where can i get the spring framework 3.0 distribution? - spring

has anyone been able to download the spring framework 3.0.0.M4 release from the spring source site... (or can you provide an alternative download page)?
am I missing something..., the site is giving me the runaround...
when i get to the "Spring Community Downloads" page and choose spring from the LHS menu... I get no download link...

Go to http://s3.amazonaws.com/dist.springframework.org/release/SPR/spring-framework-3.0.5.RELEASE.zip
When you hit the URL, your download for jar files starts automatically
After unzipping, there is a folder called dist which contains the following jar files for spring 3.0.5
NOTE : You can download any release of spring framwork just by modifying the release version to 3.0.1 or 3.2.5 (any other versions according to your need)in the above mentioned URL

If you are using maven, add this to your <repositories> in your pom.xml:
<name>Spring Portfolio Milestone Repository</name>
and declare your spring dependency like this:
For others artifcats, use the Spring Maven artifact URL for browsing.
More on Spring's maven repositories in this article.

The repository answer is probably the best answer, but if you want to just build it yourself here are some steps to do that.

Depending on what you need, you can use maven central or spring EBR. The above link compares the repositories, and also explains how to get milestone, release, as well as snapshot of springframework.

Here is what he is asking for, there are many Spring external jars that are needed, for example of an import he maybe using:
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
Some Jars that might be needed are:
...and over 20 more, where does one download these?
searching individually, here is one location:
Here is another location you may wish to use:

I'd recommend using a build system like Maven. You can read about it here if you want to learn more.
Then in your pom.xml add the following coordinates:
You can check out all the versions of the Spring Framework (now referred to as Spring Core) at MVN Repository


How To Download Spring Framework

I am trying to download spring framework for my java application in this https://projects.spring.io/spring-framework/ site, but the problem is that there is no option for the download.
Can anyone help please.
Just download the latest zip version from https://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring/ .Then unzip it and add jars from it to your project
Select which modules you need and generate an initial project in https://start.spring.io/
your question is not correct!
because you need a Layer such as Maven or Gradle !
but if you need to spring library . you can download it from this way:
you can use this web site For any framework such as spring:
There is already an answer to your question.
But if you are using maven or gradle (Dependency Management tools), you have the snippets needed to use Spring Framework on the site you provided. Just add these to your dependencies:
dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:4.3.2.RELEASE'
You can download latest version from here.

what is difference between "org.springframework.xyz-2.5.6.A.jar" and "spring-xyz-2.5.6.RELEASE.jar"

i am new to spring framework. When i try to download required jar files for spring, then there is 2 options for same classes-
org.springframework.xyz-2.5.6.A.jar and spring-xyz-2.5.6.RELEASE.jar.
I want to know what is the difference and which is recommended to use?
The org.springframework.xyz version is the artifact ID used by SpringSource in their Enterprise Bundle Repository, a self-contained set of OSGi-compliant JARs for both Spring and non-Spring artifacts. The spring-xyz version is the standard non-OSGi version available on Maven Central.
If you're using OSGi then use the EBR JARs, if you're not then use the standard ones.
The current Maven dependency for spring-context is
The resulting JAR is spring-context-3.2.4.RELEASE.jar.
So the second name looks OK to me.

spring maven repository issue (blog references but wanting to use newer version)

I have created a maven web project using the below site.
I have performed all the steps given there and executed a simple hello world program. Now, I have to include spring dependencies into my eclipse web project.
In the dependencies tag, I added the above configuration. Now, it is saying as below:
unable to find jars from the repositories (local and as well as remote)
It gave suggestion to execute the command:
mvn install -artifactid=springframework (something like this)
But when I mentioned version as 2.5.6 it's correctly taken. Is it the problem with the version 3.1.2 being unavailable at maven repository? How do I get the latest versions if maven is not working properly for latest versions?
It also gave me the suggestion to go for manual download and put in local repository.
The Maven coordinates changed over time.
OR Try:
I'll just find if there is an all-in-one POM or dependency. But "spring-full" looks 1.2.x only and "spring" 2.5.x. CHECKED: Can't find one I've been using separate modules in all projects for sometime (this is better anyway, fine grained dependencies).
The location you can search is at http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/
for 3.1.2 see http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/library/version/detail?name=org.springframework.spring&version=3.1.2.RELEASE&searchType=librariesByName&searchQuery=spring
Spring have changed their repository URL and online locations at least 3 times to my knowledge over the past 4 years. So I'd look for current information on their website about setting up a Maven <repositories> config to obtain their JARs. Beware of articles with out of date information :(
Also notice the artifactId is different in the 2 example this is another gotcha issue with spring. The "org.springframework.core" are their EBR and OSGi compliant versions of their software. The "spring-core" is the older pre-OSGi co-ordinates. Find what works for you and don't mix them in the same project. For example I am using "spring-core" because I use 3.2.0.M2 which are Milestone releases. But the production release EBR co-ordinates are the best to use.
Sorry for so many edits... but it has been a minefield even if you understand the heritage of getting Spring Source software.

How do I get OAuth's java client library with maven?

I'm trying to follow this guide here http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-oauthsupport/index.html which gives information on how to use the OAuth client library provided by OAuth and HTTPClient 4 to authenticate your connection. I am working on a Java Swing CLIENT, NOT a OAuth PROVIDER.
OAuth provides a client library here on this page http://oauth.net/code/
I'm talking about the one marked by "A Java library and examples were contributed by John Kristian, Praveen Alavilli and Dirk Balfanz." which points to an SVN repository http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/java/core/
I do not understand how to incorporate this library into my Eclipse project. I would like to just be able to add a maven dependency because it's so clean and works so well. I don't see coordinates readily available, and when I look at http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/java/pom.xml I see the following coordinates but they don't work when I run the Maven build with the coordinates, and I get a "Missing artifact net.oauth:oauth-parent:jar:20100601" error in Eclipse's integrated Maven 3 pom.xml manager. I thought the entire point of Mavenizing a project was so that you could use its coordinates to pull it in.
I've tried the follow dependency after snooping around on the maven repository, and it didn't have all the classes/interfaces/etc I needed.
Is this the wrong way to incorporate this project? Is it not truly mavenized in a way that makes it easy to share? If I can't use Maven, what's the best path to follow to include this library into my project?
This is a bit of a repeat of How to include oauth library in Eclipse? but that question doesn't address the Maven aspect of it at all.
The OAUth libs doesn't seem to be available in Maven Central, so you have to add the following repository either to your settings.xml or to your pom.xml:
<name>OAuth Repository</name>
I actually found the way to make it work with exactly your version of oauth-parent:
Create a directory and enter it:
mkdir oauth && cd oauth
Checkout code for your version:
svn co http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/java/
Enter checked out directory (java), compile and deploy jars yourself:
cd java && mvn source:jar install
After that your dependency will work:

Access Spring Web Flow snapshot version using Maven

I need to try the current snapshot version 2.3.1 of Spring Web Flow in my project, hoping it will fix this bug for me. I have read the documentation on how to access nightly builds and added the following to my pom.xml:
And the repository needed:
<name>SpringSource Maven Central-compatible Snapshot Repository</name>
But when I try a mvn clean install maven fails to resolve the dependencies:
*[ERROR] ... The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.springframework.webflow:spring-webflow:jar:2.3.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, org.springframework.webflow:spring-faces:jar:2.3.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT ...
Am I missing something obvious? Am I using the wrong snapshot version? Is there a way to list the contents of the snapshot repository? Any hints are appreciated...
P.S.: I cross-posted this question on the SpringSource community forum and will of course post the answer here if I get it there.
I could not find the version of the snap shot you have in the dependency, Here are all the web flow snap shot down loads that I can see from spring source site http://static.springsource.org/downloads/nightly/snapshot-download.php?project=SWF
If you change the version tag in you'r pom.xml that will resolve the issue.
