Dynamics AX 2009 Report: LabelPosition above does not work? - reporting

I'm just in the process of changing the SalesInvoice Report. One thing I'm trying to do is show the label of some items not left of the item value but above it instead.
Seems easy enough: just change the LabelPosition (for example from CustInvoiceJour_InvoiceId) setting from "left" to "above" and voila: the label has vanished. It is just shown nowhere at all.
Strange. I would have expected the label to show up, well, above the content. Not to vanish.
Am I missing something (there is no label height to set), or is this functionality broken?

I'm not sure if this functionality is broken. But in generated design, these elements will not show the label if it's set to above:
If the item you're trying to change is in one of those, then the label position above will, from my experience, not work.
My tip is to create a new control of the text type and then use the same label that the extended data type for the field uses under the "text" property and then adjust the position so it is positioned above the field you're trying to set a label on.

From what I have noticed for a ProgrammableSection the column name labels are not shown only on the first page of the report. The labels are shown on the next pages.


VSTO Outlook: Apply a color to the cells of a custom View column

I am trying to add a new column (it is of type text only) to the inbox folder view and I am wondering if it is possible to apply a custom different color to each cell (foreground and background). I have had a look at the view's XML definition which in fact is an XML file. In the columns I have added I have typed the attributes background-color and color within the style tag but it seems it is not working. It seems that it can be achieved by using conditional formatting as the ones already defined for unread messages, etc. but I don't want to apply the color to the entire row, only to some cells of the column. I haven't tried yet using conditional formatting, I don't know if it is possible programmatically, but I would like to avoid this approach. So how can I apply a color to each cell of the column independently?
Try to make such changes manually in Outlook. That is how you can do that - do the required changes manually (if possible) and then you may observe the result in XML. If it is not possible you will not find any way for doing that manually.
The best what you could do is to use a conditional formatting for the view, see Conditional formatting by Field Criteria with VBA (e.g. From address contains) for more information.

NSButton wrap title dynamically

What I want to accomplish:
I need a checkbox with a title text that dynamically wraps and breaks on multiple lines depending on a dynamic width established by the parent view. I need a solution that I can use in IB and that will display there as it's shown at runtime. I'm using XCode 13.1, working in a XIB-File targetting MacOS.
What I'm doing:
I create an NSButton in IB. In the attributes inspector I set its style to Check, under "Control" I choose Word Wrap for "Line Break" and finally I set a very long text as the title such as Asd Asd Asd lit tle words and many of them asd asd lit tle ones.
What's happening:
When setting up the button as described above (case 1) and shrinking its width, it will be displayed - in IB and at runtime - like this:
When manually adding a line break to the title as suggested in this similar question by pressing Option + Enter (case 2, here after "them") the title starts wrapping correctly and all the other necessary breaks are generated:
However this solution is not applicable for my case since it only works for a static width, but my checkboxes need to adjust their width dynamically as described above.
Without that additional manual line break it's most interesting that apparently the checkbox is already reacting and changing its position according to the new wrapped height of the title while the title text itself is just clipped by the bounds of the control instead of being displayed in a wrapped fashion.
What I'd expect:
I'd expect the title to wrap in case 1. Since it doesn't: Is this a bug or a feature? How can I make case 1 work and get the title to wrap dynamically depending on its length and the width of the button? Do I just need to set another attribute in the inspector I missed so far? Or is there only a programmatic solution?
To answer the question why I don't use an appropriately short label: Don't ask me, I'm just a developer following specs & reqs and unfortunately I don't have a saying on what would be a good length of text here.
The credits for this answer goes to #Willeke's comment: "AppKit doesn't support multiline checkboxes." The interesting behaviour of the checkbox in case 1 suggesting otherwise seems to be just a glitch or bug.
What I ended up with: I opted for a workaround. I'm placing a checkbox-button (with Image Position "Image only" in IB) right beside a multiline-label, putting both in a custom view, adding the necessary constraints. With a few positioning adjustments I know have a solution that looks exactly like a singleline checkbox, that I can copy-paste in IB and that is solved by Autolayout - in IB and at runtime - without any additional code.

how to show a field in oracle reports at the bottom of the last page which is placed outside the border

how to show a field in oracle reports at the bottom of the last page which is placed outside the border
A trivial answer is: place it outside the border.
I presume you already did that and encountered problems. It would really help if you specified which one(s).
The most usual error is that you're referencing a column at a wrong frequency, i.e. you can't just "move" it outside of its parent frame. (I guess that the frame is what you call a "border".) If that's so, well, you can't do that.
One way out is to create a new column (in the Data Model layout editor) (be it a formula or a placeholder column) which doesn't belong to any group, but is independent. Then you can place it anywhere you want.
If, on the other hand, you do have a formula (or placeholder, or summary) column and "border" you mentioned is the margin, then - while in Paper Layout editor - click the "Margin" icon in the toolbar to switch to ... well, margin layout editor. Now place that field anywhere you want.
Or, did you try to move the field but frames were resized and other fields moved along with the movement of the field you're moving? Pay attention to "Flex" and "Confine" ON/OFF buttons in the toolbar as they make the difference.
If none of above, what is your situation, then?

Xamarin Forms - Why Is LineBreakMode TailTruncation Causing Word Wrap

In a Xamarin Forms project (C# code, not XAML), I have a some nested horizontal stacklayouts that look like this:
Notice there's a "Declined:" Label, then a quantity Label (4), and then a reason code Label ("Can't Find"). I have set the reason code Label to a LineBreakMode of LineBreakMode.TailTruncation. I would expect that when the label gets too long to fit on the line, it would truncate it with ellipses. It does. However, it doesn't do it gracefully - it causes things to be squished and to word wrap, like this:
I have set the "Declined:" Label to LineBreakMode.NoWrap, and you'll notice the last "d" in "Declined" is cut off". I haven't set any LineBreakMode on the "Ordered" and "Picked" Labels, and you'll notice those word wrap. Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
Does it look normal again when you rotate the device or if you call ForceLayout() on the parent element to all of those nested StackLayouts?
I have noticed that sometimes I must do that to force a redraw or layout pass on certain devices (usually is it only needed on one platforms or another as opposed to all platforms).
If that doesn't work, I would suggest using Grid if that is possible in your situation. That is what I tend to do when I run into elements sitting on top of each other like this. I am not sure why it happens but Grid never fails me. Grid seems to be much more strict about spacing and does not let things bleed over like that

Win32 List-View Control SubItem padding for custom-drawn SubItems?

When using custom-draw (NM_CUSTOMDRAW) to draw the entire contents of a ListView SubItem (in Report/Details view), it would be nice to be able to apply the same left and right
padding in my custom paint method that is applied by the control itself for non-custom-drawn items.
Is there a way to programmatically retrieve this padding value? Is it
related to the width of a particular character (" " or "w" or something?) or
is it a fixed value (6px on left and 3px on right or something) or...?
EDIT: To clarify, I want to add the same padding to my NM_CUSTOMDRAWn SubItems that the control adds to items that it draws, and the metric that I'm looking for, for example, is the white space between the beginning of the 2nd column and the word "Siamese" in the following screenshot (Note: screenshot from MSDN added to help explain my question):
(source: microsoft.com)
Note that the word "Siamese" is aligned with the header item ("Breed"). I would like to be able to guarantee the same alignment for custom-drawn items.
use ListView Header message HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN
see link text
Despite what the documentation says I suspect LVIR_LABEL returns just the returns the bounding rectangle of the item text, as per ListView_GetItemRect.
(This just kept niggling me as I though I had actually seen an answer somewhere when playing with NM_CUSTOMDRAW).
Edit After Comment 2:
I imagine you have seen NMLVCUSTOMDRAW which if you are willing to use Version 6.0. has rcText. I wouldn't since I use Win2K.
Given what you have found I would go back to the suggestion of using
ListView_GetItemRect to get LVIR_LABEL and compare that with LVIR_BOUNDS and use the difference.
the way for doing this is retrieving the format of the corresponding column with
then check the retrieved myLVCOLUMN.mask
then when we draw the corresponding label belonging to that column
DrawText(x,x,x,x, DT_CENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
else if (myLVCOLUMN.fmt & LVCFMT_RIGHT)
DrawText(x,x,x,x, DT_RIGHT | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
DrawText(x,x,x,x, DT_LEFT | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS );
I would assume that GetSystemMetrics() is that you need to look at. I think that SM_CXEDGE and SM_CYEDGE are probably the values you want, but don't quote me on that. ;-)
Can only guess without seeing your output.
A few suggestions: If you are using the DrawTextEx function, have you have experimented with DT_INTERNAL et al?
Are you accidentally putting in a blank image/icon.
Does it look ok in classic screen mode? If so I would look at XP Theme functions to see if some thing is going on.
Late edit after first comment:
I wonder if the size of rectangle matches the space required for the LVN_ENDLABELEDIT edit box around the text so the text doesn't move (or for a focus rectangle)?
I guess you could compare the result of LVM_GETITEMRECT with LVIR_LABEL on the first column and use the difference as your left border.
