NSLevelIndicator - Cocoa - cocoa

How would I be able to use a NSLevelIndicator? I am very new to this so, I don't know much on how to use a progress bar for my application.

You wouldn't use NSLevelIndicator for a progress bar. Check out NSProgressIndicator instead. It does both progress bars and "spinner" controls. NSLevelIndicator is used, for example, to show how full a disk is, or how much battery life is left in your wireless mouse.

You don't explain your level of experience. Assuming you have a window already created in Interface Builder, drag an NSLevelIndicator onto the window, create an outlet to it in your application, and set its value as needed. If you don't understand any of that, follow Apple's standard beginners' tutorial and start from there.

How would I be able to use a NSLevelIndicator?
how would I use a NSProgressIndicator?


Add an NSView around cursor?

Simple question, starting out with macOS stuff – I’d like to create a small radial menu around my cursor, top-most, above whatever application is currently active, whenever a specific mouse button is pressed.
I have the specific mouse button over all application down, but I’m wondering where I need to draw that NSView, i.e. “topmost”. I guess on iOS this would be at the UIWindow level, but would NSWindow be the wrong approach here?
this is purely an opinion-based question, but basically if you want to present any custom content on the desktop, that should use NSWindow, and you can customise the window's content for your wish.
NOTE: you can find more information about the NSWindow class in Apple's Class Reference Docs.

Can I change NSScreen visibleframe?

I trying to create a toolbar that docks on the top of the screen below the OS X menu bar.
I would like no other application's to be able to overlap my application when they are maximized. I can get the visible frame dimensions using NSScreen's visibleframe method, but can I adjust the visibleframe to omit the size and position of my application?
The simple answer is that no, you can't. I think that the only way to change the screen's visibleRect would be to inject code into AppKit and swizzle the method.
Even then, it might not do what you want because that method might not be what Apple uses to determine the "safe area" for windows and almost certainly would not work with Carbon apps.
Nothing you do with window levels will change this.
What you could do is use the Accessibility framework to reposition windows if you detect that their frames have changed such that they overlap your toolbar window. Unfortunately, I think you might need use polling for this.
Try setting your window's level to NSDockWindowLevel.
This may not work, depending on whether the system subtracts all windows on that level or only ever the Dock's window, but it's worth a try.

Creating a popup tool bar in a full screen NSOpenGLView (OSX Cocoa)

I have a Cocoa app in which one of my NSOpenGLViews can go into full screen mode (I do this with the method enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:). I would like to create a little widget that when you mouse over it, a toolbar pops up with some different controls. I am wondering what would be the best way to implement this widget? At first I thought about using a panel but I don't think you can bring up any windows when in full screen mode. Also, it seems that you can't add a subview to an NSOpenGLView? Are these two assumptions correct? What else could I use to accomplish this?
I would add a subview to the openglview's superview.
You can't add any subview to NSOpenGLView.
You can use glViewport to simulate subviews.

Simply make a label say Hello World in Cocoa (Mac programming)

I'm a total newbie to programming in cocoa for the mac so this question is probably easy. I have a window, and on that window I have a Label.
I want to be able to update this label from my program with the current status or what's going on (eg. reading in file, parsing, etc.). My problem is that I don't know how to access the label and change it's text property. I tried "MyWindowName." hoping I would be able to reference the label from the Window. I don't even know what the labels name is, or even if it has a name.
How do I reference this label in my program to change it?
You probably need to go here and walk through some tutorials: http://www.cocoadevcentral.com/
A quick summary is that unlike other technologies, you don't access the controls directly (or shouldn't access them). Instead, you create outlets in a controller, which you then graphically connect to the controls and they update automagically. These tutorials will show you the way.
A label is just an NSTextField with different settings about editing/fonts, etc. Just make an outlet in your controller that connects to the view in Interface Builder, and you can change it like you would any other NSTextField.

add a custom view/windows in the mac os X dock

I would like to add a custom view (a pager) in the dock, just before the trash and was wondering on how to perform a such task.
Do you have any pointer to help me to start?
Thanks in advance for your help :)
Take a look at the NSDockTile class, and specifically the contentView property. You access this through NSApplication's dockTile accessor. You can set a custom view to display in the dock. Keep in mind, though, that the user can make the dock very small, so you can't assume your icon will be at any particular size.
The Dock Tile Programming Guide has some pointers to get you started.
