performance tool - performance

I basically have a unix process running and it is doing some heavy processing as well as outputting data over the network. I was wondering what system calls are used to interact with the networking layer.
I would like to measure the performance metrics of this process: CPU usage, networking usage. I am not sure if this process is blocked because it is writing way too fast to the networking layer or if this process is spending too much time processing code.
Any suggestions?

What Unix? Solaris/FreeBSD/OSX have dtrace, Linux has oprofile. All of them have tcpdump for you to analyze the network flow.

What you really need is a profiler. That way, you'll be able to see which parts of your code are taking the most time.
Try, or a specific profiler for your toolchain.
As a quick measurement you can try running your process under strace to see which system calls it makes and see live how long they take.

I suggest valgrind which is another profiler.


windows performance recorder record specific process

Using the Windows Performance Recorder, is it possible to generate an ETL file based on the tracing of a single process? The ETL files generated for all of the processes in the system result in ETL files measured in GBs for intervals as small as a couple of minutes.
ETW (kernel event) tracing is system wide and captures all processes.
I don't think it is possible to record ETW traces that record just one process (at least not with xperf or wpr). If your traces are too big then the best tactic is to make sure that the rest of the system is as quiet as possible so that it doesn't contribute too much data.
If the rest of the system is already quiet then the traces are probably big because ETW traces tend to be big. You can use trace compression to make them smaller on disk - see UIforETW for how this works -
If the rest of the system is not already quiet then yes, it probably is contributing to bloat in the traces. Note that it may also be affecting performance, so that data is not irrelevant.
And, if you really do need single-process profiling consider using a different profiler. The Visual Studio profiler does per-process profiling.

Performance Testing Tool That Can Produce a Graph

Is anybody know a good testing tool that can produce a graph containing the CPU cycle and RAM usage?
What I will do for ex. is I will run an application and while the application is running the testing tool will record CPU cycle and RAM Usage and it will make a graph as an output.
Basically what I'm trying to test is how much heavy load an application put on RAM and CPU.
Thanks in advance.
In case this is Windows the easiest way is probably Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe).
You can configure the counters you are interested in (Such as Processor Time/Commited Bytes/et) and create a Data Collector Set that measures these counters at the desired interval. There are even templates for basic System Performance Report or you can add counters for the particular process you are interested in.
You can schedule the time where you want to execute the sampling and you will be able to see the result using PerfMon or export to a file for further processing.
Video tutorial for the basics:
Good Sample where it shows how to monitor SQL:
Loadrunner is the best I can think of ; but its very expensive too ! Depending on what you are trying to do, there might be cheaper alternatives.
Any tool which can either hook to the standard Windows or 'NIX system utilities can do this. This has been a defacto feature set on just about every commercial tool for the past 15 years (HP, IBM, Microfocus, etc). Some of the web only commercial tools (but not all) and the hosted services offer this as wekll. For the hosted services you will generally need to punch a hole through your firewall for them to get access to the hosts for monitoring purposes.
On the open source fron this is a totally mixed bag. Some have it, some don't. Some support one platform, but not others (i.e. support Windows, but not 'NIX or vice-versa).
What tools are you using? It is unfortunately common for people to have performance tools in use and not be aware of their existing toolset's monitoring capabilities.
All of the major commercial performance testing tools have this capability, as well as a fair number of the open source ones. The ability to integrate monitor data with response time data is key to the identification of bottlenecks in the system.
If you have a commercial tool and your staff is telling you that it cannot be done then what they are really telling you is that they don't know how to do this with the tool that you have.
It can be done using jmeter, once you install the agent in the target machine you just need to add the perfmon monitor to your test plan.
It will produce 2 result files, the pefmon file and the requests log.
You could also build a plot that compares the resource compsumtion to the load, and througput. The throughput stops increasing when some resource capacity is exceeded. As you can see in the image CPU time increases as the load increases.
JMeter perfmon plugin:
I know this is an old thread but I was looking for the same thing today and as I did not found something that was simple to use and produced graphs I made this helper program for apachebench:
It will run apachebench and plot the results and percentile files using gnuplot.
I hope it helps someone.

Testing perceived performance

I recently got a shiny new development workstation. The only disadvantage of this is that the desktop apps I'm developing now run very, very fast, and so I fear that parts of the code that would be annoyingly slow on end users' machines will go unnoticed during my testing.
Is there a good way to slow down an application for testing? I've tried searching around, but all of the results I've been able to find seem pretty fiddly to set up (e.g., manually setting up a high-priority CPU-bound task on the same CPU core as the target app, or running a background process that rapidly interrupts and resumes the target app), and I don't know if the end result is actually a good representation of running on a slower computer (with its slower CPU, slower RAM, slower disk I/O...).
I don't think that this is a job for a profiler; I'm interested in the user's perception of end-to-end performance rather than in where the time goes for particular operations.
setup a virtual machine, give in as little ram as needed and also you can have it use 1,2 or more CPUs. I like VirtualBox myself install your app and test with different RAM configs
Personally, I'd get an old used crappy computer that is typical of what the users have and test on that. It should be cheap and you will see pretty fast how bad things are.
I think the only way to deal with this is through proper end-user testing, i.e. get yourself a "typical" system for testing and use that to identify any perceptible performance bottlenecks.
You can try out either Virtual PC or VMWare Player/Workstation, load an OS onto it, and then throttle back the resources. I know that with any of those tools you can reduce the memory to whatever you'd like. You can also specify the number of cores you want to use. You might even be able to adjust the clock speed in VMWare Workstation... I'm not sure.
I upvoted SQLMenace's answer, but, I also think that profiling needs to be mentioned, no matter how quickly the code is executing - you'll still see what's taking the most time. If you find yourself with some free time, I think profiling and investigating the results is a good way to spend it.

Measure CPU / RAM usage of a program

could anyone suggest a way (other than using Task Manager) to track and log a program's usage of CPU and RAM in order to profile its performance?
I'm working under Windows.
Something generic would be useful. A more specific request solution would involve Visual Studio. I've tried Performance Wizard, but it doesn't seem to give me the information I need. Thanks
Process Explorer can be useful.
You can use perfmon utility to gather various counters
Well, there are published APIs for that sort of thing. You might want to take a look at WMI and the Win32_Process class.
If you're looking for a command-line program that gets those things for you there is tasklist and wmic. You can parse their output if you're so inclined.
The Microsoft Platform SDK includes the Windows Performance Toolkit, which tracks CPU, disk, and memory usage over time (along with a ton of other features). It's very handy for tracking down spikes of CPU/memory usage, as well as tracking down issues like why your laptop won't sleep.
How about Intel VTune?
I view the measuring of performance, and the finding of performance problems so as to make the program faster, as two distinctly different goals.
For measuring, one can use profilers, or simply timers, to get the job done.
For finding performance problems, I take an entirely different approach.

What could cause the application as well as the system to slowdown?

I am debugging an application which slows down the system very badly. The application loads a large amount of data (some 1000 files each of half an MB) from the local hard disk.The files are loaded as memory mapped files and are mapped only when needed. This means that at any given point in time the virtual memory usage does not exceed 300 MB.
I also checked the Handle count using handle.exe from sysinternals and found that there are at the most some 8000 odd handles opened. When the data is unloaded it drops to around 400. There are no handle leaks after each load and unload operation.
After 2-3 Load unload cycles, during one load, the system becomes very slow. I checked the virtual memory usage of the application as well as the handle counts at this point and it was well within the limits (VM about 460MB not much fragmentation also, handle counts 3200).
I want how an application could make the system very slow to respond? What other tools can I use to debug this scenario?
Let me be more specific, when i mean system it is entire windows that is slowing down. Task manager itself takes 2 mins to come up and most often requires a hard reboot
The fact that the whole system slows downs is very annoying, it means you can not attach a profiler easily, it also means it would be even difficult to stop the profiling session in order to view the results ( since you said it require a hard reboot ).
The best tool suited for the job in this situation is ETW ( Event Tracing for Windows ), these tools are great, will give you the exact answer you are looking for
Check them out here
Hope this works.
Tools you can use at this point:
Event Viewer
In my experience, when things happen to a system that prevent Task Manager from popping up, they're usually of the hardware variety -- checking the system event log of Event Viewer is sometimes just full of warnings or errors that some hardware device is timing out.
If Event Viewer doesn't indicate that any kind of loggable hardware error is causing the slowdown, then try Perfmon -- add counters for system objects to track file read, exceptions, context switches etc. per second and see if there's something obvious there.
Frankly the sort of behavior demonstrated is meant to be impossible - by design - for user-mode code to cause. WinNT goes to a lot of effort to insulate applications from each other and prevent rogue applications from making the system unusable. So my suspicion is some kind of hardware fault is to blame. Is there any chance you can simply run the same test on a different PC?
If you don't have profilers, you may have to do the same work by hand...
Have you tried commenting out all read/write operations, just to check whether the slow down disappears ?
"Divide and conquer" strategies will help you find where the problem lies.
If you run it under an IDE, run it until it gets real slow, then hit the "pause" button. You will catch it in the act of doing whatever takes so much time.
You use tools like "IBM Rational Quantify" or "Intel VTune" to detect performance issue.
Like BenoƮt did, one good mean is measuring tasks time to identify which is eating cpu.
But remember, as you are working with many files, is likely to be missing that causes the memory to disk swap.
when task manager is taking 2 minutes to come up, are you getting a lot of disk activity? or is it cpu-bound?
I would try process explorer from sysinternals. When your system is in the slowed-down state, and you try running, say, notepad, pay attention to page fault deltas.
Windows is very greedy about caching file data. I would try removing file I/O as someone suggested, and also making sure you close the file mapping as soon as you are done with a file.
I/O is probably causing your slowdown,especially if your files are on the same disk as the OS. Another way to test that would be to move your files to another disk and see if that alleviates the problem.
