2008 doesn't bug me with UAC prompts under Vista nor Win7 beta), but it is what it is. VS2005, particularly in debugging, requires elevation to attach to processes, etc.
For the record, my current "solution" to this problem, after a few days of experimenting with it, is:
turn UAC off
make sure somebody else tests the application with a Standard User Acount on a regular basis
... i.e. use the same pattern which worked in WindowsXP before.
I would like to see some other solution, but so far nothing I have tried gave me all of what I want, i,e. UAC on, Visual Studio working and no prompt on running VS. I would like to keep UAC on, but it was too annoying for me to confirm the elevation every time I run the tools.
Norton has an interesting tool to de-tune UAC and make it a little easier to live the cost of feedback about what programs you run going to Norton. There is a good write-up about it here:
The download is here:
Finally, there is an interesting little tool to "snooze" UAC which costs $5 (30 Day trial). I can't vouch for either tool as I have not tried them personally.
