Error While Installing Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition - visual-studio

I have installed .net framework 2.0 and now I am trying to install Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition from the Internet, but when I execute the setup file I am getting the following error:
"The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch".
Can anyone tell me what is the error and how should I rectify it?
Please note that I am already having Visual Studio 2008 installed on my system.
Please help me!
Thanks in advance!

It sounds like you are trying to install the Service Pack or an invalid file. When installing Visual Studio 2008 and choosing the default installation mode it will already install SQL Server 2005 Express edition on your machine if it is not already installed.
If you did a custom install you can re-run the Visual Studio 2008 installation and select to install SQL Express.
Also make sure you don't have Sql Server 2008 installed, and if you have do an advanced install on Sql Server 2005 express and change the instance name to something else. I would recommend rather installing Sql Server 2008, either from the internet or from the Sql Server Installation Disc, by choosing Express edition during installation.


New SQL Server Installation - Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation

I have a new Windows 10 Home machine and I want to install SQL server. I already have Visual Studio 2017 installed and SSMS 2017 (Which I initially though installed SQL).
On first try I got this error:
VS Shell installation has failed with exit code 1638
And found I needed to Uninstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) and (x64), install SQL Server, then reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) and (x64). As seen here
Then I got this error:
Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation
I tried the registry key permissions from this link
I tried editing my local group policy but Win 10 doesn't have one.
I tried exiting from all Firewalls and Anti-malware software.
I have been trying to install SQL Server for 4 weeks now
I found the logs but the error seems the same:
A security application installed on the server was preventing SQL Server setup to get access
After weeks of Googling i turns out my machine came with a bit of software called Bull Guard which conflicts with SQL Server. After uninstalling this software the problem was solved. (Disabling the service didn't work)
(1) If the VS issue is not solved
According to the following MSDN related answer
"The exit code 1638 means "Another version of this program is already installed", this error message is provided by Windows Installer, please check if you have installed other later version of VS Shell on your machine."
Also they mentioned that if you have installed Visual studio 2017 this can also affect the installation of SQL Server 2017. The version of VS Shell inside some versions of Visual Studio 2017 is later than the VS Shell inside SQL Server, as a result, you will meet this problem, please check it.*
The Suggested solution was
Uninstall Visual Studio 2017, then install SQL Server 2017, after that, install Visual Studio 2017 again.
Also this was the first suggested solution in the link you provided (Help installing SQL Server 2017 - VS Shell installation has failed with exit code 1638)
(2) If the VS issue is solved
Check for installed applications or running services that are preventing the installation process to get access
In my case it was related to Microsoft Edge. Found the answer here.
The SQL Express 2014 installation worked after I installed ran the Edge installer (available at, opened Edge and checked for updates.

MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.3.4 download failed

Can somebody tell me why is it failed. Today I installed MySQL on my Win 7 64bit laptop. I downloaded MySQL community server 5.6.20 and during download and installation I got an error that it failed to download Connector/ODBC 5.3.4.
Can somebody help me fix this. I want to use MySQL for visual studio 2013 for my VB project.
Also MySQL for Visual Studio 1.1.4 not installed and I don't know if that is required at all. Couple of items are there under this, like Core components, Visual Studio Integration, Entity Framework Designer Integration. When I hover over this it shows a tip as it requires visual studio 2008, 2010, 2012 but it was not found on this machine.... I am using VS 2013. What am I supposed to do now.
I could manage to get it work by installing a couple of patches (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.30-winx64) and (mysql-for-visualstudio-1.2.3). It's now up and running.
Check if MySQL Connector/ODBC is missing from the manifest.
If that's the case, a workaround is to manually download and install the connector.

what is the proper install order for visual studio 2012 and SQL Server Management Studio 2012 on win7?

I am preparing to do some web development against a SQL Server 2012 server on a fresh install of win 7 x64 development VM.
What should I install first, visual studio or SSMS?
This is my favorite order:
Windows update before installing anything.
SQL Server 2012
If you have SP1 integrated with you ISO file, skip to step 4.
If you have both SP1 and U5 integrated with your ISO file, skip to step 5
Unselect SQL Server Data Tools during installation (step 8 will install the VS 2012 templates instead of these old 2010 ones)
SQL Server 2012 SP1
SQL Server 2012 SP1 U5
Visual Studio 2012
If you have U3 integrated with you ISO file, skip to step 7.
Unselect SQL Server Data Tools during installation because we'll install the updated bits in step 7
Visual Studio 2012 U3
SQL Server Data Tools - BI (adds BI project templates to Visual Studio 2012)
SQL Server Data Tools (allows you to manage SQL Server 2012 from within visual Studio 2012)
Windows Update
SQL ToolBelt
Neither - you can install them in any order. While you do get the occasional question about it in various different forums, I have done this and never had an issue.
SQL does have a Visual Studio dependency (formerly) called BIDS, but Visual Studio can install over/around this no problem.
Note that this answer is correct when using the initial SQL 2012 release (as that was the latest edition when this question was asked). Subsequent releases may have changed things. I have made this answer CW to encourage others to edit it as necessary to include info about later versions.
I don't know if there is a different way for VMs but on Windows we used to install SQL Server first, as some of the configurations of Visual studio conflict with SQL Server configurations if it was installed before
No direct dependencies found between the two components, installing Visual Studio first then ensure that .NET Framework installed properly is my approach, then installing SQL Server, but in all cases the SQL Server installation installs the following software components - 2008:
NET Framework 3.5
SQL Server Native Client
SQL Server Setup support files
My approach:
Visual Studio 2008.
Visual Studio SP1.
SQL Server 2008.
Run Windows updates.
Useful question here

Problem installing SQL Server on Win 7 with Visual Studio

I have Windows 7 box.
I want to install SQL Server 2005 on it.
The box has following programs already installed:
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2010
I had SQL server 2008 which I uninstalled.
When I try to install SQL Server 2005, I get the following warning message:
If I click on "Check for solutions online", it says no solution exists.
If I click on "Run program", I get this error and SQL server is not installed
Please let me know if you have know of a solution to this.
There are two folders in the installer - Server and Tools.
I was trying to install Server first, and it did not install.
When I ran setup.exe from Tools it installed.
Then I ran setup.exe from Server and it worked.
Windows 7 and Visual Studio installations did not have anything to do as I had speculated before.

Can't build dtproj [SSIS] project in Visual Studio

When I try to build a project in Visual Studio 2005 that has a .dtproj file, I get the error message:
Make sure the application for the project type (.dtproj) is installed.
This project was build on another system, but even after installing SQL Server 2005 & and SQL SP3, it still does not build.
You need to install the Business Intelligence Studio that is a part of the SQL Server Installation.
You may be missing development tools from your installation of SQL Server.
On my workstation at work I have VS.NET 2005, 2008 and 2010 loaded and needed to modify a package created in a 2005 environment. I only had SQL Server 2008 installed and therefore the BIDS environment for 2008 SSIS development. I had to go back and get the install for SQL Server 2005 and installed only the Integration Services component (instead of the entire SQL Server 2005 setup) and it resolved the issue mentioned above.
