Is it possible to intercept global copy and paste in OS X with an AppleScript? Or would I have to have some intermediary step that would trigger the AppleScript to read the clipboard?
They way I do it in Applescript is with the following command:
get the clipboard
You could of course then do stuff like setting it to a variable and displaying it:
set xyz to the clipboard
display alert (xyz as text)
Hope that helps!
Here is my script :
property MyLabel : missing value
on buttonClicked_(sender)
set the plistfile_path to "~/Desktop/MY_DATA.plist"
tell application "System Events"
set p_list to property list file (plistfile_path)
-- read the plist data
set theMyDataFromPlist to value of property list item "DATA1" of p_list
end tell
end buttonClicked_
This gonna take the data I want from a plist and set in a variable (theMyDataFromPlist).
How can I print this variable on the label "MyLabel" and make the script auto refresh when the data change ?
also, when I click on the text (or another button), can I copy the value to the clipboard. (would set the clipboard to theMyDataFromPlist work?)
I also wonder is that possible to do the same with Swift?
How can I print this variable on the label "MyLabel"
Where would you like to print the variable? You can make AppleScript display a dialog:
set variable to 42
display dialog "The value of variable is " & variable
AppleScript is not designed as a terminal language, it is for UI scripting, so it's not like most scripting languages that just offer a print as where would the user see the printed value.
and make the script auto refresh when the data change ?
Not quite sure what you expect here. That your system magically runs your script whenever the content of a file changes? That's not going to happen. You can create a launchd job and have launchd monitor that file and then execute your script when the file changes; this is described here:
But some process will have to monitor the file and if your script should do so, it has to be running all the time, non-stop. Then you could make some code run once every X seconds, checking the file last modification date and whenever that changes, re-read the plist. This polling is super ugly but the best thing that AS can do out of the box.
BTW where is the rest? You say
also, when I click on the text (or another button),
can I copy the value to the clipboard.
Which text? Which button? Sound like you have a whole application there but all you showed us are 11 lines script code. You didn't even mention that you have a whole application with a UI. Your question starts with "Here is my script", so you make it sound like this 11 lines is all that you have.
(would set the clipboard to theMyDataFromPlist work?)
Why don't you simply try it out? Pasting that line into ScriptEditor would have taken equally long than asking this question. I just tried it and it turns out that you can only set strings.
This code won't work:
-- bad code
set variable to 42
set the clipboard to variable
But this code does work:
-- good code
set variable to 42
set the clipboard to "" & variable
I also wonder is that possible to do the same with Swift?
Personally I would not even consider writing an application in AppleScript; I'd rather stop writing code before I do that. Of course this can be done in Swift or in Obj-C. Everything you can do in AS can be done in these other two languages and no, the opposite doesn't hold true.
Using Obj-C or Swift, you can also use GCD and with GCD monitoring a file for changes is easy. Just see
I'm looking for an easy way to get and set clipboard data from Final Cut Pro X using Applescript.
In Applescript accessing the clipboard is as simple as
set someText to the clipboard
set the clipboard to someText
However when the data on the clipboard is from Final Cut Pro X, there doesn't seem to be a way from Applescript to get this data.
I used the ClipboardViewer to discover that the data on the clipboard is in fact mostly text data (it looks to be XML). It is a different clipboard item ( than what I would normally see when just dealing with text (public.utf8-plain-text and NSStringPboardType).
Is there any easy way to access this data in Applescript?
Right, so I'll try and explain this as clearly as possible;
As soon as two files are placed in the folder, I want a Folder Action to
print these files - got that...
but, and this is my problem. At the moment it prints the files after each other, and I want to make sure that they are printed together, duplex.
so far I've got this:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
do shell script "defaults write Duplex"
tell application "Finder" to print these_items
end adding folder items to
so I reckon I need to combine/append the two files - so the printer sees them as one, and only one print job is the result, thus creating a duplex printed file :D
would be awesome if you have tips/ideas on how to solve this!
I found a python script written by Martin Michel which will combine multiple images into one file. It should help you solve your problem... find it here. You may want to use image events to resize the images first before passing it to this script so they will fit properly on one printed page.
You could create a simple Automator Folder action, which would create a multipage PDF from the added image files, then either print it directly in Automator, or pass it on to an AppleScript in order to set your printer preferences.
I'm trying to clear the Windows' clipboard using Sikuli or Jython.
I'm currently using the clipboard to grab user entered text from a textbox. I use the clipboard to check if the user entered text before clicking a button. I want to check if the textbox was left empty before the button was clicked.
The problem that I am having is that once the clipboard is used, I am unable to clear it. So the value in the clipboard is returned to my script every time the button is clicked.
I need to be able to clear the clipboard after grabbing the user entered text from it, or find a way to read the textbox without using the clipboard.
Thanks in advance,
Using Jython, you can do as follows to set the contents of the clipboard to an empty string, which would be something like clearing it.
from java.awt.datatransfer import StringSelection
from java.awt.datatransfer import Clipboard
from java.awt import Toolkit
toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard()
clipboard.setContents(StringSelection(""), None)
And as follows to read the contents of the clipboard as a string:
from java.awt.datatransfer import DataFlavor
contents = clipboard.getContents(None)
print contents.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)
We work with bugzilla. Whenever you need to query a ticket you just need to know the bugid (integer) and you simply prepend this to it.
Suppose I have a bug link which looks like this 777. If I select and copy this it is preserved on the pasteboard so when I paste this into mail it will correctly preserve the link and it's attributes.
What I am looking for is to simple type '777' select it and run an applescript on it and replace it with a link like the one above. Can anyone help me out??
The following AppleScript will take the contents of the clipboard and replace it with the URL prepended:
set the clipboard to "http://bugzilla_server/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=" & (the clipboard)
You can compile that to an AppleScript scpt and make it available in a Scripts folder or compile it to a launchable app:
osacompile -e 'set the clipboard to "http://bugzilla_server/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=" & (the clipboard)' -o replacebug.scpt # or -o
If your primary use case for this is in composing mail in, this may not be the most user-friendly approach, though. If you are using Snow Leopard (10.6), a simpler solution is to take advantage of the new Text Substitution feature. Open the System Preferences -> Language & Text preference panel, select the Text tab, and click + to add a new substitution, perhaps:
Replace With
(b) http://bugzilla_server/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=
Then, in, start a New Message and, with the cursor clicked within the text body, do a Control click of the mouse to bring up the contextual menu. From it, select Substitutions -> Text Replacement. From now on, as you are typing in the text body of the email when you type:
the (b) will automatically change to the URL text you saved:
This will also work in other Cocoa text-enabled applications like Safari.
When talking about composing URL links in email, there are at least three different formats of email, each with a different solution. Since you don't say which kind you are using, I'll cover all three:
Plain text format - There's no way to "hide" the URL in the composed email although some email readers might present a clickable link for a plain-text URL.
HTML-formatted email - Apple's does not support composing email in this format although it will display it. Using some other mail writer client or your own program, it's easy enough to compose a link using a standard HTML anchor <a href=...> tag.
Rich Text Format email - AFAIK, this is the only way to compose a URL link with Unfortunately, there does not appear to be an easy way to directly create an RTF hyperlink using AppleScript commands. Based on a suggestion here, this is a way to do it by creating a modifiable RTF template via the clipboard.
In, create a new Document window.
Insert the text you want to appear in the email, i.e. 777.
Select the text (⌘A) then add a link (⌘K). Enter the full URL also with 777 into the "Link destination" field; click OK.
Modify the text format as desired with Format menu commands.
Save the file (⇧⌘S) as temp.rtf with File Format -> Rich Text Format.
Close the document window.
Open a document window (⌘O) selecting file temp.rtf and selecting Ignore rich text commands.
Insert the following before the first line in the file:
sed -e "s/777/$(pbpaste -Prefer txt)/g" <<EOF | pbcopy -Prefer rtf
Append EOF as a separate line at the end of the file.
It should now look something like this:
sed -e "s/777/$(pbpaste -Prefer txt)/g" <<EOF | pbcopy -Prefer rtf
{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://bugzilla_server/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=777"}}{\fldrslt
\f0\fs24 \cf0 777}}}
Save this as a Plain Text file and execute directly as a shell script or call it via the AppleScript do shell script command.
This kind of solution will work with most other applications that support Rich Text format.
Not sure exactly the function you're looking for, but this will take a number from your clipboard and process it into a link and put the link on the clipboard as a standard href URL that will work in plain or rich text, like:
Bug number 777 link
Change <bugzilla_server> to your working URL.
set bug_number to the clipboard
set the_text to "Bug number " & bug_number & " link"
set the clipboard to the_text